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1 After Ambrosia, nothing Tastes Right, Trial & Error tell you what makes you Sick 51 Must

51 Must stifle a Shout or Yell whenever confronted with Pain

2 Blood in your veins is fouled and congealed: Unattractive to Stirges/Vampires/etc. 52 Nails and Hair seemed to Grow, now you have to trim them on a near daily basis

3 Breath will not Fog Glass, nor can it be felt by another. Food is always too hot 53 Name of a certain Deity/Sound of their Prayers causes Migraines

4 Bruise easily, in big Yellow/Blue splotches, great care must be taken to prevent 54 Nearly everything sounds Hollow/Echoes, faint sounds are harder to Hear

5 Burdened with Fleeting Visions of a Horrible Fate you Can't Prevent 55 Never Warm. No matter what. But not Cold either. More susceptible to Frostbite

6 Came back with a Hitch-hiker: As Shadow, appears on any roll of 13 56 Newfound Sensual Zeal has you spending Wildly on Expensive Foods/Comforts

7 Candles held by you Snuff more readily: 3-in-6 every half hour, refuse to re-light 57 Nice Gentleman/woman you met Over There asked for a Favor

8 Cannot Sleep without two Silver Coins over your Eyelids 58 No Heartbeat, not the slightest thump or patter. Love Ceases to be Reciprocal

9 Cast no Shadow or Reflection, thankfully it only seems to unnerve Animals 59 No Joy from Food or Drink, it simply Nourishes. Poisons/Potions only work 2-in-6

10 Cats cozy up to you, often making a ton of Noise: They see you on your 8th Life 60 No matter how Clean you get, always brushing Soil from yourself in the Morning

11 Celestial/Infernal Stowaway: Gain a Language & Noisy/Nosy new Moral Compass 61 Normal Insects that bite you die instantly, even if they seem to like you more now

12 Chatted in Line with some Goblins/Orcs, kinda understand their Point of View now 62 Not utterly sure, but you seem to be Aging in Reverse: Growing gradually younger

13 Childhood Pet was There, so happy to see you, did you smuggle them back? 63 Nothing you Plant will Bear Fruit or Thrive, Flowers touched wilt and wither

14 Circles, Scrolls, and Spells that Protect from Evil also now Protect from You 64 Numb to Humor, seem to Laugh at Inappropriate Times, Dwarfs get it though

15 Clerical Magic (both good and bad) has it's effectiveness halved on you 65 One Pupil is Milky/Cloudy: Swear you can see Ghosts if you cover the other one

16 Clothing Unravels, Bootleather Perforates, all Shrouds decay much faster for you 66 Only takes two "Close Calls" to realize that Lightning has it out for you now

17 Contact via Magic is no longer possible, cannot be Scried upon, no Telepathy 67 Parchment/Vellum/Paper all crumbles at your Touch, handle Books with Care

18 Corpses tend to sit bolt Upright, Silently Grimace, and Point at You 68 Perceived in the Astral/Ethereal, you are apparently quite Terrifying

19 Crossed Wires/Befuddled Fates: Body inhabited by Soul of one of your Ancestors 69 Same Dream every night: Grasping Hands rising from Water, moaning your Name

20 Dare not Remove the simple Silver Necklace you were "Reborn" wearing 70 See the same Black Dog at every Cross Road, panting patiently with Ember Eyes

21 Dogs distrust you, greeted only with Snarls and Growls, Bites if you get Closer 71 Seems impossible for you to Wake Up on your own, always need Someone to Help

22 Elfs and other Long-lived Peoples tend to regard you with utter Distrust 72 Sense of Smell is inhibited with an overpowering Musty/Charnel Odor

23 Fair Folk are completely incapable of perceiving your existence, you them 73 Should someone attempt it: You can be Turned/Rebuked as Undead

24 Family Members are unable to perceive you: Having already mourned your loss 74 Silver (mainly coins) burns your Palm during transactions, better invest in Gloves

25 Fate that awaited you was Less than Ideal: Time to turn over a New Leaf? 75 Skin discolored with strange Heretical Sigils that change color with your Mood

26 Fear has no Hold over You, a Boon sometimes, but more often this is Dangerous 76 Skittish and Undependable: Better steer clear of Horses and Mules nowadays

27 Filled with Bitterness at your Return, wish you were still There, with Them 77 Skull bursting with Heretical Knowledge that almost No One takes Seriously

28 Fire no longer Warms you, must be careful not to suffer Burns from Hot things 78 Sleep upright, Eyes Open and Glassy, Murmuring Unintelligibly. Disturbing

29 Footsteps unceasingly leave behind a trail of Ashen Prints 79 Smell of certain Ritual Incenses causes you to Retch uncontrollably

30 For inscrutable Reasons, no Tomb Inscription/Grave can be Read by You 80 Smokes, Fogs, Vapors, and Miasmas seem attracted to you unfailingly

31 From every Written Instance, your Name and Deeds are Erased or Replaced 81 Some Memories Died with you and were not Raised: First Love, Favorite Food, etc.

32 Gallons of Holy Honey were involved, the mere Sight or Smell makes you Faint 82 Something Went Wrong. It's not You in your Body Anymore, but Someone Else

33 Gaunt and Emaciated, weight a third less, Armor may require Custom Fitting 83 Sometimes Prophetic Screams of the Dead while Sleeping, require more Rest

34 Ghouls treat you warmly, proffering Food and Advice not easily Rebuffed 84 Spectral Chains fetter you to this Plane, even Teleportation will Fail 3-in-6

35 Grow very Nauseous when both Feet aren't firmly planted on the Ground 85 Spring Rain burns your Skin, but Winter Snow is warm and comfortable

36 Hair has turned White, and no attempt to dye or color it seems to take 86 Still quite stiff from the Rigor Mortis at Night, slower to React and Ready

37 Hand on the end of one Arm has absolutely no Feeling in it whatsoever 87 Sunlight burns your Skin more readily, best stay covered or stick to Nighttime

38 Hourglasses Slow/Speed Up, Clouds fluster Gnomons: Tracking Time is hard for you 88 Takes Concentration to conceal that Disturbing Rictus, may be easier with practice

39 If your Likeness is captured in a Portrait/Sculpture, it grows gradually Sinister 89 The Tongues you once Spoke have all Changed to new, older Languages/Dialects

40 Impossible to Cry without the aid of Onions, expressing Sorrow seems impossible 90 They kept a Finger. Said it was Insurance. You desperately Need it back

41 Knot that ties your Skein is shoddy at best, roll twice take worst for next 7 Saves 91 Those around you often find themselves falling Ill more often than is Normal

42 Life's Breath sealed in a tiny Vial around your Neck, better keep it safe/unshattered 92 Unable to Speak above a Whisper, but can dampen Sounds 1/week as Silence

43 Like a Stag's Bloody Antler Velvet, your skin sloughs off messily once a Season 93 Uncannily predict how long the Dying have left to Live: Avoid Mirrors

44 Limbs take to Macabre Dancing too readily, even the slightest Tune can set it off 94 Vials of Holy Water are Hot to Touch, hate to think what would happen if Splashed

45 Magical Light is as Darkness to you, but the converse is also True 95 Whenever possible, ominous Vultures/Ravens lazily Circle above you patiently

46 Mistakenly sorted into wrong Afterlife: Return with newfound Piety for that Religion 96 While there, you Stole Something. Still have it and They want it back

47 Moths seem attracted to you like a Flame, humorous at first until they get Larger 97 Without fail, when you eat Meat you always find Bone, might be time to change Diet

48 Motions are Jerky, almost as if you are being Puppeteered, they Swear it will pass 98 Worms in your Shoes. Every Morning. Seem friendly and well-fed at least

49 Mouth is constantly Dry, grow Hoarse if you don't take a sip of Water every hour 99 Wounds or Signs of how you Died are wont to appear on you when Frightened

50 Music and Song no longer Move You for Good or Ill (Harpies/Sirens included!) 100 Your Life was traded for another, their Ghost is not happy with this arrangement

Draft Version (03.24.2024) |

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