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Scenario- Kabir Khanna a student from India has recently applied in Seneca for Global Tourism Business Management

program with optional co-op1 and e-mailed you to get information for the work options he is eligible for during and after
completion of his course in Canada. Please explain different types of work authorization Kabir may be eligible for during and
after his studies.

Answer: According to IRPR Part 12-Division 2-section 213(subject to section 214,215) to study in Canada, 2 Kabir as foreign
national should apply for study permit before coming to Canada. Defined in IRPR R.2 work is an activity for which wages are
paid or commission is earned, or that competes directly with activities of Canadian citizens or permanent residents in the
Canadian labour market 3. Kabir can work during and after studies in Canada.

Work during studies:

1- Work on-campus: "On-campus" is defined as employment facilities within the boundaries of the campus. Kabir as an
international student in Canada, as per IRPR 186 A (f)(w) 4 may be entitled to work in Canada during studies without
obtaining a work permit only if his study permit condition allows him to work on campus or off campus, but he can
commence work only after his study begins is a registered in full-time studies.
2- Work off-campus: IRPR 186A (f) and (v) 5gives authorization to Kabir to work off-campus up to 20 hours per week
during regular classes and more than 20 hours per week during seasonal breaks and holidays. Eligibility to work during
a regularly scheduled break is limited to 150 consecutive days. A student can work full-time off-campus a total of no
more than 180 days each year.
3- Work on Co-op Work Permit: Since Kabir’s study program at Seneca requires a co-op placement as essential
academic and integral part of this professional study to gain work experience 6 (which cannot be more than 50% of the
education program), he needs a co-op work permit along with study permit to work full time in his co-op term. A co-
op work permit may be issued under IRPR 205(c)(i),(i.1) 7.

Work after studies:

4- PGWPP: Kabir may continue working in Canada after he graduates from his 2 years post-secondary program as
regular full-time student throughout except final semester and he is eligible to apply inside/outside Canada for Post
Graduate Work Permit as per IRPR 186(w)8. The PGWPP are LIMA exempt9 and allows students who have graduated
from eligible DLIs to obtain an open work permit to gain valuable Canadian work experience. PGWP duration can be
maximum of 3 years and cannot be more than official program duration & passport validity 10.

(f) if they are a full-time student, on the campus of the university or college at which they are a full-time student, for the period for which they hold a
study permit to study at that university or college;
(w) if they are or were the holder of a study permit who has completed their program of study and
(i) they met the requirements set out in paragraph (v), and
(ii) they applied for a work permit before the expiry of that study permit and a decision has not yet been made in respect of their application;
(f) if they are a full-time student, on the campus of the university or college at which they are a full-time student, for the period for which they hold a
study permit to study at that university or college;
(v) if they are the holder of a study permit and
(i) they are a full-time student enrolled at a designated learning institution as defined in section 211.1,
(ii) the program in which they are enrolled is a post-secondary academic, vocational or professional training program, or a vocational training
program at the secondary level offered in Quebec, in each case, of a duration of six months or more that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate, and
(iii) although they are permitted to engage in full-time work during a regularly scheduled break between academic sessions, they work no more than
20 hours per week during a regular academic session;
(w) if they are or were the holder of a study permit who has completed their program of study and
(i) they met the requirements set out in paragraph (v), and
(ii) they applied for a work permit before the expiry of that study permit and a decision has not yet been made in respect of their application.

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