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Zallaf Libya Oil & Gas

Service Calibration Report

WELL: ………………………. FIELD: ………………………

Mud logging No: ………………… RIG NAME: ………………


Gas chromatograph
Total gas
Co2 detector
H2s sensor
Depth system
Pit levels sensors
Pump strokes sensors
Mud temperature sensors (I/O)
Mud conductivity sensors (I/O)
Mud density sensors (I/O)
RPM sensor
Torque sensor
Hook load sensor
Standpipe pressure sensor
Casing pressure sensor
Gas trap – Gas lines
Flow paddle sensor

Well site geologist: ………………………………. Data Engineer: ……………………………..

Report Date/time: 00/00/2022 - 00:00am


1. Calibration report should be performed before spudding drilling operation.

2. For gas chromatograph calibration should be done with WSG presence and screen shots are
taken as well as Total Gas.
3. For the rest of sensors calibration must include min/max point of calibration with screen shot.
4. Well site geologist should be aware and make sure that calibration process done in accurate
5. Calibration report must deliver to office once its done.

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