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Campus Event Reflection Form

As mentioned in the syllabus you are expected to attend 5 campus events this semester.  24 hours after the
event you will complete and submit your Campus Event Reflection here.  In order to submit the event please
copy and paste the information below into a Word Document and then complete the reflection.  You will then
upload the completed Word Document back here to Blackboard.  

NAME OF EVENT: Honors Open House

DATE OF EVENT: 08-31-21
EVENT LOCATION: Robinson Hall, Room 37


(1 sentence)
I learned that this event was happening because it was announced at the Honors Orientation. In addition, I received a
follow up email about the details of the open house and how to RSVP in my FDU email. Some of my friends who are part
of the honors program also gave me a heads up to when the event was happening and where it was happening the day
of the event.


(4 Sentences minimum)
The honors open house was a nice and homey event where all honors students could come hangout. It was a laid back
event where the honors program faculty/professors provided snacks and a place to chill out with other honors students.
It was a very welcoming open house and there were two other students there who are also part of the honors program.
The open house event was meant to get honors students situated to the honors area/office and to get the different
honors students to meet and become friendly with one another. The event was within the honors office in Robinson Hall
inside a room with chairs and couches. There was also a coffee table with all the different snacks for the students in the
honors program to enjoy. Overall the event was enjoyable and a great event to have the different honors students meet
and get to know one another.

(4-5 sentences MINIMUM) 
This event was relevant to my college experience because I am a member within the honors program. I will eventually
need to know the other honors students, faculty and professors. I will be attending different honors events and I will be
placed within different mandatory honors level classes. This event was very important because I want and need to get to
know the different students, faculty and professors that are part of the honors program. It would be helpful to have
friends in the honors program because I could potentially have a honors level course or a normal class with one of them.
This event was also relevant to my college experience because I got to make even more friends, got to relax before my
next class, and I got to know Robinson Hall better.

ANYTHING YOU WANT TO SHARE ABOUT THE EVENT... (example: did you, honestly, enjoy the event?, was the event
missing something? etc.):
I got to make a new friend at the event named Kayra. A conversation was sparked because of our common trait of both
having curly hair. I also found out that Kayra is Emily’s roommate. Emily is a girl in my honors composition class who I
also just became friends with. The connections I made between Emily and Kayra created a friend group between the
three of us. I am happy to say that I have made a lot of friends so far at Fairleigh Dickinson University and cannot wait to
plan hangouts with them and make even more friends.

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