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Unit Lesson Plan

Standards that bridge the entire unit

Measurement and Data 2.MD: 7. Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five
minutes, using a.m. and p.m.
Unit BIG Idea (stated in student-friendly terms; explain why/connections to life)
Students will be able to read and write time from an analog and digital clock. This will help them in
their day to day life as they read and tell time.
Assessment plan
Pre-assessment (prior knowledge, background, preparedness)

Formative assessment during instruction

Teachers will be assessing their progress throughout instruction by analyzing their work and by


Coloring sheets for students who finish early

Quick Overview
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Focus/topic: Digital Clocks Focus/topic: Analog Clocks Focus/topic:Digital and analog

Objective: Objective: Objective:

Students will be able to know Students will be able to identify Students will be able to read
the parts of a digital clock and the parts of an analog clock and and draw/show time on an
be able to read and write time begin to understand how to analog clock. They will be able
from a digital clock. read it. to convert time from a digital
clock to an analog clock and vice

Lesson 1 – Topic: Digital Clocks

Students will be able to know the parts of a digital clock and be able to read and write time from a
digital clock. They will understand the concept of time and what AM and PM means.
Assessment plans / check for understanding
Informally ask students at the beginning of the class as well as throughout the class to see what they
already understand about reading clocks and about the concept of time. Collect students’
independent work throughout the lesson and adjust plans as needed.
Introduction/Anticipatory set (why)/hook
We will be reading Cluck o’clock to introduce the topic.

Instructional content/strategies
The primary focus for the first lesson is introducing the concept of time and how to begin reading time
- Teachers will teach AM and PM (5 minutes)
- Teachers will teach how to read the hour, the colon, and the minute on a digital clock
- Teachers will teach how many minutes are in an hour and how many hours are in a day

Teachers will teach the parts of a clock and what each number means. They will then model how to
read a digital clock correctly. (5 minutes)
Guided practice
1. Teachers will draw a blank digital clock on the board and give a morning or evening time.
Students will then each come to the board and write the correct time on the digital clock and
circle AM and PM. (5-10 minutes)
2. Matching Game- Teachers will hand each child a printed out digital clock. They have to then
find the partner that has the same time on their digital clock. They will pair up with them and
then explain to each other what each part of the clock means. (10 minutes)
Matching Digital Clocks:

Independent practice
Teachers will read a story that includes several different times throughout the story. Students will have
a blank sheet of nine digital clocks and they will write the times from the story on the digital clocks.
(10 minutes)

Blank Digital Clock Sheets

- Ask students everything they learned that day and review the most important things about
telling time (5 minutes)
- Exit ticket- Say 2 times and have the children draw a digital clock and write the times on a
piece of paper with AM or PM.
Co-teaching Strategies (specified above or here)
Teachers will study and prepare the same material together. They will take turns teaching each section
of the lesson plan. While the one is teaching the other teacher will observe and assist students if they
are confused or need further instruction.
Differentiation (specified above or here)
- Pay extra attention to Azusa, Olivia, Tessa, and Katelyn and make sure they are keeping up
with the rest of the class
- Make sure the questions aren’t too easy for Beckerman. Adjust the questions for him to make
it more challenging.
Materials needed
- Whiteboard
- Expo Markers
- Children's book
- Pairs of printed out digital clocks
- Storyline that teachers will read
- 7 sheets of 9 blank digital clocks
- Foam Ball
- Half sheets of paper

Lesson 2 – Topic: Analog Clocks

Students will be able to identify the parts of an analog clock and begin to understand how to read it.
Assessment plans / check for understanding
Informally ask students what they remembered from the previous lesson about digital clocks as well
as what they understand about AM and PM.
● Split kids into two groups, Have one teacher at each. Group one gets harder questions and
group two reviews what we did in the previous lesson
1. Beckerman, Blake, Hannah, and Olivia
2. Tessa, Azusa, Katelyn

Introduction/Anticipatory set (why)/hook
Instructional content/strategies
Review expectations with students
Expectations: have children say what expectations should be
- Raise your hand to talk
- Don’t talk while the teacher is talking
- Bathroom one at time

Digital Clock Review: Turn and talk to a partner and explain digital clocks. Draw a couple on the board
and have the children say the times.
● Split kids into two groups, Have one teacher at each. Group one gets harder questions and
group two reviews what we did in the previous lesson
1. Beckerman, Blake, Hannah, and Olivia
2. Tessa, Azusa, Katelyn
Instruction: Point to the parts of a clock and explain each function. Teach about the hour and minute
hand. Teach how to tell the hour and minutes. Teach how many minutes are in an hour. Count by 5’s
with them.
one teach one assist, team teaching
Guided practice
Reading Clocks: The teachers will show a time on a clock and step the children through the process of
how to read a clock. The teacher will then erase the hands,say a time, and ask the children to help
them put the hands in the correct place. The children will then be asked to write the time showing on
the clock on a separate piece of paper.

Game: A circle will be taped on the ground, with marks for each hour taped on the floor with the
number twelve clearly labeled. A teacher will stand in the middle of the circle and call out an hour or
minute for the children to run and stand on.
Independent practice
Drawing Clocks: The children will draw the hands on a clock when given a time by the teacher. Then
will then be asked to write the time next to the analog clock.
Blank Analog Clocks:
Ask students everything they learned that day and review the most important things about reading
time. (5 minutes)
- Exit ticket- Teachers give two times and children draw the clock hands on blank analog clocks
Co-teaching Strategies (specified above or here)
Teachers will study and prepare the same material together. They will take turns teaching each section
of the lesson plan. While the one is teaching the other teacher will observe and assist students if they
are confused or need further instruction.
Differentiation (specified above or here)
- Pay extra attention to Katelyn, Azusa, and Tessa- help them understand better the concept of
- Make problems more difficult for blake and beckerman
- If Katelyn, Azusa and Tessa are still struggling- pull them to a separate group and go over the
same information with more detail
Materials needed
- White board
- Expo markers
- 7 sheets of blank analog clocks
- Scotch tape
- Pencils
- Name tags
- Clock???
- Sheets of paper

Lesson 3 – Topic: Digital and analog clocks

Students will be able to read and draw/show time on an analog clock. They will be able to convert
time from a digital clock to an analog clock and vice versa.
Assessment plans / check for understanding
Informally ask students what they remembered from the previous lesson about digital and analog
clocks as well as what they understand about AM and PM.
- Split kids into two groups, Have one teacher at each. Group one gets harder questions and
group two reviews what we did in the previous lesson
1. Beckerman, Blake, Hannah, and Olivia
2. Tessa, Azusa, Katelyn (Focus on Azusa since she missed Monday)
Introduction/Anticipatory set (why)/hook
Teachers will show students the clocks that they will be making that day
Instructional content/strategies
The teachers will lead a review about analog clocks and the different parts of the clock.
Teachers will teach about analog clocks and then model how to make one.
Guided practice
The process of making clocks will be explained by a teacher, and the children will gather all the
materials they will need. The teachers will then walk around and provide the children assistance with
making the clocks, as they need it.

Each student will show a time on their clock. They will rotate with different students and teachers and
read each other's clocks.
Independent practice
- Children will practice showing times on their new clocks that they just made. Teachers will
write different times on the board and the children will then show the time on their individual
clocks. (10 minutes)
- Scavenger hunt- Children and teachers will all be in a room. There will be 20 “times” around
the room that they have to find. They will then show the time on their clock and check it off
with the teacher

- Children will get into two lines. They will each make a time on their clock and then tell a story
to their partner using AM and PM in their story. They will then switch partners.

- To connect both the digital clock and an analog clock, teachers will draw digital clocks on the
board with different times. One digital clock at a time, students will show the time on their
personal analog clocks and explain AM and PM.
- Exit ticket: children will write the correct times on a digital clock and an analog clock. They will
also read time on a digital clock and an analog clock

Co-teaching Strategies (specified above or here)

Teachers will study and prepare the same material together. They will take turns teaching each section
of the lesson plan. While the one is teaching the other teacher will observe and assist students if they
are confused or need further instruction.
Differentiation (specified above or here)
- Katelyn- Help her feel comfortable and make sure she is included since she is more shy. Give
her little tasks to do to help out (handing out papers, etc.)
- Beckerman, Blake and Hannah- When split up into groups, make their instruction more
- Azusa- Have a more indepth review and fill in missing holes since she missed Monday
- Tessa- Teach Tessa to do her work without prompting from an adult
- Olivia - Olivia struggled with the analog clocks when the written in minutes were taken away.
Make sure she doesn’t fall behind and is more confident with the numbers on the clock
Materials needed
- Paper Plates
- Markers
- Mini Sticky notes
- Split pins
- Colored Pencils
- Exit tickets
- Pencils
- Scavenger hunt times

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