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1 Access to a Spell that can turn an Army into Swine, Frogs, or Footwear 51 Out-rode a Herd of Seething Centaur in their

ntaur in their Home Territory

2 Accidentally bested a High Druid in Combat 52 Penchant for Charity has led some to consider them a Mark

3 At least two Dwarf Clans owe them Favors for Retrieving Relics 53 People have seen them Snap Their Fingers to produce a Pegasus

4 Bears a Shield that consists of a Gold Coin sized for Titans 54 Prone to Frenzied Rage, punched through a Breastplate last time

5 Bounty on their Head goes uncollected, too well Loved by Locals 55 Ran the Underground Cockatrice Fights, as a Stony Finger attests

6 Brokered Peace with the Gnolls, who still regard them with Honor 56 Refuses to acknowledge an Heir, despite Incontrovertible Evidence

7 Carrier for a Deadly and Debilitating Disease according to their Rivals 57 Resemblance to an Infamous Pirate is surely just coincidental

8 Claims that they Slew that Dragon have yet to be Refuted or Substantiated 58 Responsible for the recent Ecclesiastical Upheavals in a Popular Faith

9 Craves Controversy, to the point of embroiling Strangers in their Drama 59 Running out of Time to Fulfill a Geas inflicted on them by a Hag

10 Cruelty to Hired Help has branded them an Employer to Avoid 60 Rushed into that Burning Orphanage, and even went back in for the Dog

11 Defended by an Overprotective Ghost, materializes when endangered 61 Said to have no Navel, was not "Born" but brought forth somehow via Magic

12 Determinedly working towards Lichdom according to nervous Whispers 62 Sang a Song that Calmed a Roc after being dropped in their Massive Nest

13 Discovered a new Trade Route that helped line the Pockets of a Local Trader 63 Score of Ioun Stones orbiting their Skull do most of the talking for them

14 Dubious Letter of Marque permits Seizure of Most Magical Weapons 64 Scuttlebutt Claims they're Masterful at Haggling and Bargaining

15 Dug a Halfling Hole Single-Handedly in a Week they say 65 Seen cavorting with either a Djinni or an Efreeti, who knows what Wishes

16 Dwelt beneath Waves/Water for a Time, some say they still can Breathe It 66 Seldom seen without their Silent and Stoic Skeleton Guards

17 Earned the Enmity of the Goblin King by stealing their Crown 67 Severe Burns they conceal speak to their Survival of a Rot Grub infestation

18 Enemies claim they Hunt Unicorns for Sport, Allies say they Protect them 68 Silvered Weapons always at hand for the next Lycanthrope they Meet

19 Favored by the Gods they say: How else did they survive that Spectre? 69 Simple to Sing, a Popular Ballad means theirs is a Name on the lips of Many

20 Fell asleep for a Year and a Day, some say their Dreams are still Prophetic 70 Single-handedly defeated Four of the Ten Types of Giant

21 Fondness for fine Steeds is well known, with their Stables always Full 71 Slayer of a Colossal Crocodile, frequently gifts Boots/Satchels of it's skin

22 Fooled a whole gaggle of Ogres with their talent for Mimicry/Ventriloquism 72 Snickering Slander speaks of their past Indiscretions with a Witch

23 Forgotten and Powerful Spells swirl within their Formidable Library 73 Sole Survivor from an Expedition across the Sea

24 Fought in the Wraith Wars, commended for Bravery and Sacrifice 74 Solved a Minotaur's Maze on the first Try

25 Game of Chance Granted them a Noble Title, preternaturally Lucky it seems 75 Sought by Cyclops as a pre-eminent Sommelier

26 Goes Bear Hunting, Bare-Handed. Numerous skins attest to success 76 Surrounded by Guardian Pixies who seldom show themselves

27 Gossip says they spent several Years Polymorphed into a Mule 77 Survived the Sting of the dreaded Purple Worm

28 Grew the largest Rutabaga for eight years in a Row before those Ankhegs 78 Swimming in Treasure ever since they outsmarted that Leprechaun

29 Has Broken nearly every Promise or Oath they've ever Made 79 Symbiotic Brown Mold infection is unsightly, makes for a Chilly Disposition

30 Hopelessly Addicted to Gorgon Powder, recently pawned a Prized Possession 80 Talks to Trees and Plants according to the Rumormill

31 Hospitable to a Fault they say: Particularly if approached by the Pious 81 Tamed Wyvern Mount is the Envy of most Adventurers

32 Hushed Murmurs offer only Praise for how they Defied a Local Lord 82 They say it's Trollblood in their Veins: Some have seen Cuts Heal Instantly

33 Hydra Slayer with the perforation-like Scars to Prove it 83 Time with Bugbears taught them this Stealth and Unnerving Lack of Sound

34 In Possession of an Extremely Incriminating Journal 84 Touch is Rumored to remove the most Virulent of Curses

35 Increasingly Erratic Behavior has some saying they've been Ensorcelled 85 Troubling Reports of Severe Illness have a Grain of Truth to them

36 Infamously Miserly, even tried to Haggle a Spouse's Ransom 86 Unmasked at least four Doppelgängers so far, has a Vendetta against them

37 Intimidated the Tax Collector for two entire Seasons before being Jailed 87 Unscrupulously sell Surplus Arms and Armor to Hostile Humanoids

38 Killed a Man with just a Glower, Stared the Death into him 88 Unsubstantiated Claims that they can Control the Weather persist

39 Knows six of the seven steps for Hybridizing new forms of Chimera 89 Upholds the Letter of the Law, predictably to a Fault

40 Let their Best Friend fall Victim to Kobolds, will likely never live it down 90 Very Suspicious aversion to Mirrors, known to fly into a Rage around them

41 Managed to Befriend the Undead, normally inimical to Life 91 Vigorously and Loudly Insists they are of Royal Blood

42 Many claim the Pelt they wear as a Cloak comes from a Manticore 92 Villagers still Speak about the time they Rescued a Child from a Well

43 Milked a Catoblepa and lived to tell the tale 93 Warned an entire Town of an oncoming Flood, and saved hundreds of Lives

44 Never met a Mortal they couldn't Out Carouse 94 Was wed to a Dryad for over a Decade, but parted on Good Terms

45 Never without a Loyal War Hound, said to be able to Speak to Canines 95 Will Eat Anything, and is rumored to have Taboo Tastes

46 Nobody has ever seen them Eat or Drink but they appear hale and healthy 96 Witnesses claim they Ride a Hellish Steed with Fiery Hooves/Mane

47 Notoriously Genteel, despite whispers of Banditry 97 Won a Favor from a Godling and just waiting for the right Moment to call it in

48 Often sought as a Sage on certain Esoteric Subjects pertaining to Arms/Armor 98 Wooed a Medusa somehow, seemingly immune to Petrification

49 Once ate an entire Giant Crab, on a Dare according to multiple Witnesses 99 Word on the Street says they're susceptible to Bribes and Flattery

50 Only accepts payment or makes purchases in Electrum or Semi-Precious Gems 100 Wrestled a Lizard Man Champion, Won Chieftainship of a Tribe for a Time

Draft Version (08.14.2023) |

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