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Final Project

By: Nicole Selick
Growth Mindset (McDevitt 508)

★ Definition:
○ A growth mindset is a way of viewing challenges and setbacks in a
positive way. Individuals who have a growth mindset believe that if
they struggle with certain skills, their abilities are not set and stone.
That if they practice and work their skills can improve over time.
★ Allows:
○ The growth mindset provides individuals to value the work they are
doing regardless of the outcome.
★ View:
○ Individuals with a growth mindset view challenges and setbacks as
ways to experiment, learn, and grow. They view their talents and
abilities as skills that can improve over time with practice, hard work,
and dedication.
○ Intelligence is seen as a muscle (the more it is used the stronger it
★ How to Achieve:
○ To achieve a growth mindset an individual must do a variety of things
that include:
■ Determining where you sit now
■ Exploring why you want to develop a growth mindset
■ Find examples of others who have developed a growth mindset
■ Change your perspective on failure
■ Determine your own limitations
■ Notice how you speak and act
■ Learn about brain plasticity
■ See challenges as opportunities
■ Reflect on what you failed at and what you learned
■ Stop seeking approval from others
■ Identify opportunities to celebrate the success of others
■ Focus on rewarding actions, not traits
■ Start using the word “yet” more often
■ Think of your brain as a muscle
■ Set learning goals
■ Seek feedback
■ Change course as needed
★ Examples:
○ “It is never too late to learn”
○ “It is okay if I failed, at least I learned something”
○ “I can always improve at something if I try”
○ “I appreciate constructive criticism”
○ “As long as I have determination, I can do anything”
★ Story:
○ Once upon a time there once was a competition between two animals
who could both glide in water. The competition was between a goldfish
and a duck who both loved being within the water. The goal of the
competition was to see which animal is faster within the water. The
competition started at the beginning of the pond and the finish line
was at the end of the pond. The goldfish who went by the name
“Speedy” had thought he was way faster than the duck. Speedy
believed he had more tread within the water because of his gills and
tail. In addition, Speedy believed that he was superior to the duck due
to the idea that he could submerge himself fully into the water and be
able to breathe within the water. Although the duck who went by the
name “Henry” knew how much faster Speedy was, he still wanted to
attempt to win and also have fun. On the day of the race, Speedy
thought that he could take a nap during the race because he thought
he was ahead of the game. In the end, Henry was able to catch up to
Speedy and beat him to the finish line. Henry won the race because he
was determined and because he tried his best by pushing himself and
believing in his abilities.
■ This race and competition is a prime example of a fixed vs
growth mindset. Instead of Henry believing that he is too slow
to react, Henry takes on the challenge and pushes himself
beyond his limits. This ideal demonstrates a growth mindset.

Fixed Mindset (McDevitt 508)

★ Definition:
○ A fixed mindset is when an individual believes that their basic
qualities such as their intelligence or talents are fixed. Individuals
who have a fixed mindset usually spend their time documenting their
intelligence and talents rather than developing them. They also believe
that they are born with a fixed amount of intelligence or talent.
★ Prevents:
○ Individuals who have a fixed mindset stunt and prevent themselves
from growing. They do this due to the concept that they feel as if
they cannot improve, so they attempt to avoid challenging tasks and
others where they can possibly fail. A fixed mindset prevents
individuals from growing and improving because they never attempt to
challenge themselves or try new things.
★ View:
○ An individual with a fixed mindset attempts to avoid new, challenging,
and other tasks with the possibility of failing. They do this because
they feel as if their talents and intelligence is fixed and as if they
cannot do anything other than the stuff they already know they are
successful at.
○ Intelligence is seen as something you have or you do not have
★ How to Change:
○ To change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset an individual
■ Do not blame
■ Aim for self-awareness
■ Avoid negative, fixed mindset self-talk
■ Ask and listen to feedback
■ Do not overreact to failure (keep it in perspective)
■ Reflect and reassess
■ Do not compare
■ Celebrate effort (process not product)
★ Examples:
○ “I cannot learn now, it is too late”
○ “There is no point in trying if I am going to fail”
○ “I feel threatened by the success of others”
○ “I always struggle with…”
○ “Either I am good at something, or I am not”
★ Story:
○ Once upon a time there once was a competition between two animals
who could both glide in water. The competition was between a goldfish
and a duck who both loved being within the water. The goal of the
competition was to see which animal is faster within the water. The
competition started at the beginning of the pond and the finish line
was at the end of the pond. The goldfish who went by the name
“Speedy” had thought he was way faster than the duck. Speedy
believed he had more tread within the water because of his gills and
tail. In addition, Speedy believed that he was superior to the duck due
to the idea that he could submerge himself fully into the water and be
able to breathe within the water. Although the duck who went by the
name “Henry” knew how much faster Speedy was, he still wanted to
attempt to win and also have fun. On the day of the race, Speedy
thought that he could take a nap during the race because he thought
he was ahead of the game. In the end, Henry was able to catch up to
Speedy and beat him to the finish line. Henry won the race because he
was determined and because he tried his best by pushing himself and
believing in his abilities.
○ This race and competition is a prime example of a fixed mindset vs a
growth mindset. While Speedy is arrogant about his abilities and
speed, his own fixed mindset causes him to end up losing the race. He
thought he could take advantage of Henry and take a small break
during the race. Speedy stated “I am fast, therefore I will win even if
I take a nap.” This statement demonstrates that Speedy believed that
his abilities and talents were fixed, so he did not have to apply himself
in the race due to this ideal.
Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset
(McDevitt 181, 315)

Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere

❖ Primary language centers in ❖ Manages the left hemisphere
this hemisphere of the brain ❖ Dominates in synthesis, pulling
❖ This hemisphere of the brain together information
processes the literal meanings (especially nonlinguistic
of words and phrases information) into a coherent
❖ Right-handed individuals whole, as when we recognize
❖ Controls the right side of the faces; detect geometrical
body patterns; read body language;
❖ Dominates in analysis, breaking and appreciate musical
up information into melodies, humor, and emotions
constituent parts and ❖ Dominant in analysis
extracting order on a ❖ As this hemisphere processes
sequence of events, as occurs a complex emotion
with talking, understanding _________
speech, reading, writing,
mathematical problem solving,
and computer programming
❖ Involved in synthesis
❖ The left hemisphere searches
for the right words to
communicate those feelings
● Left handed individuals often have reversed patterns
● Individuals who can write with both hands equally well blend psychological
functions within hemispheres in unique configurations
● Both hemisphere are in constant communication, trading information through
a thick bundle of neurons
Growth Mindset Through Difficult Times

On a sunny, cool summer day I had decided to go on a bike ride with my friend who lives

across the street from me. We both came to the conclusion that we would meet my grandma and

brother who were at the library and all go for frozen yogurt. Once we got to the library where my

friend and I met my grandmother and brother, we started to head to the frozen yogurt store. During

our trip to the frozen yogurt store, I rode my bicycle with my friend while my grandmother and

brother walked behind us. My brother ran to catch up with us and left my grandmother alone to cross

the main street in our quiet town. When we arrived at our destination, the yogurt store for dessert, my

grandmother was nowhere in sight. My friend and I rode our bicycles back to where we split up from

my grandma as fast as we could while my brother ran beside us. We all felt something in our gut was

about to happen. When we went back to see where my grandmother was, we saw what we had

feared; she was on the ground because she was hit by a SUV.

During this time, I watched my grandmother fight for her life in the intensive care unit. For

three weeks, I observed my parents by her bedside each and every day. Seeing my parents

commitment and dedication to my grandmother’s recovery has instilled the ideals that I have to be

there for my loved ones. My grandmother, after being in the intensive care unit for three weeks, had

to go to a rehabilitation center. Hearing the news that she was not going to be at home for a while

made me upset, but I made sure to keep a positive attitude and I made sure to look at the situation in

an optimistic way.

At the rehabilitation center, my grandmother had to learn how to walk again. It was

unbelievably hard for all of us to watch her struggle through this task. There were some good days

where she walked well and seemed to be stronger. However, there were also some bad days where

she got set back due to her being in pain, feeling sick, or because she fell and injured herself through

the process. From watching my grandmother’s obstacles and how she persevered through them, I

learned to never give up.

Throughout my grandma’s recovery my grandma, my family, and I continued to have a

growth mindset. A growth mindset is a way of viewing challenges and setbacks in a positive way.

Individuals who have a growth mindset believe that obstacles and issues that they might face are not

set and stone. That if they practice and work, their skills can improve over time. A growth mindset

provides individuals to value the work they are doing regardless of the outcome. While my grandma

was recovering, we pushed her and provided her with the power to persevere through and to keep

trying. When there were some bad days where she got set back due to her being in pain, feeling sick,

or because she fell and injured herself through the process. We made sure that she kept a growth

mindset where she learned from her setbacks and kept going.

Challenges such as my grandmother’s accident and her other life struggles have truly shown

me that family and friends are the most important part of life. I cherish every moment I spend with

them. I am now in my freshman year of college and am enjoying every minute of it. I have made new

friends, learned new concepts, experienced new things, and cannot wait to continue. Every single free

moment of my time I get to spend it with either my friends, family, or dogs. My motivation for

getting through the tough times has always been my positive attitude. A growth mindset has provided

me with the ability to keep persevering through any obstacle. When I stayed hopeful through the hard

times, I was more prepared to deal with other life challenges and obstacles I later faced in life. By

staying positive and having a growth mindset, I felt confident and strong. If people have a growth

mindset, it will make our society stronger, less stressed, and ready to face anything. If people keep a

growth mindset, they will be able to achieve the goals they set for themselves. When people have a

growth mindset they can overcome any challenge, large or small, that comes their way.

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