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Spanish Words

5.0 (1 reseña)

Términos de la unidad (423)

Acabo de just

para colmo on top of it all

Para serte sincero, sincera... to be honest

se queda stays (to stay)

llevarse to get along (nos llevamos - we get along)

De todas formas anyways

Vale la pena To be worth it

Temblar To shake

Sombra Shade

Chorro To jet off

Chisme Gossip

Odiar To hate

Tener ganas I feel like

Spanish Libre
Words free
Acurrucarse To cuddle

Alegrarse To be cheerful

Equipo Team

Temporada Season

un lugar A place

La que The one who

tranquila Calm

Arbol Tree

Darse To get oneself ___

Aleman German

Econtrarse To meet with / to find

Sobre About

Broncear To tan

Proximo Next

Despues Then

Despues de After this

Pelo liso Straight hair

Spanish Words
Ponerse To become, to put oneself (I got sad, me pone)

Mi Misma Myself

Sola Alone

Pelicula A movie

Melatonina melatonin

Tomar medicinda To take medicine

Calmados, tranquilos y Cool, calm and collected


Jugete A toy

Vida mas saludable A healthy life

Bueno eso espero I hope so

Pelar To peel

Congelar To freeze

Pepino Cucumber

Y listo And ready!

Vela or candela A candle

Navidad Christmas

Words owner
Es demasiado It's too much

Centro Downtown

Estadio Stadium

A donde? Where to go

Apprender To learn

Asistir To attend

Tomar To take/ to drink

Ahorita Right now

Regresar To return

Sacar To take out

Pronto Soon

Manejar To drive

Terminar To finish

Maestros teachers

Saltar To skip

Billetera wallet

Bolsillo Pocket
Spanish Words
Ir + a Going to

Tener que To have to ___

Mas bonitas Prettiest

Llegar arrive

Funcionar Function / to work

Lentes Glasses

Largo Long

Cada Each

Largarme Get the hell out of here

Voy a largar Im going to leave

Las ganas desire

De punta end

La espalda the back (body part)

Estar Apretando to squeeze

Una otra vez Another time

Arrepentir to regret

Mas despacio Slower

Spanish Words
Trata sobre It's about

Las gafas Sunglasses

Cita Appointment

Periodico Newspaper

Los onidos sounds

Bufanda Scarf

Anillo Ring

Mi edad My age

El precio The price

Por Time or money

Para For

Faltar To miss

Presenter To show up

Aparecer to appear

Demsasiado Temprano Early

Despertar To wake up

Las rocas The rocks

Spanish Words
Resbaladizas Slippery

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