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New Era University

College of Engineering and Architecture

Civil Engineering Department

Obaña, Jefford C. Purposive Communication

GESummer Final Term Activity 1

Instruction: Answer the following questions briefly, and submit file in pdf form.

1. Which among the four workplace dynamics do you perceive to be the most challenging?
Explain in not more than 5 properly phrased sentences. (5 points).

For me, the most challenging one is the first one, the diversity in workplace. Our
culture impacts the way by which we see the world, and since we have various cultures,
communication can be misconstrued or hard to comprehend. The most difficult part of
diversity in workplace is possibly a language barrier between employees, since some
employees will be unable to communicate in English fluidly bringing about disarray between
one another. Particularly, a language can have numerous implications that only individuals
from similar regions could comprehend it accurately, besides, a few gestures could
undoubtedly be viewed as an offense without even realizing it out. Lastly, with their various
backgrounds and experience, employees have various methods of approaching similar
situation and putting their thoughts, such a large number of suppositions can bargain the
association's capacity to adhere to tight deadline times because of this decrease in efficiency.
2. How can communication help in organization to reach out to clients and offer their
products and services? Explain briefly by using your own words. (5 points)

Employees are a key audience since they regularly fill in as the conductor to different
audiences. On the off chance that employees are informed and engaged, communications
with different customers are probably going to be strong too. Effective communication assists
with building up clear assumptions for employees and, additionally, for clients too, it
improves how dependable your customers see you and can make precarious circumstances
simpler to determine. Communication is successful when both the sender and recipient are
clear in correspondence, so take time to make effort to guarantee that your message is
passed on viably. Guarantee your conversations are clear, clarifying any terminology your
customers might be new to and gather together your conversations with the moves to make
away to try not to overpower them or cause a communication breakdown and rather
constructing an amicable, positive and well-informed communicative relationship. For
employees, clear assumptions will pass on what their performance will mean for the
organization and give them a sign of what they need to do to accomplish positive feedback.
For customers, clear communication can help deal with their assumptions regarding service
issues or even about how best to communicate with the association. Communication
reinforces the connections between an organization and the entirety of its clients and
advantages organizations from numerous ways: Stronger dynamic and quicker critical
thinking; prior notice of expected issues; expanded efficiency and steadier work process;
more clear and more persuasive marketing messages. Communicating better with your
clients will co-create better encounters that leave them bound to purchase from you and
refer business to you.

3. In your academic institution, create an infographic identifying three (3) people who
belong to each of the different generations mentioned in this lesson. Substantiate your
findings with data as to their ages, and assigned position or rankings. (Ex. The President,
The College Dean and the Secretary or staff)-10 points.
Answer the following questions briefly. Submit the file in pdf form.
1. Differentiate Academic writing with Technical writing. Give specific examples.
What technical and academic writing have in common is that both types may
contain jargon. Audiences Are Different. Academic and technical writing also
target different audiences. Academic papers are usually intended for fellow
scholars. However, there are also academic pieces of writing intended for a
wide audience. Technical writing is intended for people who use the product
or service.

-A piece of technical writing is one that focuses on delivering thorough and

lucid information about a product or service. It includes information that is
both true and straightforward.

-Academic writing is a type of writing that focuses on proving a theory or

point of view in one way or another and concentrates on a single subject

2. What do we mean with straight forward wording in Technical writing?

One of the features of technical writing is being straightforward because
unlike other forms of writing like literary and expository writing, the writer
hides meanings through figurative language. Technical writing presents ideas
in a frank, unequivocal, or clean cut-way.

3. There are three (3) forms of accuracy. Differentiate each of them.

1. Document accuracy - Document accuracy is generally cultivated by a clear
problem statement and by a preliminary outline. These writing tools help
you focus your writing effort by reducing your data in a way that solves a
theoretical on practical problem. It also refers to the proper coverage of your
topics in appropriate detail. Often an accurate document needs to focus
clearly on a problem
2. Stylistic accuracy- concerns the careful use of language to express
meaning. Accurate language requires the careful use of paragraph and
sentence structure and word choice to describe and analyze your topics
effectively Stylistic accuracy is also a matter of using words precisely. you
gain command of accuracy by studying the elements of style and by learning
to apply those elements to your drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading.
Stylistic accuracy is also a matter of using words precisely.

3.Technical accuracy - Technical accuracy depends on the writer's conceptual

mastery of the subject and its vocabulary, as well as on his or her ability to
analyze and shape data with a minimum of distortion. Although it requires
stylistic accuracy it is not based solely on it.

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