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Ronald Fopossi

03 Mar. 2022

History 1301-6026

CRN 20191

EReader Assignment #2

1. One of the two American writers who Henry Adams said, “touched upon the subject with any

degree of boldness.” is Walt Whitman.

2. The New England clergy viewed sexual intercourse as a human necessity.

3. The New England clergy viewed marriage as the only proper supply for sexual intercourse.

4. The one limitation which the Puritans placed on sexual relations in marriage is that it must not

interfere with religion.

5. The puritans were hostile towards sexual intercourse outside marriage.

6. The punishment for adultery was death.

7. The Puritans became inured to sexual offenses, because there were so many.

8. It is true that the most numerous class of criminal cases in court records were for fornication

and adultery.

9. One reason for the abundance of sexual offenses was the number of men in the colonies who

were unable to gratify their sexual desires in marriage.

10. The other group of men and women who could not “find supply for human necessity within

the bounds of marriage was servants.

11. The assertion that the economic organization of seventeenth-century New England had ample

opportunities for the independent proletarian workman with a family of his own is false.

12. It is true that theoretically no servant had a right to a private life.

13. The problem that emerged from this situation was the caring for the children of extra-marital


14. The assertion that rape, adultery, and fornication were regarded by the Puritans as pardonable

human weaknesses is true.

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