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One Hundred Holy Taboos

1 Abstain from quaffing any Magical Potions or Elixirs 51 Imbibe only of Alcoholic or Fermented Beverages
2 Acquire a piercing, eventually resorting to the less conventional 52 Immerse yourself completely within a body of water or suitable container
3 Adhere to a strict hygiene code, bathing at least twice 53 Indulge in an intoxicant, preferably stronger than Alcohol
4 All food consumed cannot be cooked or prepared and must be raw 54 Infest yourself with a parasite or allow an insect to bite you
5 Any killing must be done humanely 55 Itemize recent good deeds on paper, then eat
6 Aspire to be slothful, sleep at least three extra hours. 56 Keep one eye always covered
7 Assist any animal or beast in distress 57 Lead other in prayer or religious ceremony, otherwise refrain from Speech
8 Avoid carrying items in your non-dominant hand 58 Leave suitable offerings after cleaning/tending a grave
9 Avoid counting items exceeding your digits 59 Let not the Blood of a creature touch your skin
10 Avoid extinguishing any Fires 60 Libations of Wine daily
11 Avoid touching or eating a commonly domesticated species 61 Lie to a friend, and then admit to the lie within a week
12 Avoid using coins fabricated from precious metals 62 Loudly and uncouthly spit out the first bite of any Food you partake in
13 Be unfailingly polite in your manner and speech 63 Maintain Celibacy and gently encourage companions to do the same
14 Broker no disrespect, demand apologies for any perceived slight 64 Meat/Flesh may not be consumed
15 Build and light a Fire without assistance 65 Meditate for at least an hour after waking
16 Burn a Book, at least twenty pages long and at least a year old 66 Melt or otherwise mar a symbol of authority/coin of the realm
17 Bury any dead with full Religious Rites 67 Mend or repair worn clothing of any companions
18 Clad yourself in a spiritually significant color 68 Metal should not be permitted to touch your bare skin
19 Complicated grooming ablations taking at least an hour 69 Never strike first, attacking only in retaliation once struck
20 Compose and deliver a poem of Love 70 No hair must be cut, shaved, or trimmed, fingernails as well
21 Consume no Food or Drink heated by a Flame 71 Not permitted to sleep in a Bed
22 Cover as much of your body as possible at all times 72 Offer a Bribe to someone or some thing
23 Create art representing a dead ancestor 73 Offer any Food to animals/beasts, eating only what remains
24 Cut down a Tree at least ten inches in diameter without aid 74 Overindulge in Food and Drink
25 Defer to any elders, lead the younger 75 Plant at least three Trees in a suitable place where they can flourish
26 Defy a Taboo or Proscription 76 Prohibited from riding Beasts of any kind
27 Destroy a work of art or thing of beauty utterly 77 Quaff at least a cup worth of fresh blood prior to next prayer
28 Dig a hole, at least as deep as you are tall 78 Raw or uncooked food is forbidden to you
29 Discard a weapon that has resulted in the death of another 79 Read or Study for at least an Hour
30 Divulge a secret to someone daily 80 Record recent Sins on Paper and consign them to Flame
31 Do not bathe or groom oneself 81 Refrain from intentionally reading the written word
32 Do not wear or carry any gems that have been cut or polished 82 Sacrifice or destroy a piece of Armor or Weapon
33 Drastically alter your appearance, dye/cut hair, etc. 83 Share a Meal with a Friend and a one with a Stranger
34 Draw lots or flip coins to make a decision rather than choosing 84 Shun unfair tactics, avoid ambush or trickery
35 Drink no liquids, save Water 85 Spend any spare Wealth on the construction of Buildings or Shelter
36 Eat at least five meals in one day 86 Spend at least an hour in complete darkness
37 Embellish or Decorate skin with a Tattoo (potentially permanent) 87 Spread a patently false Rumor or Gossip
38 Endeavor to tell only truths to all you meet 88 Study Beauty for at least an hour
39 Engage in a game of chance or make a wager 89 Swallow a live insect, small fish, or other tiny creature
40 Eradicate any insect you come across 90 Swear an oath or promise to a Friend or Companion
41 Eschew Swearing or any Vulgar Language 91 Take proactive steps to exact Vengeance on one who has slighted you
42 Extoll the virtues of Pacifism at every available opportunity 92 Temper belligerence when you see it, do not start any fights
43 Fast, unless there is an opportunity to eat a food you've never tried 93 Tithe 10% of carried wealth or proffer any asked alms
44 Forbidden from wearing a spiritually significant color 94 Touch a venomous or toxic Creature while it is still living
45 Forge a new Fable/Parable and tell it to at least three 95 Un-make a pact or promise
46 Forgive someone who has wronged you or a loved one 96 Use no Proper Names whenever possible
47 Forgo Intoxicants of all kinds 97 Vandalize six surfaces with spiritually significant graffiti
48 Go out of your way to demonstrate Mercy and Spare Life 98 Verbally resolve a dispute or heated argument
49 Head must go uncovered at all times 99 Wear as little as possible whenever possible
50 Hoard all money and treasure like a miser, refrain from spending 100 Weep, mourn, or lament loss for at least an hour

Draft Version 02.01.2021 (RIP G+).

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