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Changes Of Microorganism In Top Boiling Water For Daily Drinking Consumption On Barangay

Tomas Cabili Iligan City



What is the Difference between Boiling Water and Cold water? Is it helpful to the
community? What is the impact of boiling water on our health? Basically, water is one of the
most important substances and basic needs of human beings.

Nowadays, many people are concerned about their health when it comes to drinking
water. Water is the most important liquid we know. However, all animals, plants, and humans
need water to survive. Water is the basis of our life. water became so contaminated that we
cannot drink it without any purification. Boiling was the method used from the beginning. But it
is not sufficient since water contains metal wastes also. Without water, there would be no life
on earth and it is also true that without pure water humans cannot live on earth. Some
residents of barangay Tomas Cabili, Iligan City are very particular about what they drink
because of the environment and the main source of water. They think that ordinary water has
bacteria due to the environment and can cause diseases. They prefer to buy mineral water or
boiling water.

Water is a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen and
exists in gaseous, liquid, and solid states. It is one of the most plentiful and essential
compounds. A tasteless and odorless liquid at room temperature, it has the important ability to
dissolve many others. water is very important to our body; Water is used in every cell of your
body. Water travels throughout your body carrying nutrients, oxygen, and wastes to and from
your cells and organs. Water keeps your body cool as part of your body’s temperature
regulating system. Water cushions your joints, and protects your tissues and organs from shock
and damage. Water acts as a lubricant for your joints, your mouth, and digestive system in
saliva, and in your nose, throat, eyes, and stomach as part of mucus. Water aids in digestion
and absorption of food, as well as in the removal of wastes from your body. Water also helps
you maintain a healthy weight. Water purification and its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of water, Water purification can protect against harmful organisms and Water
purification removes toxic metals. Disadvantages of water, Water purification may not remove
pesticides and Water purification require regular maintenance.

Boiling is the most common method for treating small quantities of water. Boiling is
defined as a phase transition from the liquid state to the gas state, which usually occurs when a
liquid is heated to its boiling point. It is very common in every household to heat water as a
substitute for minerals since a lot of people prefer or are used to drinking tap water, so to be
safe in drinking the water, people boil it to kill the microbes that are in the tap water. There are
many disease-causing organisms that consumers could be exposed to through ingestion and
contact with contaminated drinking water. The more common pathogens that can be found in
drinking water are as follows: protozoa, Bacteria, and Viruses. Boiling water kills or inactivates
viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and other pathogens by using heat to damage structural
components and disrupt essential life processes (e.g., denature proteins). Boiling is not
sterilization and is more accurately characterized as pasteurization. Sterilization kills all the
organisms present, while pasteurization kills those organisms that can cause harm to humans.
Advantages of boiling water

Boiling water makes it safe to drink in the event of some type of biological
contamination. You can kill off bacteria and other organisms in a batch of water simply by
bringing it to a boil for a few minutes. Other types of pollutants, such as lead, are not so easily
filtered out, however. Before reaching a treatment plant, water from rivers and reservoirs
contains a variety of organisms, such as bacteria and viruses. Even though the water might
appear clean, it is most likely home to unsafe microorganisms. Some types of bacteria are
harmful to consume and can cause digestive problems, along with symptoms of cramping and
diarrhea.  Boiling water is the most efficient method of purification when a person does not
have access to safe, treated water. Many organisms cannot survive when water reaches its
boiling point of 212 F. In fact, if the temperature of the water is above 160 F, any organism in
the water will not survive longer than 30 minutes. According to the World Health Organization,
bacteria are rapidly killed at temperatures above 149°F (65°C). This temperature is below that
of boiling water or even a simmer. In order to be sure that you’ve killed pathogenic bacteria
that may be present in water, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Trusted
Source  recommends the following. If the water is cloudy, either let it settle or filter it through a
coffee filter or clean piece of cloth before you boil it. Bring the water to a rolling boil. This is the
point where the water is boiling very vigorously with lots of bubbles. Allow the water to boil like
this for at least 1 minute. Remove the water from the heat source and allow it to cool down.
And once the water has cooled, store it in a clean, tightly-secured container.

An organism that can be seen only through a microscope, Microorganisms include

bacteria, protozoa, algae, and fungi. The microorganisms that are present in tap tater are under
in bacteria are coliform bacteria, heterotrophic bacteria, in viruses are the adenovirus,
hepatitis, norovirus, and rotavirus while under in protozoans are cryptosporidium and giardia.
The effects of drinking contaminated water Some of the more commonly problems experienced
from drinking impure water include Diarrhea, dehydration, death, gastrointestinal problems,
nausea, intestinal or stomach cramping, intestinal or stomach aches and pains. 




Based on these results, it is considered that the process of heating water to a rolling
boil, as recommended in the WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality (WHO, 2011), is
sufficient to inactivate pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa. After the water has reached a
rolling boil, it should be removed from the heat, allowed to cool naturally, without the addition
of ice, and protected from post-treatment recontamination during storage. If turbid water
needs to be clarified for aesthetic reasons, this should be done before boiling





nformation_pu  blic_health_professional.htm

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