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Freedom is described as having the ability to do whatever we want to do, but the

freedom of the human person has a very deep meaning to it. As a human person,

we have the ability to think, to feel and to know what is right and wrong.

Therefore, Freedom of the human person, has an affiliation of responsibility

and limitations because of different values and beliefs of the human person. The

backbone of it is the international human rights framework. Knowing the

limitations of our human rights, we can have freedom with dignity and morality.

Human rights is a set of principles concerned with equality and fairness;

knowing what is right and wrong, understanding different values and opinions,

respecting religious beliefs and simply knowing what boundaries you can’t go

beyond. We have human rights in each aspect; rights to a fair trial, freedom

from torture and other cruel and inhuman treatment, freedom of speech,

freedom of religious and the rights to health, education and adequate standard of

living. This freedom we have, as a human person we must use it in the right

way, in which we shouldn’t abuse it and use it to harm other people.

Government has a particular responsibility in ensuring that all people have used

their rights. They are required to establish and maintain the laws and services

that the people need to use their rights with respect and protection. An example

of this is, the right to education; it says that all people are entitled to a good

education, that is why, the government must provide good and quality facilities
and services to their people. If they fail to do this, it is still generally accepted

that this is the government’s responsibility and we can call them out if they fail

to respect and protect our basic human rights. It is also a protection to our

social problems (low life expectancy and illiteracy) and economic problems

( unfair income distribution, low income per capita and so on). That’s why the

factor to welfare improvements is human development, where freedom is an

essential instrument to achieving it.

In a quote by Aristotle “ Every action has a consequence “ for him, human

beings are rational. If there were no intellect, there would be no will. Our will

is the instrument of free choice. That’s why, all of our wills are the reasons for

our choices/actions that have consequences in the end. That is why critical

thinking is needed for your own will that can be an instrument to your free


In conclusion, the freedom of the human person is the ability to choose what

we can do with being concerned about the right and wrong of our behaviour or

if its good or bad. This freedom is accompanied with the human rights that

protect and respect us. Our freedoms and rights are protected by the government

and that is their responsibility that they need to do. We must always remember

to respect each other's freedom. They have consequences when we disrespect

other people's opinions,values, and beliefs.

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