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Manicaland State University Of Applied Science

Faculty Of Applied Sciences

Department Of Human Resource Management

Programme : Bachelor Of Science Honours In Human Resource

Course Title : Management And Labour
Course Code : SSHR101
Student Name : Priveledge Munyanyi
Student Number : M224XP
Contact Details: +263774927937
Lectuter :Mr Muchongwe
Assignment 1 : Critically evaluate the view that the Classical
Management School is a body of machine theories.

Due Date : 27 June 2021

The classical management school or theory was introduced during the Industrial Revolution as a
way to improve productivity within factories and other businesses. Its main aim during the days
was to provide businesses with standard productivity through principled guidelines. This
managerial school of thought brought with it significant theories governing the basis of

The classical management theory is a style of management that emphasizes hierarchy,

specialized roles and single leadership for optimized efficiency in the workplace. There is no
much further meaning to the machine theory given on the question but just a metaphor that had
existed from time to time in the business environment with a specific scientific meaning.

Within the background of organizations, there has been shown that organizations have existed in
society for many years, as found in the pre-twentieth-century works of Adam Smith, commonly
referred to as the ‘Father of Economics.’ Understanding organizations comes from understanding
management theory, which can only be understood through four major management theories for
the basis of organizations which include, bureaucratic theory, scientific management theory,
behavioural management theory, and human relations theory.

These four theories are generalized as the classical theories of managing organizations. With
these that is when the definition for machine theory comes as it where the whole argument comes
by. The whole situation is on the organizations which are viewed as machines and the people
within it as parts that function together each with its own specific task to keep the machine or
organization fully functional and producing effective positive services to the surrounding

Beggining with the bureaucracy theory which explains out that When an organization is formed,
it usually sets its rules based on its structure. Bureaucratic theory relates to the formal hierarchy
in which many tasks are delegated to individuals and departments. They are also held together by
a central administration. This theory was developed by Max Weber (1864-1920), who was a
German historian and sociologist, and is regarded as the “father of bureaucracy”.
This theory is quite popular, and is used by a host of both private and public institutions. It has
been stated that universities and other schools rely on bureaucracies to function, as the
compatibility of this function is relevant in the delegation of tasks. The compatibility decided
upon (usually by a central command) is passed down to subordinates who carry the same
compatibility to their subordinates and so on. The bureaucratic model, theoretically, has a
hierarchical structure along with the specialized departments, making a clear outline for division
of labour, which is the defining and break-down of work into well-defined tasks, and delegated
to be manageable. The idea of division of labour is a key factor in the bureaucratic theory.

The bureaucratic theory mainly focuses on the organizational structure as it encourages workers
to respect the rights of their managers to direct activities dictated by organizational rules and
procedures. The machine theory is applicable on this theory as it supprts the fact that managers
or those that are within the higher offices would be the ones who manages the machine or makes
sure that the machine and its parts are still in shape by making sure that there is no exchange of
functionality like the gear box functioning as the steering on the motor vehicle which is totally

The machine theory has possibly motivated managers in the management sector whereby an
administration which has been established will wholly be focusing on the behavioural activities
within the institute or organization maintaining the natural courses inside as each department will
be focusing on achieving it's goals set for the organization to run efficiently. Even though
humans can be very much different from being regarded as machine parts in the sense that
machine parts can not decide but only work under the command protocol and also programmed
for responsibilities to be done according to the guidelines at that moment.

The bureaucracy theory is then a machine theory with the suggestion that workers truly are
machine parts that are governed by a command system, the manager who sees and organizes
most things just to make sure that there are no wrong choices made incase the guidelines are not
Moving on to the other theory which is the scientific management theory developed by Fredrick
Taylor. This theorem helps to improve an organization’s level of task completion through
scientific, engineering, and mathematical analysis, scientific management theory cuts through the
aesthetics of production and focuses on the increase of production and value. This theory can be
used in learning organizations due to its ability to be mathematically savvy to produce the best
results for an institution. Just like with companies they will use statistical methods to gain
information of their competitives which is regardlessly a wise move.

The most important fact about this theory is that it focuses mainly on improving the outputs in
the company or institution as well as increase the pay if workers due to equal utilisation of
responsibilities and division of labour between the worker and manager. The machine theory
clearly does not apply on this one as there is no way the owner of a machine will clearly interact
with the parts as if they are real or breathing things. The only case is that the owner could only
repair or improve the functionality of a part to gain better results hence the similarity.

The scientific theory is only their to outline the importance of improving the working sector by
improving, meaning trying by all means to maximise the labour ability in every section in the
work place. This clearly indicates that humans in factories ate just tools meant to function
together but differently aiming at producing the same goal. On the scientific theory that is when
the six roles of managing apply which include, Forecasting, Planning, Organizing, Commanding,
Coordinating, and Controlling which aim at producing effective results through the manager and
his skills on how he or she holds up with the crew.

Behavioral management theory, also known as the social science movement, uses the concept
that all approaches to the workplace should be in the best interest of both company and workers.
This theory was developed by Chester Barnhard,(1940’s), as a way for workers to be viewed as
psychological and social beings. Essentially, there is no separation between ‘human being’ and
‘worker.' The idea of behavioral management is about understanding the idea that managers
should comprehend human or worker needs within an organization. Just like a machine, dome
parts requires oil for them to be st the maintainance level and always produce effective results
that benefits the whole body or machine.
This notion really applies with no vhamce of doubt that humans are just workers or mschines
who only need motovative situations to maximise their working abilities or producing extra
products as they also will be gaining self interest things like advanced pay, promotions and more
within institutions. Only humans themselves can they predict if they will be in for what they
have gained st the moment from the working environment and also if they will need to keep on
improving in terms of labour situations. This whole verdict does not apply to a machine which
do not have emotional thoughts on what this event is meant for and the gains within it.

Now that the worker has become less of a product with no needs, to a human worker with needs
and desires, it surprising that it took until the twentieth-century to realize that the people who
work in a factory do not become less of a psychological being inside or outside the factory. Mary
Parker Follet developed the human relations theory with regard to employees having a more
satisfying life, and they can solve conflicts through a process of democracy and conversation.

That is the whole idea about the classic management school being a body of machine theories
which through further researches is true as workers and the machine parts possibly possesses the
same behavior in terms of working and and results to be predicted if certain interactions occur
between the seniors and the employees.

Chester Barnhard,(1940’s),
Max Weber (1864-1920)
Henri Fayol (1841-1925)
Fedrerick Taylor ( 1856-1915)
Wenger, (1978)

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