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( lmagé Data Handling
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Version 5.0 Software
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lmage Data Handling


l )


Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica/ Systems Ame rica, ln.c. Al/ rights reservec!.

'' •

Table of Contents

' 1
lntroduction-Using AIRIS 11 lmage Data Handling .............................. 1
) Statements and Symbols ...................................................... 1
lcons ......................................................................................... 1

Safety ....................................................................................... 1

Chapter 1-Viewing lmage Data ..................................................................... 1-1

Utilizing the Folder Cover ................................................ 1-2

Selecting a Data Task Card .............................................. 1-3

Loading lmage Data .......................................................... 1-4

Comparing Multiple Patients .................................................. 1-6
Changing the Viewport Content .............................................. 1-8

) Previewing a Patient Folder ............................................ 1-9



AIRISIT lmoge Doto Handling

Chapter 2-Tools ........................................................................................................ 2-1

. 1

Viewport Tools .................................................................... 2-2

Disploying the Viewport Tools ................................................. 2-2
Viewport Tools Common Functions ......................................... 2-3

Viewport Tools .................................................................... 2-4

Window Width/Level Tool ....................................................... 2-5
Cine Tool ................................................................................. 2-7
Comment/Annototion Tool ..................................................... 2-8
Mognify/Shift Tool ................................................................. 2-10
Region-of-lnterest (ROl) Tool ............................................... 2-11
Rotote/Reverse lmoge Tool .................................................. 2-13
Meosurement Tool ................................................................ 2-14
Stotistics Tool ........................................................................ 2-16
AlbumTool ............................................................................ 2-17

Scope Selection ................................................................. 2-19

Pick lmage ......................................................................... 2-19

Viewport Layout ............................................................... 2-21

¡¡ Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica/ Systems America, ln c. A/1 rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Chapter 3-Filming .................................................................................................. 3-1

Film and Archive Panel ..................................................... 3-2

Film Tool (Manual Filming} .............................................. 3-3

lnserting lmages ..................................................................... 3-3
Zoom ...................................................................................... 3-4
Copies ..................................................................................... 3-5
Film Options ........................................................................... 3-5
Sheet Layout ........................................................................... 3-6
Film Tool General Functions ................................................... 3-6

Film Options (Automatic Filming} ................................... 3-8

Film Options ........................................................................... 3-9

Snapshot Tool (Snapshot Filming} ................................ 3-1 O

lmage lnsertion .................................................................... 3-11
Zoom .................................................................................... 3-11
Copies ................................................................................... 3-12
Film Options ......................................................................... 3-12
Sheet Layout ......................................................................... 3-14
SnapshotTool General Functions .......................................... 3-14

Checking Film Status ........................................................ 3-16

Film Job Queue ................................................................. 3-16

Filming Graphs ................................................................. 3-17


QS4-33444v 1 ¡¡¡
AIRISIT lmage Data Handling

Chapter 4-Archiving/Restoring ........................................................................ 4-1

Folder Archive and Restore Screen ................................. 4-2

Jcons ...................................................................................... 4-4

Archive lcon ............................................................................. 4-4

Previewing a Patient Folder ............................................ 4-5

Archiving ............................................................................... 4-7

lnitializing ODs/DVDs ............................................................. 4-7
lnitializing a Used OD/DVD .................................................... 4-8
Manual Archiving .................................................................... 4-9
Automatic Archiving .............................................................. 4-1 O
Archiving to CD-R (Option) ................................................... 4-11
Checking Archive Status ........................................................ 4-12
Archive Queue ....................................................................... 4-12
Deleting an Archive Job ........................................................ 4-12

Restoring ............................................................................ 4-13

Checking Resto re Status ........................................................ 4-14
Deleting a Restore Job ......................................................... 4-14

Library Archive and Restore ........................................... 4-15

1 ihrnru Arrhiuo ,,,.¡ Dot'+nro C,.roon A 1 r:
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Archiving Clinical Studies and Task Cards ............................... 4-16

Restoring Clinical Studies and Task Cards .............................. 4-17

Chapter 5-DICOM .................................................................................................. 5-1

DICOM Transfer Screen ........................................................... 5-2
DICOM Window Level Policy ................................................... 5-4
SCALED Adaptive Filter .......................................................... 5-4
Manual DICOM Transfer .......................................................... 5-6
Auto DICOM Transfer .............................................................. 5-7
Checking DICOM Job Status .................................................... 5-9

iv Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Mediccil Systems Ame rica, ln c. Al/ rights reserved.

AIRIS 11® Revision History

Manual Revision
Revision Date Comments Version Effective Pages

Q5E-BMA2014-1 December 1999 Initial 4.0A All

Q5E-BMA2014-2 June 2003 Revision 4.5 All

QS4-33444vl July 2006 Revision 5.0 All

Software Revision
This manual supports AIRIS II Software Version 5.0R.

HMSA and AIRIS II, Soft Touch are registered
trademarks of Hitachi Medical Systems America, Inc.

SSP, SARGE, and Dual Quad are trademarks of

Hitachi Medical Systems America, Inc.

All other brand or product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies or

QS4-33444v 1 V
AIRISIT lmage Data Handling

This page left blank intentionally.

vi Copyright © 2006 by Hita chi Medica/ Systems Ame rica, ln c. Al/ rights reservecl.

( .


AIRIS 11 lmage Data Handling
AIRIS II Image Data Handling is one of a group
1 1
of manuals designed to guide yo u through the opera- LL Caution
' )
tion of the Hitachi AIRIS II MRI System. Image Caution is used to indicate a potentially hazardous
Data Handling details the alteration of image format, situation that, if not avoided, could result in minor or
archiving and restoring data, filming of images, and moderate injury to the user or patient, or in damage to
DICOM transfer. the equipment or other property.

Statements and Symbols

Throughout the manual, it is necessary to highlight
important user and safety information. To facilitate A large part of the manual is devoted to procedures
this process, a series of statements and symbols is for both hardware and software. Icons are used

used. The statements are defined as follows: extensively in the procedures to help guide you.
Hardware icons include most of the buttons and
Note: Note is used to emphasize important informa- switches you might use during patient exams. Soft-
tion relating to the installation, operation, or ware icons include the screen buttons that must be
maintenance of equipment. selected to perform a system operation.

A Warning
Properly used, the AIRIS II MRI System is safe
) Warning is used to indicate a situation that, if not
and effective. Misusing the system could result in
) avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
death or serious injury to patients, staff, or ancillary
personnel. For detailed safety information, refer to
Chapter 4, "Safety," in the System Overview

QS4-33444vl 1

Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

LL Caution
Federal Law restricts this device to sale by or on the
arder of a physician (or properly licensed practitio- . l

ffi Caution
Hitachi Medica! Systems America (HMSA), Inc. has
provided recommended protocols that have been
tested and provento deliver good image quality. If the
user deviates from these recommended protocols,
HMSA cannot guarantee image quality.

2 Copyright © 2006 by Hita chi Medicctl Systerns Ame rica, In c. Al/ rights reservecl.




Viewing lmage Data

( 1
Three methods are available to view and compare
image data: utilizing the Folder Cover, accessing a
) Data Task Card, and using the Preview Image

( 1
The Folder Cover and Data Task Cards are used
to view image data from one or multiple series.
A Folder Cover perrnits access to the database when
any patient folder is opened, without accessing a Data
Task Card. Additionally, in a Teaching Folder, the
Data Task Card and Folder Cover allow comparison
of images from more than one patient folder.

Along with the ability to create a subset of images

in a series when needed for further processing, these
l methods of viewing images allow for filming of
multiple sequences simultaneously.

The Preview Image function allows access to the

database and archive devices without opening a
patient folder. Images cannot be compared side by
side using the Preview function; however, filming can
be accomplished using the Snapshot Film tool.

QS4-33444v 1 1• 1
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

Utilizing the Folder Cover When you are ready to return to a task card,
simply left-click the task card, and that task card
A Folder Cover perrnits automatic access to the
opens up. The Folder Cover remains accessible in the
system database when a patient folder is opened,
background at all times.
without accessing a Task Card. A Folder Cover
cannot be used to compare images from different Notes: Images may be viewed on either the Control or
patients, except in a Teaching Folder. To access the Review Pace. Left-click Start to film images
Folder Cover, left-click anywhere on the Folder from the Review face.
Cover (the tan-colored area directly below the patient All normal Film and Viewport tool functions
are compatible with the Folder Cover Display

Control ) Revlew) Thu Jul 28, 20CJ

-º!.! 10:56 AM J;¡1 J

r older: l
!.J Save as

lmages from
tu Q] .m _S]
Sean 2 -
Sean 3 -
Sean 4 -

Vlewport Content Cllnlcal Study Llb 1 Modlly 1
Synchronous Scroll Output

Viewport Layout: 2x2 ...., 1 v Off v lnterleaved ~~ ~

On sequentlal ~~ Analysls l


1- 2 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica/ Systems America, lnc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1. Viewing lmage Data

Selecting a Data Task Card To access a Data Task Card, perform one of the

Use a Data Task Card when it is necessary to following:


( compare one or more series of images from the same Data 1 Double left-click the Data button in the
patient, or to compare image data from one patient to patient tray to load the system default Data Card into
( another.
an open patient folder. The default Data Card loads
into the patient tray.


Thu Jul 28, 20CJ;



Data 11
hnages frorn Database
1$ysoatacard 1

Vlewport Content Cllnlcal Study Lib 1 Modify 1
Synchronous Scroll Output

Vlewport Layout: JK2 -::.]

r~~ v
A lnterleaved

./ sequenUal
~~ Analysls l


QS4-33444vl 1- 3

Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

To load a Data Card from the Task Card Library Loading lmage Data
into an open patient folder, perform one of the To load image data, perform the following steps:
following steps:
l . Unlink the card from all other cards. The Data-
1. Left-click the Data button in the patient
Data 1
base button will be activated (bold).
tray to display the Data Task Card Library.
Note: Any links are displayed in the Images
2. From the displayed Task Card Library, left-click
From window. Highlight the linked task
to highlight the specific card that you want to load
card and left-click the Unlink button in the
into the patient tray.
Images From window.
3. Left-click Done. 2. Database 1 Left-click the Database button to
display the Series Selector screen.
Note: The database is not accessible unless the
Double left-click the desired Data Card.
Database button is bold.
Series Selector
Left-click to highlight the desired Data Card, and
then right-click to accept the card. 2

Stln:! - 1 .. rtane


Contrast TE I TE2


The Data Card loads into the patient folder.


Sc an7
201 1 - 1
Scan 5 - 1
1 N

Data Card Llbrary

Reglo n Synopsls Dnutpllon

SysDau,Cud Systt m Dd1ult

Vlewpo rtl iC2 lnt erluve d
Vlewpo rt M lnt erterve d

Cancel Load Single Load Multl


_ Cancel _j Don e _j

1• 4 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medical Systems Ame rica, lnc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1. Viewing lmage Data

3. Left-click the series or multiple series you want 4. Select the Load option.
to load into the Folder Cover or Data Card. To
deselect, left-click the highlighted series again.
• _____
Load Mulu __.1 Load Single loads the selected
series into one viewport.
Notes: To deselect all of the highlighted series,
• Load s1n91e Load Multi loads up to four
left-click Clear All in the bottom-right
selected series. Each series loads into a separate
comer of the Series Selector screen.
To simultaneously select all the displayed
The selected images are automatically loaded and
series, left-click Select All in the bottom-
displayed on the Control Pace of the Folder
right comer of the Series Selector screen.
Cover or Data Card.
Images can be previewed from the Series
Note: Left-click Cancel at the bottom of the
Selector screen befare being loaded. For
Series Selector screen to exit the screen
more detailed information, please refer to
without loading images.
the section Previewing a Patient Folder
in this chapter. 5. Select the Viewing options for the Folder Cover
or Data Card.

Control Revlew


!.J Save as 1

lmages from

F .

Database 1


Vlewport Content
Synchronous Scroll Output

Vlewport Layout: 2><2 ....,¡ y Off /'- lnterl eaved

A On V sequentlal

QS4-33444v 1 1 ·S
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

Vlewport Layout: _2K2 ·' 1 Viewport Layout - Selects the Sequentialloads the images in this order: Image #l
layout for the Data Card. Choices are lxl, lx2, 2xl, Transverse, Image #2 Transverse, Image #1 Sagittal,
and 2x2. Image #2 Sagittal, and so on.
Vlewport Content
Viewport Content - Allows Note: Images are displayed in this manner only if

3 4
ra;~·,'!'·~- rearrangement of loaded multiple series are loaded into multiple
images into different viewports.
viewports without linking and unlinking through the
6. Left-click Start to load the images onto the
database. Each button corresponds to a different
Review Face, according to the output selected.
The images are loaded and displayed in the se-
Note: The Viewport Content choices change accord-
lected sheet layout on the Review Face. Images may
ing to the Viewport Layout selected.
be viewed using either the Control or Review Face,
Synchronous Scroll Synchronous Scroll - Two choices and may be filmed using the Film tool on the Review
'V Off are available for Synchronous Face of the Data Card.
A On Scroll: On and Off.
Comparing Multiple Patients
• On - As one image is advanced, all images will be
advanced. To compare images from multiple patient folders,
perform the following steps:
• OH- Only the selected (active) viewport's images
will be advanced. l. On the Patient Registration and Selection screen,
left-click the Create Teaching Folder button. The
Output Output - Determines the way in which
A interleaved
Teaching Information screen appears.
the images are loaded and displayed on
./ sequential the Review Face of the Data Card. 2. Enter the required data and then left-click
Two choices are available: Sequential and Inter- Proceed. ( .

3. When the Clinical Study Library displays,
For example, if more than one series is loaded in left-click Cancel.
multiple viewports (Transverse and Sagittal, for
4. Database 1 Left-click the Database button. The
instance), Interleaved displays the images on the
Patient Selector screen displays.
Review Face (after the Start button is initiated) in the
following order: Image #1 Transverse, Image #1 5. A All Folders Left-click the diamond to select the
Sagittal, Image #2 Transverse, Image #2 Sagittal, and
All Folders option.
so on.
6. AIRIS 11. WRIST Left-click the patient's Folder
icon to expand and view the Series directory.

1- 6 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Media d Systems Ame rica, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1. Viewing lmage Data

7. Left-click to highlight the studies or series to be 10. _ _L_oa_d_M_ul_ti _ .....JI Left-click Load Multi. If more
loaded into the Teaching Folder. To deselect, left- than four series were selected, left-click Load
click the series again. Single.

8. Left-click the Folder icon for the next patient, and The images display on the Control Face of the
left-click to highlight the desired series. Data Task Card. Left-click Start to load and view the
images on the Review Face of the Data Card.
9. Repeat these steps until all desired series are

Note: Images can be previewed from the Series

Selector screen befare being loaded. For more
detailed information, please refer to the section
Previewing a Patient Folder in this chapter.

lOad 111111 fi'om detab111

Patient Selector
17019 256x256 or 4254 5 12x5 12 lmag es

Patient Name Patient ID Study Date hnage s

• AIRIS 11, AORTIC ARCH MRA *steno sed graft 04/07/2004 18 'l ':l
' AIRIS 11, RENAL MRA *w/source 03/11/2004 217 '\
' AIRIS 11. AORTIC ARCH 23470 07126/2005 296 '\
' AIR IS 11. RENAL MRA *sten 04/05/2004 19 '\
' AIRIS 11. PELVIS •••routln e 09/2212003 136 '\
' AIRIS 11. SHOULDER MA *IR DB 07126/2004 57 '\

\ AlRIS 11, SHOULDER *large pt.fsep 0610212004 56

# Name Proe Plan e SQ TR Contrast TE1 TE2 #Oflmg

2 Sean 2- 1 Al TRS 2DlGE 410 Off 11 .0 14
3 Sean 4-1 Al COR 2D/SE 400 Off 18.0 14
17 2010-1 SHt.A COR 20/FatSepG 450 Off 17.1 14
18 2012-1 SHt.A COR 20/FSE 2000 Off 2S 14

' AIR IS 11, SHOULDER 2005072513 07126/2005 135 '\

' AIRIS 11, ELBOW *t en donltls 04/02/2004 75

\ AlRIS 11, WRIST *30 GE 08 07l01fl004 70

# Name Pro e Plan e SQ TR Contrast TE1 TE2 #Oflmg

6 Sean& -1 Al TRS 20/SE 400 Off 15.0 16
7 Sean7 -1 Al TRS 20/FSE 4465 Off 125 16
10 2015 - 2 SHM SAG 20/SE 350 Off 20.0 17
) 1

Previewl Sel ec1 A lll Cl ear A lll Sort By!

• 1

v T his Fol der

~~ A ll Fol ders

Load S ing l e
[ Load Multi

QS4-33444vl 1- 7
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

Changing the Viewport Content The selected series displays in its new viewport
To change the Viewport Content selection, perform
the following steps: Por example, two series may be loaded into the
Folder Cover or Data Card in the order that they
l . After images are loaded into the Folder Cover or 1.
were selected, with the first series selected displayed
Data Card and the Viewport layout is selected,
in Viewport 1, and the second series selected dis-
left-click to highlight the name of the series (from
played in Viewport 2. To rearrange the location of the
the Viewport Content box) that you want to
displayed series so that the second series is displayed
display in another viewport.
in Viewport 1 instead, simply left-click the series
2. Left-click the numbered button that corresponds name in the Content box, then left-click the button
with the viewport where you want the highlighted that corresponds to Viewport l.
series to display.

Control Revlew


_j Save as 1

lmages from

Vlewport Layout: , 21<2 -::J

Vlewport Content

- Synchronous Scroll

A on

A lnterleaved


1- 8 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica/ Systems Ame rica, Inc. All rights reservecl.
Chapter 1. Viewing lmage Data

Previewing a Patient Folder 2. Left-click to highl ight the desired series for
The Preview option allows you to view and/or fi lm
images directly from the Patient Registration and 3. Prev iew 1 Left-click the Preview button in
Selection directory without loading the images into the the bottom-left comer of the Patient Registration
System tray. and Selection screen.

To preview the images in a patient folder, perform The Image Preview box displays on the screen
the following steps: adjacent to the highlighted series.

l. Left-click the Patient Folder icon to expand The middle image of the selected series displays
the folder and display the individual Series in the Image Preview dialog box, along with
directory. severa! fun ction buttons displayed to the right of
the image.

4 . To select the desired series manually, type its

) number from the Series Selector # column on the
) far left into the top field of the Image Preview
box. For example, to preview sean 9-1, type the
number 6 into the top field of the Image Preview
box. (See arrows below.)

AIRIS 11, KNEE 58Y M "fe m eondyle fx 02/18/2004 UKNEE hnage Preview

N ame Pro e Plan e SQ TR Contrast TE1 TE2 # Ofhng

Sean 2 - 1 Al TRS 2D/GE 590 Off 15.0 18 tiQJ
Sean 9 - 1 Al SAG 2D/FSE 6100 Off 125 20 D
Sean 5 - 1 Al SAG 2D/SE 455 Off 23.9 18
13 Sean 7- 1 Al COR 2D/SE 415 Off 25.0 18
14 2D 11 - 1 SHM COR 2D/IR 2000 Off 25.0 16
AIRIS 11, KNEE 25Y M "ACLMCL tears 04/06/2004 UKNEE
AIRIS 11, KNEE 27Y M • m en tear MB 02/24/2004 R/KNEE
AIRIS 11, LUMBAR 51Y M " disk, po st op 04/13/2004 L- SPINE .@
Ao:tV ¡:: ""tYolllf- "'"""'" " fvc n a l? lll?nnll 1 _C: Oit\ 11:

QS4-33444v 1 1• 9
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

The fields and buttons used to preview images 5. Double left-click the image to open the Viewport
include the following: tools.

[ ] Displays the line number in the Series Note: The following tools are available in Preview
directory that corresponds to the desired mode:
series. • Window and Level
Displays the number of the slice currently • Magnification and M ove
being viewed. • Rotate Image

Displays the number of the echo currently • Minimize/Maximize Image

being viewed. • Display or Hide Image Text

Left-click to display the previous series. To increase or decrease the size of the Image
If the Series directory is not expanded, the Preview box, right-click anywhere within the image.
double arrows will advance to the previ-
To move the Image Preview box to another location
ous patient file.
on the screen, left-click and drag the top of the box to
Left-click to display the previous slice. the desired location.
Left-click to display the next slice.
To film while in Preview mode, left-click Snapshot
Left-click to display the next series. If the under the System Menu.
Series directory is not expanded, the
double arrows will advance to the next
patient file.

Left-click to return the Image Preview

R box to its original size and position.

Left-click to close the Image Preview


1 • 10 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medical Systems Ame rica, Inc. All rights reserved.



Severa! tools (Viewport Tools, S cope Selection, Series i±l Scope Selection - Specifies the range of
Image images affected by any tool function.
) Pick Image, and Viewport Layout) are provided to Echo

) complete the functions of the task cards. These tools The scope can be the active image, the
display menus and perform various functions. Sorne selected echo, the selected series, or all
of the tools are associated only with a specific task images. This button is active on both the Control and
card; others are used by severa! task cards. Review Faces.

~=:Ji senes ±l ~~ i EB i System Tool

•' Bar- Contai·ns ~~ i' P1'ck lmage - Prov1'des a qmc
· k me th od of sor
four buttons used to perform various functions on a or selecting the desired images for display. This
task card. The Viewport Layout button is not avail- button is active on the Review Pace at all times; it is
able on the Control Pace. active on the Control Pace only after an image is
selected and activated (indicated by a red box around
. 9 i Viewport Tools- Contains nine tool sets and five
the image viewport).
general functions to analyze and review images. This
button is active on the Review and Control Faces only EB ~ Viewport Layout - Determines the way in which
after an image is selected and activated (indicated by images are displayed on the Review Pace of the task
a red box around the image viewport). card. This button is available only on the Review
Pace; it is ghosted on the Control Pace.



QS4-33444v 1
2- 1
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
Viewport Tools Displaying the Viewport Tools
The Viewport Tools set consists of nine tools, and To access the Viewport Tools, perform one of the
six general functions common to all tools, that are following:
used to analyze and process images. To enable a tool,
left-click its tab. To enable functions within a tool, • Double left-click within the active image frame.

left-click the desired button. The buttons for functions OR

are toggle buttons; when they are depressed (brown),
they are active. Some tools are available on the • Left-click the desired image frame to activate the
Control or Review Faces of task cards. viewport; the red highlight around the frame
indicates that the viewport is activated. Left-click
Tools the Viewport Tools icon.

W _j L

1 1 .,

2-2 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica/ Systems Ame rica, lnc. AIL rights reservecl.
Chapter 2. Tools

Viewport Tools Common Functions Series!±! Specifies the range of images affected by
any tool function. The scope can be the active image,
The six general functions
the selected echo, the selected series, or all images.
of the Viewport Tools
assist the user in setting up 1 n 1 Changes the overlay that displays all or none
and processing the selected ~ of the image text (patient name, age, imaging
images. These functions remain active when any of factors).
the Viewport Tools is enabled.
Note: You can define the text that displays on the
Maximizes or minimizes the selected image in images by accessing the Viewing Preferences
the entire area of the viewport. This function tab located under System Preferences.
,L..J. L] can also be activated by right-clicking the
mouse while the cursor is on an image. To
return to the previous size, right-click again.



QS4-33444v 1
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
[QJ J Left-click to perform a screen capture. Viewport Tools
- The captured images are saved as a new The Viewport Tools provide image viewing and
series in the System database. analysis functions.

Note: The images are captured in one of two formats:

se or MR. The format must be set as a system
default by accessing System Preferences.

MR - Select MR when you plan to perform additional

processing on stored images, such as adjusting
window width/level, magnification, etc.

SC (Secondary Capture) - Select se when you plan to

display images with annotation (ROl, slice lines, or
annotation) on other systems . Only the window level
and width can be changed on images stored in this
forma t.

H X1 Deletes all ROis, lines, and text on the images

~ specified by the Scope tool.

Note: After the button is selected, a dialog box The nine Viewport Tools are as follows:
displays, confirming deletion ofthe selected
Window Width/Level Tool
ROis, lines, and/or text.
llD 1 eloses Viewport Tools.
eomment/Annotation Tool

Magnify/Shift Tool

Region-of-Interest (ROl) Tool

Rotate/Reverse Image Tool


,liiiiiiiiil Measurement Tool

l.thlu Statistics Tool

[ [JJ . Album Tool

2-4 Copyright© 2006 by Hitachi Medica[ Systems Ame rica, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapler 2. Tools

Window Width/Level Tool • Left-click in the scroll bar area to increase or

decrease the window value by 10.


• Middle-click in the text field ; a numeric input

control panel displays. In this panel, select a value
by left-clicking the scroll arrows, dragging the scroll
bar, or clicking above/below the scroll bar.
Left-click Done to accept the parameter value.

Note: In this panel, the single arrows increase or

decrease the value by l . The double arrows
increase or decrease the value by 100. The
minimum and maximum values for the param-
eter appear at the top and bottom of the scroll

The Window Width slider changes window The Window Level slider changes the
width (controls shades of gray, or contrast). window level (controls density or bright-

w To change the window width, perform one J L ness). To change the window level, perform
ofthe following : one of the following :

1 1 • Left -click, hold, and drag the slider to the

• Left-click, hold, and drag the slider to the
liQhl [so o
desired value. desired value.


• Enter a value in the text field. Double left-click or • Enter a value in the text field. Double left-click or
left-click, hold, and drag in the text field to highlight left-click, hold, and drag in the text field to highlight
the field, then enter a value with the keyboard and the field, then enter a value with the keyboard and
press Enter to register the new value. press Enter to register the new value.

) • Left-click the scroll arrows to increase or decrease
• Left-click the scroll arrows to increase or decrease
) the value by l.
the window value by l.


QS4-33444v 1
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
OR Reset 1 Resets window/level values to prior state.
• Left-click in the scroll bar area to increase or
Presets 1 Displays a menu to which you can add or
decrease the value by 10.
delete preset window/level values. When adding
preset windows/levels to this menu, you must first set
• Middle-click in the text field; a numeric input the WW/WL to the desired value in the active
control panel displays. In this panel, select a value viewport.
by clicking the scroll arrows, dragging the scroll bar,
To apply a preset window setting to the displayed
or clicking above/below the scroll bar. Click Done
images, left-click the Preset button, and then left-click
to accept the parameter value.
the desired preset window setting.
Note: In this panel, the single anows increase or
decrease the value by l. The double arrows
Preset w ~~ ~
increase or decrease the value by 100. The
smpte 8 19 409
mínimum and maximum values for the param- Default Sean Card 1000 500

eter appear at the top and bottom of the scroll Shim 500
1 j_


Auto w1y Sets window/level values at a window of

¡ __....;.;;
d _ __. _ _--=.
te_ ___.JI 1 Done
1000 and level of 500.

Inverts gray scale (positive and negative Note: The window width and window level also can
image). be changed using the Function keys. You must
left-click to actívate the image viewport before
Sets window/level values within a selected
using the Function keys.
ROl to maximum and minimum levels. (ROl
must be created or must previously exist.) F9 - Decreases the window width value by one.
Shift F9 - Decreases the window width value by ten.
Fl O- Increases the window width valu e by one.
Shift FlO- Increases the window width value by ten.
• Enter values in the X and Y text fields. Fll - Decreases the window level by one.
OR Shift Fll - Decreases the window level by ten.
• Left-click, hold, and drag on the level or window F12 - Increases the window level by one.
Shift F12- Increases the window level by ten.

2-6 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica[ Systems Ame rica, lnc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2. Tools

Cine Tool • Left-click the scroll arrows to increase or decrease

the speed by l .
The Cine tool allows you to display multiple images
in a moving loop (movie) . OR

• Left-click in the scroll bar area to increase or

decrease the speed by 10.


• Middle-click in the text field; a numeric input

control panel displays. In this panel, select a value
by left-clicking the scroll arrows, dragging the scroll
bar, or clicking above/below the scroll bar. Left-
click Done to accept the parameter value.

Note: In this panel, the single arrows increase or

Flrst [E:::] decrease the value by l. The double arrows
Nr. ~
increase or decrease the value by 5. The
minimum and maximum values for the param-
eter appear at the top and bottom of the scroll
Adjusts the speed (frames per second) of bar.
the cine display. To adjust the speed,
Displays the total number of slices available
... J perform one of the following:

• Left-click, hold, and drag the slider to the

__), 20
for cine.

IÍ desired value.

• Enter a value in the text field below the slider.

• Stops the cine display.
Double left-click or left-click, hold, and drag in the
text field to highlight the field, then en ter a value ~ Starts the cine display.
with the keyboard and press Enter to register the
new value. !.l!J Pauses the cine display.

Note: To resume cine display, left-click the Start

.) button .

1 .

Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling 1 ,.

Displays the cine in swing mode, in which the Comment/Annotation Tool

images display from the first frame to the last, and
The Comment/ Annotation tool is used to mark
then reverses, going from last to first.
information on an image.
<:+P I Displays the cine in loop mode. When the last
Note: @5 1 To save images with annotation as a
frame is displayed, the cine loops back to the first
separate series, use the Capture Cunent Image
frame and begins again.
First u;lll;;____¡l Allows you to enter the first (starting)
image for the cine display.

Nr. . . lzl_o_ _.l Allows you to enter the number of

images to include in the cine display.

Inserts comment or annotation. To insert

comments or annotation, perform the following steps:

l. Left-click the Comment/Annotation button, then

left-click on the image where you want to place a
comment or annotation. The cursor will appear.

2. Enter the comment or annotation using the

keyboard and then left-click outside the viewport
display area or press Enter on the keyboard.

Note: When the Comment/Annotation tool is used, the l .

comment or annotation appears only on the

selected image. The other images in the series
will not be affected.

2-8 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medie al Systems Ame rica, lnc. All rights reserve d.
Chapter 2. Tools

k-+8 Activates the Edit function . To editan _ _><

...,1 Deletes callout lines or annotation. To delete
annotation, perform the following steps: callout lines or annotation, left-click the Delete button,
then left-click the line or annotation you want to
l. Left-click the Edit button, then left-click the
annotation to be edited (on the image).
The four Properties buttons (at the bottom of the
2. Use the Backspace key on the keyboard to erase
Comment/Annotation tool box) must be set prior to
the error, and begin typing again.
using the Comment/Annotation tool. These buttons
3. Press Enter on the keyboard to accept the include color, size, shadowing, and image/view. Left-
editing. clicking each button toggles through the choices.

~~ / l _..... , Draws callout lines. To draw callout D Sets the color for callout lines and annota-
lines, left-click the desired type of line, then left-click tion. Three options are available:
and release at the start point for the line on the image.
• Yellow
Drag the cursor to the end point. Left-click to end the
line. • Red

• White
~ Moves or resizes callout lines, annotation, or
angles. To move a line, annotation, or angle, perform ':1
~ Shadows selected callout lines or annota-
the following steps:
tions in black or white, or allows a No Shadow option.

l. ~ Left-click the Move button.

*Aa Changes the character size for the annota-
2. Left-click and hold the line or annotation (the tion. Three sizes are available.
white hand icon appears).
imagef Toggles the annotation between the Image
3. Drag the line or annotation to the desired location, and View options. When the Image option is selected,
then release the mouse button. the annotation moves with the image (for example,
when the image is magnified); when the View option
To resize a line, perform the following steps:
is selected, the annotation remains fixed in the display
l. CY"CJ Left-click the Move button. area of the viewport.

2. Left-click the desired line.

3. Left-click the square on either end, and drag the

line to the desired size.

L QS4-33444v 1
2- 9

Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

( ·

Magnify/Shift Tool • Left-click the scroll arrows to increase or decrease

the factor by 0.05.
The Magnify/Shift tool adjusts the magnification (

factor. OR

• Left-click in the scroll bar area to increase or

decrease the factor by 1.0.


• Middle-click in the text field; a numeric input

control panel displays. In this panel, selecta value
by left-clicking the scroll arrows, dragging the scroll
bar, or left-clicking above/below the scroll bar. Left-
click Done to accept the parameter value.

Note: In this panel, the single arrows increase or

decrease the value by 0.05 . The double arrows
increase or decrease the value by 1.0. The
minimum and maximum values for the param-
eter appear to the side of the scroll arrows.
Sets and displays the magnification
factor. The range is 0.1 to 10.0 with Shifts and magnifies/minifies the selected
steps of 0.1. Steps below 1.0 minify; , image.
steps above 1.0 magnify. To adjust the
IMag.I[§JI magnification factor, perform one of To shift the selected image, left-click,
hold, and drag on the large portian of the image box
the following:
(sagittal head) .
• Left-click, hold, and drag the slider to the desired
To nudge the image(s), left-click the small arrows
value. The value in the text field below the slider
surrounding the image box.
To magnify or minify the selected image, left-click
and drag on the lower-right comer (white triangle) of
• Entera value in the text field. Double left-click or
the image box.
left-click, hold, and drag to highlight the field, then
entera value with the keyboard and press Enter to
register the new value.


2. 10 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica/ Systems Ame rica, Inc. ALL rights reserva /.
Chapter 2. Tools

Notes: lmages may be shifted, magnified, and minified Region-of-lnterest (ROl) Tool
without opening the Viewport Tools. Simulta-
The Region-of-lnterest tool allows you to draw and
neously click the right and middle mouse keys,
modify ROls.
then drag the mouse away from you to mag-
nify the image, or drag the mouse towards you
to minify the image.

Shift (pan) images by clicking the left and

middle mouse keys simultaneously, and then
dragging the mouse in the direction that you
want to move the image.

+ 1 · 0 ~1 Resets the selected image(s) toa magnifi-

cation factor of 1.0 and shifts the image back to
center. Left-click the arrows in the white box to
) perform this function.

D 1 O c:JI Selects the shape of the ROl. Three

choices are available:

• Rectangle

• Elliptic

• Irregular (freehand)

Left-click the button of the shape you want to

draw, left-click the desired origin point, then hold and
drag to the desired ROl location and size. Middle-
click or left-click to complete. The newly drawn ROl
is created.

QS4-33444v 1
2- 11
Al R1SJT lmoge Doto Handling

O? 1 Moves, resizes, and rotates the ROl. Left- ¡ji+ Groups selected ROis. To group ROls, left-
click this button and then left-click the desired ROl to click this button, then left-click the desired ROls. The
actívate it. The active ROl line turns green. grouped ROls will move as one entity when selected.

To move the ROl, left-click the dotted line, then

óJ - Ungroups the selected ROis. To ungroup
hold and drag to the desired location. Release the
ROis, left-click the Ungroup button, and then left-
mouse button to set the new location.
click the desired ROls.
To resize the ROl, left-click one of the comer
Note: The Properties buttons (at the bottom of the
boxes, then hold and drag to achieve the desired size.
ROl tool box) must be set prior to setting the
Release the mouse button to set the new size.
ROl. Left-clicking each button toggles through
To rotate the ROl, left-click one of the end-circles, the choices.
then hold and drag to the desired rotation angle.
Release the mouse button to set the new rotation. Sets the color of the selected ROl. Three
options are available:

Deletes an ROl. To delete an ROl, left-click • Yellow

this button and then left-click the ROl you want to
• Red
• White
[J+ '.
_ __. Adds area to the ROl. To add area to an
Changes the character size for ROl text.
ROl, left-click this icon, then left-click ata point on
Three sizes are available.
the ROl perimeter, and drag out and around to
another point on the ROl perimeter. Middle-click to

~~ Removes area from the ROl. To remove

area from an ROl, left-click, hold, and trace the
portion of the ROl that you want to remo ve. Middle-
click to complete.

2- 12 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica[ Systems Ame rica, Tnc. All rights reservecl.
Chapter 2. Tools

1:~ ~~ : : 1 Displays ROl pixel information. (An ROl Rotate/Reverse lmage Tool
must be displayed for this button to be active.) To
display the pixel information for an ROl, perform the
following steps:

l. ~ Left-click the ROl Pixel lnformation Rat. E J

button, then left-click the desired ROl. The ROl ~

Pixel lnformation screen appears.
i>kl J
ROl Plxellnformatlon
lf cop/od to /m~~ge, onl)l '"'""tod values -
wlth button depronod- wlll bo coplod.

í ROl name: •aH

.J Foldor: • las1an/AIRIS II, BRAIN/200401123
.J Sortes Numbor: (3)
.J lmago Numbor: (10)
í Centre[mm]: (20.33) ( - 12 .28) (17 . 27)
) í Portmoter [mm]: (39 . 76) .~
í Aroa [mm'] : (125 . 815)
1¡j Pixel Count: l (195)
í Mlnlmum [aba.): (l. 8630o+00) Ro t. EJ Sets the angle of rotation for the selected
í Mlnlmum [rol.]: (2995)
í Maxlmum [aba.]: (2 . 7183o+00)
image or images. To set a specific rotation angle,
í Maxlmum [rol.]: (4370) perform one of the following procedures:
í Mean [aba.]: (2. 25674o+OO)
í Mean [rol.) : (3628 . O)
í Std. Dev. [aba.): (l .858355a-Q1)
l. Double left-click or left-click, hold, and drag to
í Std. Dev. [rol.]: (298 . 75)
highlight the Rotation text field.
Copy to lm a~ Done J 2. Type a value with the keyboard and press Enter
to register the new value.
2. Left-click the information you want to display on
the image. (When a button is depressed, it is OR
activated, and the corresponding value displays on
the image.) l. Middle-click in the text field; a numeric input
control panel displays.
3. Copy 10 lmage l
Left-click the Copy to lmage button
2. Select a value by left-clicking the scroll arrows,
to copy the information of activated buttons onto
dragging the scroll bar, or left-clicking above/
the selected image. This information can be
below the scroll bar.
filmed using the Film tool or Snapshot tool.
) 3. Left-click Done to accept the new value.

Note: The rninimum rotation angle is O; the maximum

rotation angle is 359.

QS4-33444v 1
2. 13

Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

Sets the angle of rotation to O. Measurement Tool
Tools =~= ,

90 Sets the angle of rotation to 90 (from 0).

180 Sets the angle of rotation to 180 (from 0).

270 Sets the angle of rotation to 270 (from 0).

Flips the selected image around a vertical

·E Flips the selected image around a horizontal

Reset 1 Resets the selected image to its originally

displayed angle and orientation.

Note: Orientation markers are updated as the image

is rotated to reflect correct patient orientation Measures the distance on the selected
as set on the Patient Registration screen. image. Left-click this button to enable the distance
measurement line. Then left-click the desired starting
point on the selected image and drag the cursor to the
endpoint. Middle-click or left-click to set the line.

The distance between the two points is displayed

beside the line.

¿_o 1 Measures angles on the selected image. To

measure an angle, left-click the starting point on the
selected image, then release and drag the cursor to
the reference point. Left-click, then drag to the
endpoint, and middle-click or left-click to complete.

The angle between the two lines is displayed

numerically (in degrees). The measurement (in mm or
cm) of each line is also displayed.

2. 14 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medical Systems Ame rica, lnc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2. Tools

D...,.ol Moves or resizes a line or angle. To move a

line or angle, left-click this button, then left-click and
11 11
' 1 Displays a cross-scale caliper on an image.
Small graduations are lümm apart and large gradua-
hold the line or angle. Drag it to the desired location
tions are 50mm apart.
and release.

To resize a line or angle, left-click an endpoint of ~ Translates or rotates a caliper on an image.

the line or angle (indicated by the box), drag it to the To rotate a caliper, left-click and drag the handle on
desired location, and release. the caliper. To move a caliper, left-click and drag the
~~ Deletes a line oran angle on the selected
image. Left-click this button, and then left-click the 'L.u1¡.1
line or a line of the angle that you want to delete. ~ Deletes a caliper from an image. Left-click
this button and then left-click the caliper that you

11• 11 !f Displays a line caliper on an image. want to delete.


2 . 15
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
Statistics Tool Wlllh 1 Left-click to display the histogram (mea-

surement of pixel intensity) of the selected ROL

Note: An ROl must be drawn (using the ROl tool)

for the histogram tool to be utilized. The Scope
must be set to Image befare drawing an ROL

Sets the axis of the abscissas:
Blns Blns
Bins - Number of bars used in the bar
Flrst Bln Flrst Bin

Bln Wldth
Bin Width
First Bin - Pixel value of the start point.

( Bin Width - Range/width of the pixel
Relatlve unlts Valuesin
Relative units value.

~ Displays a line profile (pixel val ue) for the


Note: A line must be drawn (using the Measurement

tool) for this tool to be utilized.

~ 1 Left-click the Line Profile button, and then

left-click the line. A line profile for the selected line is
displayed. Left-click Done to dismiss the screen.

Une Proftle
Une: llne2

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Une Polnt

2. 16 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medicctl Systems Ame rica, /nc. All rights reservec/.
Chapter 2. Tools

Album Tool

Review Pace of the Sean Card. The inset image is a

planning image (based on the image used for slice
positioning) that references the slice location and
number of the image in that frame.

Cross-references selected images to slices

other than the slice used as a localizer. This function
helps indicate the postional relationship between
images. Left-click the cross-reference button to
display the Select Series/lmage screen to the right of
the active frame.
Se lect serlesnma es

. .. . . JI~R
Id Plano #lmages
TRS 17

Enlarges the image to fill the viewport.

Left-click this button to enlarge; left-click again to
return the image to its original size.

D Displays the gray scale on the entire length of

the screen. Left-click to display the gray scale;
left-click again to remove gray scale.

Note: This function is for viewing only; the changes

are not transposed to film. If you want a gray
scale to appear on the film, choose the Continu- - 17 .... 1
ous setting for the Album Gray Scale Bar
CloarAII Solect All S ave
function, located on the Viewing Preferences
Cancel Done
tab in System Preferences.

Red lines indicate the intersection of different

) planes on the images from any reconstructed acquisi-
tion if the acquisition is not in the same plane as the
images. (Por example, if you positioned a transverse
acquisition on a sagittal image, this tool displays
where a coronal slice would intersect.)

2- 17
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
Cross-reference lines can be displayed by series or ___o _on_e_ _ _,j Allows you to close the folder
individual slices on the activated image. To display without losing the red cross-reference lines.
cross-reference lines, perform one of the following:
Removes the displayed grids or calipers
• Left-click the desired series from the list above the
from the selected image.
images. All of the slice lines from that series appear
as red lines on the image. The arrows to the left of
the listed series allow you to scroll through and
__ _...
Overlays the large grid on the image.

display all of the slices from the next series in the

list with a single click.
!EEEE Overlays the medium grid on the image.

OR ft8 Overlays the small grid on the image.

• Left-click each image to view its corresponding Note: Grid size and scale size may vary with field of
reference line. The arrows to the left of the dis- view and image magnification.
played images allow you to view the reference line
of the next or previous slice in the series.
Displays the measurement caliper on the left

Clear All 1 Erases alllines. side of the image.

- -Select
--- - ' Displays all slice lines f rom all acquired
All 1

series. If you select reference lines in the same plane

as the acquisition, an error message displays.

save 1 Saves the image with embedded

reference lines as part of the database for future

filming or review.

Exits the screen without perform-
ing any functions or saving any reference lines.

2- 18 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica[ Systems Ame rica, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2. Tools

Scope Selection Pick lmage

1 Series l±l The scope specifies the range of images ~~ l' The Pick Image function provides a quick
Echo affected by any tool function. method of sorting or selecting the desired images for
All display. This button is active on the Review Pace at
Select from one of the following:
all times; it is active on the Control Pace only after an
• lmage - Any function performed affects only the image is activated.
active image.
To pick images, perform the following steps:
• Echo - Any function performed affects only the
l. Left-click any image to activate it. A red box
selected echo.
surrounds the image viewport.
• Series - Any function performed affects the entire
2. Left-click the Pick Image button on either the
active series.
Control or Review Pace. The Image Selection
• All - Any function performed affects all images in screen displays.
the open patient folder.

lmage Selection

. - - - - - - - - - -Selected lmage: Serles/lmage lnformation,- - - - - - - - - - - - ;

Series Nr.:2 lmage Nr. :2 TR:600 TE :15.0 Slice:2 Time:14:06:39 Posltion:38.0
Sequence:GE Slice Plane:TRS Process:AI Del ay Time:O Type:

elect: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ,
All Non e By A !tribute: None --' 1

- Cancel -
Cancel lnclude Exclude 1

2- 19
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
Note: To exit the Image Selection screen at any time, Left-click to selecta sort attribute from the list in
left-click Cancel, located in the bottom-left the Sort Attributes (bottom) box. The attribute
corner of the screen. name will appear automatically in the Sort By

Images display automatically ; all have dark brown (top) box.

highlighting, indicating that all are selected. Note: The images are sorted based on the order
3. To deselect all selected images, left-click None in of the Sort By criteria selected.
the Select box; to reselect all images, left-clickAll An Up arrow indicates the images will be sorted
in the Select box. in ascending order. A Down arrow indicates the

images will be sorted in descending order. You
All None 1 can change the direction of the arrow by
left-clicking it. To delete all selected Sort Attrib-
4. By Attrlbute: Nona -:J To rapidly select images by utes from the Sort By box, left-click the Clear
attribute, left-click to highli ght an image and then button. Left-click Done to display and view
left-click the By Attribute drop-down menu. images according to your sort criteria.

Notes: Attribute selection is not available until an 6. To exclude selected images from display on the
image is highlighted. task card, left-click Select: None. Left-click and

When you choose an attribute, the drag to highlight the images you want to exclude,
then left-click the Exclude button. The images
appropriate images are automatically
will be hidden from view. They remain as part of
the patient folder, located in the Series Selector.
5. To sort the images further, left-click
the Sorting button. The Sort Dialog lnclude 1 EKclude
box displays.
SortDialog To include only selected images, left-click and
Sort By drag to highlight the images you want to include,
..... Series then left-click the Include button .
..... lmage Nr.
Notes: The Include/Exclude buttons act as a Done
-- button.
Sort A ttributes
Series To exit the Image Selection screen without
lmage Nr.
selecting images, left-click Cancel.
Date and Time

1t'l ....... n ......... l

2. 20 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medicctl Systems Ame rica, In c. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2. Tools

Viewport Layout
lEJ The Viewport Layout option allows you to
selecta layout in which to view the displayed images.
This option is available only on the Review Pace.

To selecta layout, perform the following steps:

l. EE ~ Left-click the Viewport Layout button from

the Review Pace of the Task Card. The layout
options appear. Twelve layouts are available .

' '

D rn B [ll]
1 on 1(1x1) 2 on 1(1x2) 2 on 1(2x1) 3 on 1(1x3)

3 on 1(3x1) 4 on 1(2x2) 4 on 1(1x4) 4on1(4x1)

:EfE ~ ~ m
6 on 1(2x3) 6 on 1(3x2) 9 on 1(3x3) 16 on 1(4x4)

1 Cancel !
e 'O .· •,

2. Left-click the desired layout. The selected layout

is highlighted when chosen. The layout changes
automatically when the mouse button is released.

3. Left-click Cancel to exit the screen without

making changes .

. )

2- 21
AIRISIT lmage Data Handling

This page left blank intentionally.

.. 1

. ¡

2- 22 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Mediad Systems America, lnc. All rights reserved.



The Film Tool and the associated Film Options Filming is performed manually by left-clicking the
must be accessed to print images and patient informa- Film Tool, or automatically by setting the film options
tion. once the Film Tool is accessed. Snapshot filming
(accessed from the System Menu button) can be
Images, annotations, scanograms with reference
used to film images from multiple series or multiple
lines, and dynamic graphs can be filmed using the
Film Tool on each Sean Card, or by using the Snap-
shot Film Tool.
RevlfiW';'~ Sun Jul 17, 20C)

DONE ~ 2:13PM
Sean 2·

Auto~ !:.] ~ rnlJ El


e _j
FlhnT~ KNEE , A IRIS 11
23459 ../
Reler~ UKNEE
1 ______!!]
Corree! Repor1 1
M~ Sean 1 ../ G
El ITE_M"R f
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astWfl. _,j
tmages frorn 1.1 ../
.J Block

Sean 3
ltnageslrom2,1 ;.Ac¡J _
Sean 4
) lrnageslrom2. 1
) Sean 5
·- h;a~;s ;;me!~ ~l
SI a p
''J 5Cañ6
lmages frorn 2,1
Cllnlcal Study Llb 1 Modlly 1

~~ Analysls J


QS4-33444v 1 3• 1
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
Film and Archive Panel Film To~ Film Tool - Provides access to manual

The Film and Archive panel enables the following and automatic filming functions.
_. Reference . Reference - Creates a separate series in
the Patient directory, containing an image with
Í - Archive Archive - Enables automatic archiving of ' )
embedded reference lines for DICOM use.
the images after scanning or processing.
Note: The Archive, Auto Film, and Reference buttons
1 _Auto Film Auto Film - Enables autofilming of the
are dual function buttons. Left-click to depress
images after scanning or processing. Refer to the the square in front of the function name for the
section Film Options (Automatic Filming) in this system to automatically begin the function upon
chapter for automatic filming information. image reconstruction. Alternately, left-click the
larger button (the function name) to enable the
r Preview Preview - A preview of the Film Sheet is
function after reconstruction. Auto Film uses
displayed on the screen, to allow you to preview the
settings saved under Film Options for each
film and sheet layout options without opening the Film
Sean Card.

DICOM - Enables each series to be
Note: Images are displayed utilizing the filming
sent via DICOM. Left-click to high-
parameters saved on the Task Card. The ~~~~~~ ~
images displayed on the Preview film sheet are ~~E_MR r light the destination of choice.
LastW/L ~
depicted accurately.
Film Options 1 Film Options - Displays the Film Options
Notes: The DICOM button is a dual function button.
screen, and allows the film options used when filming
Left-click to depress the square in front of the
with the Auto Film button to be altered. A preview of
function namc for thc systcm to automatically
the new options automatically updates.
send images via DICOM upon reconstruction.
Sheet LayoutJ Sheet Layout- Displays the Film Tool's Alternately, left-click the larger button (the
Layout screen, and allows the film sheet layout to be function name) to send images via DICOM
altered. A preview of the results automatically after reconstruction. To ensure proper delivery,
updates. When the results are satisfactory, the check the destination before the sean starts.
changes can be made by accessing Film Options in
If both the square Reference and DICOM
the Film Tool.
buttons are depressed prior to starting a sean,
Note: The Film Options and Sheet Layout buttons are the reference image will be sent automatically
ghosted until Preview is turned on. via DICOM after image reconstruction.

3- 2 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica/ Systems Ame rica, Inc. AL/ rights reserva /.

Chapter 3. Filming

Last W/L -' J Window Level - Controls the window Film Tool (Manual Filming}
level of the images when using the Auto DICOM
feature. Two settings are available: lnserting lmages
A source image on the viewport must be activated
• Auto W/L - The window/level values set on the
befo re any of the following image insertion functions
Filter tab will be used when sending images via the
can be chosen. Left-click the image to actívate it; a
Auto DICOM feature.
red box appears around the frame indicating that the
• Lasl W/L - The window/level setting last displayed image is selected.
on the Sean Card will be used when sending images
via DICOM.

_j Block Block - Blocks the image data from

being passed to established links; or allows images to
1 be loaded from the Control Face of the card after the
folder has been closed and reopened.
) c!tiM Lists the series that are available for
306-3 loading, viewing, and filrning.

- ~~llcl __j Load- Loads the images from the

highlighted series onto the Review Face of the task
card. Images can only be loaded after the Block
function is activated.


QS4-33444vl 3-3

Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

Inserts the single active image into the Zoom
selected frame for filming. Alternatively, press
Zooms (magnifies/minifies)
F3 to perform the same function. jzoom
the active image(s).
Inserts all visible images into a single selected
The zoom factor ranges from 0.1 to 10.0, in incre-
frame. Alternatively, press Alt + F3 to per-
ments of 0.05. To change this value, perform one of
form the same function.
the following:
Inserts all images in a series, one image per
• Left-click the scroll arrows to increase or decrease
frame, into the selected sheet layout, regard-
the zoom factor.
less ofthe viewport layout. Alternatively,
press Ctrl + F3 to perform the same function. OR
( .

Notes: Function keys may be used instead of mouse • Entera value in the text field. Double-click or

clicks. To use the function keys, left-click left-click, hold, and drag to highlight the field, then

outside the Film Tool window after the Film type in a value with the keyboard and press Enter

Tool is activated. Then press the desired to register the new value.
Function key. OR
Inserts the displayed images into the sheet
• Middle-click in the text field; a numeric input
layout in sequential order, starting with the
control panel displays . In this panel, selecta value
top-left frame, one image per frame.
by left-clicking the scroll arrows, dragging the scroll
Inserts the images into the sheet layout using bar, or left-clicking above/below the scroll bar.
the parameters defined in the Film Options Left-click Done to accept the parameter value.
menu. Left-click the Film Options button to
Note: In this panel, the single arrows increase or
preview autofilming parameters.
decrease a value by 0.05. The double arrows
Inserts the series scanogram with reference increase or decrease a value by 1.0.
lines into the selected frame.

Inserts the patient information for an active

image into the selected frame.

Notes: ~~ The Film Status icon appears on the Sean

Card tab and the Patient Selector list once
printing is complete.

The Film Status icon displays a green circle

during the printing process.

3-4 Copyright © 2006 by Hitaclú Medica/ Systems America, In c. Al/ rights reservec!.
Chapter 3. Filming
. \

Copies Film Options

~~les E ] Sets the number of copies to be printed Film Options 1 Accesses the Film Options screen, the
(up to 99). To change this value, perform one of the menu used to set default filming parameters for
following: automatic and manual filming.

• Left-click the scroll arrows to increase or decrease

. . --
the number of copies.
_j Echo Spllt

OR _j Alter Selected

Auto Pos
• Enter a value in the text field. Double-click or Frame Result

left-click, hold, and drag to highlight the field, then j scanogram: .l Each Series ,-'

type in a value with the keyboard and press Enter

to register the new value.
ITeKt Page: Non e -' ,¡
1 on 1(1Kl)
INew sheet: Non e
r lnsets
• Middle-click in the text field; a numeric input
control panel displays. In this panel, selecta value Cancel
1 r Done
by left-clicking the scroll arrows, dragging the scroll
bar, or left-clicking above/below the scroll bar. Left-
click Done to accept the parameter value.
.J Echo Spllt Echo Split - Sets a manual filming
default so that each echo within a series is filmed
Note: In this panel, the single arrows increase or separately.
decrease a value by 1.0. The double anows
increase or decrease a value by 3.0. .J Alter Selected After Selected - The selected image
and every image in the series after the selected one
are filmed. Images befare the selected image are
omitted and not filmed.

For detailed instructions on using Film Options,

please refer to the section Film Options (Automatic
Filming) in this chapter.

Note: The film options Echo Split and After Selected

) can be used only for manual filming.

QS4-33444vl 3-5
( ..

Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

Sheet Layout Film Tool General Functions
Sheet layout Sets the filming format. Priority: Normai ...::J Sets the priority for filming. Three
settings are available:
Left-click this button to display the Layout Selec-
tion screen. Left-click the desired layout to highlight • Rush - M oves your print job to the top of the AIRIS
it, then left-click Done to accept the new film layout. II print queue.
Left-click Cancel to exit the screen without making
• Normal- Standard mode of operation.
• Low- Yields to other print jobs setas Rush or
Film Tool - layout selecUon
Normal priority.

Note: Hitachi recommends setting the priority to Low.

The Print Priority setting does not affect other
systems' queues.

.rr;--r:¡]l Displays the captured images of the

1Page . pl
~ selected page. To select another page,
perform one of the following:

• Left-click the scroll arrows to move through the

other pages. The selected page number is displayed
in the text field.

Cancel _j 1-
Done _j
• Double left-click or left-click, hold, and drag in the
text field to highlight the text field, then type in a
value with the keyboard and press Enter to register
the new value.
Frame Clears the selected frame (highlighted in
red) on the sheet.

3-6 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Mediad Systems Ame rica, In c. Al/ rights reserva/.
Chapter 3. Filming

all sheets Clears all frames on all sheets and deletes
multiple sheets.

sheet Clears all the frames on the displayed sheet
and deletes the current sheet.

sheet Adds a new sheet to the layout.

Notes: Once the images have been captured, the user

can adjust the appearance of individual frames
before printing. Double left-click the desired
image; a simplified tool set displays with the
following tools:

• Window Width/Level Tool

• Magnification/Shift Tool

• Frame Flip/Rotate Tool

Right-click the desired frame to enlarge the

image to the full size of the Film Tool.

Print Sends all sheets to the imager.

Closes the Film Tool. The images remain

in frames until the entire patient folder is closed.

QS4-33444v 1 3-7
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
Film Options (Automatic Filming) 2. Left-click the Film Options button. The Film
Options screen appears.
1 Auto Fil~ To perform automatic filming after
scanning or processing, left-click the Auto Film button OR
on the Film Tool panel prior to initiating Start on the
Left-click the Film Options button on the Film and
Sean Card.
Archive panel. The Film Options screen appears.
Note: The Auto Film button is a dual function button.
3. Left-click to select the film options applicable to
Left-click the square in front of the function
your job. (Refer to the following pages for a
name for the system to automatically begin the
complete explanation of all available film options.)
function upon image reconstruction. Alternately,
Film Optlons
left-click the larger button (the function name)
to enable Auto Film after reconstruction. Auto
_J Echo Spllt
Film uses settings saved under Film Options for
_J Alter Selected
each Sean Card. Auto Pos
Film Options are used to configure sheet layouts Frame Resul t

and to display scanograms, insets, or text pages on 1Scanogram: 1 Each Series -'11
the film.

Film Options can be saved as defaults on each

~Page: No"• ~~~ o~
r-'-"---~~ ~l
1 on l(lxl)
New sheet: None
Sean Card. The defaults are applied when you are . - ----
r lnsets
filming automatically, using theAuto Film button on
the Review Face of the Sean Card, or when you are
J r_ Done J
filming manually, using the APos button on the Film
Tool. 4. Left-click Done to apply the selected film options,

Notes: TheAutomatic Film option is available only on

or left-click Cancel to exit the menu without

Sean, Data, 2D, and 3D Task Cards. making changes. If the Auto Film button is
enabled before the sean is completed, the images
The Status Message field will display the
are automatically filmed at the time of image
execution of the Automatic Filming function in
output from the Control Face, using the following:
the upper-right area of the System screen.
• The Window/Level settings from the Filter tab
To set the film options, perform the following steps:
of the Sean Card.
l. Left-click the Film Tool button on the Film and
• Magnification, number of copies, and sheet
Archive panel.
layout stored with the card under Film Options.

In order to achieve the desired autofilming results,

preset the desired configuration parameters in the
Film Options screen before you enable the Auto
Film button.

3-8 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Mediccil Systems Ame rica, lnc. Al/ rights reservecl.
Chapter 3. Filming

Film Options Frame Layout/Result

Frame Displays the Frame Layout Selection

Scanogram/Text Page/New Sheet
Scanogram, , Each sen.. 1 Sets the option to in elude the
Twelve frame layout options are
scanogram of the selected series.
available. To select a frame layout,
• None- No scanogram is filmed. perform the following steps:

• Each Page -A scanogram is filmed in the first frame l. Left-click the Frame button to display the Frame
of each page. Layout Selection screen.

• Each Series -A scanogram is filmed in the first 2. Left-click to highlight the desired frame layout.
frame of the first page, only once per series.
3. Left-click Done. The resultant sheet layout
T•_.,_P•-9•_, ..;;;...N_•"-·-~~J
._ Sets the option to include the series displays .
Note: Left-click Cancel to exit the Frame Layout
• None- No text page is filmed. Selection screen without making changes.

• Each Page -A text page is filmed in the first frame Proai'IJIImed Film - Fl'lllle 18VOut selecUon

of each page.

• Each Series -A text page is filmed in the first frame

of the first page, only once per series.

~ J Sets the option to begin each new

New sheet: Non e

series on a new sheet of film.

• None - The first image in a new series or new echo

is placed on the next available frame of the current

• Echo/Series - A new sheet of film is automatically

created for each new echo in a series.
Cancel J Done

• Series - A new sheet of film is automatically created

when a new series is filmed.

QS4-33444v 1 3-9
AIRISTT lmage Data Handling
Result Snapshot Tool (Snapshot Filming)
Result Displays the resulting layout of the The Snapshot Too] is used to print selected
sheet and frame selected. images from multiple patient files to one or multiple
sheets of film (such as marketing films). The Snap-
shot function is not associated with any one particular
study, card, or series.
~ To access the Snapshot Tool, left-click the
r -lnsets Sets the option to include reference images System Menu icon in the upper-right comer of the
with cross-reference lines. System screen. In the drop-down menu, left-click
When the Inset button is depressed (the box is
blue), a reference image with cross-reference lines To permit the use of multiple folders or series, the
will display in the lower-left comer of each image on Snapshot Tool will stay on the screen until you
thefilm. left-click Done.

Film Tool Sn shot

Film Optlonsj Sheet l ayou~

Prlorlty: Normal '"' Page : ~],.ti of 1

_ Frame
J Delete 1 Delete
_!111 she!!!J , sheet
J NewJ
• sheet

Prlnt J Done

3. 10 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica[ Systems Ame rica, ln c. Al/ rights reserved.
Chopter 3. Filming

lmage lnsertion Inserts the scanogram with reference lines for

the active image into the selected fra me.
A source image on the viewport must be activated
before selecting any of the following image insertion ~- ~ Inserts the patient inf01mation for the active
functions. Left-click an image to activate it; a red box ~ image into the selected frame.
surrounds the active frame.

Inserts a single image into the selected frame

for filming. Altematively, press F4 to perform zoom ~ ~ Zooms (magnifies/minifies) the active
the same function. image. A value must be entered prior to inserting an
Inserts all the images in the viewport into the
selected frame. Alternatively, press Shift + F4 The zoom factor ranges from 0.05 to 10.0 in incre-
to perform the same function. ments of 0.5.

Inserts all images in a series, one image per • Left-click the scroll arrows to increase or decrease
frame, into the selected sheet layout, regard- the zoom factor.
less of the viewport layout. Alternatively,
press Alt + F4 to perform the same function.
• Entera value in the text field. Double-click or
Inserts the images displayed on the viewport
left-click, hold, and drag to highlight the field, then
into the sheet layout in sequential order,
type in a value with the keyboard and press Enter
starting from the top-left frame, one image
to register the new value.
per frame. Altematively, press Ctrl + F4 to
perform the same function. OR

Notes: Function keys may be used instead of mouse • Middle-click in the text field; a numeric input
clicks. To use the function keys, left-click control panel displays. Selecta value in this panel
outside the Film Tool window after the Film by left-clicking the scroll atTows, dragging the scroll
Tool is activated. Then press the desired bar, or left-clicking above/below the scroll bar.
Function key. Left-click Done to accept the new value.

fffill Inserts the images from one or more series Note: In this panel, the single arrows increase or
A.Po~ loaded in the viewport to the film sheet(s) decrease the value by 0.05. The double arrows
using the parameters defined in the Film increase or decrease the value by 1.0.
Options menu. Left-click Film Options to
review saved autofilming options for the Task

QS4-33444v1 3- 11
Al R1SJT lmage Data Handling

Copies Film Options

l~oples E J-: Sets the number of copies to be printed Film Options Accesses the Film Options screen, the
(up to 99). menu to set default filming parameters for Snapshot
• Left-click the scroll arrows to increase or decrease
Film Optlons
the number of copies.
OR . Echo Spllt

J Alter Selected
• Entera value in the text field. Double-click or
Auto Pos
left-click, hold, and drag to highlight the field, then
Frame Result

type in a value with the keyboard and press Enter [scanogram: Each Series ]
to register the new value.


• Middle-click in the text field; a numeric input

control panel displays. Selecta value in this panel
[Text Page:

New sheet :

EoohP•g• .

None •
Jj ....._''"'"''' 1 •
by left-clicking the scroll arrows, dragging the
scroll bar, or left-clicking above/below the scroll

bar. Left-click Done to accept the new value.

Echo Spllt Sets a manual filming default so that
Note: In this panel, the single arrows increase or
each echo within a series is filmed separately.
decrease the value by 1.0. The double arrows
increase or decrease the value by 3.0. _j Alter Selected The selected image and every image
in the series after the selected one are filmed. Images
before the selected image are omitted and not filmed .

3. 12 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica! Systems Ame rica, lnc. All rights reservec/.
Chapter 3. Filming

Scanogram/Text Page/New Sheet Frame Layout/Result

lscanogram: Each Series ~ Jj Sets the option to include the ~ Frame Displays the Frame Layout Selection

scanogram of the selected series.

• None- No scanogram is filmed. Twelve frame layout options are

available. To select a frame layout,
2 on 1(2x1)
• Each Page - A scanogram is filmed in the first frame perform the following steps:
of each page.
l. Left-click the Frame button to display the Frame
• Each Series -A scanogram is filmed in the first Layout Selection screen.
frame of the first page, only once per series.
2. Left-click to highlight the desired frame layout.
Text Page: Each Page -' J Sets the option to include the
3. Left-click Done. The resultant sheet layout
series information.
• None- No text page is filmed.
Note: Left-click Cancel to exit the Frame Layout
• Each Page - A text page is filmed in the first frame Selection screen without making changes.
of each page.
Proarammed Film - Frame lavout selectlon
• Each Series -A text page is filmed in the first frame
of the first page, only once per series.

New sheet: None ' J Sets the option to begin each

new series on a new sheet of film.
D CDJ~. ~,_ 0:0
1 on 1(1x1)

• None - The first image in a new series or new echo

is placed on the next available frame of the current
_ 3 on 1(3x1) 1
tE [[[lJ ~
4 on 1(2x2) 1
• 4 on 1(1 x4) • 4 on 1(4x1)

• Echo/Series -A new sheet of film is automatically

created for each new echo in a series.

• Series - A new sheet of film is automatically created

tm E§ ~ m
6 on 1(2x3) 6 on 1(3x2) 9 on 1(3x3) 1
• 16 on 1(4x4)

when a new series is filmed.
J 1


QS4-33444v 1 3. 13
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

Result Snapshot Tool General Functions

Displays the resulting layout of the
Print Priority
sheet and frame selected.
Prlorlty: Rush
Sets the priority for filming. Three
settings are available:

• Rush - M oves your print job to the top of the AIRIS

11 print queue.
lnsets Sets the opt10n
· to include reference images
with cross-reference lines. • Normal- Standard mode of operation.

When the Inset button is depressed (the box is • Low- Yields to other print jobs setas Rush or

brown), a reference image with cross-reference lines Normal priority.

displays in the lower-left comer of each image on the
Notes: Hitachi recommends setting the default to
film. Low.

This Print Priority setting does not affect other

Sheet Layout
systems' queues.
Sheet layout ! Sets the filming format. Left-click this
button to display the Layout Selection screen. Left- rPage :![]¡ ' Displays the captured images of the
click the desired layout to highlight it, then left-click selected page. To select another page, perform one of
Done to accept the new film layout, or left-click the following:
Cancel to exit the screen without making changes.
• Left-click the scroll arrows to move through the
Film Tool ..-¡:ayout selecUon other pages. The selected page number is displayed
in the text field .


1 on1(1x1) 2on1(1><2) l. 2on1(2x1) 3on1(1Kil) • 3on1(3x1)
• Double left-click or left-click, hold, and drag to

EB IJ!..US.U.U ''"'~
highlight the text field, then type in a value with the
keyboard and press Enter to register the new value.

J.JJ[B.e g .m 1

mmma~m j
20 on 1(5><4) 24 on 1(6><4) 25 on 1(5XS) 30 on 1(6xS)
• 36 on 1(6x6)

Cancel J Done
i-·- -- -- -

3. 14 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica! Systems Ame rica, Jnc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3. Filming

Frame Clears the selected frame (highlighted in To print images with Snapshot, perform the follow-

red) on the sheet. ing steps:

Delete l . Left-click Sheet Layout to set the snapshot

all sheets Clears all frames on all sheets and deletes
filrning format.
multiple sheets.
2. Insert the images into the sheet. For detailed
Delete 1
sheet Clears all frames on the displayed sheet and information, please refer to the Film Tool
deletes the current sheet. (Manual Filming) section in this chapter.
New 1
sheet Adds a new sheet to the layout. 3. Select Priority to set the priority for filming within
the AIRIS II film queue.
Notes: Once the images have been captured, the user
can adjust the appearance of individual frames 4. Left-click Print to print the snapshot.
before printing. Double left-click the desired
S. Left-click Done to close the Snapshot Tool.
image; a simplified tool set displays with the
following tools: Note: Images can be manually deleted or will be

• Window Width/Level Tool deleted automatically from the Snapshot

Tool when the system is shut down.
• Magnification/Shift Tool

• Frame Flip/Rotate Tool

Right-click the desired frame to enlarge the

image to the full size of the Film Too l.

Sends all sheets to the imager.

Done J Closes the Snapshot Tool. The images

remain in frames until the system is shut down.


QS4-33444v 1 3. 15
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
Checking Film Status Deselect All Deselects all items in the
Waiting Jobs list.
¡;] The progress of the filming process can be
checked by left-clicking the Film Status button in the _ _o_e_le_te_ ___.l Deletes the highlighted jobs in the

System tray. The Film Job Queue screen displays. Waiting Jobs list.
Jobs are identified by patient name, ID, anatomical
To delete a Film job, perform the following steps:
region, priority, imager, state, andjob number. You can
delete jobs from the queue individually or all at once. l . Left-click Pause Imager.

2. Left-click the job name to highlight it. (To dese-

Film Job Queue lect ajob, left-click its name again.)

Pause lmager Pauses the current printing job. 3. Left-click Delete.

Resume lmagerl Resumes printing. 4. Left-click Resume Imager to resume printing.

Note: If a printer error is displayed, left-click to Pause Job 1 Pauses highlighted jobs.
highlight the printer, left-click Pause Imager,
and then left-click Resume Imager to continue Resume Job J Releases selected jobs from
printing. their paused state.

_ _s::..;e;;.,
t ;_; 11_....JI Selects all items in the Waiting
A;;.. Done l Exits the Film Job Queue screen.
Jobs list.

Film Job Queue


N ame Status Error

Error Pause

Pause lmagerj Resume lmagerj


Patlent Name Patlent ID Anatomlcal Reglon Prlorlty lmager State Job Number

rAIRIS 11, KNEE p•g•' *men tear MB Normal SONV Prlntlng 1

AIRIS 11. KNEE page 2 *men tear MB Normal SONY Prlntlng 2

Select All
J Deselect All
J - Delete _j Pause Job
J Resume Job
~ Don:]
l .J

3- 16 Copyright © 2006 by Hita chi Medica/ Systems Ame rica, In c. AL/ rights rese rvecl.
Chapter 3. Filming

Filming Graphs ~
3. Fram Left-click the Frame button, located on the
The AIRIS II System allows yo u to film dynamic
Film Tool. Note where the red box is on the film
graphs for interpretation at a later date.
sheet; the graph will be placed there.
To film a graph, perform the following steps:
4. If the graph is not in the correct place after you
left-click the Frame button, left-click the Clear
l. _gj Left-click the System Menu icon. On the
Frame button.
drop-down menu, left-click Snapshot to open the
Snapshot Tool. 5. Once all the graphs are placed correctly, left-click
the Print button. Multiple copies can be printed.
2. Left-click the desired graph to activate the
viewport. A red box will appear around the Note: Any sheet layout can be used. Numerous
viewport. images and graphs can be placed on a sheet of
film from many different studies.

Sheet 1ayo u~

Prlorlty : Rush ...., J


\Page :EJBj! of 1

Clear 1
all sheets
j New

Dynamlc J ADC Map ]

Num. Sllce Num. roi2o(ra¡¡¡;¡--

-~_. ROl Copy _j
145(0.971) J Edil AKes ' Ran5!!.1
3 27 146(0.979)
lnstructlons_ j
4 ?7 11?rn 74Rl 1

QS4-33444v 1 3. 17
.. 1
Al R1SJJ lmage Data Handling


[;:;]• A Film icon with a numeral will display in the

9 far right column of the Scanner Database to
indicate the number of film sheets success-
fully filmed. Left-click the Series directory to
view the series that have been filmed.

A Film icon will display on each task card to

the right of the sean card name to indicate
that the series has been filmed.

A green circle displays on the Film Queue

~1 button while filming is in progress.

A green circle with a red diagonalline

~1 displays on the Film Queue button when

filming is suspended, alerting the user to a

print error.

L )

. )

3- 18 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica! Systems Ame rica, Inc. Al! rights reservecl.


Arch ivi ng/Restori ng


The Archive and Restare function allows you to

; )
transfer patient data (down to the series level) and LL Caution
clinical studies/task cards from the system disk to a The Maxell 9.4 GB double-sided DVD is the only
Magnetic Optical Disk (OD) for storage, and vice- recommended DVD for use in the AIRIS II MR
versa. System. Hitach Medical Systems America, Inc. can
not guarantee proper performance if other DVD
Notes: The rninimum requirements for the OD are brands are utilized. Please contact the service call
rewriteable, 2.6 GB, 1024 bytes per sector. center to arder replacement DVDs (part # SW1120).
Hitachi recommends the Maxell 2.6 GB
Magnetic Optical Disk for consistent results.

The AIRIS II system can be configured to utilize

DVD and/or CD drives. Contact your HMSA
LL Caution
Do not press the Eject button while the Access LED
salesperson for more information.
of the MOD/DVD drive is blinking as this may
damage the drive or disk.



QS4-33444v 1 4- 1
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling !

Folder Archive and Restore Screen Separating these sections are two buttons: Archive
Left-clicking the Archive tab in the upper-right and Restare. Based on the selected (highlighted)
corner of the screen allows access to the Folder information, the appropriate function button will be
Archive and Restare screen, providing access to all activated. The other button will remain ghosted.
Manual Archive and Restare functions. ' o
In the center of the screen, information is displayed
The Scanner Database portian (located in the about the currently inserted archive media.
upper half of the screen) lists the patient folders
Both the upper and lower sections contain a
stored in the scanner database (system hard drive).
Preview button. This function allows the user to view
The amount of free space left on the system hard
and/or film the highlighted folder's contents in a
drive is also displayed here.
pop-up dialog box without opening the patient folder.
The Archive Device portian (located in the lower
Note: For detailed information about previewing
half of the screen) lists the patient information stored
images, please refer to the section Previewing
on the inserted archive media. The amount of free
a Patient Folder in this chapter.
space left on the archive media is displayed here.

Folder Archive and Restore DICOM

Scanner Database : Patlent Selector Query: Set Condltlonl Free Space: 17019 256x256 or 4254 512x512 lmages

Patle nt Name PatlentiD Study Date Anatomlcal Reglon Referrlng Physlclan hn age # Arc hive Statu s

~ A ll'tl ~ 11, ~HUULUtl't arge p. sep UtiiU<I<UUq HIIAI,;HI ,. lllt

' AIRIS 11, BRAIN/PITUI" ... "mass. contrast 06/02/2004 BRAIN HITACHI 84 J;l
- ~AIRIS 11, CAROTID MRA "TOF wlsource MB
~.., J
02/1712004 e-SPINE HITACHI 87 ~

' AIRIS 11, RENAL MRA "sten 04/05/2004 ABDOMEN HITACHI 19 ¡;¡
-- J;l
' AIRIS 11. AORTIC ARC ... "stenosed graft 04/07/2004 CHEST HITACHI 18

' AIRIS 11, PELVIS ... "routlne 09/22/2003 PELVIS HITACHI 136 J;l "'\

Archive De vice: A IRIS 11 2004 DE MO MOD Free Space: 1809 256x256 or 452 512x512 lmages

Query: Set Condltlonl

Patlent Name PatlentiD Study Date Anatomlcal Reg lon Refe rrlng Physlc lan


"resp gati ng HITACHI

•rsep. IR (08/04/2003) NECK HITACHI

*mass,FIR.fsep (01107/2004) BRAIN HITACHI

' AIRIS 11. BRAIN MRA "mlp DK (02/24/2004) BRAIN HITACHI

Unlnltlallze ...l lnltlallze ... 1

Llbrary Archlv e/Res tore j

1,_ Cancel _j

4-2 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica! Systems Ame rica, lnc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4. Archiving/Restoring

The lower portion of the Folder Archive and Uninitialize...l Enables a previously used disk that
Restore screen contains two buttons: has been reinitialized to be restored to
its previous state. Left-click
• Library Archive/Restore
Uninitialize immediately after initializ-
• Cancel
ing, and befare archiving new studies
The Library Archive/Restore button accesses the onto the disk. Once archiving occurs,
menu used to archive or restore protocol information, the Uninitialize button will not acti-
such as clinical studies and task cards. vate. The Uninitialize feature can
prevent original patient data from
The following buttons are used to sort or select
being permanently lost after an
patient folders:
erroneous initialization.
Query: Set Condltlonl Left-click to sort the patient list by
lnitialize... 1 Initializes and prepares the archive
Last Name, First Name, or ID number.
media for use.
) Select All l Selects all folders in the Patient directory.
Llbrary Archlver'Restore l
Allows access to the screen to
Clear All l Deselects all folders in the Patient directory. archive and restore Clinical Study and
Task Card libraries.
Sort B ... Arranges the folders according to a
Left-click Cancel to exit the Folder
selected category.
Archive and Restore screen. This
Left-click the Sort By button to choose the cat- action does not cancel the archiving
egory by which the list is displayed: job in progress.

• Patient Name
• Patient ID
• Study Date and Time
• Anatomical Region
• Physician
• Percent Archi ved

Note: Use of the Sort By function is optional.

QS4-33444vl 4-3
AIRISIT lmage Data Handling
lcons Archive lcon
An Archive icon is displayed in the last The "percent done" indicator in the Archive Queue
column of the Scanner Database if 100 is now the only display that is synchronized with the
percent of the patient data has been archive job progress. The Patient Series Selector
archived. screen and the Folder Archive and Restare screen
A Partial Archive graphic is displayed in the will continue to display the archive pie chart icon and
last column of the Scanner Database if only percentage archived indicator; however, they will
a portian of the patient data has been update only at the end of each archive job. The pie
archived. Left-click the Series directory to chart icon illustrates the portian of the en tire study
view the series that have not been fully that has been archived. The archive disk icon will
archived. replace the archive pie chart icon once the entire
study is successfully archived.
A green circle displays on the Archive
Queue button while archiving is in progress.
O~t l ype

A green circle with a red diagonalline '"""

displays on the Archive Queue button when Resume Flnlti\«<JOM

archiving is suspended, alerting the user to

an archive error. Olo'nROCI4I SIIOIJI.( 14 1.100 IIIISSIOEII l rw~dtrring S.ndln¡

l' o ld et Arc hive an d Ru to re

Scat~JMrDeteNr• : P atl«~ t Seleclor Qw ..y· Set Condit10I1 FtN s,__. !2110 25611258 or 15715 512 ~ 5121m eg•

Studo¡ Oatt Anttomlcalll tglon flelrnfng Phyl ltlan lnug e 11 Archive Steto s



Cootrn l TE!
Olf ZS.O
!U 11 Of l•g

1l T
l AS 10iGt


Patlent Rcglstratlon and Se lectlon Patleots~COM

Patient Selector
1 o,..., , Soo

PatleniN t me Age So PtUentiO Slu dy Daü Anttomtnt 1\tglo n lmtge ti

C::'7:E:H~~LO::I m-g_....;,;;;.;_ ___, ~

1 [ "'"'·''"
Sunl - 1
Sctn 2 - 1
S"n 3 - l
20/F SE


4-4 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medical Systems Ame rica, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4. Archiving/Restoring

Previewing a Patienl Folder 5. Left-click to highlight the desired series for

The Preview option allows yo u to view and/or film viewing.

images directly from the Folder Archive and Restore 6. ProvlowLeft-click the Preview button in
Screen and without restoring the images from an OD.
the bottom-left comer of the Folder Archive and
To preview the images from an OD, perform the Restore screen.
following steps:
The Image Preview box displays on the screen
l. Insert the OD that contains the desired saved adjacent to the highlighted series.
study into the OD drive.
The middle image of the selected series displays
in the Image Preview dialog box, along with
2. 11 1 Left-click the Patient Selector icon in the
several function buttons displayed to the right of
System tray. The Patient Registration and
the image.
Selection screen displays.
7. To select the desired series manually, type its
3. 1Archlvej Left-click the Archive tab. The Folder
number from the Series Selector # column on the
Archive and Restore screen displays.
far left into the top field of the Image Preview
4. Left-click the Patient Folder icon to expand box. For example, to preview sean 4-1, type the
the folder and display the individual Series number 7 into the top field of the Image Preview
directory. box. (See anows below.)

AIRIS 11. KNEE S8Y M •fe m eondyle fx 02/18/2004 UKNEE

N ame Pro e Plan e SQ TR Contrast TE1 TE2 # Oflmg

2 Sean 2- 1 Al TRS 20/GE S90 Off 15.0 18 !i:QJ
6 Sean 9- 1 Al SAG 20/FSE 6100 Off 12S 20
7 Sean S- 1 Al SAG 20/SE 4SS Off 23.9 18
13 Sean 7- 1 Al COR 20/SE 41S Off 25.0 18
14 20 11 - 1 SHM COR 20/IR 2000 Off 2S.O 16
AIRIS 11. KNEE 2SY M •ACLMCL tears 04/06/2004 UKNEE
AIRIS 11. KNEE 27Y M •men tear MB 02124/2004 R/KNEE
AIRIS 11. LUMBAR S1Y M •disk. post op 04/13/2004 L-SPINE ~
A~V J: •rnult- ,.,1\tY'It'\t" fvo OD:l?lll?Ontl 1-~Pif\11:::

QS4-33444v 1 4-5
Al R1STJ Jmage Data Handling
The fields and buttons used to preview images 9. Double left-click the image to open the Viewport
include the following: tools.

[ ] Displays the line number in the Series Notes: The following tools are available in Pre-
directory that corresponds to the desired viewmode:
series. • Window and Level
[!QJ Displays the number of the slice currently • Magnification and M ove
being viewed. • Rotate Image

D Displays the number of the echo currently • Minimize/Maximize Image

being viewed. • Display or hide image text

~ Left-click to display the previous series. To increase or decrease the size of the Image
If the Series directory is not expanded, the Preview box, right-click anywhere within the
double arrows will advance to the previ- image.
ous patient file.
To move the Image Preview box to another
Left-click to display the previous slice. location on the screen, left-click and drag the top of
Left-click to display the next slice. the box to the desired location.

Left-click to display the next series. If the To film while in Preview mode, left-click Snapshot
Series directory is not expanded, the under the System Menu.
double arrows will advance to the next
patient file.

Left-click to return the Image Preview

R box to its original size and position.

Left-click to clase the Image Preview


4-6 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica[ Systems Ame rica, Jnc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4. Archiving/Restoring

Archiving 5. lnitialize... 1 Left-click the Initialize button in the

bottom ri ght of the Folder Archive and Restare
lnitializing ODs/DVDs screen. The Initialize Optical Disk box displays.
You must initialize and name every new OD/DVD
6. Using the keyboard, type a name for the new
before archiving data. To initialize an OD/DVD,
perform the following steps:
7. Left-click the OK button to initialize; left-click
l. Insert the archive media into the appropriate
Cancel to abort the procedure.
Note: Uninitialize...l Uninitialize - Enables a previously
Note: ODs have two sides. Insert the side you wish
used disk that has been reinitialized to be
to use facing up in the drive.
restored to its previous state. Left-click Unini-
2. _1!] Left-click the Patient Selector button in the tialize immediately after initializing, and befo re
System tray. The Patient Registration and archiving new studies onto the disk. Once
Selection screen displays. archiving occurs, the uninitialize button will not
actívate. The Uninitialize function can prevent
3. 1 Archivej Left-click the Archive tab. The Folder original patient data from being permanently
Archive and Restare screen appears. lost after an erroneous initialization.
4. 1 :MODI±I Left-click the Archive Device drop-
down menu to select the appropriate media from Lh Caution
the list of available devices. Do not press the Eject button while the Access LED
of the MOD/DVD drive is blinking as this may
damage the dri ve or disk.

St udy Date An alo rnlu l Re gl on Rdt rrlng Phy1 klan 11111$111 1 Archive Statu a


' AIRIS 11, SHOULDER "large pLfnp

....,_. R/S iiOULDER ltiTAC III

" AIRIS IL BRAIN!PITUf -· •rnau, contru t ....._. BRAJN IUTACHI

' AIRIS IL CAROTID MRA "TOF wflource MB 02/1712004 C- SPINE UITACtll

" 1.1
' AIRIS 11, RENAl MRA "1ten ,..,.,,..., ABDOMEN ll!TACHI
" 1.1
' AIRIS 11. AORTIC ARC "stenond gralt 0011071200> CIIEST HITAC HI
" 1.1
' AIRISII,PELVIS """roullne OOfl2I2003 PELVI S HITACHI 1 38 ~ 1

S el~ Cl 1arAt1 l ~· J

ArchNej R~
Archive O. vice: AIRIS 112004 DEMO MOD FrH Sp.c~: 1809 25fhc256 or 452 51211!512 lma gn

QUfry. S1t Condltlo

Pallent Name Pallent ID Study DJie An lltornlcaiReglon Aeferring Phytlclan

AiRISIL sHoúl oEA MA ' IR 08 (0712t/2004) US .. OULDER HlrAC HI

) AIAIS IL CAROTID MAA "wfconlrn t 0 8 (07/WZ004) e - SPINE HITAC BI

AIRI S 11. THORACIC CTL •r ouUne 0 8 {0712812(l()q) T- SPINE HITAC HI

AIRIS 11, CAROTID MRA "30 contn.SI 0 8 (0713012004) C- SPINE IIITAC HI


/\IRIS 11, NECK ' rnns 11 {07/1 812003 ) NECK IIITACUI

AIRIS 11, AB DOM E t~ ' rup g1ttng {03111/Z004) ABDOMEN IIITACIII

S el~ Cl ~ Sort Bxd

Unlnltllllze.:J lnlllll lze ... J

Llbrary Archlv&IA n lo~ [_ cono~ J

QS4-33444v 1 4 -7
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
lnitializing a Used OD/DVD 6. The Initialize box displays. Using the keyboard,
type a name for the disk.
If you want to overwrite information on a previ-
ously used disk, you must reinitialize it before ar- lnltlallze Optlcil Disk
chiving. Volume label:

Perform the following steps to initialize a previously

r~ J Cancel !
used OD/DVD:

l. Insert the archive media into the appropriate 7. Left-click Cancel to abort the procedure, or
drive. left-click OK to initialize the archive media. The
Confirm Disk Initialization box displays.
2. ~ Left-click the Patient Selector button in the
System tray. The Patient Registration and Conflrm Disk lnltlallzatlon
Selection screen displays. Are you sure you want to initialize
the disk and erase all of the data?
3. lArchive') Left-click the Archive tab. The Folder
No Yesj
Archive and Restore screen appears.

4. lnltlallze... 1Left-click the Initialize button on the 8. Left-click No to abort the procedure. The disk is
Folder Archive and Restore screen. The Initialize not erased.
Disk warning box appears.
lniUallze Disk
WARNING: The MOD has already been Lefl-click Yes to rename the archive media and
lnltlallzed and may contaln lmportant data.
Relnltlallzlng wlll erase ALL data on thls disk. initialize it for archiving.

L Help.J Cancel ! Note: If the archive media was erroneously renamed,

the Uninitialize function may be used to restore

5. Left-click Cancel to exit the initialization proce- the media to its previous state. However, the

dure, or left-click OK to proceed with initializing uninitialize function can not be used if images
the archive media. ha ve been archived to the reinitialized disk. In
this case, the date is irretrievable.

4-8 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medicctl Systems Ame rica, lnc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4. Archiving/Restoring

Manual Archiving 7. Archive! When the desired information has been

highlighted, left-click theArchive button.
The Manual Archive function allows you to archive
patient data (down to the series leve]) from the 8. The archive process is complete when the folder
system disk to an OD/DVD for storage. name displays in the Archive Device portian (the
To manually archive patient data, perform the lower section of the screen).
following steps:
Notes: If the archive media inserted into the drive
l. Insert the archive media into the appropriate is write-protected, an error message
drive. displays in the Status message field in the
upper-right comer of the System tray and
2. Initialize the disk, if necessary. (Please refer to
in a pop-up dialog box in the middle ofthe
the section lnitializing OD/DVDs in this chap-
Disk 1•~ wrJttpi'Qlected
,\ The processed archive Job falled dueto medlum wrlte-protectlon on 2:DVD.
3. Left-click the Patient Selector icon in the ...!...:) Al l remalnlng archive jobs wlll be cancell ed.

System tray. The Patient Registration and Help J Donej

Selection screen displays.

Left-click Done to exit the dialog box.
4. J Archlvej Left-click the Archive tab. The Folder The archive media is automatically ejected
Archive and Restare screen displays. from the drive. Alljobs previously selected

5. 1 :MODJ±I Left-click the Archive Device drop- for archiving must be selected again.

down menu to select the appropriate media from

the list of available devices.

6. From the Scanner Database portian of the Folder

Archive and Restare screen, left-click to select
the folder that you want to archive. If you want
to archive a specific series, left-click the folder
icon beside the patient name to display the Series
directory. Left-click to select the series you want
to archive; to deselect it, left-click again. More
than one series or folder can be archived simulta-

QS4-33444v1 4-9
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
Automatic Archiving To automatically archive images, perform the
following steps:
The Automatic Archive function is located in the
Film and Archive panel on the Review Pace of a task l. Insert the desired archive media into the appropri-
card. Archiving of patient data is automatically ate drive.
performed after scanning or processing when the
Archive option on the Film Tool panel is depressed. If 2. lnitialize the disk, if necessary. (Please refer to

this option is selected when a task card is saved, it the section Initializing OD/DVDs in this chap-

will become part of the default commands for that ter.)

card. 3. Select and/or create a task card (Data, Sean, 2D,

Note: The Auto Archive button is a dual function

or 3D).

button. Left-click to depress the square in front 4. Left-click the Review Pace of the task card.
of the function name for the system to auto-
matically begin the function upon image recon- S. Archive J Left-click the Archive option.
struction. Alternately, left-click the larger button
6. Left-click Start to initiate the task card.
(the function name) to Auto Archive images
after reconstruction. The images from the selected task card will be
archived automatically when they are passed from
the Control Pace to the Review Pace after recon-
Archive j struction.
Auto FllmJ
Note: The Automatic Archive function can only be
accessed from the Review Pace of a task card.
Film Optlons J
Sheet LayoutJ

FllmTool J


Note: Befare initiating a task card that has the

Automatic Archive function selected, make
sure an OD/DVD is inserted in the appropriate
dri ve. If no archive media is inserted, yo u will
receive an error message. If this occurs, insert
the archive media into the appropriate drive,
and then left-click Done in the Error Message

4- 10 Copyright © 2006 by Hita chi Medicctl Systems Ame rica, Inc. A/1 righ.ts reserved.

Chapter 4. Archiving/Restoring

Archiving to CD-R (Option) S. Archive! Left-clickArchive. An information

dialog box displays. Reinsert the CD-R and
The AIRIS II System's images may be archived to
left-click Done.
a CD-R and then later viewed on any personal
computer. lnfonnlllon
i Wrltlng to CD-R ls started. Please lnsert a blank CD-R.
To archive toa CD-R, perform the following steps:

l. Archlvej Left-click the Archive tab. The Folder

Archive and Restore screen displays.
6. The selected patient folder archives onto the
2. Inserta CD-R into the DVD drive. CD-R. An information dialog box displays when
archiving is complete.
3. Left-click the Archive device drop-down menu,
and select CD-R. lnfonnatlon

i The wrltlng to CD-R was completad.

4. Left-click the patient folder that you want to
archive. _Donej

7. Remove the CD-R from the drive. It is now

ready to be viewed on any personal computer.
A CD-R reader is automatically archived on each
CD for viewing purposes.

Note: The AIRIS II software can only archive one

patient folder per CD-R.

QS4-33444v 1 4. 11
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

Checking Archive Status Exits the Archive Queue screen while

Done l
continuing the Archive process.
1 To view archive status, left-click the Disk icon
Note: If the archive media becomes full befare all
in the upper-right comer of the System tray. The
selected files are archived, an error message
Archive Queue screen displays. The top portian of
displays in the Status message field in the
the screen displays information regarding the job
upper-right comer of the System tray and in a
being processed in the Device field . All waitingjobs
pop-up dialog box in the middle of the screen .
are queued in the Jobs field at the bottom of the
screen. The status and percentage completed are Disk lsfull

displayed on the right, and the patient folder informa- Please eject the full medlum, and replace lt
i wlth an empty one.
tion is displayed on the left. Then lnvoke the Archive Queue Dlalog and
press Resume to contlnue.

Archive Queue
The Archive Queue screen contains the following Left-click Done befare ejecting the full disk
buttons: and inserting a new disk. Alljobs previously
ResumeJ Resumes the archive job. selected for archiving must be selected again.

Flnlshed Jobs J Displays the Finished Jobs screen that

Deleting an Archive Job
displays aJI complete archive jobs.
To delete an archive job, left-click to select the job
Select All Selects all items in the Jobs list. you want to delete from the Jobs field . Left-click
Deselect Al ~ Deselects all items in the Jobs list. Delete.

Delete 1 Deletes highlighted jobs in the Jobs lis t. Note: You cannot delete a job from the De vice field.

Ar'hl>'e Queae


Devlce Type Volume Label Status Job lnformatlon Percent Done Job Fallures

[ MOD Active AIRIS 11. BREAST SUB 21"" o

Resume 1 Flnlshsd Jobs 1


PatlentName Patlent ID Series Range Study Date Reglen lmage# Devlce Volume Label Status Dlrectlon Percent Done

AIRIS 11. BREAST SUB SUBTRACTI ... Series 4 10/06/2004 BREAST 256 MOD Transferrlng Recelvlng 21""
AIRIS 11. BREAST SUB SUBTRACTI ... Series 5 - 7 10/06/2004 BREAST 96 MOD Unknown Recelvlng 0%
AIRIS 11. BREAST SUB SUBTRACTI ... Series e - 10 10/06/2004 BREAST 96 MOD Unknown Recelvlng 0%
AIRIS 11. BREAST SUB SUBTRACTI ... Series 11 - 13 10/06/2004 BREAST 96 MOD Unknown Recelvlng 0%
AIRIS 11. BREAST SUB SUBTRACTI. .. Series 14 10/06/2004 BREAST 32 MOD Unknown Recelvlna O%

Select All Deselect AIIJ Delete

Done ¡

4- 12 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica[ Systems Ame rica, In c. Al/ rights reserva !.
Chapter 4. Archiving/Restoring

Restoring To select the appropriate information or sort the

The Restare function allows you to retri eve stored information befare selection, use the following

patient data (down to the series Jevel) from an buttons:

OD/DVD, and to restare it to the system disk. Select All l Selects all items in the Patient directory.

To restare patient data, perform the following Clear All l Deselects all items in the Patient directory.
4. 1 :MOD\±1 Left-click the Archive Device drop-
l. Insert the archive media that contains the desired down menu to select the appropriate media from
saved study into the appropriate drive. the list of available devices.

2. 11 1Left-click the Patient Selector icon in the

System tray. The Patient Registration and
Selection screen displays.

3. 1Archive') Left-click the Archive tab. The Folder

Archive and Restare screen displays.
Folder Archive and Restore DICOM

Scanner Database : Patlent Sel ector Quef)l: Set Co n d ltl onl Free Space: 1701 9 256M256 o r 4254 512M512 lmages

Patlent Name Patlent ID Study Date Anato mlcal Reg lon Relerrlng Physlclan lmage N Arc hive Status

AIRIS 11. KNEE "men tear MB 02124/2004 R/KNEE HITAeHI 105

- AIR IS 11. SHOULDER "large pt.lsep 06/02/2004 RIS HOULDER HITAeHI 56

' AIRIS 11. BRAINIPITUI' ... "mass. contrast 06/02/2004 BRAIN HITAeHI 84

' AIRIS 11, eAROTID MRA "TOF wlso urce MB 0211712004 e - SPINE HITAeHI 87

' AIRIS 11, RENAL MRA "sten 04/05/2004 ABDOMEN HITAe HI 19

' AIRIS 11. AORTi e ARC ... "stenosed graft 04/07/2004 eHEST HITAeHI 18

' AIRIS 11. PELVIS ... "routlne 0912212003 PELVIS HITAeHI

Prev l ~ Select A ll l ClearAII I Sort By ... !

Archive! Restor

Arr:hlve Dev/ce: A IRIS 11 2004 DE MO MOD Free Space: 1809 256M256 or 452 512M512 lmages

Quef)l: ~ndlt!.!!.!)j

Patlent Name Patlent ID Study Date Anatomlcal Aeglon Relerrlng Physlclan


(07126/2004) e - SPINE HITAeHI

AIRIS 11. THORAele en •routlne DB (0712912004) T- SPINE HITAeHI

' AIRIS 11. eAROTID MRA "90 contras! DB (07/ll0/2004) e - SPINE HITAeHI

' AIRIS 11. BREAST "w/subtractlon (1 0/06/2004) BREAST HITAeHI

' AIRIS 11, NEeK "mass 11 (07/18/2009) NEeK HITAeHI

' AIRIS 11, ABDOMEN •resp gatlng (03/1112004) ABDOMEN HITAeHI

_Prevl ~ Select A ll l ClearAI I I Sorl By ... !

Unlnltlallze... ¡ lnltlallze... 1

Llbrary Archlve/Restor~ r_ Cancel _j

QS4-33444vl 4 • 13
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
Sort B ··· Arranges items according to a selected Checking Restore Status
Ú To view restore status, left-click the Archive
Left-click the Sort By button to display the list by: Queue button in the upper-right corner of the System
• Patient Name
• Patient ID The Archive Queue screen displays. The top
• Study Date and Time portion of the screen displays information regarding
• Anatomical Region the job being processed in the Device fiel d. All
• Physician waiting jobs are queued in the Jobs field at the bottom
• Percent Archived of the screen. The status and percentage done display
on the right for each patient folder listed on the left.
Note: Use of the Sort By function is optional.

5. In the Archive Device list (at the bottom of the The Archive Queue screen contains the following
Folder Archive and Restore screen), left-click to buttons:
select the folder that you want to restore. If you
Resume ! Resumes the archive job.
want to restore a specific series, left-click the
Folder icon beside the patient name to expand the Flnlshed Jobs J Displays the Finished Jobs Screen.
Series directory. Left-click to highlight and select
Select All Selects all items in the Jobs field.
the series you want to restore; to deselect a
series, left-click again. Multiple series or folders Deselect Al U Deselects all items in the Jobs field.
can be restored simultaneously.
Delete 1 Deletes highlighted jobs in the Jobs field.
6. Restor When all information you want to
restore to the system disk is selected, left-click Done Removes the Archive Queue screen while
the Restore button above the Archive Device list. continuing the restoration process.

Note: The restoration process is complete when the

Deleting a Restore Job
patient folder displays in the Scanner Database
portion of the Folder Archive and Restore To delete a restore job, left-click to select the job
screen . you want to delete from the Jobs field and then
left-click Delete.
7. Left-click Cancel to exit the Folder Archive and
Restore screen. This action does not cancel the Note: You cannot delete a job from the Device field.

restoringjob in progress.

4 . 14 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica/ Systems America, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4. Archiving/Restoring

Library Archive and Restore Library Archive and Restore Screen

All or part of the Clinical Study Library or Task There are two ways to access the Library Archive
Card Library (an integral part of the system data- and Restare screen:
base) can be archived toan OD/DVD, or restored
from an OD/DVD to the system database. l. 11 1 Left-click the Patient Selector icon in the
System tray. The Patient Registration and
Llbrary Archlve/Restore The Library Archive and Restare Selection screen displays.
button (found in the bottom-left of the Folder Archive
and Restare screen) provides access to the screen 2. 1Archivej Left-click the Archive tab. The Folder
that allows you to archive or restare any clinical Archive and Restare screen displays.
study(ies) or task card(s).
3. Llbrary Archive/Restore Left-click the Library Archive/
Restare button found in the bottom-left comer of
the screen.
) '· ··l.lbtuv Archive 1111d Resto re

Library Archive and Restare

l cllnical Study Llbrary l Task Card Library
Scanner Database: Patient Sel ector Free Space: 16449 256~256 or 4112 512~512 lmages

Name Reglon Descrlptlon

All Cards BRAIN :r

5 .0

Sel ect Al lj ClearAII I

A rchive ! Restorel
Archive Device: AIRIS 11 5.0 PROTOCOLS MOD Free Space: 9778 256~256 or 2444 512x512 lmages

Name Region Description


5 ,0

Sel ect All Clear A ll Uninit ialize ... j lniti alize ...
1 1 1

~ ~ [ Done J

QS4-33444vl 4- 15


1 )

Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling

l. ~ 1 Left-click the System Menu button in the Archiving Clinical Studies and Task Cards
upper-right corner of the System screen.
To archive one or more clinical studies and/or task
2. Library Archive/Restore Left-click Library Archive/ cards, perform the following steps:
Restore from the drop-down menu.
l. Insert an OD/DVD into the appropriate drive.
The Library Archive and Restore screen displays.
2. Initialize the disk, if necessary. (Please refer to
Two tabs are available on this screen: the Clinical
the section Initializing OD/DVDs in this chap-
Study Library tab and the Task Card Library tab.
3. Left-click either tab to display a list of previously
3. Access the Library Archive and Restore screen.
saved studies or cards.
4. Left-click the Clinical Study tab to archive a
The upper portion of the screen is the Scanner
complete clinical study, or left-click the Task Card
Database portion. It contains the list of studies or
tab to archive specific task cards.
cards stored on the system disk. The amount of free 1 .

space left on the system disk is also displayed here. 5. Left-click to highlight and select the desired study
or card from the top portion of the screen (the
The bottom portion of the screen is the Archive
area labeled Scanner Database).
Device portion. It contains the list of studies or cards
stored on the inserted archive media. The amount of Note: Multiple cards or studies may be selected
free space left on the archive media is also displayed simultaneously.
he re.
6. Archive! Left-click the Archive button. The
Separating these sections are two buttons: Archive archive process is complete when the study or
and Restore. Based on the selected (highlighted) card displays in the Archive Device portion of the
information, the appropriate function button will be screen and the Archive button is ghosted.
activated. The other button will remain ghosted.
Note: Hitachi recommends archiving both task

The bottom section of the screen contains three cards and clinical studies, even if the task
buttons: Help, Cancel, and Done. Left-click Help to card you want to save is contained within a
display information in a pop-up dialog box. clinical study.

4. Left-click Cancel or Done to exit the Library

Archive and Restore screen.

4. 16 Copyright © 2006 by Hitaclú Medica! Systems Am.erica, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4. Archiving/Restoring

Restoring Clinical Studies and Task Cards

To restare clinical studies and/or task cards from
an OD/DVD, perform the following steps:

l. Insert the archive media that contains the previ-

ously saved study or task card into the appropri-
ate drive.

2. Access the Library Archive and Restare screen.

(' 3. Left-click the Clinical Study tab to restare a

complete clinical study, or left-click the Task Card
tab to restare specific task cards.

4. Left-click to highlight and select the desired study

or card from the bottom of portian of the screen
(the area labeled Archive Device).

Note: Multiple cards or studies may be selected


5. Restorej Left-click the Restare button.

The restoration process is complete when the

study or card displays in the Scanner Database
portian of the screen and the Restare button is

1 (

~ J

QS4-33444v 1 4 - 17
AIRISTT lmage Data Handling

This page left blank intentionally.

4- 18 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica / Systems Ame rica, Jnc. A/l rights rese rvecl.



Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine

(DICOM) allows easy transfer of image data from a
diagnostic imaging system to an offline workstation or
personal computer.

Note: DICOM is a purchasable option. Contact your

HMSA salesperson for more information.

\ 1


QS4-33444vl S· 1
AIRISIT lmage Data Handling
DICOM Transfer Screen Query: Update Llst 1 Left-click to update the display of
patient folders. o '

The DICOM Transfer screen allows access to the 1

functions that enable patient folders to be sent to Set Condltlon l Left-click to search for a patient by • )

remote workstations and reading stations. To access N ame, ID number, or examination date.
the DICOM Transfer screen, perform the following
steps: oestlnatlon: ~CHI_CS(HITACHJ ~ Sets the remote

DICOM destination. The list is set by your field

l. ~ Left-click the Patient Selector button in the service engineer. )
System tray. The Patient Registration and )
Selection screen displays. Select All l Selects all folders in the list.

1 Clears all selections.

Clear All
2. DICOM Left-click the DICOM tab. The
DICOM Transfer screen appears . Sort By ... ¡ Allows the patient list to be sorted by .)

various fields .
Source: Scanner Database
~ Allows selection of source
image location (your AIRIS II system). Last W/L 1
---...:. ,. 1 Sets the wm
-..... . d ow 1eve1 po 1'tcy o f tmages
sent via DICOM.

DICOM Transfer D ICOM j JWorklls~

Patlents) Archive

Source: Scanner Oatabase ~ Query: Update Llst 1 Set Condltlon ! Destlnatlon: HITACHI_CS(HITACH) .!]
Patlent Name Patlent ID Study Date Anatomlcal Reglon Referrlng Physlclan lmage 11

AIRIS 11. KNEE ~m en tear ~B 0212q12ooq RIKNEE HITACHI lOS 1..1

"large pt.fsep 06J02/200q R/SHOULDER HITACfll 58

06/02/20Qq BRAIN HITACfll 84

02117/2004 C- SP INE HITACHI 87

"sten Qq/QSf200q ABDOMEN HITACHI 19

' AIRIS 11. ADA TIC AA C... •stenosed graft Qq/Q]f20Qq CHEST HITACHI 18

" AIRIS 11. PELVIS --routlne 09/22/2003 PELVIS HITACIII 136

# Name Proc Plan e SQ TR Contrast TEI TE2 #Of lmg

2 Scan2 1 Al TRS 20/SE q1o o" 20.0 22 100.0%
q Scan3 - 1 Al lAS 20/fSE 8600 011 125 22 100,0"4
S Scan4 - 1 Al SAG 20/SE 3«l ow 20 .0 18 100.0'X.
8 Sean S 1 Al SAG 20/FS E 5400 Off 12S 18 100.0'X.
11 Sean e - 1 Al SAG zonA 2000 011 25 .0 18 100m.
12 Sean 10 - 1 Al COR 20/GE SS Off 11.0 16 100.0%
13 Scan7 - 1 Al TRS 20/SE qzs Gd - 0 ... 20.0 22 100.0'r.


' AIRIS 11, THORACIC CTL "routlnc 08 07/28f20Qq T- SPINE HITACHI SS

' AIRIS 11, BREAST "wlsubtractlon 10/08/2004 BREAST HITACHI 916

........... . . ......
SoleciAII J ClearA!!J SortB'CJ

WIL Po/ley: Last W/L~ Send

_j Commll j Comm/ITo: Mlkes. DICOM(Mikes) •1

Holp 1 1
__J _j

5- 2 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica/ Systems America, Jnc. AL/ rights reserved.
l )
Chapter 5. DICOM

There are two settings for window leve] poliey: Send _j Sends the seleeted folders to the
Auto and Last Displayed.
ehosen destination.
• Auto - The images are sent vía DICOM with the
_ _ __,1 U sed to eomm1t
___ · d ata sent usmg
Window Width and Window Level that is set on the
Filter tab of the Sean Card. DICOM speeifieations (V3.0).

commit To: Mikes_DICOM(Mikesll± 1 Denotes the send

• Last Displayed - The window/level poliey last
displayed on the Sean Card is used when sendi ng destination to whieh images will be eommitted.

images vía DICOM. Notes: Your HMSA field serviee engineer is respon-

These defaults are set in System Preferenees, and sible for setting up the Automatie Storage

are used when images are sent using the Auto- Commitment and the list of eommit destina-

DICOM feature on a Sean Card. When sending tions.


l images manually vía DICOM, Auto and Last Dis- If the system is eonfigured to use Storage
·' 1 played, are included in the drop-down menu on the Commitment automatieally, image data will be
DICOM Transfer sereen. eommitted automatieally when it is sent to the
seleeted destination.

__ ~ _j Aeeesses a short help menu.

Cancel _j .
Exlts the DICOM Transfer sereen.


QS4-33444v 1 S-3
Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling
( .
DICOM Window Level Policy The SCALED filter generates images which show
consistent contrast at the remote workstation. The
If images on the remote workstation (PACS) differ
additional series is generated in the patient database
in brightness from slice to slice after being sent via
and the process labeling is displayed as SCALED.
DICOM, the user can now use the SCALED option
The "Linked" SCALED 2D Task card can be saved
to post-process the image data to correct for this
in the Clinical Study Library.
appearance. This option provides an adaptive image
filter to generate scaled data, which distributes a
' TEST. OATAB11 19V O 0811 0112812006 BAAII
uniform pixel value and shows consistent contrast at 6V O 0810 01128/2006 BAAJI

the remote workstation. N Name Pro e Plan e SQ TA Contrast TEl T8

1 Sean 1 - 1 Al TC 2DIGE 80 Off 12.0
6 Sean 7 - 1 Al COA 201FIA 8500 011 120

SCALED Adaptive Filter 8 2015 - 2

13 2023 - 1
e: ~s¡~y¡g :Z,R
14 2023 - 2 SCALEO COA 201FSE 4000 011 120
The SCALED filter is a new option on the Adap- ' TEST. OATAB09 48V O 0809 01/2812006 BAAII

tive tab of a 2DCard. ' TEST. OATAB08 sov o 0800 01128/2008 BRAII

Adaptlve ) EdgeEnhan1 Shadlng 1 BNR 1 Add/Sub 1 T1T2 AI 4- E4

Filler: A11= EO . ' AI_512A

To use the SCALED feature, the following steps

must be completed before images are transferred to
the remote workstation:

l. Link images from the desired series to the 2D

Task Card.

2. Left-click the Adaptive Tab.

3. Left-click the Filter button to display the list of

available filters.

4. Left-click the SCALED option.

5. Left-click the Start button.

5-4 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Media d Systems America, fn c. A/l rights reserved.
Chapter 5. DICOM

Scaled lmage Annotation

When displaying scaled images, the post-

processing name is indicated on the lower right side
of the image.

ffi Caution
lf an ROl is placed on the scaled image, the Absolute
value of the ROl becomes meaningless; therefore,
scaled images cannot be used for Dynamic Analysis.

QS4-33444v 1 S-S
c ..

Al R1STJimage Data Handling

Manual DICOM Transfer 6. Left-click W/L Policy and selecta window policy

To manually transfer patient images using DICOM, 7. Left-click Send.

perform the following steps:
Note: Sorne types of post-processing (DWI, MIP)
l. DICOM 1Left-click the DICOM tab on the cannot be done to Normalized Images. A

Patient Registration and Selection screen. The dialog box displays, alerting the user to
DICOM Transfer screen appears . these restrictions . The dialog box can be
disabled by placing a service call.
2. Left-click the Source drop-down menu. A list of
sources appears. Left-click to highlight and select 8. Left-click Clase; the transfer process continues in
the desired source (your AIRIS II System). the background while you proceed to other tasks.
3. Left-click the Destination drop-down menu. A list
Note: 33% A transfer icon displays in the far right
of destinations appears. Left-click to highlight and
column of the DICOM Transfer screen and
select the desired destination device.
Patient directory and indicates the percentage
Note: The destination device could be your of series successfully transferred.
radiologist's workstation, a personal computer,

4. Query: UpdateList J Left-click Update List. An

updated patient list displays.

5. Left-click to highlight and select the patient(s)

you wish to transfer. Multiple patients may be
selected and transferred simultaneously.

Note: Set Condltlo~ Left-click Set Condition to search

for a patient by Name or ID number.

5-6 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica/ Systems Ame rica, fn c. All rights reserved.
Chapter S. DICOM

Auto DICOM Transfer 3. r DICOM j Left-click to hi ghlight and select

r.,~:e,~t®~A B the destination in the destination
To transfer patient images vía DICOM automati -
cally upon reconstruction, perform the following steps:
ELITE_MR r¡ box below the DICOM button.
LastW/L ~

l. Left-click the Review Face of the Sean Card.

2. í DICOM J Left-click the square button next to Note: The DICOM button is a dual function button .
the DICOM button. Left-click to depress the square in front of the
function name for the system to automatically
send images vía DICOM after reconstruction.
Alternately, left-click the larger button (the
function name) to DICOM images after
reconstruction. Check the destination before
the sean starts to ens ure proper delivery.

Revlew Control


Archive J

Auto Fllmj

J Prevlew
Hl111 Optlonsj

Shet~t 1ayoutJ

Film Tool J
Referenc ~

¡wme:: ~~
Auto WIL , j

J Block

Start J S~

QS4-33444v 1 S-7

Al R1SJT lmage Data Handling

4. _ ~ren<::J Left-click the square button next to 6. Left-click the Start button to start the sean. The
Reference. This allows the reference image to be images will be sent via DICOM automatically
sent along with the images. upon reconstruction.

5. J.astW/L :J Selecta desired window level.

7. Left-click the DICOM Status button to (-'
Three choices are available:
access the DICOM Job Queue screen.
• Auto W/L- The window/level set on the Filter
tab will be used when sending images via the
Auto DICOM feature.

• Last W/L- The window/levellast displayed on

the Sean Card will be used when sending
images via DICOM.

• Normaliza - The images are normalized and then

sent via DICOM. For more information, please
refer to the Auto DICOM section of the System
Overview Manua l.

Note: Some types of post-processing cannot be

done with Normalized images. A dialog box
displays, alerting the user to these restric-
tions. The dialog box can be disable by
placing a service call.

5-8 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica/ Systems Ame rica, Jnc. All rights reserved.

Chapter S. DICOM

Checking DICOM Job Status Delete 1 Deletes highlighted jobs in the Jobs lis t.

Left-click the DICOM Status button to display the Lower Prlorlty l Lowers priority of the selected
DICOM Job Queue screen. The top portian of the (highlighted) job.
screen displays information regarding any job being
Ralse Prlority 1 Raises priority of the selected
processed in the DICOM Status field. The status and
failed jobs display on the right for each DICOM (highlighted) job.

destination listed on the left. All waiting jobs are Help 1 Accesses a short help menu.
queued in the Jobs field at the bottom of the screen.
Do~ Exits the Archive Queue screen while
The DICOM Job Queue screen contains the
continuing the Archive process.
following buttons:

Flnlshed Jobs 1 Left-click to display the Finished Jobs Note: As images are being sent vía DICOM, a
screen. green circle icon appears over the DICOM
Status button. This icon enables the user to
Select All Selects all items in the Jobs list.
determine whether images are being trans-
Deselect All 1 Deselects all items in the Jobs list. ferred , without accessing the DICOM Job
Queue screen.

DICOM Job Queue

\ '

DICOM Statlons

N ame Descrlptlon Status Job Fallures

Alrls2_AIRIS2_DICOM Id le

Flnlshed J~
Id le
Id le

Patlent Name Patlent ID Study ID Series No. Source Destlnatlon Prlorlty Status Percent Done

AIRIS 11. PELVIS •••routlne 200309225 13 AIRIS2_1. .. DICOM_MP Medlum lnlt 0%

AIRIS 11. PELVIS •••routlne 200309225 12 AIRIS2_1. .. DICOM_MP Medlum Active 100%

Select All J Deselect All J Delete

J Lower Prlorltyj Ralse Prlorlty J
Help J Donej

QS4-33444v 1 5-9

Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling (
t::; A transfer icon will display in the far right
column of the Scanner Database to indicate
( .
the percentage of series successfully trans-
ferred. ( .·

.,_ A green circle displays on the DICOM Status

button while image transfer is in progress.

A green circle with a red diagonalline

displays on the DICOM Status button when
image transfer is suspended, alerting the user
toan error. ,·

( 1

1 ¡

t 1

\ 1

5- 10 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Medica[ Systems A met-ica, Jnc. Al/ rights reserved.

t )

Album tool 2-17 button(s)
annotation 2-8 Archive 3-2, 4-9, 4-15
changing text size 2-9 Archive status 4-11
editing 2-9 Auto Film 3-2, 3-8
tool 2-8 Capture Current Image 2-8
Archive tab 4-2 Commit 5-3
archi ving 4-1 , 4-7 Data 1-3
automatic 3-2, 4-1 O DICOM 3-2, 5-5
checking status 4-11 DICOM Status 5-8
clinical studies and task cards 4-15 Film Options 3-2
deletingjob 4-11 Film Status 3-16
icons 4-4 Preview 1-9, 3-2, 4-5
initializing ODs/DVDs 4-7 Reference 3-2
manual 4-9 Sheet Layout 3-2
queue 4-11
to CD-R 4-11 e
auto-filming 3-2, 3-8 CD-R 4-11
changing text size 2-9
Cine tool 2-7
Comment/ Annotation tool 2-8
comparing images 1-6
Film Tool 3-5
snapshot filming 3-12

QS4-33444v1 INDEX·l

Al R1SJT lmage Data Handling

Data Task Card(s) 1-1 Film and Archive panel 3-2
comparing multiple patients 1-6 filmjob queue 3-16
loading 1-4 Film Options 3-2, 3-5, 3-9, 3-12
selecting 1-3 screen 3-5, 3-8, 3-12
DICOM Job Status 5-8, 5-9 Film Tool 3-2, 3-3
DICOM Status button 5-8 button 3-2
DICOM 5-1 copies 3-5
auto 5-7 film options 3-5
button 3-2, 5-7 general functions 3-6
checking status 5-8, 5-9 image insertion 3-3
commit 5-3 manual fi lrning 3-3
destination 5-2 reference image 3-2
icons 5-6, 5-9, 5-10 scanogram 3-4
manual 5-6 Sheet Layout 3-6 ( .

screen 5-2 Snapshot 3-10

source 5-2 text 3-4
DVD(s) 4-1 zoom 3-4
error 4-9, 4-10, 4-12 filming 3-1
initializing 4-7, 4-8 automatic 3-8
recommended 4-1 checking status 3-16
uninitializing 4-7, 4-8 copies 3-5, 3-12
error 3-16, 3-18
E graphs 3-17
errors 3-16, 3-18, 4-9, 4-10, 4-12 icons 3-18
in Preview mode 1-10, 4-6
inserting images 3-3, 3-11
manual 3-3
reference image 2-17, 3-2, 3-10, 3-14, 5-6 . )

scanogram 3-4, 3-9, 3-11, 3-13

sheet layout 3-2, 3-6, 3-14
text 3-4, 3-9, 3-11, 3-13
Folder Archive and Restore screen 4-2
Folder Cover 1-1, 1-2

graphs, filming 3-17

INDEX-2 Copyright © 2006 by Hitachi Mediad Systems America, lnc. All rights reservecl.

( )

icons optical disks 4-1
archive 4-4 error 4-3 , 4-9, 4-10, 4-11
DICOM 5-6, 5-9, 5-10 initializing 4-3, 4-7, 4-8
( film 3-18 recommended 4-1
1mages uninitializing 4-3, 4-7, 4-8
annotating 2-8
archiving 3-2, 4-1, 4-2, 4-7, 4-9, 4-10 p
cross-referencing 2-17, 2-18 Pick Image 2-1, 2-19
filming 3-1, 3-3, 3-8, 3-10 previewing patient folder 1-9, 4-5
inserting 3-3, 3-11 printing
loading image data 1-4 copies 3-5, 3-12
magnify/minify (zoom) 2-10, 2-11, 3-4, 3-11 Film Queue print error 3-16, 3-18
measuring 2-14 graphs 3-17
previewing 1-9, 4-5 images 3-7, 3-15
printing 3-7, 3-15 pause/resume print job 3-16
rotating/reversing 2-13
viewing 1-1 Q
Initializing ODs/DVDs 4-3, 4-7, 4-8 query 4-3, 5-2

Library Archive and Restore 4-14 Region-of-Interest (ROl) 2-11

loading images 1-4 adding area to 2-12

deleting 2-4, 2-12
M displaying pixel information 2-13
magnify/minify 2-10, 2-11, 3-4, 3-11 grouping and ungrouping 2-12
Magnify/Shift too! 2-10 moving, resizing, rotating 2-12
manual archiving 4-9 removing area from 2-12
Measurement too! 2-14 too! 2-11
restoring 4-1, 4-12
checking status 4-13
clinical studies and/or task cards 4-16
deleting job 4-13
Rotate/Reverse Image too! 2-13

QS4-33444v 1 INDEX·3
( ¡


Al R1STJ lmage Data Handling r

S u (
scaled 5-5 uninitialize 4-3, 4-7
SCALED 5-4 update list 5-2 1 1

scope 2-1, 2-3, 2-19

screen capture 2-4 V
Sheet Layout 3-2, 3-6, 3-14 viewing images 1-1 )

snapshot filming 3-1 O viewport content, changing 1-8

checking status 3-16 Viewport layout 1-6, 2-1, 2-21
copies 3-12 Viewport tools 2-1, 2-2, 2-4
film options 3-12 Album tool 2-17
graphs 3-17 Cine tool 2-7 ( \

image insertion for 3-11 Comment/Annotation too] 2-8

reference image 3-14 common functions 2-3
scanogram 3-11, 3-13 displaying 2-2
sheetlayout 3-14 Magnify/Shift tool 2-10 (·

text 3-13 Measurement tool 2-14

Statistics tool 2-16 Region-of-Interest tool 2-11 (.

System tool bar 2-1 Rotate/Reverse Image tool 2-13

Statistics tool 2-16 1 1

T Window Width/Level tool 2-5

. )
Album 2-17 w
Cine 2-7 Window Width/Level tool 2-5
Comment/ Annotation 2-8
Magnify/Shift 2-10 z
Measurement 2-14 zoom 2-1 O, 3-4, 3-11
Region-of-Interest (ROl) 2-11
Rotate/Reverse Image 2-13
Statistics 2-16
System 2-1
Viewport 2-1, 2-2, 2-4
Viewport, displaying 2-2
1 '
Window Width/Level 2-5

INDEX·4 Copyright© 2006 by Hitachi Medical Systems America, Inc. Al/ rights reserved.
AIRIS 11. The Leader In Open MR lmaging.

AIRIS II combines a OJT field

strength and advanced per-
manent magnet technology for
outstanding image quality.
Plus, it has an award-winning
open gantry design and high ( )
1 )
performance enhancements
1 )

that extend its clinical perfor- )

mance to an even higher level

of excellence.


I-litachi Medi ca[ Systems America, lnc.

1959 Summit Co mmerce Park
Twinsburg, O h io 44087 USA
Tel: 330.425. 13 13 800.800.3 106
Fax : 330 .4 25 .141 0 )
h ttp: //www.hitachimecl .com

I-litachi Med ica [ Corpora tion

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Tel: 81.3.3526 .8407
Fax : 8 1.3 .3526 .8409 ....,;

© 2006 HitachL Medica! Syslcms /\menea, lnc.

/\11 rights rcscn ·cd.

Prmtcd tn U .S .A.

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