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1 A Quartet of Cricket Species, each with own Songs, blend together in pleasant Music 51 Left un-stoppered, a skin spills

, a skin spills out it's precious contents after a sip

2 An Owl's incessant and pointed Queries punctuate the ambience 52 Member of the Troupe decides to hold a brief demonstration of a Skill or Ability

3 Another Camper has robbed a nearby Cairn of Stones to line their Firepit 53 Merits/Flaws of various Arms/Armor are debated: Which do you prefer/why?

4 Baked and blackened, there was already a campfire here at some point 54 Mindful of small Mounds, looks like something’s been doing a lot of digging here

5 Bit late to benefit form it's bounty: A Berry Bush has only over-ripe, Wasp infested fruit 55 Miserable Weather for Season is making tasks take twice as long/more people

6 Bland Food gets everyone excitedly talking about next Meal in Town: What'll it be? 56 Mosquitos Keen inquisitively in ears despite the frequent swats

7 Bleached by the Sun, an upturned Tortoise Shell sprouts Weeds 57 No one tires of re-telling a recent Success, even if it gets embellished each time

8 Boasting and friendly Wagers to while away some leisure time: Who won? 58 Not too tired to Sing a Rousing Song that puts everyone in better spirits

9 Boot kicks up a Stone that's eminently suitable for honing Blades 59 Number of twigs/tiny leaves that made it into your hair seems almost endless

10 Buried mostly under a mound of mud: A simple Shield in need of a new Strap 60 Outside of Firelight, two critters hiss and snarl for most of the overnight hours

11 Carried on Breeze and wrinkling nostrils: Somewhere nearby a Skunk was startled 61 Party uses the opportunity to ponder something they might have done differently

12 Coin-sized, bloated Flies land and rub their forelimbs together as if planning 62 Perimeter Tracks rather weather worn, whatever it was it was large and clawed

13 Colorful Butterflies land, licking any traces of salt off skin and other surfaces 63 Perpetual Barks/Chirps, an Arboreal Critter takes umbrage with your presence

14 Conveniently close sandy tumulus makes Pot Scouring go much swifter 64 Profusion of Spider Webs and their diligent weavers keeps bugs at bay

15 Conversation drifts toward Reminiscing about how two of you met 65 Proudly strutting along and stopping only to belt song: A puffed up Bluebird

16 Criss-crossing Prints and savaged Vegetation show a Herd of Grazers passed through 66 Rapid drop in temperature results in thick, wet Dew coating every single surface

17 Croaks and Bellows might betray a nearby Water Source: A symphony of Frogs/Toads 67 Reminding you in protest with each step: The sole of a shoe has given out

18 Crushing the stems of the Midgebane in this area should keep down the insects 68 Roughly quarried Stone sits abandoned, one can still make out chisel marks

19 Deposited by an ancient Glacier, a large granite slab makes a mossy seat for six 69 Rumble of distant Thunder could potentially hint at coming rains

20 Difficult to discern it's purpose after all these years: Stone foundation of some kind 70 Rusty and twisted, a Tree has grown around an unidentifiable Iron Contraption

21 Discussions concerning what everyone's going to do with the next "big haul" 71 Scraggly grass has grown over a discarded Blanket here

22 Doffing boots to stretch out toes, dismayed to see a growing hole 72 Seems like all the Wood around here is far too damp to take Flame

23 Dragon-sized Tracks immortalized in Stone here, who knows when they were made 73 Small-talk about Weather leads to everyone discussing their favorite Holidays

24 Dull-ache in Legs and Arms from the days' Travel is surprisingly invigorating 74 Smooshed, but delicious, packed with Rations is a surprise: Small Fruit Tartlet

25 Easily snapped Sweetbark Twigs make for a pleasant teeth cleaning 75 Somehow the topic of Favorite Colors comes up: Share yours

26 Everyone reminisces about a Childhood Pet or Favorite Animal 76 Someone's Birthday is coming up, be a shame not to celebrate in some way

27 Extra flask of Spirits someone thought they'd already emptied is begging to be shared 77 Something needs a spot of Mending. What is it, and how did it break?

28 Faded and tattered banner from a Mercenary Company might mark a Grave or Battle 78 Sticking out like a Sore Thumb: A Section of Column toppled and partially buried

29 Feel free to avail yourself of some sticky Pitchwood Branches to replenish Torches 79 Stony soil/abundant stubborn Roots refuse to accept any Tent Pegs or Pitons

30 Filled with rainwater and mosquito Larvae, a misplaced Pail is still serviceable 80 Stray cinder finds a patch of dry grass and begins to slowly smolder

31 Food might be slightly over-salted, but hungry bellies aren't picky 81 Strong/heady Smell on the Wind gets everyone talking about favorite Fragrances

32 Fourteen fantastic Feathers, suitable for Fletching are found nearby 82 Sudden and crisp snap of a Twig causes everyone to pause and listen briefly

33 Friendly throwing Contest helps everyone relax and stay sharp 83 Sure thought Item was Lost, but it turned up in time: What and where was it?

34 Gathering stones to ring a Fire, come across a tiny, hand-sized Skeleton beneath one 84 Swapping old Tales and a few Jokes brightens the Morale/Mood considerably

35 Good a place as any, provided you take care around those sneaky Skinfire Nettles 85 Swarms of Ants infest what looked like good Firewood, itchy bites mostly

36 Half-eaten Carcass turns into a spontaneous Social Mixer for Crows and Vultures 86 The Wood you're burning is pleasant: minimal Smoke and lovely Smell

37 Harmless Serpent is drawn to the warmth of your fire, startling someone briefly 87 There is unseasonable Urgency in the songs/calls of the Birds

38 Hasty Bivouac of others: An overturned Cast Iron Cauldron: Feet shaped into Dwarfs 88 Thick with humidity, Sweat beads beneath Clothing: uncomfortable clamminess

39 Head of a Hammer/Hatchet/Tool inconveniently decides to decapitate itself 89 Thirsty, sloshing of Canteens/Skins reminds you about Water Supplies

40 High Winds from recent Storms make Firewood gathering a cinch 90 Though harmless, the tiny Black Ants that found your food are unappetizing

41 Holy Symbol carefully carved here, happens to be for the Religion most friendly to party 91 Through fluke, skill, or otherwise the Meal is especially satisfying and delicious

42 How these straps/ropes/fabrics got so terribly tangled is anyone's guess 92 Tinder: among Twigs is a bent but still shiny Tin Signet Ring: Crowned Wolf

43 If allowed to dry overnight, Spicy Pollen of these Blossoms will make breakfast tasty 93 Tiny Tarnish/Rust pits are starting to appear on Cutlery and Mess Gear

44 Impressive show in the Sky: Clouds/Stars are in rare form 94 Unsure what it might be, Something in the area is making Someone Sneeze a lot

45 In quiet moments between conversation, wind keens it's way to your ears 95 Varied Opinions on how to stack Wood for a Campfire: Everyone's an expert

46 Inconsiderate prior Campers left a toe-stubbing Shovel Head partially buried here 96 What is that infectious Tune that everyone keeps whistling?

47 Ink spilled/smudging very nearly ruins a Map or Writing, saved just in time 97 While checking turf before rolling out Bedding: Feminine Arm of a Marble statue

48 Insects aren't too bad to you, but any Mounts or Animals seem to be bearing the brunt 98 Who has to be told to stop drying their Socks by the Fire for the third time?

49 Kind-natured grousing on determining who's turn it is to do the Dishes 99 Wind whips up, absconding with unsecured/very light Items, leading to a chase

50 Knotted every hand-span or so, a sturdy Rope is wound around a Tree 100 With a little digging, succulent Tubers of the Droughtroot will fulfill Water Needs

Draft Version (05.09.2022) |

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