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ELSEVIER Journal of Materials Processing Technology 58 (1996) 174 183

Process design in multi-stage cold forging by the

finite-element method
Jin-Hee Lee a Beom-Soo Kang a,*, Jung-Hwan Lee b
~' ERC,/or Net Shape and Die Manujacturmg, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-735, South Korea
b Korea Institute of Machineo' and Metals', Changwon, Kyungnam 641-010, South Korea

Received 6 December 1994

Industrial summary

In this work, a process sequence for multi-stage cold forging is designed with the rigid-plastic finite element method to form a
constant-velocity joint (CVJ) housing with shaft. The material flow during the forming of a CVJ housing is axisymmetric until the
final forging process for the forming of the ball grooves. The numerical approach in this study treats the deformation as an
axisymmetric case. The main objective of the process-sequence design is to design preforms which satisfy the design criterion of
a near-net-shape product requiring less machining after forming without any defects. It also included investigation of velocity
distributions, effective strain distributions, and forging loads, which are useful information in process design. A systematic
approach to process-sequence design is established using the finite-element method for the cold forging of the CVJ housing.

Keywor&': Process design; Cold forging; Finite-element method

1. Introduction provide detailed information concerning the mechanics

of the process. On the contrary the finite-element
Near-net-shape or net-shape manufacturing is be- method has been proven to provide more accurate and
coming a trend in metal forming, especially in cold detailed information, and is thus widely used for simu-
forging, resulting in savings in material, energy and lating and analyzing various metal-forming processes.
machining requirements. Cold forging maintains Amongst various applications of the finite-element
strength, dimensional and surface-finish specifications. method in the metal-forming industry is practically one
In practice, however, cold forging requires several pre- of the most important process-sequence design in multi-
forming operations to transform an initial simple billet stage forming processes [10-19].
into a final complex product without defects. The The production quantity of constant-velocity joints,
design of a forging-process sequence involves the deter- which are indispensable for front-wheel-drive cars, has
mination of the number of preforms, and the determi- been increasing. The mass manufacturing of constant-
nation of the shapes and preform dimensions. The velocity joints at an economical cost has thus become
proper design of preforming operations to achieve an an important issue for production engineering. Con-
adequate material distribution is one of the most im- stant-velocity joints are employed for torque transfer
portant aspect in cold-forging processes. Traditionally, between the gear and the drive wheels, in which the
forging-sequence design is carried out using mainly steering and the suspension movements of the wheels
empirical guidelines, experience and trial-and-error, must be followed simultaneously. A constant-velocity
which results in a long time for process development, joint consists of a spider, an inner race and a housing
and high cost of the products [1 3]. with a shaft. Amongst the components, the production
Computer-aided simulation techniques in metal of the housing by machining is difficult because of its
forming before actual tryout may reduce the cost and irregular shape. There are two methods for the mass
time of process design. Many computer-aided ap- production of housings, i.e., hot forging and cold forg-
proaches based on approximate analysis and empiri- ing. The conventional hot-forging process requires sub-
cally-established design rules have been published in the sequent machining operations involving an enormous
literature [4-9]. These techniques do not always number of man-hours. The cold-forging process, how-
ever, makes it possible to produce net-shape housings
* Corresponding author. without any machining after forming, and effects save

Elsevier Science S.A.

SSD1 0924-0136(95)02093-2
J.-H. Lee et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 58 (1996) 174 183 175

Frezvq annealing, so as to give the preform the required degree

of cold formability, the third operation of backward
extrusion is performed. During the operation, the flow
stress of the material becomes large and a great deal of
~ -- ~ upset
tingbackwardV ,~ compressive stress is applied to the tools. Thus, it is
essential to perform another annealing heat-treatment
Annea in on the preform (resulting from the third operation).
initial forward ~ ~ deep backward The fourth operation is deep backward-extrusion. Pre-
billet extrusion extrusion ironing
cise design of the punch and die shape is required in
c l o s e d die forging order to obtain the required dimensional accuracy of
the final product. The part formed by the fourth opera-
Fig. 1. Suggested processes of cold forging to form a constant-veloc-
ity-joint housing [19.23]. tion has a shape close to the finished product, but it is
required to form the cup opening with the prescribed
material of up to 40%. However, great efforts in design- dimensional accuracy. Usually an ironing operation
ing a delicate process sequence are needed in cold with axial bending is carried out as the last operation.
forging of the net-shape housings [20-22]. The actual punch in the ironing operation consists of
In this study, the process sequence in the cold forging six radially-segmented components, like the slices of an
of a constant-velocity joint (CVJ) housing with a shaft apple. Removal of the die from the final socket-shaped
has been investigated and designed using the rigid- product is carried out by retracting the central core and
plastic finite-element method. The cold forging process- collapsing the segments of the die inwards.
sequence to form the CVJ housing consists of four Fig. 2 shows the simulation results by Kang and
operations: forward extrusion, closed-die forging, deep Kobayashi [19] to form a CVJ housing according to the
backward-extrusion, and ironing. Here the practical expert's solution of case I in Fig. 1. The possibility of
problems of the deformed shape of the cup opening, the cold forging for this CVJ housing using a new process-
slope angle, the press capacity, and surface cracking are sequence has been suggested. By combining the upset-
considered, and a forging process-sequence is designed ting with the backward-extrusion of case I, a new
which can produce a net-shape housing without defects process sequence is obtained with four forming opera-
within a given press capacity. The information obtained tions and one annealing treatment, shown in Fig. 1 as
from the finite-element simulation, including the shapes case II.
of preforms, effective strains, velocity fields, and die In this study, a process sequence of multi-stage cold
load, is utilized in designing the new process sequence. forging of a CVJ housing is designed by the rigid-plas-
tic finite-element method according to case II.
The dimensions and configurations of the initial billet
2. Process description and modeling and the final cold-forged CVJ housing product are
illustrated in Fig. 3.
Fig. 1 is a schematic drawing showing the suggested The material flow during forging of the CVJ housing
processes of cold forging for a CVJ housing with axial is axisymmetric before the deep backward-extrusion:
symmetry [19,23]. Process sequence I in Fig. 1 is a the flow then becomes three-dimensional. As mentioned
classical expert's solution [23]. The cylindrical billet is above, the socket-shaped product is formed by special
extruded forwards to form a shift in the first operation, dies with six segments around a core. Assuming that
and upset in the second operation. The head is com- the difference between the actual three-dimensional pro-
pressed by closed-die forging to form a flange with a cess and the axisymmetric case is relatively minor, it is
radius approaching the outer diameter of the cup. After possible to consider the deformation of CVJ housing as

Fig. 2. Results of simulations of the conventional five-operation process [19].
176 J.-H. Lee et al./ Journal of Materials Processing Technology 58 (1996) 174 183

assign new effective strains at the nodal points by linear

interpolation. The press capacity is limited to 1000
tonne in respect of the actual press capacity in industry.
(Unit : m m )
3. Simulation results and discussion

A process sequence for the multi-stage cold forging

I of a CVJ housing is simulated according to the process
of case II in Fig. 1. The main objective of the process-
[ \ "- i oi sequence design in this study is to obtain intermediate
preforms which produce a near-net-shape product. Also
q design conditions, such as the limit of the press capacity
and the avoidance of surface cracking, should be sa-
I The first operation shown in Fig. 4 is forward extru-

I sion to form the shaft of the CVJ housing. The reduc-

tion of area in the extrusion is 64% and the semi-cone

_ ~so.0 & angle of die is 35.5 ° . This extrusion is in preparation for

the next operations. Figs. 4(a)-(c) show the initial
mesh, the deformed grid distortion at punch stroke of
(a) (b)
60%, and the final grid distortion with the effective
Fig. 3. Dimensions and configurations of the CVJ housing: (a) initial strain distribution. The extrusion operation was
billet; (b) final product. stopped when the extruding part was of the same final
dimensions as the shaft part of the CVJ housing.
an axisymmetric problem with a socket-shaped product. The maximum extrusion load is 270 tonne, which is
The maximum die load in the final operation is similar within the press capacity of 1000 tonne. High effective
to the value of the actual case, but the cup-opening strains appear in the outside part of the extruded shaft,
configuration of the product is influenced by the mod- whilst the workpiece in the container virtually does not
ification. When applying this result to die design in deform.
industry, slight design-modification will be performed The simulation of the second operation is shown in
to compensate for the difference between the actual Fig. 5, which is called a closed-die forging, and com-
process and the simulated process. bines upsetting with the backward extrusion of the
Although three-dimensional finite-element-based conventional process sequence (see case I in Fig. 1).
codes enable the modeling of large plastic deformation Due to negative Jacobians resulting from severe mesh
[24], three-dimensional modeling is still much too com- distortion near to the part contacting with the punch,
plicated and time consuming for industrial application. two remeshings are required to complete the simulation
Considering an axisymmetric cup configuration, the up to the die-filling stage. The number of nodes and
simulations are performed with the two-dimensional elements decrease slightly for each remeshing because a
rigid-plastic finite-element method that can give sound coarser mesh is used in the shaft part. Fig. 5(a) shows
results for the material flow in the CVJ housing forging. the preform after forward extrusion and the grid distor-
The fundamental of the rigid-plastic finite-element tion at a punch stroke of 88% whilst Fig. 5(b) shows
method and the mathematical formulation are well the grid distortion and the effective-strain distribution
established and given in the literature [25,26]. The at the end of the second operation. The maximum
material used for the simulations is a mild steel, AISI forging load is 850 tonne: it is possible to reduce the
1018, with the following flow-stress behavior: ~ = forging load by controlling the punch stroke in the
0.037(1.0 + 50.0g) T M tonne/mm 2 (1 tonne mm 2). The closed-die forging. Thus, the punch stroke at the finish-
die-workpiece interface is characterized by the con- ing step lies within the available press capacity. Since
stant-factor friction law, usually used for bulk metal- this second operation is not a finishing operation and
forming problems: r = m k . Here, r is the frictional does not influence significantly the shape of the final
shear stress, m is the friction factor, and k is the shear product, complete filling is not required: A small cavity
flow stress. appears at the corner between the flat part and spheri-
The friction factor in this study is assumed to be 0.1 cal part of the punch. The preform obtained from the
which is suitable for cold-forging processes. During the second operation is assumed to be satisfactory as
simulations the mesh is distorted severely, and thus preparation for the next operation. The preform is
should be remeshed to avoid negative Jacobians and to called Preform PCDF, having the dimensions shown in
J.-H. Lee et al./ Journal of Materutls Processing Technology 58 (1996) 174 183 177

_d- -t_

Die s e m i - a n g l e : 35.50
R e d u c t i o n of a r e a : 64%

(a) (b) (e)

Fig. 4. Simulation of forward extrusion: (a) initial billet; (b) stroke of 60%; and (c) final deformation and effective-strain distribution.

Fig. 5(c). The high value of effective strain near to the final product, it would be helpful to be able to
the punch tip reflects severe plastic deformation, as obtain some knowledge of the metal flow involved in
shown in Fig. 5(b). In the next operation of deep the backward extrusion. Simulations are conducted us-
backward-extrusion, mainly the upper part of Y-shaped ing the trial dies with punch I and die I, as shown in
Preform P C D F deforms. Complete filling in this opera- Fig. 6(a). The simulation results of the backward extru-
tion can cause the final forging load exceeding the press sion and the last operation of ironing process appear in
capacity so that the upsetting operation is stopped Figs. 8(a) and (b), respectively.
before complete filling. It is necessary that the preform The left side of Fig. 8(c) displays the velocity field of
be annealed to obtain sufficient formability prior to the preform (Preform PDBE-I) after the third opera-
deep backward-extrusion. Since the annealing treat- tion, and the right side of the figure describes the final
ment of the workpiece means a strain-free state in product, with dimensions, after the ironing operation.
simulation using the finite-element method, Preform As shown in Fig. 8(b), the top surface of the cup
P C D F is considered to be in the state of zero-strain at opening in the final product is not in close contact with
the start of the next simulation. Remeshing is carried the punch after ironing, which indicates that sound and
out again for simulation of the next operation (see precise forming at the top surface is not achieved. The
Fig. 5(c)). undesirable forming at the top surface can be assumed
Fig. 6 shows the die configuration designed for the to occur for the reason that an excessive amount of
following deep backward-extrusion process, hereinafter material deforms radially outside at the top part in the
the process being referred to as backward extrusion. backward extrusion, as shown in the right side of Fig.
In this operation, the dies are designed carefully, 8(a). During the ironing operation, the thickness of the
since the backward-extrusion process affects, directly, cup bottom becomes less than that of Preform PDBE-I.
the precision forming of the final product. In order to The dimensions in Fig. 8(c) differ from those of the real
obtain the net-shape final product, the preform from product of the CVJ housing (see Fig. 3(b)). The slope
the backward extrusion should be formed soundly and angle of the cup opening in the simulation is 33 ° , whilst
precisely before being used in the last operation, an the angle in the real product is 25 ° .
ironing process. The most stringent forging operation amongst all the
Fig. 7 shows the dies for ironing which is conducted operations is the third operation. Surface cracks may
by covering the male die of ball groove shape with the appear in the forming material near to the cup bottom
workpiece and having the female die extrude the outer along the direction of the circumference. Fig. 9 shows
rim of the workpiece upwards with bending. the relationship between the crack generation during
When investigating the effects of the preform shape forging and the thickness of the cup bottom in the case
derived from the backward extrusion on the forming of of CVJ forming with carbon steel [22].
178 J.-H. Lee et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 58 (I996) 174 183

(Unit : ram)

Preform PCDF



2 2!'5

1.51 2.0

2 (

(~) (b) (e)

Fig. 5. Simulation of closed-die forging: (a) initial set-up and stroke of 88%; (b) final deformation and effective-strain distribution; and (c)
dimensions of Preform PCDF.

(Unit : mm)

(a) (b) (c)


"-.j/N/A ~,
"1 '5.

Fig. 6. Dimensions and configurations of the dies for deep backward-extrusion.
J.-H. Lee et al./Journal of Materials" Processing Technology 58 (1996) 174-183 179
(Unit : m m )
] 75.0



~- 2~ DIE +~ 60.0

"Q) 55,0
>~ 50.0 /

11:3R]~ 1 0.0
0.0 l/ lo'.o 1 .o

14'.o 16.0
Bottom thickness(ram)
. ~ ¢a6.0 F
Fig. 9. Forming limit for surface cracks in the inner surface near to
Before ironing During i r o n i n g the cup bottom [22].
Fig. 7. Dimension and configuration of the dies for the ironing
process. height and corner radius of the punch are reduced
compared to those of punch I. The newly designed
The value calculated by the dimensions in Fig. 8(c) is punch is shown in Fig. 6(b) and is called punch II,
plotted as point A in Fig. 9, indicated to be inside the based on the previous discussion.
danger zone where surface cracks may occur. This is Fig. 10 shows the simulation results using the die set
caused by a large amount of deformation being concen- of punch II and die I, the third operation being shown
trated in the cup-bottom area of the forging. Based on in Fig. 10(a), and the last ironing operation in Fig.
the simulation results, the preform derived from the 10(b). Also, Fig. 10(c) shows the velocity field of the
backward extrusion influences the final product signifi- preform (Preform PDBE-II) formed in the third opera-
cantly. Especially, the control of the material flow near tion and the dimensions of the final product formed in
to the cup opening affects the configuration of the final the last operation.
product critically. In order to obtain the same dimen- For the case using Preform PDBE-II, the amount of
sions of the cup bottom and the same slope angle, and material flow into the top part is reduced in comparison
to fill the undeformed part near to the cup opening, the with the case of Preform PDBE-I. The deformation of

(Unit : ram)

• i

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 8. Simulations of deep backward-extrusion using the dies in Fig. 6(a) and the ironing process.
180 J.-H. Lee et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 58 (1996) 174-183

(Unit : ram)

_ 3 o ' ~

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 10. Simulations of deep backward-extrusion using the dies in Fig. 6(b) and the ironing process.

the inward cup opening is almost complete and the the stage when the inside punch is filled completely.
configuration of the final product in Fig. 10(c) is far Three stages of the last operation of ironing are shown
more desirable than the final configuration using Pre- in the right side of Fig. l l(a) (c).
form PDBE-I: however, it still does not satisfy the As shown in the right side of Fig. 1 l(c), there is no
dimensions of the cup bottom thickness and slope angle undeforming part, but the final dimensions are not the
of the CVJ housing. A surface crack does not appear in same as those of the product in Fig. 3(b). The slope
the forming material, the latter being represented by angle of the cup opening is 29 ° , which is larger than the
point B in Fig. 9. desired angle, but no surface cracks occur near to the
An attempt has been made to redesign the dies to cup bottom: point C in Fig. 9. The maximum die load
produce net-shape products without machining after in the backward extrusion is 1500 tonne at the final
forming. Fig. 6(c) shows the finally-designed die set stage with completion, which will be shown later in Fig.
consisting of punch III and die II for deep backward- 15(c). Because the available press capacity is 1000
extrusion, the design of the die set reflecting the simula- tonne, the process should be modified to reduce the
tion results in Fig. 10. maximum die load. The present preform does not de-
The left side of Fig. ll(a) shows the simulation form satisfactorily with respect to all of the final crite-
results of the third operation using the die set in Fig. ria. The dimensions of the final product, however, are
6(c), where the backward extrusion is carried out up to similar to those of the real product. Thus, a slight

(Unit : m m )

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 11. Simulations of deep backward-extrusion using the dies in Fig. 6(c) and the ironing process where the punch stroke is 100%.
J.-H. Lee et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 58 (1996) 174-183 181

• unlilled


(a) (b) (e)

Fig. 12. As for Fig. 11, but for a punch stroke of 95%.

modification of the preform is made to keep the maxi- The ironing operation is carried out using the preform
mum die load during backward extrusion below 1000 (Preform PDBE-III) in Fig. 12(c), as shown in Fig. 13.
tonne and to obtain dimensions identical to those of the Fig. 14(a) shows the velocity field and the effective-
real product. In comparison with the real product in strain distribution after deep backward-extrusion, and
Fig. 3(c), it is necessary to increase the cup bottom Fig. 14(b) the dimensions and the effective-strain distri-
thickness by 0.9 mm and to decrease the amount of bution of the final product.
material which contributes to the formation of the As shown in the shape and velocity field of Preform
slope angle. For these purposes, the simulation of back- PDBE-III, the material flow towards the outside of the
ward extrusion is stopped at the stage when the punch cup opening is smaller than that in the previous cases.
stroke is less than 100%, and the derived preform is The maximum effective strain occurs near to the cup
used for the ironing process. The dies in Fig. 6(c) are bottom, as displayed in Fig. 14(a). Therefore, it is
used without modification during deep backward-extru- known that should a surface crack occur, it will be
sion. It is possible to maintain the forging load within located near to the cup bottom. Also, an undeformed
the press capacity because the load increases rapidly part does not appear near to the cup opening, and the
near the end stroke. cup bottom thickness remains unchanged during the
Fig. 12 shows the simulation of backward extrusion ironing process. The outside surface of the cup is
to a punch stroke of 95%, the darkened area in Fig. deformed mainly by the ring-typed die in the ironing
12(c) indicating an unfilled cavity of very small volume. process. The dimensions of the final product in Fig.


(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 13. Simulation of the ironing process using Preform PDBE-III.
182 J.-H. Lee et al. ,/'Journal of Materials Processing Teehnology 58 (1996) 174 183

(Unit : mm) 95%. The criterion for press capacity is thus satisfied
throughout all of the forming operations.
4. Conclusions

A process sequence for the multi-stage cold forging

of a CVJ housing with a shaft has been designed by the
rigid-plastic finite-element method. The cold-forging
~'~ 0.~
process sequence to form the CVJ housing consists of
¢i the four operations of forward extrusion, closed-die
forging, deep backward-extrusion, and ironing.
This study can be concluded with the following re-
1. A better process sequence to form a CVJ housing
has been designed by the rigid-plastic finite-element
(a) (b) method, solving actual problems such as the precise
deformed shape of the cup opening, the slope angle, the
Fig. 14. Showing: (a) distributions of effective strains for Preform
press capacity, and surface cracking.
PDBE-III; and (b) the final product.
2. The information obtained from the finite-element
simulation, including the shapes of preforms, the effec-
500 1000 tive strains, the velocity fields, and the die load, is
useful in designing a new process sequence.
400 0oo

3. A systematic approach to process-sequence design
300 60b [ has been established using the finite-element method for
< multi-stage cold forging to form a constant-velocity-
C~ 200 ~400
joint housing. This specific case can be considered as an
I00 2oo / / / ~ example of the application of the method and for
/ development of the sequence-design methodology in
% 20' 40' 6 o' co' 100 o 20' 40' 6 o' 80 ' 100
(~) (b)
1800 500 [

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