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Interview question

1. What is your take on musician taking drugs? And how much percentages do you think
the chances of your famous musician is addicted to drugs?
2. Do you know what genres of music that started referencing drug use in their songs? And
your opinion on referencing drug in today songs?
3. Do you think today type of music that are fairly trending among youngster has negative
impact on them and how does it impact on you personally?
4. What are your thought on musician taking drug related to their mental illness issue?
Why and what is your opinion on that choice?
5. Do you have any relationship with drugs or know anyone who used drugs in the past?
What is your experience and how does it affect you? If you do know anyone that does
drugs, how does it affect you indirectly?
6. What is your experience with music industry? Do you have any issues or anything that
doesn’t suit to your taste?
7. How does music industry treat musician that is addicted to drugs? Explain your answer.
8. What’s the biggest difference between east and west music industry? Can you explain it
in pros and cons?

John > Answer

1. Is bad for health! 23 – 30 % I guess

2. Rock music I guess. Because it looks like. I heard a lot of drug related lyric in the music lyrics
these days. They still provide good music in some way.
3. Is hurt sometime to see them doing drug because is bad for health. I means as long as they
stay away from me I guess is fine. But if I happen to meet one. I’ll try to convince them to
stay out of it.
4. As long as they taking drug the mental illness will never stop. Taking drug will make you do
the thing that you usually don’t. About my opinion, still stop that.
5. Yes, and I feel that is annoying. Because I know that is bad for health and try to tell them but
because they don’t see there is any problem yet so they just continue to do it. At the end
they don’t listen to you.
6. There is, for sure. That’s why we have millions of song out there to choose to listen. But my
experience with music industry is just I listen to music all the time and some news. No
Grace > Answer

1. I would say 60 %. I don’t really care if they do or do not. Is their choice anyway. “ Ha-ha”
2. I think todays drug use in music are higher percentage than before because is easier to get
drug these day.
3. Personally, I don’t really care about it most of the time. But definitely is trendy to youngster
because most of the youngster look up for the artist and trying to follow what the artist do.
4. As long as they produce good music. No big deal. Nothing to do with what they chose to do.
5. No, no friend that I know is using. If they do. It don’t really affect me. Is they choice not

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