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6th Term I

1) Marine - found in the sea

2) Species - group of animals with common features
3) Coastal - land by the edge of a sea
4) Flippers - broad, flat limbs used for swimming
5) Predators - animals that kill other animals for food
6) Haul - pull with force
7) Slash - cut
8) Laboriously - with great effort
9) Snout - pointed nose of an animal
10) Cavity - a hollow space
11) Emerge - come out
12) Camouflage - hide or disguise something
13) Incubate - hatch eggs using warmth
14) Survive - continue to live
15) Mysteries - facts that are difficult to understand
16) Fascinating - attracting greatly
17) Decade - a period of ten years
18) Doth - an expression of old English for “Does”
19) Improve - to become better than before
20) Cheerful - happy
21) Gently - softly, mildly
22) Fertile - able to produce a lot of plants or crops
23) Abandoned - left without care
24) Vigorous - healthy and strong
25) Protested - opposed or disagreed
26) Nightmare - a frightened dream
27) Interfering – stopping
28) Rambling – wandering
29) Sprout - when seeds begin to grow into small plants

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30) Spectacular – eye-catching
31) Beckoned - to signal (someone) with your hand to ask the person to come closer or follow
32) Quivers - shakes quickly
33) Pleasant - enjoyable
34) Foreign - belongs to other country
35) Merchants - people who trade
36) Sailed - travelled in a boat or ship
37) Portuguese - people of Portugal
38) Adventurous - brave or bold
39) Popular - well known
40) Stubby - short and thick
41) Delicious - tasty
42) Cinnamon - the bark of a tree that gives a delicious flavour to food
43) Garlic - a small bulb with a strong taste used in cooking
44) Rattle off - recite
45) Sesame seeds - gingelly seeds
46) Ouch - sound that expresses pain

6th Term II

47) Recognised - known

48) Acknowledged - accepted
49) Privilege - honour
50) Consecutive - one after another
51) Identity - who/what a person is or how a person is known
52) Inspiration - here, a person one looks upon to
53) Passion - Desire
54) Shanty town - a poor area
55) Unfulfilled - unrealised
56) Prominent - noticeable
57) Determined - will powered
58) Correspondent - reporter
59) Commitment - dedication
60) Never-say-die - don’t stop trying
61) Civilian - ordinary people
62) Deed - act, achievement
63) Scheme - plan

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64) Fame - glory
65) Mate - companion, partner
66) Spirit - will, determination
67) O’re - A (poetic) abbreviation for ‘over’
68) Mesh - material made of a network of wire or thread
69) Swaying - moving slowly or rhythmically
70) Snaking - moving like a snake
71) Sniggered - laughed in a half suppressed way
72) Clinging - fitting closely to the body
73) Scream - Cry in high pitch
74) Snatch - quickly seize (someone) in a rude or eager way
75) Entranced - filled (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention
76) Thud - a dull sound, as that of a heavy object striking a solid surface
77) Trumpeting - making a loud noise
78) Chugging - move slowly making regular muffled sounds, as of an engine running slowly
79) Coax - persuade (someone) gently to do something
80) Murmur - to make a low, continuous, indistinct sound, grumble
81) Charge - to make a rush at or sudden attack upon a person or thing
82) Clamber - climb or move in an awkward and laborious way using both hands and feet
83) Brambles - a prickly scrambling shrub of the rose family especially a blackberry
84) Tramp - a person who travels from place to place on foot in search of work or as a beggar
85) Stringing - hang so that it stretches in a long time
86) Lumping - carry with difficulty
87) Glimpse - see or perceive briefly or partially

6th Term III

88) Outskirts - the outer areas of a city or a town
89) Parched - very dry
90) Desperation - losing hope
91) Untenanted - not occupied
92) Rump - back part of a mammal’s body or the part of the body you used to sit
93) Scrabbled - moved hands and feet around
94) Cosy - comfortable
95) Rumble - a low sound like thunder
96) Sniffed - to breathe air in a noisy way
97) Whined - made a high pitched cry
98) Snarled - made a deep angry noise
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99) Soaked - completely wet
100) Wallowed - to lie and roll in mud
101) Tilled - prepared the land for crops
102) Multitude - a large number of people
103) Meagre - small quantity
104) Trampling - crushing
105) Gratitude - thankful
106) Verdant - green with grass
107) Contentment - satisfaction
108) Suspiciously - doubtfully
109) Stuttered - spoke with difficulty
110) Summoned - called
111) Four-square - solidly
112) Fortune - luck
113) Blaze - bright flame or fire
114) Dusty - covered with tiny bits of sand
115) Leap- to jump high
116) Toad - a small brown animal similar to a frog
117) Edathi - brother’s wife in Malayalam
118) Ettan - elder brother in Malayalam
119) Ammamma - mother’s mother in Malayalam
120) Muthassi - father’s mother in Malayalam
121) Thekkini - backyard in Malayalam
122) Ammayi - mother-in-law in Malayalam
123) Cheriamma - chitti (in Tamil)
124) Exploring - travelling for discovery
125) Imposing - grand or impressive
126) Invariably - always
127) Crowed - boasted
128) Billowed out - to flare out in the wind
129) Threatening - warning
130) Blur - unclear
131) Abruptly - suddenly
132) Momentum - the force of a moving body
133) Unfortunate - unlucky
134) Startled - frightened
135) Resplendent - brilliant in appearance
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136) Cavalry - a unit of the army serving on horseback
137) Magnificent - grand
138) Stampede - rush
139) Dislodged - freed
140) Groan - an utterance expressing pain
141) Bellowed - the cry of a cow
142) Scrambled - to move or climb hurriedly
143) Awkward - sensitive
144) Haughtily - arrogantly
145) Scowl - threatening look
146) Retreat - to move away
147) Unpleasant - disagreeable
148) Sage - wise man
149) Mused - thought over
150) Yore - long ago
151) Curious - eager to learn more
152) Pigtail - a plaited lock of hair worm singly at the back
153) Mystery - puzzle
154) Stout - thick in structure
155) Wreck - worn out
156) Anticipation - expectation or hope
157) Stentorian - extremely loud
158) Menacingly - threateningly
159) Battered - damaged
160) Frantically - in an uncontrolled manner
161) Pock-marked - scarred
162) Staunchly - faithfully
163) Ponderous - dull and lacking grace
164) Astonished - amazed
165) Lumbered - walked or moved clumsily
166) Chores - a routine duty or task
167) Verdict - a judgement or opinion
168) Bedraggled - untidy or messy
169) Agitated - troubled
170) Prompted – encourage, to make something happen

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Email id: Whatsapp: 8072492075

Contact: 8072492075 (Online Classes) Telegram: 8072492075

7th Term I
1) Dazzling – extremely bright
2) Tattered – torn
3) Suburbs – outskirts
4) Gaily – in bright colours
5) Gaped – stared
6) Smacked your lips – open and close lips noisily to show enjoyment
7) Relished – enjoyed or took pleasure in the taste
8) Tongs – a tool used to hold hot things
9) Precious – valuable
10) Wretched – unhappy
11) Devoured – consumed
12) Squirm – turn
13) Desperation – hopelessness
14) Panting - breathing quickly
15) Exertions – effort
16) Aggravated – irritated
17) Snort – a cry made to show unhappiness
18) Anxiously – tensely
19) Loop – curve
20) Moaned – make a long, low sound
21) Haunted – possessed
22) Ruins – decayed, collapsed building or place
23) Terrible – fearful
24) Saddle – low point on a ridge between two summits
25) Crumbling – breaking apart into small pieces
26) Scuttled – ran with short quick steps
27) Whistling-thrush – a small singing bird
28) Straggling – spreading out in different directions
29) Forbidding – unfriendly or frightening

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30) Foliage thrashing – hitting leaves and branches
31) Flicker – shine
32) Startled – frightened
33) Remnant – what was left
34) Crouching – bending down
35) Groaned and clattered – banged together and made a loud noise
36) Puddle – pool of water
37) Blotted out – hid
38) Streak – line
39) Sizzled – hissed like something hot on a frying pan
40) Stumbled – lost one’s balance
41) Giggle – laugh lightly
42) Huddled – crowded together
43) Excitedly – feeling great eagerness
44) Champed – bit and chewed upon noisily
45) Ferny – consisting of flowerless plants (ferns)
46) Turret – a small tower that projects from the wall of a building
47) Smote – knocked loudly
48) Sill – a horizontal piece of timber beneath a window or a door
49) Perplexed – confused
50) Thronging – crowding
51) Hearkening – listening attentively
52) Strong room – a room in a bank designed to protect valuable items against fire and theft
53) Crates – a wooden box used for transporting goods
54) Investigating – systematic examination
55) Tunnel – an artificial underground passage
56) Notorious – famous for some bad qualities
57) Cellar – lower ground floor; basement
58) Recognized – identified
59) Syllabi – plural of syllabus
60) Inclusion – all people being valued, irrespective of differences
61) Cut Throat – competitive
62) Less Privileged – disadvantaged
63) Animate – living
64) Fend – look after
65) Critical – extremely important

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66) Indiscriminate – without careful judgement
67) Consumerism – the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers
68) Destruction – the action of damaging or destroying something
69) Engulf – eat or swallow the whole
70) Scavenger Bird – anything that feeds on dead animals
71) Perch – to rest / to stay on
72) Enslaved – make someone a slave
73) Commercial – money minded
74) Contemplate – think deeply about something
75) Bigotry – intolerance towards others with a different opinion
76) Illuminated – light up
77) Harsh – rough
78) Doth – does
79) Whisper - low voice
80) Accents – emphasise
81) Anxious – feeling worried or showing worry
82) Grieve – be sorrowful
83) Depart – leave/go
84) Endure – suffer patiently
85) Toiled – worked hard
86) Vain – producing no results
87) Stubborn – one refusing to change one’s opinion
88) Strife – disagreement
89) Eternity – without end
90) Bullying – teasing others
91) Humiliate – make others feel ashamed
92) Consequences – result or effect
93) Peer Pressure – influence from members of the same group
94) Dejected – sad and depressed
95) Nightmares – frightened dreams
96) Empathy – understand and share other’s feelings
97) Loyalty – strong support or being loyal

7th Term II

98) Knights – someone born of the nobility and trained to fight, usually in heavy metal armor
99) Incredible – difficult to believe; extraordinary

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100) Hilarious – extremely funny
101) Ogres – a fictional creature usually represented as a mean, ugly humanlike monster or
giant who eats people
102) Combat – to oppose in battle or fight against
103) Steeds – a large strong horse used for riding
104) Spurs – a device with a small spike or a spiked wheel that is worn on a rider’s heel and
used for urging a horse forward
105) Prodigious – very large or powerful and surprising
106) Lance – a long weapon with a wooden shaft and a pointed steel head, formerly used by a
horseman in charging.
107) Chivalry – polite and kind behaviour by men which shows respect towards women
108) Abated – to become less strong; to make something less strong
109) Impressions – the effect that a person or thing produces on somebody else
110) Exploit – make full use of a situation in a way considered unfair or underhand
111) Adroit – clever or skillful
112) Congested – overcrowded
113) Grunted – made a low sound
114) Crouching – sitting on heels
115) Determination – firmness to do something
116) Serene – calm
117) Blurred – become unclear
118) Blush – show shyness
119) Stumbled – lost balance
120) Immobilized – stopped from moving
121) Tottered over – moved unsteadily way
122) Startled – surprised
123) Lute – a kind of stringed musical instrument
124) Roam – wander, travel
125) Kindred – relations
126) Lays – songs, stories
127) Tarry – wait, delay
128) Fate – destiny, luck

7th Term III

129) Instantaneous – happening or done immediately

130) Flickered – shone unsteadily

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131) Strive – make great effort
132) Ingrained – firmly established and hard to change
133) Proceeded – moved
134) Fertile territory – rich vegetated area
135) Locomotive – railway engine
136) Horizon – the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet
137) Gazing – look steadily
138) Hasty – quick
139) Halt – stop
140) Acacia – a thorny tree
141) Snapped – became angry
142) Furious – extremely angry
143) Foreseen – predicted
144) Obstacle – difficulty
145) Hesitation – unwilling
146) Conveyance – transportation
147) Rapidly – quickly
148) Persisted – continued
149) Refused – not willing
150) Point blank – bluntly
151) Flurried – worried
152) Yielded – accepted
153) Howdahs – a seat for riding on the back of an elephant
154) Carpet Bag – Mr. Phileas Fogg left London with very little luggage. All his money was
in carpet bag (or) a travelling bag of a kind made of the thick woven fabric used for carpets.
155) Perched – positioned
156) Star to Steer – the north star is the pole star which tells the sailor where North is and thus
they can steer the ship correctly
157) Flung – threw
158) Spume – sea foam
159) Vagrant – wandering
160) Whetted – sharpened
161) Yarn – a long or rambling story especially one that is impossible
162) Flurried – worried
163) Rover – wanderer
164) Trick – a period of stay on the ship after the voyage

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165) Phenomena – events
166) Trembling – shaking
167) Terrified – frightened
168) Tossed - thrown about
169) Quenched - satisfied by drinking
170) Poured out - expressed freely
171) Hardship – severe suffering
172) Witnessed – observed
173) Hijacked – illegally seized control of an aircraft, ship, etc
174) Calamity – a sudden event causing great damage or distress
175) Assaulted – attacked violently
176) Frustration – the feeling of annoyance when one’s actions are prevented from progressing
or succeeding
177) Inflicted – caused something unpleasant to be suffered by
178) Disaster – a sudden misfortune, catastrophe
179) Pressurizing – persuading or forcing someone into doing something
180) Performance – doing something to a specified standard
181) Achievement – attainment, success
182) Civilian – a person not in the armed force or police force
183) Posthumously – after the death of the person
184) Crew – a group of people who work on a ship, aircraft or train
185) Injustice – lack of justice, unfairness

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Standard 8th

1) Enchanted – delighted
2) Miniature – very small model
3) Curiosity – eagerness
4) Accustomed – something familiar with
5) Gazing – looking steadily and intently
6) Renown – fame and respect
7) Ceased – stopped
8) Self-centered – concerned with self
9) Disdain – feeling of contempt or scorn
10) Muck heap – heap
11) Grub – food
12) Magistrate – a judicial officer with limited authority to administer and enforce the law
13) Disgrace – the state of being dishonored or covered with same
14) Ignorant – unaware
15) Consoled – comforted (someone) in the time of grief or disappointment
16) Suspected – believed to be a cause at fault
17) Flutter – to flap or wave quickly but irregularly
18) Confined – restricted, kept in a limited space or area
19) Panic – frightened
20) Cruel – merciless or heartless
21) Gravely – in a grave or serious manner
22) Tenderness – gentleness and kindness
23) Everlasting – lasting forever or a very long time
24) Special – different from what is usual
25) Inferno – region that resembles hell
26) Heaving – to raise or lift with force
27) Dismally – cheerless
28) Serenity – reverence
29) Encounter – brief meeting
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30) Clutched – grasped (something) tightly
31) Imposing – grand and impressive in appearance
32) Embarrassed – felt awkward, self-conscious, or ashamed
33) Nuisance – causing inconvenience or annoyance
34) Staggered – walked or moved unsteadily, as if about to fall
35) Wagging – move rapidly to and fro
36) Resentfully – feeling or expressing bitterness/ indignation at having been treated unfairly
37) Grinning – smiling broadly
38) Squatting – crouch or sit with one’s knees bent and one’s heels close to or touching the
back of one’s thighs
39) Hustling – push roughly; jostle
40) Shrieked – uttered a high- pitched piercing sound
41) Mowed – moved slowly into the crowded station
42) Patronizing – treat in a way that is apparently kind
43) Obviously – in a way that is easily perceived or understood; clearly
44) Jolted – moved with sudden jerk
45) Unique – distinctive/ uncommon
46) Exhaust – tire out
47) Energises – give energy
48) Passionate – intense/ heartfelt
49) Accurately – exactly
50) Fiction – imaginative writing
51) Spare – extra
52) Impairment – disability
53) Magnifying – enhancing
54) Exhibited – show or reveal
55) Revitalise – re-energise
56) Accommodates – sufficient space for
57) Trophies – a decorative cup given as a token of victory
58) Shattered – break, damage or destroyed
59) Breeding – procreation
60) Rational – intelligence
61) Ajar – slightly open
62) Cackle – informal laugh
63) Constructing – establish / create
64) Vigorous – powerful
65) Hesitate – pause before saying or doing something
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66) Fatalities – an occurrence of death by accident
67) Restricted – limited extend
68) Pursuit – search
69) Encroachment – to advance beyond usual limits
70) Preservation – protection
71) Ingenuity – the ability to invent things/ creativity
72) Contrived – created / invented
73) Apprentice – works for someone to learn skill
74) Acquiring – getting knowledge or skill
75) Pried – investigated
76) Hopper – funnel shaped bins for feeding grains into mills
77) Grace – elegance, charm
78) Aspiration – a hope or ambition of achieving something, desire, wish
79) Courage – bravery, valour
80) Gleam – shine brightly
81) Glimpse – glance, quick look
82) Worthwhile – valuable, purposeful
83) Heritage – inheritance
84) Proclaimed – announced officially
85) Absorbed – took in or soaked up
86) Renowned – famous, eminent, distinguished, prominent
87) Affairs – event, incident
88) Moaning – sob, cry
89) Unfasten – undo, disconnect, untie, disjoin
90) Revived – restored to life or consciousness
91) Crouched – bent, stopped (down)
92) Threshold – doorstep, entrance
93) Seized – snatched, grabbed, held of suddenly and forcibly
94) Ambush – surprise attack, trap, entrap, pounce on
95) Ineffable – beyond expression, too great to be expressed
96) Languid – moving slowly
97) Plaintive – sounding sad
98) Ministrations – the act of helping or caring
99) Wrought – caused
100) Clustering – forming a group
101) Belching – to let air come up
102) Veritable – more exciting
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103) Garb – clothes
104) Bower – shelter under the shade of trees
105) Wreathing – cover, surround, encircle something
106) Pall – covering
107) Rills – clear stream
108) Sprinkling – falling in fine drops
109) Prostrated – falling flat on the ground as a mark of respect
110) Eloquent – fluent, expressive
111) Discourse – discussion, spoken communication
112) Spellbound – fascinating, captivating
113) Resolved – firmly determined to do something
114) Ritual – a religious or solemn ceremony
115) Enthusiastically – interest, eager enjoyment
116) Apologetically – shows regretful acknowledgement
117) Spate – rush, run, flood
118) Jocularly – humorous, funny
119) Pious – spiritual, devoutly religious, dedicated
120) Guffaw – a loud and hearty laugh
121) Naivety – lack of experience, innocence
122) Dawn – day break, early morning
123) Intrigued – arouse the curiosity of, fascinate, attract
124) Obeisance – respect, reverence, honour
125) Bifurcates – divide into two separate parts
126) Amuses – to make someone laugh or smile
127) Vacation – holiday
128) Merges – join together
129) Scorching – extremely hot
130) Sunscreen – a cream or lotion rubbed on the skin to protect it from the sun
131) Exhausted – feeling tired
132) Sunstroke – unconscious or heatstroke brought about by excessive exposure to the sun
133) Giddy – having a sensation of falling down
134) Nauseated – sickening, stomach- turning
135) Street smart – the knowledge to be with difficulties and dangers
136) Fertilizer – chemical or natural substance added to land to increase its fertility
137) Antifreeze – a liquid that can be added to water to lower the freezing point
138) Hazardous – risky, dangerous
139) Emergency – often dangerous situation requiring immediate action
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140) Bang – a sudden loud, sharp noise
141) Yelp – a short, sharp cry, especially of pain or alarm
142) Trembling – to shake slightly/ short movements, as from fear
143) Rushing – moving with urgent haste or fast
144) Couch – a type of high bed/ sofa
145) Kennel – a small shelter for a dog
146) Fright – a sudden intense feeling of fear
147) Crouch – adopt a position where the knees are bent and upper body is brought forward
and down
148) Harnessed – tied the horse to a cart using strips of leather and metal fittings
149) Tollgate – a gate across the road or bridge at which travellers must stop and pay
150) Sturdy – strong
151) Groan – deep sound
152) Bridle – a set of leather straps tied around the neck of a horse to control it
153) Instinct – an innate typically fixed pattern of behaviour in animals in response to certain
154) A dead stop – complete and sudden stop
155) Complexes – consisting of many different and connected parts
156) Demanded – ask authoritatively
157) Establish – set up on a firm and permanent basis
158) Decided – having clear opinion
159) Boarded – get on or into a vehicle
160) Consoled – comfort someone at the time of grief
161) Exchanged – give something and receive something
162) Competition – an event or contest
163) Affected – cause a change in someone or something
164) Nervously – in an anxious or uneasy manner
165) Astounded – shocked or greatly surprised
166) Hesitatingly – to be a reluctant or wait to act because of fear
167) Dumbfounded – speechless with amazement
168) Dropped – the act of a person or thing that drops
169) Kindness – humble
170) Bloom – come into
171) Tiniest – smallest
172) Forgotten – out of mind
173) Deserves – be qualified for
174) Boomerang – come back to the person who threw it
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175) Medication – form of medicine that is used to treat
176) Incredible – unbelievable
177) Anticipating – expecting
178) Screw Gauge – measuring tool
179) Browse – to scan, to casually look through in order to find items of interest
180) Frightened – scared
181) Online Predator – someone who sexually exploits a child over the internet
182) Bother – to disturb or annoy
183) Cyber – relating to or characteristic of culture of computers, information technology and
virtual reality
184) Aggressive – prone to behave in a way that involves attacking or arguing
185) Beneficial – helpful or good to something or someone
186) Brainy – very intelligent
187) Absent – minded-being forgetful
188) Vanish – disappear
189) Dreadful – unpleasant
190) Gobbled – ate hastily or greedily
191) Erratically – unsteadily or unpredictably
192) Squirm – to twist the body in discomfort
193) Nap – to sleep for a short period of time
194) Friends Net – website in internet where one can meet and talk to different people
195) Wonder – surprised
196) Offline – computer not connected to internet
197) Shriek – to scream, as in a sudden fright
198) Imposter – someone who attempts to deceive by using an assumed name or identity
199) Confide – to trust
200) Cyber Safety – safe and responsible use of phone and the internet
201) Cyber Crime – criminal activities done using computers or the internet
202) Scary – frightening
203) Accomplished – fulfilled

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Email id: Whatsapp: 8072492075

Contact: 8072492075 (Online Classes) Telegram: 8072492075

Standard 9th
1) Emulate – to match or surpass typically by imitation
2) Overawed – impressed so much that they are silent or inhibited
3) Induction – the action or process of including someone to an organization
4) Rigorous – extremely thorough and careful
5) Nuances – subtle changes in or shades of meaning, expression or sound
6) Pursue – follow or chase
7) Stamina – the ability to sustain or prolonged physical and mental effort
8) Cocktail – a mixed drink which is a combination of ingredients such as fruit juice,
lemonade, flavored syrup or cream
9) Kitbag – a long cylindrical canvas bag (here) used to carry cricket accessories
10) Stride – a step or stage in progress towards an aim
11) Embarrassment – a feeling of self-conscious, shame or awkwardness
12) Melee – a confused crowd of people
13) Transpire – come to be known/ revealed
14) Farsightedness – showing a prudent awareness of future possibilities
15) Bunked – to make oneself absent from a class or session
16) Queer – strange, odd
17) Woods – an area of land covered with a thick growth of trees
18) Harness – straps and fittings by which a horse is fastened to a cart or carriage
19) Frozen – in ice form
20) Sweep – to move swiftly and smoothly
21) Downy – soft and fluffy
22) Flake – a small piece of snowflake
23) Tit-bit – a small piece of tasty food
24) Wagging – moving or causing to move rapidly to and fro
25) Covetous - having or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone
26) Obliged – make (someone) legally or morally bound to do something
27) Mortar – a hard, strong bound in which substances are crushed to powder
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28) Withered – become dry and shriveled
29) Turnstile – a mechanical gate consisting of revolving horizontal arms fixed to a vertical
post, allowing only one person at a time to pass through
30) Hollyhocks – a tall Eurasian plant of the mallow family with large showy flowers
31) Colonel – a rank of officer in the army
32) Brigadier – a rank of officer in the British army, above Colonel
33) Trapeze – a horizontal bar hanging by two ropes and free to swing, used by acrobats in a
34) Muttered – to utter words in a low tone
35) Slithered – slide or slip unsteadily on a loose or slippery surface
36) Pruning – the act of trimming a plant
37) Bougainvillea – an ornamental shrubby climbing plant that is widely cultivated in tropics
38) Chiming – making melodious ringing sounds typically to indicate the time
39) Budgerigars – a small Australian bird of the parrot family, often kept in a cage as a pet
40) Cranking – the act of turning a handle to start an engine
41) Sprightliness – lively and full of energy
42) Wrath – anger
43) Foe – enemy
44) Deceitful – cunning, treacherous
45) Wiles – tricks
46) Veiled – covered
47) Crinkly – with many folds or lines
48) Awfully – very extremely
49) Attic – a space just below the roof used as a store room
50) Scornful – feeling or expressing contempt
51) Loftily – something done in a proud or haughty manner
52) Century – a period of one hundred years
53) Nonchalantly – in a casually calm and relaxed manner
54) Stamping – bringing down (one’s foot) heavily on the ground
55) Cloudburst – a sudden violent rainstorm
56) Pitcher – a large jug
57) Lantern – a lamp with a transparent case protecting the flame or electric bulb and
typically with a handle by which it may be carried or hung
58) Gasp – catch one’s breath with an open mouth, owing to pain or astonishment
59) Shudder – shiver typically as a result of fear or revulsion
60) Hark – listen, pay attention
61) Thumping – hitting or striking heavily, especially with fist or a blunt instrument
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62) Pickaback – a piggyback ride, on the back and shoulders of another person
63) Wink – close and open one eye quickly, shine or flash intermittently
64) Splint – a long flat object used as a support for a broken bone so that the bone stays in a
particular position while it heals
65) Jab – to poke, or thrust abruptly with a short, quick blow
66) Crust – the brown, hard outer portion or surface
67) Leprous – covered with scales
68) Hide – the strong thick outer skin
69) Miniature – very small
70) Rickety – structure or piece of equipment poorly made and likely to collapse
71) Tremor – a slight earthquake
72) Devastation – the state of being decayed or destroyed
73) Haphazardly – in a random manner
74) Debris – scattered pieces of rubbish or remains
75) White-shrouded – wrap or dress (a body) in a shroud for burial
76) Pyres – a heap of burnable material, for burning a corpse as part of a funeral ceremony
77) Docks – an enclosed area of water in a port for the loading, unloading and repair of ships
78) Apron – a protective garment worn over the front of one’s clothes and tied at the back
79) Red-handed – used to indicate that a person has been discovered in the act of doing
something wrong
80) Concealed – the act of keeping something secret or hidden
81) Blabbing – to reveal secrets indiscreetly and thoughtlessly
82) Pips – small hard seeds in a fruit
83) Chunks – thick large pieces of something
84) Parlour – a tiny room in a house for entertaining guests
85) Winding – a twisting movement or course
86) Weary – very tired, especially from hard work
87) Pantry – a room where beverages, food, dishes are stored
88) Subtle – dedicate or faint and mysterious
89) Flattering – to praise or compliment insincerely
90) Councellor – a person who advices
91) Infatuated – inspired with an intense but short- lived passion or admiration for someone
or something
92) Plunges – act of casting or thrusting forcibly or suddenly into something liquid
93) Quack – a fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill
94) Professing – claiming often falsely, that one has a quality or feeling
95) Frenzy – a state of uncontrolled excitement
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96) Somersaults – an acrobatic movement either forward or backward in which the body rolls
end over end, makes a complete revolution
97) Petrified – extremely frightened
98) Elixir – a hypothetical substance believed to maintain life indefinitely (OR) a substance
believed to cure all ills
99) Billowing – characterized by great swelling waves or surges
100) Teeming – abundantly filled especially with living things
101) Trickling – to flow slowly and without force
102) Precipitate – a solid substance that is produced from a liquid during a chemical process
103) Crust – a hard outer covering of something
104) Catchment – a structure such as a basin or a reservoir used for collecting or draining
105) Barges – a long boat with a flat bottom, used for carrying freight on rivers
106) Foliage – a cluster of leaves, flowers and branches
107) Glancing – touching or hitting something lightly from the side, without causing much
108) Swelling – becoming greater in intensity or volume
109) Rose-banks – riverbanks where roses (flowers) appear along
110) Impetuous – acting quickly and without thought or care
111) Tending – going in a particular way
112) Headlong – with the head first and the rest of the body following
113) Hath – in the past, the third person singular form of the word “have”
114) Eternity – life continuing without end after death
115) Stumpy – short and thick
116) Bawled – cried noisily
117) Procured – obtained
118) Prodded – dug, poked
119) Droll – curious and amusing
120) Pudgy – short and fat
121) Formidable – dangerous
122) Roistering – celebrating noisily
123) Stalked – walked stiffly with pride
124) Saucy – cheeky, impertinent
125) Hazer – a person who drives cattle while on horseback
126) Confounded – confused
127) Ignominiously – shamefully
128) Conscientiously – carefully and meticulously
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129) Feigned – faked, not genuine
130) Absurd – stupid and unreasonable, silly in a humorous way
131) Infinity – unlimited space, time, amount, a number large beyond any limit
132) Intriguing – very interesting because of being unusual and mysterious
133) Prodigy – a child who shows a great ability at a young age
134) Dingy – a dark and dirty place
135) Physiology – the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living
organisms and their parts
136) Unkempt – not neat or cared for
137) Uncouth – behaving in an unpleasant way
138) Conjecture – an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information
139) Discrepancy – an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity between two or
more facts
140) Distinguished – used to describe a person, respected and admired for excellence
141) Devouring – destructively consuming
142) Disembark – to leave a ship, aircraft, etc. after a journey
143) Emaciated – very thin and weak, usually because of illness or extreme hunger
144) Agonising – causing extreme physical or mental pain
145) Rampaging – going through an area making a lot of noise and causing damage
146) Spectacle – an unusual or unexpected event or situation that attracts attention, interest
147) Comet – an icy Solar body, which when passing close to the Sun, warms and begins to
release gases that are seen on rare occasions from the earth as bright line in the sky
148) Trail – a path often made pr used for a particular purpose
149) Quake – a sudden violent movement of the earth’s surface, sometimes causing great
damage (short form of earthquake)
150) Chore – a routine task, especially a household one
151) Orchard – a piece of enclosed land with fruit trees
152) Expedition – a journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose,
especially that of exploitation, research or war
153) Quartz – a hard, transparent mineral substance, used in making electronic equipment
154) Exotic – unusual and exciting
155) Void – a completely empty space
156) Confronted – to face, meet, or deal with a difficult situation or person
157) Departure – the action of leaving, especially to start a journey
158) Pears – a sweet, juicy, yellow or green fruit with a round base and slightly pointed too
159) Galaxy – one of the large, independent groups of stars in the universe
160) Sermon – ceremony in which a priest gives a talk on a religious or moral subject
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161) Fascinated – extremely attracted
162) Deed – a brave or noble act
163) Starving – suffering or dying from hunger
164) Oppressed – governed in an unfair and cruel way and prevented from having
opportunities and freedom
165) Sacred – considered to be holy and deserving respect
166) Unruffled – not nervous or worries, usually despite a difficult situation
167) Conventions – a large formal meeting of people who have a similar interest
168) Shatter – to break suddenly into very small pieces
169) Astray – away from the correct path or correct way of doing something
170) Mirth – laughter, humour or happiness
171) Comrade – a friend
172) Truce – an agreement to stop fighting or arguing for a period of time
173) Dugout – a trench that is dug and roofed over as a shelter for troops
174) Carols – a religious folk song or popular hymn, particularly one associated with
175) Trenches – a long, narrow ditch
176) Maim – injure or wound seriously and leave permanent damage to body or parts
177) Splatter – a small quantity of something moist or liquid
178) Slog – work hard over a period of time
179) Muck – dirt, rubbish, or waste matter
180) Stumble – trip or momentarily lose one’s balance; almost fall
181) Bewilderment – a feeling of being perplexed or confused
182) Serene – peaceful and calm

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Standard 10th
1) Ledge – a narrow shelf that juts out from a vertical surface
2) Shrilly – producing a high-pitched and piercing voice or sound
3) Herring – a long silver fish that swims in large groups in the sea
4) Devour – to eat something eagerly and in large amounts, so that nothing is left
5) Cackle – a sharp, broken noise or cry of hen, goose or seagull
6) Mackerel – a sea fish with a strong taste, often used as food
7) Gnaw – to bite or chew something repeatedly
8) Trot – to run at a moderate pace with short steps
9) Precipice – a very steep side of a cliff or a mountain
10) Whet – to sharpen
11) Preening – cleaning feathers with beak
12) Plaintively – sadly, calling in a sad way
13) Swoop – to move very quickly and easily through the air
14) Beckoning – making a gesture with the hand or head to encourage someone to approach
or follow
15) Mourning – feeling or expressing great sadness
16) Veils – to hide or cover something so that you cannot see it clearly or understand it
17) Crown – a prize or position offered for being the best
18) Quest – a long search for something that is difficult to find
19) Unreluctant – willing to do something
20) Tormenting – making someone suffer or worry a lot
21) Dreadful – extremely bad or unpleasant
22) Duke – a man of very high social rank in some European countries, a king
23) Deprive – to take something important or necessary away from someone
24) Resistance – the act of fighting against something
25) Fatigue – extreme tiredness
26) Vexation – worry or anger
27) Famished – extremely hungry
28) Voracious – very eager for something
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29) Repent – to be very sorry for something bad you have done
30) Hullabaloo – lot of loud noise made by people who are excited
31) Patrolman – a patrolling police officer
32) Attic – a space or room inside or partly inside the roof of a building
33) Slamming – shutting a door or window forcefully and loudly
34) Gruffly – sadly
35) Intuitively – without conscious reasoning, instinctively
36) Whammed – struck something forcefully
37) Beveled – reduced to a slopping edge
38) Rending – tearing to pieces
39) Yanked – pulled with a jerk
40) Zither – a musical instrument consisting of a flat wooden sound box with numerous
strings stretched across it, placed horizontally and played with fingers
41) Guinea pig – a domesticated tailless South American rodent originally raised for food
42) Hysterical – affected by wildly uncontrolled emotion
43) Creaking – making a squeaking sound when being moved
44) Indignant – feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair
45) Holster – a holder made of leather for carrying handgun
46) Rafter – a beam forming part of the internal framework of a roof
47) Deserter – a person who leaves the armed force without permission
48) Discontent – dissatisfaction with one’s circumstances
49) Amiss – not quite right
50) Growl – make a low guttural sound in the throat
51) Grumble – a complaint about something in a bad-tempered way
52) Gloomy – to appear depressing or frightening
53) Queerest – the strangest or the most unusual
54) Acknowledge – accept or admit the existence or truth of
55) Terrible – extremely bad or serious
56) Wandering – walking or moving in a leisurely or aimless way
57) Aboriginal – native, local
58) Sarcasm – use of irony to mock or convey contempt
59) Fringed – bordered
60) Plumage – a bird’s feather collectively
61) Sludgiest – wet mud
62) Grumpiness – bad tempered
63) Squirt – spray
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64) Coyote – a wolf like wild dog native to North America
65) Streaks – line, strap
66) Tantrum – outburst, flare-up
67) Crinkly – wrinkly
68) Circumnavigate – to travel all the way around something, especially the earth
69) Indigenously – naturally; innately; inherently
70) Consonance – agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions
71) Skippered – to act as a master or captain of a vessel especially a small boat
72) Expedition – a journey or voyage made for specific purpose, such as of war or
73) Replenishment – restoration of a stock or supply to a former level or condition
74) Apprehensive – anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen
75) Contention – strenuous effort; struggling together in opposition
76) Auxiliary – additional; used as a reserve or substitute in case of need
77) Anticipate – to foresee; to realize beforehand; to expect; be sure of
78) Bio-luminescence – the production of light by living organisms
79) Golgappas – the other term for pani puri
80) Morale – emotional or mental condition with respect to confidence especially in the face
of hardships
81) Innate – inborn and natural
82) Stake – risk
83) Persistence – determination
84) Sigh – expressing grief
85) Mess with – to tease or play a joke
86) Prankster – a person who acts mischievous
87) Groans – complaints and grumbles
88) Moans – grieves
89) Carving – an act of cutting a shape or pattern into wood or stone
90) Robe – a long, loose outer garment reaching the ankles
91) Kung fu – a Chinese method of fighting that involves using your hands and feet and not
using weapons
92) Might – great and impressive power or strength, especially of a nation, large organization
or natural force
93) Bowed – bending the body forwards from the waist, especially to show respect for
94) Nankhatai – an authentic Indian sweet which is popular in India and Pakistan
95) Bifurcated – divided into two
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96) Revive – to bring something back to life
97) Soothing – making someone feel calm
98) Rustic – typical of the countryside
99) Dilated – widened than usual
100) Ascertained – confirmed
101) Overwrought – state of being upset
102) Attic – the space or room at the top of a building, under the roof
103) Crumbled – broken
104) Spire – a tall, pointed structure on top of a building, especially on top of a church tower
105) Unperturbed – undisturbed
106) Affluent – wealthy
107) Smacks – drive or put forcefully into or on to something
108) Accustomed to – be used to
109) Gay – glad, joyful
110) Crumb – piece of bread
111) Famine – extreme scarcity of food
112) Miserly – hesitant to spend money
113) Quoth – said (In old English usage, used only in first and third person singular before the
114) Hastily – hurriedly
115) Warrant – guarantee, promise
116) Despotic – tyrannical, cruel
117) Proclamation – announcement
118) Barbarous – extremely brutal or mercilessly harsh
119) Abandon – desert, give up completely
120) Reverence – deep respect
121) Mandate – an official order
122) Summit – the topmost point of a hill or mountain
123) Injunction – an order restraining someone from performing an act
124) Shriveled – wrinkled and contracted due to old age or due to strain
125) Gravely – seriously
126) Grapple – to fight, especially in order to win something
127) Cerebral palsy – permanent tightening of the muscles caused by damage to the brain
128) Dragon Dictate – a software which recognizes speech and converts it to text
129) Assistive Technologist – a person who assists with technological gadgets to overcome
130) Gaze – stare at something for a long time
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131) Liberator Communication Device – a special device used to communicate with eye
132) Inclusion – the act of including someone or something
133) Cloister - enclosed by
134) Collaborative process – produced by or involving two or more parties working together
135) Furnace – an enclosed structure in which material is heated to very high temperatures
136) Wrought – beaten out of shape by hammering
137) Gauge – an instrument that measure perfection in appearance and quality
138) Thousandth – a fraction of thousand
139) Haul – pull or drag with effort or force
140) Comprehend – grasp, understand
141) Vanish – disappear suddenly and completely
142) Phono telephote – a means of transmitting and receiving both voice and picture for a
personal conversation
143) Champs Elysees – a prestigious avenue in Paris, famous for the Cafes, cinemas and shops
144) Photo telegrams – a telegraphic transmission including mages
145) Jovians – inhabitants of planet Jupiter
146) Inhabitants – a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place
147) Centropolis – the new name of New York in the prose “A Day in 2889 of an American
148) Valet – a man’s personal male attendant, who is responsible for his clothes and
149) Chirping – making a short, sharp high-pitched sound (usually by small, birds or insects)
150) Bustle – move in an energetic manner
151) Unison – simultaneous utterance of words
152) Rapping – striking with a series of rapid audible blows
153) Thumbed – a book which has been read often and bearing the marks of frequent handling
154) Cranky – strange
155) Saar – a river in Northeastern France and western Germany
156) Angelus – a Roman Catholic devotion commemorating the Incarnation of Jesus and
including the Hail Mary, said at morning, noon and sunset
157) Vive La France – is an expression used in French to show Patriotism. Its equivalent
English term is “Long Live France!”
158) Condemn – express complete disapproval
159) Labour – hard work
160) Betray – disloyal
161) Defile – damage the purity or appearance
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162) Outrage – extremely strong reaction of anger, shock
163) Dikes – an embankment for controlling or holding back the waters of the sea or river
164) Sluices – a sliding gate or other device for controlling the flow of water, especially one in
a lock gate
165) Trickling – flowing in a small stream
166) Numb – deprived of the power of sensation
167) Chattered – feeling cold and frightened that one can’t stop the upper teeth from against
one’s lower teeth
168) Crouching – adopting a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought
forward and down
169) Groan – make a deep inarticulate sound conveying pain
170) Shovels – tool resembling a spade with a broad blade and typically upturned side, used
for moving earth, coal, snow, etc
171) Gaunt – lean, especially because of suffering, hunger, etc
172) Twitched – give short, sudden jerking movements
173) Contagious – spreading of a disease from one person to another by direct contact
174) Groan – make a deep inarticulate sound conveying pain or despair
175) Plague – a contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever
176) Bolted – closed the door with a bar that slides into a socket
177) Mantle Piece – a structure of wood or marble above or around the fireplace
178) Half Crown – a former British coin equal to two shillings and sixpence
179) Tongs – a device used for picking up objects consisting of two long pieces free at one end
and pressed together at the other end
180) Delirious - disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness
181) Frail – weak and delicate
182) Scuffle – to have a sudden short fight
183) Ingenious – clever, original and inventive
184) Mania – an extensive, persistent desire, an obsession
185) Malicious – spiteful, intended to harm or upset someone
186) Queer- strange, odd
187) Appalled – horrified, shocked
188) Oddity – the quality being strange or peculiar
189) Closet – cupboard
190) Incredible – impossible to believe
191) Contrive – cook up, hatch a plan by deliberate use of skills
192) Despotic – tyrannical, autocratic
193) Avarice – extreme greed for wealth
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194) Jest – a joke
195) Vivisection – a surgery conducted on living organism for experimental purposes

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