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Vocabulary for Term 2 Orals

CHAPTER- Fire: Friend and Foe

1) Smother- to suppress or hide

2) Smoldering- burn slowly with smoke but no flame.
3) Flash point- a place, event, or time at which violence or hostility flares up.
4) Blaze- a very large or fiercely burning fire.

CHAPTER- Dad and The Cat and The Tree

5) Pleased as punch- very happy or satisfied.

6) Wobbly-unsteady
7) For goodness’ sake- an exclamation expressing protest
8) Scoffed- laughed mockingly
9) Child’s play- very easy to do
10) Landed wallop- fell heavily
11) Pleased as Punch- very pleased
12) Safe and sound- unhurt

CHAPTER- The Story of Cricket

13) Peculiarity- a strange or unusual feature or habit.

14) Innings- each of two or four divisions of a game during which one side has a turn at batting.
15) Draw- result of a game in which neither side wins nor loses
16) Dimensions- length, breadth, etc.
17) Oval- shaped like an egg
18) Codified- standardized with rules and regulations
19) Length- the distance from the batsman at which the ball pitches
20) Deception through the air: The ball is no longer rolled along the ground but sent through the air.
Hence the possible variety or ‘deception’ in bowling.
21) Shot selection- choice of strokes
22) Compatriots- Fellow countrymen

CHAPTER- The Invention of Vita-Wonk

23) Set to work- began to work

24) Recipe- instructions for making something
25) Fir- a tree with needle-like leaves and cones
26) Oak- a family of large trees with a hard wood. The Chinar in Kashmir is a kind of oak tree.
27) Cedar- an evergreen tree with hard, red sweet-smelling wood, used for making boxes, pencils,
fences, etc.
28) Pine- an evergreen tree with needle-shaped leaves, and cones
29) Flea- a small insect living on the skin of animals, for their blood
30) Tracked down- found, by searching for it.

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