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1 Agility Steadies shaky hands, toes curl and stretch, slight jitters 51 Glibness All Smiles, spurt of Confidence,

Glibness All Smiles, spurt of Confidence, Tongue takes on a Silver Sheen

2 Aging Wrinkles/furrows surround lips, nails/beards lengthen, stray gray hair 52 Growth Increase in size by a Thumb briefly, slight ache in the long bones of the legs

3 Alignment Change Muttering involuntarily (nonsense in a different Alignment Language) 53 Healing Cut on Tongue from being started by that Ambush/Minor Scratch: Gone

4 Alternate Profession Comrade's Gear (Sword/Scroll/etc.) suddenly doesn't seem that tricky to use 54 Heroism Bristling with Confidence, Weight of the World off your shoulders for a bit

5 Animal Speech Voices temporarily muddle to squeaks/barks/screeches/growls 55 Identification Spidery Runes dance in peripheral Vision, Warming of Fingertips

6 Antidote Dry Mouth, brief flushing/engorging of veins as blood pumps swiftly 56 Invisibility For just a split-second, it's only you surrounded by Nothingness

7 Anti-Magic Sepia-Toned Vision for a few seconds, sparkling motes shed from Skin 57 Invulnerability Loss of feeling in Fingertips, not altogether Unpleasant, reflexive Smile

8 Anti-Sleep Feel Refreshed, Posture improves and Eyes widen for a short time 58 Ironskin Rub your Eyes to Remove Rust Flakes, Fingernails turn Black

9 Bad Luck Nearly drop something, Lace/Belt/Strap becomes undone, Bird Droppings 59 Language Learning Ever so brief compulsive Babbling, it seems like nonsense but makes sense

10 Blending Hand takes on the color of the vial/container for a brief moment 60 Leadership Relaxed, sanguine: Feel Inspired to be Inspiring somehow

11 Blindness Blurry or clouded vision, loss of distinction between colors 61 Leaping Needles and Pins, confined to the Knees, Ankles and Balls of your Feet

12 Bliss Soaring sense of Contentment, followed by dramatic Crash 62 Levitation Slow and gradual floating, no more than a coins' width off the ground

13 Clairaudience Distant sounds briefly amplify, Mice gnawing loudly/Insect wings flapping 63 Life Giving Itchy Navel, Sudden Sharp Breath, Feeling of being slapped across the Face

14 Clairvoyance Brief, yet startlingly vivid flash of your Childhood Home 64 Longevity/Youth Softening wrinkles, slight shortening of Hair, haven't felt this good in years

15 Clarity Sharpened Vision, even minute details briefly visible 65 Love Palpitations and long wistful Sighs, never quite noticed X's Eyes before...

16 Climbing Stickiness on the Palms/Soles of Feet, fingers feel like they're lengthening 66 Luck A solitary Hiccup with no Friends to Follow, notice a gold piece on ground

17 Cold Resistance Warm Belly: like strong Spirits. Excess Clothing uncomfortably warm 67 Magic Detection Scratchy Eyes, Purple Pupils, Colors seem briefly more Vivid and Bright

18 Contact Plane Bickering Voices in Head, feelings of Detachement 68 Mirror Image Double vision, inability to distinguish Left from Right, difficulty Reading

19 Control Animal Fleeting regrets about eating Meat, fond memories of a Hound fetching 69 Missile Protection Faint thrumming in the Ears is uncannily comforting in a way

20 Control Dragon Sibilant Speech (Forked Tongue Optional), immense Pride and a bit of Greed 70 Oozeform Sticky Hands, Slouching and buckling Knees, Saliva tastes almost Acidic

21 Control Giant Short-lived hallucination: perspective shift as others Shrink and Fawn 71 Photosynthesis Loamy Burp, Can Almost feel your Hair Grow, Slightly viridescent tinge

22 Control Human One Human among others around is more vibrant in your Vision briefly 72 Poison See: Vile Venoms & Terrible Toxins, urge to Wretch

23 Control Plant Grass/Moss/Boughs of Trees seem to bend in deference to you 73 Polymorph Self Claws on your hand out of the Corner of your briefly Slit-Pupiled Eye

24 Control Undead Visions of genuflecting Spirits/Ghosts, very brief but oddly empowering 74 Rage Excess Saliva, Feverish/Restlessness combined with Tetchiness

25 Cure Disease Teeth-whitening and invigoratingly fresh breath, strangely astringent 75 Regeneration Toothache/Trivial Jaw Pain and Tender Gums that taunt the Tongue

26 Danger Detection Barely perceptible tingling on the back of the Neck, Hairs rise a little 76 Rope Gummy consistency, sensation of String between Teeth and Hairy Tongue

27 Dark Sight Temporary Photo-sensitivity, loss of white sclera on eyes (pitch black) 77 Shadowform Recoil from strongest Light Source, Darkness becomes more defined/sharper

28 Delusion Roll again or provide the Tells for the Potion it mimics 78 Silence Hearing Muffled, Lips Sealing Completely, Heartbeat seems to amplify

29 Diminution Shrink a handspan, Potion feels larger in your grasp, Clothing loosens 79 Slumber Involuntary Yawning, Heavy Eyelids, Pack Sure is Heavy

30 Disguise Subtle shifts in Eye/Hair Pigmentation to reflect others present 80 Speed Rapid Heartbeat, short-lived, along with a few panting Breaths

31 Dragon Breath Canines elongate, unshakable smell of Smoke/Chlorine/Crisp Frost, etc. 81 Spell Turning Uncontrollable quiet Burp, out stream illusionary Butterflies

32 Dreamspeech Murmuring from the Mouth unbidden, Yawns and sandy Eyes 82 Stone to Flesh Unsettling feeling of Teeth Softening, ever so briefly

33 Drowning Sputtering up a mouthful of Salt Water, Shortness of Breath 83 Sustenance Satisfied feeling, like after the First Course of an upcoming big Meal

34 Drunkenness Slurring speech, very brief Vertigo before a burst of feel-good confidence 84 Swimming Oddly pleasant sensation of skin stretching between digits on hands/feet

35 Echolocation Sensitivity to Loud Noises, Perceptible Nostril Whistling 85 Telekinesis Stopper/Seal Re-asserts itself in position, Temple's throb

36 Elasticity Slouching followed by Spine Cracking, Arm/Leg lengthens by a handspan 86 Teleportation Hallucination of yourself appearing "over there," Potion switches hands

37 Elemental Form Mouth Sensation: Gravel/Ice/Capsaicin/Sudden Unbidden Urge to Exhale 87 Thought-Shielding Scalp tightens, Ear Canals seem to Stop Up briefly

38 ESP Snatches of nearby Surface Thoughts (ask the Players what they're thinking) 88 Tongues Popping in the Ears, Lips twitch and Throat involuntarily clears

39 Ethereality Finger just went through the Potion you're holding, some dribbling 89 Traceless Step Toes crack and wiggle, shed any Dust/Dirt/Burrs/Leaves

40 Extra-Healing As Healing but even a visible Scar might soften or smooth 90 Treasure Appraisal See Flaws/Imperfections in Gear and Items, debasement in Coins

41 Fire Resistance Slight Chill, but any Clamminess/Sweat seems to vanish 91 Treasure Finding Shimmering golden Motes in your Vision, faint jingling sounds

42 Flying As if being tickled with a Feather, lighter steps, rush of wind in ears 92 Truth Ears erratically twitching, Nose feels like it's shrinking

43 Forgetfulness Second guessing the size of that Sip, idly fumbling with a Stopper or Lid 93 Undeath Involuntary Rictus, no Blinking/Breathing, Holy Symbol Revulsion

44 Fortitude Deep, invigorating Breath and fleeting pangs of Hunger that pass quickly 94 Unhallowing Blasphemous and faint Whispers, Vision seems to briefly Dim

45 Freedom Knots or Muscle Stiffness vanishes, Belts or Straps seem to slacken slightly 95 Ventriloquism Sound of Smacking Lips, maybe your own, ten feet to your Left

46 Friendship Humorous Joke/Punchline Remembered, gregarious Grin 96 Water Breathing Minor throbbing on both sides of neck, a feeling not unlike thirst

47 Fur Growth Gooseflesh, slight darkening or thickening of vellus hairs on hand/arm 97 Water Walking Clammy Feet, sudden feeling of Lightness, urge to walk tip-toed

48 Gaseous Form Foggy breath and a briefly missing Tongue is startling for sure 98 Weather Control Sudden and sharp electrical Shocks from touching, feel a brief Chill

49 Genius That pesky tune stuck in your head? You recall the name instantly 99 Wisdom Jarring Memory of location of a misplaced Item, inkling of future Weather

50 Giant Strength Nearly crush the Potion in your hand, but quickly correct pressure 100 X-Ray Vision Momentary Terror as you glance at your Bony Hand before you

Draft Version (11.04.2023) |

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