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Teaching Common Competencies in ICT

I. Introduction
1. TPACK Framework
2. Current State of ICT in the Philippines
3. Recent Trends in ICT
4. Empowerment Technologies
5. Media Literacy

II. The System Unit, Input, Output, Storage and Hardware and Software Components
1. The System Unit and Its Component
2. Data Representation
3. Keeping Your Computer or Mobile Devices Clean
4. Input, Output and Storage Devices
5. How Input, Output and Storage Devices Works
6. Hardware and Software Components of a Computer

III. Educational Technology

1. Digital Game-Based Learning
2. Open Educational Resources
3. Distance and Hybrid Learning
4. Digital Libraries
5. Multimedia Learning
6. Social Media Learning
7. Various application used in Learning

IV. Online Support in Learning

1. Use of ICTs in Technology and Livelihood Education
2. Intellectual Property
3. Plagiarism
4. Research and Internet Etiquette

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