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Casidar Juhara A.


Make Self – care plan. Design for your self-care plan.


1 Start the day with glass of water

2 pray five times a day

3 Have a balance breakfast

4 go for a walk

5 finish responsibility

6 do your hobby
Casidar Juhara A.
Activity 1
Write a journal describing a situation in which you have encountered difficulty in making
decision. What were the choices or alternatives available to you? What enabled you to come up
with a decision in favor of one option? What course of action or processes did you undertake?

Mostly people tend to view that if you finished college the struggle you had would end
there, but as a student who wants to pursue medicine there’s a lot of difficulty in making
decision on choosing practicality or passion. If i finished my course biology In Sha Allah,
the alternative that is available for me are Medical Doctor, Teacher, Researcher and
Microbiologist, Perks of finishing Biology. The situation would decide my path on what
decision that would mostly favor in my case. As of now we are not struggling financially
that’s why i am pursuing on becoming a Medical Doctor, but thinking about the future is a
scary thing sometimes because there’s a lot of what if in my mind. What if my parents
struggle on supporting me because my chosen course are too expensive? That’s why
probably my action or process that i would undertake is to choose teacher if that “ what if”
of mine comes true. Planning that i should work first as a part of processes that i would
undertake to finished my chosen Degree and financially support my self before entering
College of Medicine.

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