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Calidad Educativa, Cultura y Servicio

Fernanda Price E.
Ms. Ayala
Sociology Class / Psychology Class
II Term
Deadline Friday April 29th
Assignment 1

Instruction: Watch the movie “Social Media Dilemma” and answer the questions.

1. Write a 200 words paragraph of reflection about how this movie is related with the
psychology? Think about the next key words: manipulation, vulnerability,
dopamine, stimulation, nerves, addiction, etc.
Let's start mentioning that social networks in recent years have had a great impact with the
humanity. Helping to facilitate many tasks, school tasks or work tasks. Social networks
play a very important role with us, so much so that we can get psychological problems due
to excessive use of them and at that moment we realize that we have an addiction to them.
In social networks there are many people who use them just to waste time, for fun, for
fashion and there is another who uses it maliciously, reaching the point of scamming and
manipulating people behind a screen. Networks make us all vulnerable, also when spending
time on them we do not realize that we are wasting time next to our loved ones or simply
wasting time that we can invest for ourselves.

2. The film begins with short interview clips from social media insiders who helped to
build platforms like Facebook and Instagram. What do these interviewees seem to
have in common? 0:01-3:29 min

What they have in common is the sites they are part of

3. Film subject Tristan Harris says that “if you’re not paying for the product, then you
are the product” What does he mean by this statement?
It refers to the fact that in this platform you do not lose in any way, and although we do not
work with them, we always generate money for them just seeing ads.
Calidad Educativa, Cultura y Servicio
4. A Shoshana Zuboff points out, extractive technology has made internet companies
“the richest companies in the history of humanity” 16:29 How do these business
make their money?
Being international platforms, the advertising they do there is seen worldwide, practically
everyone will see it. And so they generate most of the profits.

5. Why do the platforms discussed in the documentary want you to spend as much
time as possible on their sites?
Cause they produce money like that

6. “What I want people to know is that everything they’re doing online is being
watched, is being tracked, and is being measured. Every single action you take is
carefully monitored and recorded” – Jeff Seibert 16:38 Does knowing this change
the way you feel about using social media platforms?
It is a risk that we take, that they know our personal information, our photos etc...

7. In the final ten minutes, the interviewees make it clear that we need to start
regulating the platforms the way we do other powerful companies. What ideas do
they suggest? – advices
Turning off the notifications

8. What is your analysis for this quote “Social media is a marketplace that trades
exclusively in human futures”?
Social networks are a very fast and skillful way to sell, whether they are large companies or
microentrepreneurs. Technology has advanced too much in recent years and in my opinion
that is what it refers to when it says about the future, selling much easier just by paying.

9. What is your analysis for this quote “We want to psychologically figure out how to
manipulate you as fast as possible”?
Speaking about business, it refers to finding a way that what they are selling is always
remembered by the recipient, finding a way in which the article, business or service is kept
in our minds.
Calidad Educativa, Cultura y Servicio

10. What is the social media that you spend a lot of time (you are addicted to it) and
what do you want to do to reduce your consumption?

Instagram, without a doubt. Stop living with SO MANY people, it is very good to socialize,
it is a human need but when interacting with so many people it brings problems, my
grandfather used to say that the more friends there are, the more problems and from many
experiences I can mention that it is and very true. When I know that I'm busy or that I really
don't need to be distracted, I put a specific time for it to unlock, while I'm working and they
send me a post or something and I want to see it even if I want to, I can't see it until it
unlocks and when that happens I finished my things and I can see everything calmly and

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