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* This file is part of the AzerothCore Project. See AUTHORS file for Copyright
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.

#ifndef ACORE_CELL_H
#define ACORE_CELL_H

#include "GridDefines.h"
#include "TypeContainer.h"
#include "TypeContainerVisitor.h"

class Map;
class WorldObject;

struct CellArea
CellArea() = default;
CellArea(CellCoord low, CellCoord high) : low_bound(low), high_bound(high) {}

bool operator!() const { return low_bound == high_bound; }

void ResizeBorders(CellCoord& begin_cell, CellCoord& end_cell) const

begin_cell = low_bound;
end_cell = high_bound;

CellCoord low_bound;
CellCoord high_bound;

struct Cell
Cell() { data.All = 0; }
Cell(Cell const& cell) { data.All =; }
explicit Cell(CellCoord const& p);
explicit Cell(float x, float y);

void Compute(uint32& x, uint32& y) const

x = data.Part.grid_x * MAX_NUMBER_OF_CELLS + data.Part.cell_x;
y = data.Part.grid_y * MAX_NUMBER_OF_CELLS + data.Part.cell_y;

[[nodiscard]] bool DiffCell(const Cell& cell) const

return(data.Part.cell_x != ||
data.Part.cell_y !=;

[[nodiscard]] bool DiffGrid(const Cell& cell) const

return(data.Part.grid_x != ||
data.Part.grid_y !=;

[[nodiscard]] uint32 CellX() const { return data.Part.cell_x; }

[[nodiscard]] uint32 CellY() const { return data.Part.cell_y; }
[[nodiscard]] uint32 GridX() const { return data.Part.grid_x; }
[[nodiscard]] uint32 GridY() const { return data.Part.grid_y; }
[[nodiscard]] bool NoCreate() const { return data.Part.nocreate; }
void SetNoCreate() { data.Part.nocreate = 1; }

[[nodiscard]] CellCoord GetCellCoord() const

return CellCoord(
data.Part.grid_x * MAX_NUMBER_OF_CELLS + data.Part.cell_x,
data.Part.grid_y * MAX_NUMBER_OF_CELLS + data.Part.cell_y);

Cell& operator=(Cell const& cell)

this->data.All =;
return *this;

bool operator == (Cell const& cell) const { return (data.All ==;

bool operator != (Cell const& cell) const { return !operator == (cell); }
unsigned grid_x : 6;
unsigned grid_y : 6;
unsigned cell_x : 6;
unsigned cell_y : 6;
unsigned nocreate : 1;
unsigned reserved : 7;
} Part;
uint32 All;
} data;

template<class T, class CONTAINER> void Visit(CellCoord const&,

TypeContainerVisitor<T, CONTAINER>& visitor, Map&, WorldObject const& obj, float
radius) const;
template<class T, class CONTAINER> void Visit(CellCoord const&,
TypeContainerVisitor<T, CONTAINER>& visitor, Map&, float x, float y, float radius)

static CellArea CalculateCellArea(float x, float y, float radius);

template<class T> static void VisitGridObjects(WorldObject const* obj, T&

visitor, float radius, bool dont_load = true);
template<class T> static void VisitWorldObjects(WorldObject const* obj, T&
visitor, float radius, bool dont_load = true);
template<class T> static void VisitAllObjects(WorldObject const* obj, T&
visitor, float radius, bool dont_load = true);

template<class T> static void VisitGridObjects(float x, float y, Map* map, T&

visitor, float radius, bool dont_load = true);
template<class T> static void VisitWorldObjects(float x, float y, Map* map, T&
visitor, float radius, bool dont_load = true);
template<class T> static void VisitAllObjects(float x, float y, Map* map, T&
visitor, float radius, bool dont_load = true);

template<class T, class CONTAINER> void VisitCircle(TypeContainerVisitor<T,
CONTAINER>&, Map&, CellCoord const&, CellCoord const&) const;


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