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1 Alcohol is now a deadly poison if ingested 51 Once clenched, you cannot unclench a fist for at least a day

2 All manner of insects are drawn to your wounds 52 One random limb permanently swells 3 times in size
3 Anchored to this Plane, Teleporting and Planar Travel fail 53 Oozes, Slimes, and Jellies seem magnetically attracted to you
4 Any creature that drinks your blood grows 10x in size 54 Others can now identify you easily by your peculiar gait
5 Awful symptoms can be averted with a strict Seafood diet 55 Over the course of a few weeks, all Teeth and Hair fall out
6 Bending at the Elbow becomes a slow and painful process 56 Painful process, but you slowly sprout a thorny tail
7 Blood no longer clots due to severe hemophilia 57 Peculiar Lycanthrope: Transform into whatever poisoned you
8 Bloody coughing fits, sometimes the clots scurry away 58 Periodically Hallucinate more Foes than are actually there
9 Bones soften like spongy, soggy bread 59 Perplexingly Mute during the first two hours after waking
10 Clothes and any Armor begins to strangle with the Swelling 60 Persistently slick with perspiration, just cannot seem to stay dry
11 Coarse Fur grows on your tongue, sense of taste vanishes 61 Quivering tremors make aiming Missiles unreliable at best
12 Despite skill or best efforts, you sink like a Stone in Water 62 Rainfall burns your skin like Acid
13 Develop uncontrollable cravings for worms and vermin 63 Random limb is utterly paralyzed, but feels like it's on fire
14 Discoloration on skin closely resembles a deadly Disease 64 Rapid heartbeats cut your expected lifespan in half
15 Divine Magic cast by or upon you is Reversed from intent 65 Reading, while still possible, now takes 5x as long
16 Each night, 1-in-20 chance your Shadow detaches and attacks 66 Red Meat makes you violently ill when consumed or smelled
17 Enchanted items induce a peculiar and strong Nausea 67 Seeing your Reflection induces incapacitating Migraines
18 Everything tastes entirely too salty, even water 68 Sense of smell heightens, but malodorous scents are painful
19 Explosive sneezes around the beard hair of Dwarfkind 69 Sight of anything Striped induces foaming at the Mouth
20 Exposed to air, your Blood turns into a choking Gas 70 Six random fingers fuse together painfully
21 Extremely photosensitive to light brighter than a Candle 71 Skin sloughs off in itchy flakes around the wound
22 Fatigue and lethargy, require twice as much rest as before 72 Sleep on your side, lest gobs of rancid Honey choke as you sleep
23 Felines arch their backs and Dogs growl in your presence 73 Small, crescent shaped Bruises appear all over body
24 Feverish Chills around any form of Fire 74 Sneezing fits around any type of Feather or Down
25 Find yourself involuntarily Hissing at the sight of Fruit 75 Sought by Assassins who wish to bleed you for antivenom
26 Fine Motor skills impaired by twitches and spasms 76 Sound of Music will cause you to Faint immediately
27 Fingernails/Toenails blacken and fall off every few months 77 Spiders/Snakes/etc. periodically erupt from your navel
28 Fingers drip an indelible inky substance, staining everything 78 Spit up smooth, Egg-shaped pebbles periodically
29 Floral scents induce dry retching for at least a year 79 Stench follows you, Troglodyte-esque, only you can smell it
30 For better or worse, your touch is now incredibly toxic 80 Sudden onset of blurry vision whenever a 16 is rolled
31 Fruit fouls on touch, seeds you plant will never sprout 81 Surface of your skin tends to Sunburn in Darkness
32 Glass jaw: If hit for exactly 7 points of damage fall unconscious 82 The color Red shows up as a dull Grey in your vision
33 Gradually seals eyes shut for 2d6 weeks, iris changes color 83 Toes meld, feet slowly become umber colored cloven hooves
34 Horrific Nightmares gradually make natural Sleep impossible 84 Total loss of equilibrium as Ears leak green fluid
35 Impressive Red waxy build-up in Ears makes listening difficult 85 Touch of Gold on bare skin is not unlike Poison Ivy
36 Injection site hardens and calcifies, unsightly hard lumps 86 Tremors whenever an 11 is rolled, may drop held items
37 Intense cravings for Eggs, preferably swallowed whole 87 Tufts of stiff, quill-like barbs of hair erupt over body
38 Jaw stiffens painfully, along with joints: Tetanus 88 Twisted and contorted Grimace graces Face permanently
39 Jerking movements cause Spellcasting failures/mishaps 89 Unable to feel extreme heat or cold, could easily burn/freeze
40 Knuckles swell up, unable to remove or wear any Rings 90 Unless amputated within 24 hours, arm will strangle you
41 Light of the Full Moon induces Blindness for at least a day 91 Unquenchable thirst, require 3 x more Water than normal
42 Loud, wheezing breaths and gasping prohibit Stealth 92 Violently repulsed by any sort of Dairy Products
43 Magical Potions induce violent vomiting 1 out of 6 times 93 Voice changes as throat narrows, only pureed food possible
44 Malevolent Taint causes you to Detect as Evil via Magic 94 Weeping Welts and Warps appear once a week
45 Metabolism compromised you start rapidly losing weight 95 Whispered voices pierce your ears like loud Screams
46 Metal Armor chafes, creates weeping blue-black sores 96 Wood and other plant material induces welts and hives
47 Necrotic injection site, Holy Water now burns you 97 Wound feels good, too good, this toxin is incredibly addictive
48 Needle-like pains on soles of Feet mostly prevent Running 98 You now smell irresistibly delicious to most Monsters
49 Nosebleeds give way to ear bleeding, eye bleeding, and worse 99 Your brush with Death causes Undead to attack you first
50 Odd rash, resembling Evil Holy Symbols, slowly spreads 100 Zealously coveted Goblin pheromones ooze from your pores

Draft Version 05.04.2021 (RIP G+).

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