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Analyzing Data Assignment

Looking at the data for the whole class, seems like all of the students need to work on

some aspect of math. The class average was a 66%, meaning overall that most of the class

received a grade that was a failing. Once the averages for each student were graphed, its easily

seen just how poorly the students are performing with their mathematics. The bar is higher for

the failing grades, rather than the passing grades, which is never what it should look like.

Looking at the topic averages for each student for addition and subtraction, looks like a majority

of the students did better with addition than subtraction. The teacher should probably have most

of their students work on subtraction.

Juan got a 100% on the quiz, and he is the only student to get a perfect score. Luke

scored a 40% on the quiz, and unfortunately scored the lowest of the entire class. Although Luke

scored the lowest, his score was closer to the average for the whole class than Juan’s score.

Although Luke had the lowest score, his score is more representative of the whole class since the

whole class averaged poorly. Juan, Jamal, Cody, Jack, and Hugh seem to have a good grip on the

material presented in the quiz since they all scored passing grades, but what is interesting to note

is that these students still need to review some aspect of the material. Hugh and Jack scored

passing grades for the entire quiz, but when analyzing their average by topic, they failed on the

topic of subtraction. These students need to review subtraction along with the other students who

had a failing average for the whole quiz. The opposite can be seen in the students who failed.

Although they failed overall, some stduents excelled in one topic over the other. For instance,

Patrick got a 47% on the quiz, but he scored a 100% on the addition questions. Hannah scored a

73% on the quiz, but scored a 100% on the subtraction questions.

Overall, all the students need some review on one of the topics, if not all of them. Juan is

the only student who does not need to review, but a little more practice along with his peers

wouldn’t hurt. All the students need more practice and could benefit from small groups where

each group focuses on a certain topic and they can utilize some lessons from the teacher to

strengthen their understanding. All of the students need help with division, so while division

could be a lesson given to the whole class, subtraction and addition can be reviewed in the small

groups. Who would benefit from a small group for addition practice would consist of Sarah,

Nathan, Bianca, Kiara, Molly, Claire, Luke, Hannah, Carly. Who would benefit from a small

group with subtraction would consist of Patrick, Hugh, Sarah, Nathan, Bianca, Kiara, Jack,

Holly, Molly, Claire, Luke, and Carly. A lot of the students who need help in addition, also need

help with subtraction. These students consist of Sarah, Nathan, Bianca, Kiara, Molly, Claire,

Luke, and Carly. These students would alternate between the small groups for addition and

subtraction since they need review in both. I created a table highlighting a review schedule for

the students for 4 days out of the week. Those who need help with both subtarction and addition

will alternate between days while those who need help with one topic stays with that one topic.

The kids who will stay with the one topic are kids that have mastered the other topic already. The

only student not listed is Juan, since he has shown expertise in both topics. My plan for him is to

have him float between groups on each day so that he is getting some more practice as well as

help any of the students in each group who is struggling. Teaching a topic is a great way to

practice the topic and it will provide help for students that the teacher cannot get to right away.
Theoretical sample of what the review plan for the class would be:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Sarah Molly Sarah Molly
Nathan Claire Nathan Claire
Bianca Luke Bianca Luke
Kiara Carly Kiara Carly
Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah
Molly Sarah Molly Sarah
Claire Nathan Claire Nathan
Luke Bianca Luke Bianca
Carly Kiara Carly Kiara
Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick
Hugh Hugh Hugh Hugh
Jack Jack Jack Jack
Holly Holly Holly Holly

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