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1. Inconsistent or nonexistent payments were one of the main issues brought up.
Many of the TGMs were not given the promised rewards, even after punching in
leads or completing sales. A couple of the TGMs were even misled about their
payouts by their respective NSEs, which was another concern that was brought
SUGGESTION – It is crucial that the corresponding NSEs and NRMs regularly
monitor the work progress of TGMs. Further payments to the TGMs can be made
more effectively if they are made on a regular and timely basis. Consequently, a
simplified payment method is required right away. Additionally, many NSEs take
promising leads under their own names after receiving them, and TGMs are not
compensated for the same. Such dishonesty on the part of the NSEs will
encourage bad reviews of the company and could further dampen the working
ardour of the TGMs. To make this initiative successful, a more open system is

2. If we carefully examine our data and its interpretation, we find that the majority
of TGMs are quite young, and a large percentage of them are either self-
employed or own their own enterprises. It's excellent to have young talent, but
those who are running active businesses cannot dedicate the necessary time.
SUGGESTION - It is advised that the primary occupation of TGMs be carefully
considered when appointing them. Many TGMs expressed concern that, despite
having a significant amount of potential for sales, they are unable to commit the
required time due to their own jobs or family enterprises. They have made it quite
evident that they have no desire to work due to a lack of time, which makes it
impossible to effectively communicate with and persuade others. It would be more
advantageous for the company if TGMs were hired who had their primary line of
work as agents, technicians, drivers, etc. because they are constantly in contact
with our target clients.

3. Many TGMs were not even aware of the NEEV MITRA app when they were
surveyed, which is another issue that needs to be taken into account. The Neev
Mitra App is an electronic tool created to assist our TGMs in easily punching in
leads and guiding them with impending incentives or programmes. However, the
company has difficulties due to the incompetence and ignorance of the same.
Many people have also claimed that the app's functionality is not great and that
they have trouble comprehending it.
SUGGESTION - The NSEs must provide our TGMs with guidance and training
regarding this app, as well as inform them of how it should be used. The business
should make sure that the app functions well enough and is simple enough for
those who are less educated to comprehend and utilise it correctly. The majority
of TGMs might not have Android phones, therefore keeping track of how many are
utilising the app can also be useful in monitoring them as they can be tracked and
have an easy time keeping an eye on their lead count.

4. TGMs have expressed concern over the NSEs' unavailability and the absence
of sufficient supervision or direction. There have been very few NSE visits or
follow-ups, and individuals are not particularly enthused by the way NSEs operate
because they have been selective in how they compensate TGMs who have
generated sales.
SUGGESTION - Currently, it would be quite challenging for the individual
dealerships to monitor each and every NSE, but if the hierarchy is properly and
promptly monitored, that would be a solution. A lack of transparency and problems
like fraud can seriously hurt the company's reputation, so it is crucial to double-
check the information provided by the NSEs regarding sales and the punching in
of leads by the TGMs.

5. The fact that TGMs are unaware of the sessions arranged for them raises
another issue. Additionally, no information is given to them to make them appear
credible to the persons they are communicating with.
SUGGESTION - The TGMs must be promptly informed of the meetings taking
place close by. The company puts a lot of money into these events to support the
TGMs and inform them about improvements the company plans to make, new
items the company starts selling, or even impending incentive programmes for the
TGMs or for potential clients. Additionally, there is a good chance that if a TGM is
not functioning properly, he will be inspired to work if he observes other green
TGMs being praised and rewarded. Therefore, if our NSEs promptly share the
knowledge, whether through the WhatsApp groups they have established or
during one of their visits or follow-ups, this problem can be readily rectified.
Additionally, all TGMs should be given materials like business ID cards,
pamphlets, banners, etc. as it seems extremely promising to the person who is
interested in buying the vehicle and might call the TGM if there is something which
indicates his/her relationship with the organisation contact them.

6. When completing the poll, we questioned the TGMs about the date of their
most recent retail sale and the customers they sold it to. This was done mostly to
keep tabs on their job progress, how genuine they were in their responses, and to
determine whether or not they had been paid for the work in question. Many of
them have not generated revenues for several months, and even those few that
contributed to the company's retail were not paid, it was discovered.
SUGGESTION - The business must keep track of which TGMs have generated
what sales. They might track the development of their work and make better
payments as a result of it. The TGMs should be informed that increasing sales is
the company's main objective and that merely sending leads is insufficient. They
should be instructed to concentrate on selling the vehicle to those who are
genuinely interested, willing to pay, and ready to do so. To get better results, it is
crucial to present the appropriate product to the appropriate audience at the
appropriate moment.

7. While the TGMs were asked what issues they had encountered when
generating leads or closing sales, it was discovered that many of them cited
improper training and a lack of knowledge of the incentives and schemes
available. A few of them also admitted that they are unable to speak with or pitch
new clients.
SUGGESTION – It is crucial that all TGMs receive sufficient training regarding
what they should perform and how to do it. Additionally, when planning the TGM
meeting, the corporation could hold a brief training session on public speaking or
pitching techniques in an effort to improve the participants' communication
abilities. As a result, the individuals' confidence will grow, which will eventually
show in their work.
8. TGMs have expressed worry that frequently they had solid potential leads but
may have waited too long to submit the inquiry and did so after the sale had
already been completed. In this way, they were not compensated for the lead
because they had trouble sending inquiries to the business.
SUGGESTION - The firm representatives must make timely contact with these
TGMs via the toll-free number in order to punch in the inquiries. Additionally, Neev
Mitra is capable of providing the TGMs with good guidance in this regard,
therefore the NSEs must teach them how to utilise the app before a complete
training can be planned for each TGM region-wise. This difference can be avoided
with the help of NSEs who closely check the data. Both the TGMs and the NSEs
need to be more watchful in this regard.

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