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School Safety Evaluation

Elena Abercrombie


Kuterah Donald

July 18, 2022


I was surprised how many times I checked off “No” on the school safety audit. My

school needs to improve forty-four percent of the safety audit. The three most areas of

concern for me are building access, monitoring, surveillance, and the outdoor play area.

The building access is not even close to meeting today's standards and is not safe.

Anyone can access the school classrooms by going to the side of the building. The

fence does not extend around the whole school. Anyone can just walk around the fence

instead of opening the gate that blocks off the parking lot for the buses. Parents have

often just walked around the fence to pick up their kids before dismissal time. The fence

needs to go around the property and be securely locked.

We have cameras in the main areas like the cafeteria, office, and main hallways.

The cameras excluded the library and portable classrooms. Students are often found

hiding in these arenas in groups to skip calls. Teachers are supposed to walk classes to

these buildings, so no one is misplaced. This rarely happens in practice. Cameras need

to be added in every hallway and room. The outside needs to be monitored by a staff

member during transitions.

The outdoor play area is right in the middle of the outside parking lot. There is no

fence, and it is open to the rest of the parking lot. Parents that pick up their children

early often drive around the play area and have to stop for kids that are playing nearby.

This is a very dangerous situation that could lead to an accident. A fence with a gate

should be placed all around the playground. Students need to know they stay in the

fenced area unless escorted to the classroom by a teacher.

The vision and mission of the school express the safety of students as the

number one priority. In order to live up to these expectations, these safety concerns

need to be addressed. I brought up these concerns to the principal and she agreed that

these things need to be fixed. She said she would bring it up at the next board meeting

to resolve these problems.



National Policy Board for Educational Administration (2015). Professional Standards for

Educational Leaders 2015. Reston, VA: Author.

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