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EISEVIER Analytica Chimica Acta 29lW94) 89-105


Vapour generation atomic absorption spectrometry

Xiu-Ping Yan *, Zhe-Ming Ni
Research Centrefor Eco-EnvironmetalSciences,Academia Sinica, P.O. Box-2871, Beijing NhW85,China


Vapour generation atomic absorption spectrometry has been systematically described as a technique for the
determination of trace elements, including hydride generation, cold vapour generation and other chemical vapour
generation AAS. Emphasis has been placed on the principle, instrumentation and applications of hydride generation
AAS. Recent advances in other vapour generation techniques are also reviewed.

Key worak Atomic absorption spectrometty; Hydride generation; Review; Speciation; Trace metals; Vapour genera-

1. Introduction widely used and is typical of gas-phase sample

introduction methods for AAS. Cold mercury
Vapour generation atomic absorption spec- vapour generation is also widely used to deter-
trometry (VG-AAS) is a technique for the deter- mine traces of mercury in various samples [l-5].
mination of trace elements that provides an ideal Attempts to generate volatile compounds of other
sample introduction procedure in the gas phase elements that do not form volatile hydrides may
for atomic absorption spectrometry. It has been be expected in the future, as has already been
applied to the determination of trace elements in done with the generation of nickel carbonyl[6-81,
a wide range of matrices. Its popularity arises volatile metal chelates [9-131, gaseous fluorides
from the following advantages: separation of the [lo-131, chlorides [14-171 and oxides [18,19].
analyte from the matrix leads to good accuracy in
many instances; high efficiency of sample intro-
duction results in very good sensitivity; a large 2. Hydride generation
sample volume can be used and yields excellent
relative detection limits; the method can easily be Hydride generation AAS (HG-AAS) was in-
automated; and chemical speciation determina- troduced around 1970 [20-221 to overcome prob-
tion is possible in some instances. lems associated with the flame AAS determina-
There are several vapour generation methods. tion of arsenic and selenium. Now the determina-
The hydride generation technique is the most tions have been extended to include As, Bi, Ge,
Pb, Sn, Sb, Te, Se and even Tl and In [23-271.
The hydrides of the first six elements are usually
* Corresponding author. called arsine, bismuthine, germane, plumbane,

0003-2670/94/$07.00 0 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0003-2670(93)E0671-S
90 X-P. Yan, Z.-M. Ni/Analytica Chimica Acta 291 (1994) 89-105

Table 1 solid into a reaction gives undesirable highly lo-

Physical properties of covalent hydrides of practical analytical calized reagent concentrations. A freshly pre-
pared solution of NaBH, is more efficient and
Element Hydride AH: at 25°C M.p. (“0 B.p. (“C)
now preferred and also is the obvious reagent for
(kcal mol-‘1
continuous-flow systems. The concentration of
As AH3 15.9 - 116.9 - 62.5
NaBH, must be optimized for the particular ana-
Bi BiH, 66.4 -22
Ge GeH, 21.6 - 165.9 - 88.5
lyte element and for the equipment concerned. A
Pb PbH, 59.7 -13 variety of NaBH, concentrations are recom-
Sb SbH, 34.7 -88 - 18.4 mended, usually OS-lo% aqueous solutions sta-
Se H,Se 20.5 - 65.7 -41.3 bilized by O.l-2% KOH or NaOH [24].
Sn SnH, 38.9 - 150 -51.8
In the NaBH,-acid system, hydrochloric acid
Te H,Te 36.9 -51 -2.3
is most often used, although sulphuric and nitric
acid are equally suitable in some instances. The
optimum acidity ranges appear to be dependent
stannane and stibine, respectively. Table 1 gives
on the element of interest and the type of hydride
some physical properties of the hydride-forming
generators, and were reported to be l-9 M for
elements [24].
As, Bi and Sb, 0.1-3 M for Ge, 0.1-0.2 M for Pb
The basic design of a hydride generation sys-
and Sn, 2.5-5 M for Se, 2.5-3.6 M for Te, l-3 M
tem, with subsequent AAS detection, may conve-
for In and l-l.5 M for Tl [24-291. Some organic
niently be considered as four steps [231: First,
acids such as tartaric, malic and oxalic acid or
generation of the hydride; second, collection of
acetate buffer solutions [241 can also be employed
the hydride (if necessary); third, transfer of the
as an alternative to hydrochloric acid in the de-
hydride; and fourth, atomization of the hydride.
termination of Ge, Pb and Sn. For the generation
In order to increase the signal it is necessary to
of plumbane, to achieve high sensitivity, some
generate the hydride quickly or to collect it and
oxidizing reagents should be used to convert
then transfer it as quickly as possible to the
Pb(I1) in the sample solution into PbW), such as
atomizer. This minimizes dilution of the hydride
K&r@,, (NH,),S,Os, H,O,, Ce(SOJ,,
by the carrier gas.
KMnO, or Ce(NH,),(NO,), [28,30] before hy-
dride generation. Hydrides of Sb, Pb and Sn were
even released from non-aqueous media acidified
3. Reagents
with sulphuric acid [31-331.
The rapid reaction between sodium tetrahy-
Several reagents have been used to convert the
droborate and hydrochloric acid may generate a
analyte element into its hydride for analytical
troublesome foam, particularly when undigested
purposes. In most of the early work, a metal-acid
biological fluids such as urine or blood plasma
reducing system was employed, such as SnCl,-
are being analysed. In these instances the addi-
HCl-RI-Zn and TiCl,-HCl-Mg [23,24]. How-
tion of an antifoaming compound such as An-
ever, the most convenient and currently almost
tifoam 1lOA Emulsion is useful [34].
exclusively used method is the NaBH,-acid sys-
tem. Reduction is effected according to the fol-
lowing equation:
4. Instrumentation
NaBH, + 3H,O + HCl-
H,BO, + NaCl + 8H Em+\ EH, + H, (excess) One of the attractions of the original hydride
generation method is the simplicity of the equip-
(I) ment, which allows the method to be used with a
where E is the analyte of interest and m may or conventional atomic absorption spectrometer.
may not equal n. The solid NaBH, in pelletized Subsequently, the design of most apparatus has
form was initially favoured but introduction of a undergone modification to automate the system,
X.-P. Yan, Z.-M. Ni/Anatytica &mica Acta 291 (1994) 89-105 91

to facilitate the addition of reagents, to decrease simultaneously in the oblique section. There is no
the duration of analysis, to diminish errors due to mixing tube, which was widely used in the con-
numerous manipulations in the course of the ventional hydride generator.
analysis and to overcome interferences. In a flow-injection system, acid and NaBH,
There are three variations of the batch-type solutions flow continuously at a constant rate into
operation. In its simple form, the generated hy- the generator and a limited volume of sample is
dride and hydrogen are transported immediately injected into the acid stream. Use of the very
into the atomizer, normally in a carrier gas. In successful and readily available flow-injection type
equipment of the “stopped-flow” type [35], the of equipment has led to methods in which dis-
sweep of the hydride from the reaction vessel is crete sample are introduced repeatedly with a
delayed for a few seconds to allow the generation resultant transition signal. Flow-injection tech-
reaction to proceed to completion, but inherent niques have been shown to be capable of signifi-
instability of the hydride must be taken into con- cantly enhancing the performance of HG-AAS by
sideration when this technique is contemplated. providing higher sample throughputs, better se-
Others use a low-temperature trapping device to lectivities, higher absolute sensitivities and large
concentrate the hydride so that it may be trans- savings in reagent consumption [43,44].
ported to the atomizer without dilution with the
large volume of generated hydrogen [36].
In continuous-flow equipment both sample so- 5. Hydride transportation
lution and borohydride solution are delivered
continously at a constant rate to the generator The hydride evolved has been transferred in
using a peristaltic pump. This type of equipment two principal ways: either the hydride is conveyed
has been used for hydride generation both with directly into the atomizer as it is generated, or
[37] and without [38] air segmentation and the some form of storage is used before the transfer
hydride has been separated with conventional to the atomizer. In the latter mode, the hydride is
gas-liquid separators [37] or by membrane sepa- collected in a collection device until the evolution
ration [39]. These systems have the advantages of is completed and then is transported to the atom-
intimate mixing of reagents with better pH con- izer all at once.
trol and also they appear to be much more toler- The generated hydride has been collected in a
ant of elements that normally interfere in the closed vessel under pressure (pressure collection)
hydride generation. Moreover, they usually have [23,24,45-491, in a U-tube immersed in liquid
a lower detection limit than batch systems. A nitrogen [23,24,50-621 through which hydrogen
special gas-liquid separator was designed for an passes freely and is not collected (cold-trap col-
automated system in which sample, acid and lection) and in an absorbing solution of silver
sodium tetrahydroborate(II1) are mixed continu- nitrate [63-651, mercury(II) chloride-sulphuric
ously using a peristaltic pump [38]. This method acid-potassium permanganate [66], silver dieth-
has been shown to tolerate nitric acid in the yldithiocarbamate-ephedrine [67], potassium io-
sample digest system when applied to the deter- dide and iodine [68-701, cerium(IV) and potas-
mination of As and Se in a variety of matrices sium iodide [71,721 or iodine [73] and subse-
[40], and to give good analyte recoveries in the quently determined by AAS.
presence of many metals that normally interfere Several direct transfer methods are currently
in the hydride generation. An oblique section employed: the continuous-flow mode [23,24,38,
hydride generator has been developed [41,42], in 74-831, the flow-injection mode [74,84-891 and
which the sample solution and borohydride solu- the batch mode [31,32,60,74,90-1041. With the
tion are conveyed by the peristaltic pump through batch mode, a limited volume of sample is re-
two separate polyethylene tubes, while the mixing duced all at once.
and reaction of these solution and the separation Hydride stability is of primary importance for
of gaseous hydrides and liquid are accomplished choosing the transfer method. Collection meth-
92 X.-P. Yan, Z.-M. Ni /Analytica Chimica Acta 291 (1994) 89-105

ods, namely the pressure collection and cold-trap leased hydride to a T-shaped quartz tube and a
collection with closed system heating, cannot be small amount of oxygen was added to support
used for unstable hydrides. However, the collec- combustion and atomization of the hydride, was
tion step is expected to eliminate the possible first described by Siemer and Hagemann [106].
influence of the hydride generation kinetics. Their design, combined with an oxygen-hydrogen
flame [98,1071 or air-hydrogen flame [50,54,108],
has subsequently been adopted either without
6. Hydride atomization change [74,98,109,110] or with some modifica-
tions [54,58,59,61,111-1161. Nakashima [117]
The following atomizer have been used in HG- modified the flame-in-tube atomizer in which a
AAS. long absorption tube, aligned in the optical path,
was used as an extension of a Beckman burner
6.1. Flames with argon (or nitroge&air-hydrogen flame. The
Dedina flame-in-tube atomizer [74] consists of
Holak [20] used a conventional air-acetylene two parts: an intake part and a T-tube, both
flame supported on a three-slot Boling burner. made of quartz, connected by a standard joint.
The air-acetylene flame was used by many work-
ers in the early stages of the development of the 6.3. Externally heated quartz tubes
technique, but it was soon replaced by the
argon-hydrogen-entrained air flame (usually The earliest reported use of an electrically
called the argon-hydrogen diffusion flame) [231. heated or a flame heated quartz tube for hydride
The use of an argon-hydrogen diffusion flame atomization was by Chu et al. in 1972 11181 and
for the determination of arsenic in aqueous solu- Thompson and Thomerson in 1974 [119], respec-
tion was first described by Kahn and Schallis tively. Since then, externally heated quartz tubes
11051. Dalton and Malanoski [22] introduced ar- have become the most commonly used atomizers
senic directly into the argon-hydrogen flame and [23,24,74].
Femandez and Manning [21] collected arsine in a The design is usually very similar to the flame-
balloon before releasing arsine into argon-hy- in-tube atomizer, consisting of a T-tube with its
dride flame. Since then, this relatively cool and bar-tube aligned in the optical path and the cen-
low-background flame supported on a conven- tral arm of the T serving for delivery of hydrides
tional slot burner has been used by many work- carried by a flow of gas from a generator. The
ers, as has the nitrogen-hydrogen flame [241. bar-tube is heated either by a chemical flame or,
It should be noted that diffusion flames were more often and more conveniently electrically,
used mainly in the past, and they are inferior to either by a resisitance wire wound around it or by
the other atomizers. The sensitivity is lower ow- a tailored furnace. The two outlets of the bar
ing to the pronounced dilution of hydride with tube are either open or closed with optical win-
flame gases. The flame also has a high back- dows. If closed, two outlet arms are fused to the
ground absorption and its flicker noise adversely bar-tube near its end. To prevent ignition of
affects the limit of detection. As a result, diffi- hydrogen at the ends of the open-ended system,
sion flames have not often been employed in which leads noisy signals, an auxiliary inert gas
recent years 174,821. stream can be injected into a pair of auxiliary
inlets [23,45,46,60,119]. The other way to prevent
6.2. Flame-in-tube atomizers ignition is to leave the ends of the tube unheated
and uninsulated [85,89] or even to provide them
Flame-in-tube atomizers are most often exter- with graphite rings [120,121].
nally unheated quartz tubes with a flame burning Gxygen or air is often introduced into the
inside. This type of atomizer, in which the excess atomizer mainly because of the beneficial effect
hydrogen generated was used to carry the re- on sensitivity. For optimum sensitivity, there is a
X-P. Y&t, Z.-M. Ni/Adytica Chimica Acta 291 (1994) 89-105 93

need for a minimum oxygen concentration which connecting tube, can result from introduction of
depends on, apart from the hydride identity, tem- hydrides to the sampling port of the graphite
perature: the higher the temperature, the lower is furnace by a sealed graphite tube [132,141]. There
the oxygen concentration needed. At lower tem- is a viable alternative for introducing hydrides to
peratures oxygen present in the system as a con- the furnace using a quartz tube interfaced to the
taminant may not be sufficient for optimum sen- sampling port, which does not retain hydrides
sitivity and thus additional extra oxygen may be and can withstand temperatures above 23OOYJ,
required [74]. for a reasonable time, if cooled by a gas flow
There is a marked effect of the quality of the w4.
inner quartz surface on sensitivity [89,91,120,122- Naturally, the sensitivity for on-line atomixa-
1281, most often manifesting itself as a gradual tion is generally lower than with in situ trapping.
deterioration of sensitivity and/or precision. Op- It is also lower than in quartz tube atomizers as
timum performance is most conveniently kept by the small dimensions of commercial graphite fur-
rinsing the tube in 40% hydrofluoric acid. Grind- naces and their high atomization temperatures
ing the inner atomizer surface with alumina has decrease the residence time of free analyte atoms
also been employed [129]. and subsequently the sensitivity 1741.
Compared with flame atomizers, externally The in situ trapping technique uses the
heated quartz tubes have the following advan- graphite furnace as both the hydride trapping
tages: the flame background is virtually elimi- medium and the atomization cell. The hydride
nated and better sensitivity is achieved owing to purged from the generator is trapped in the pre-
the longer residence time of the atom cloud in heated graphite furnace, usually in the range
the optical path, the lower dilution and the much 300-6WC, until the evolution of hydride is com-
lower noise levels. pleted. The trapped analyte is subsequently atom-
ized at temperatures generally over 22OO“C.This
4.4. Graphite furnace atomizers technique has been shown to enhance the sensi-
tivity significantly and to eliminate effectively the
The first report on the use of the graphite possible influence of the hydride generation ki-
furnace atomizer for atomization of hydrides was netics on the signal shape. The first use of this
by Knudson and Christian in 1974 [130]. Since technique was reported by Lee [145]. Since then,
then, atomization of hydrides in a heated graphite work on the determination of As [41,146-1531, Bi
furnace has been carried out by other workers [139,152,154-1571, Sb [41,152,154-1581, Se [41,
[23,24,741. There are two approaches to using 147,150-152,159,1601, Sn [145,150-152,156,1611
graphite furnaces: on-line atomization and in situ Te [152,157,162], Pb [28,150,163,1641 and Ge
trapping of hydrides in the furnace. [152,157] has been published.
The on-line atomization approach utilizes a The nature of the graphite tube is expected to
direct transfer of the hydride from the generator affect greatly the efficiency of hydride adsorption.
to the furnace, which is preheated to a tempera- It has been shown that the efficiency of adsorp-
ture usually over 2200°C [36,58,59,62,74,131-1431. tion increases in the order new normal graphite
Although the continuous-flow generation of hy- tubes < old pyrolytic graphite tubes < old normal
drides was recently shown to work in connection graphite tubes [1631. The trapping efficiency on a
with graphite furnaces, batch or cold-trap collec- conventional graphite tube has been shown to be
tion methods have so far invariably been applied relatively low, less than 72% for bismuthine [145]
[74,144]. and only 24% for amine [153]. The use of a
The generated hydrides are almost exclusively palladium-coated graphite tube for the adsorp-
introduced to the internal gas line of commercial tion of hydrides has ‘been shown to improve the
furnaces. This method is simple but the hydride sensitivity and precision significantly [41,151,152,
can be captured on cooler metal or graphite 1571. Similar results has been obtained with the
parts. A similar drawback, hydride capture in the use of a Zr-coated graphite tube as both the
94 X.-P. Yan, Z.-M. Ni/Anaiytica Chimica Acta 291 (1994) 89-105

trapping medium and the atomization cell for the graphite furnace [138,145,162]. However, in a sig-
hydrides of lead [28] and tin [1611. nificant number of studies background correction
Interfacing of the hydride generator is critical has been employed, most often in connection
for the proper functioning of an in situ trapping with flame-in-tube or graphite furnace atomiza-
apparatus. Generated hydrides are introduced ei- tion [74].
ther via the internal gas line of commercial fur-
naces [147,149,158,162] or to the sample port of 7.2. Liquid-phase interferences
the graphite tube through an interface made of
graphite [145], quartz [28,41,146,147,159] or PTFE Liquid-phase interferences can occur in the
[163]. Graphite interfaces are apt to capture hy- liquid phase either during hydride formation or
dride partially during the trapping stage, leading its transfer from the solution due to changes in
to a relatively low overall efficiency. Similar diffi- the hydride release rate (release kinetic interfer-
culties can be encountered with hydrides intro- ences) and/or decrease in hydride release effi-
duced into the internal gas line, because there ciency (release efficiency interferences). In gen-
the hydride comes into contact with metal com- eral, there are numerous interferences in the
ponents with graphite tube ends and with graphite liquid phase but all can be divided into two basic
cylinders, which are cold during both the trapping groups: compound interferences and matrix inter-
and the atomization stages. The PTFE device ferences [741.
used to connect the transport tube to the furnace Compound interferences may arise if the oxi-
begins to deteriorate at 600°C and cannot with- dation state or chemical environment of the ana-
stand higher temperatures [163]. lyte in the sample is not the same as in the
standard solution employed owing to the differ-
ent rates of hydride formation. It is well known
7. Interferences and their eliminations that arsenic, antimony, selenium and tellurium
each commonly exist in solution in two oxidation
The interferences associated with HG-AAS
states: As(II1) and As(V), Sb(II1) and SbW,
may be conveniently divided into three groups:
Se(IV) and Se(W) and Te(IV) and TeWI). Even
spectral interferences, liquid-phase interferences
when using NaBH, reaction, the effect of the
and gas-phase interferences.
oxidation state of the elements in the sample on
7.1. Spectral interferences the rate of hydride formation has been observed.
In order to determine the total concentration for
Spectral interferences are usually insignificant arsenic and antimony, potassium iodide has been
in this technique owing to the separation of the employed as a prereductant [54,88,166-1701. Ad-
analyte from the matrix. Only background ab- ditionally, NaI [171,172], KBr [173,174] and a
sorption can occur, most often in diffusion flame mixture of KI and ascorbic acid [140,175,1761
atomization owing to changes in the flame trans- have been used as prereductants in the determi-
parency that may take place when hydride is nation of As and Sb. For selenium, a prereduc-
purged into the flame. The structured absorbance tion with KBr [45,541, SnCl, [1771 or by boiling
by molecular oxygen has been shown to be re- the sample in 4-5 M HCl [51,57,61,178-1801 has
sponsible for the well known background absorp- been performed to determine the total selenium.
tion by oxygen on the selenium 196~nm line 11651. Similarly, Te(V1) could be prereduced to TeW)
The background interference by hydrides of ar- by boiling the sample in 2-6 M HCl for lo-20
senic, antimony and tin on the selenium 196~nm min during sample preparation [69,162]. Since
line is pronounced in the flame-in-tube atomizer many hydride-forming elements in environmental
[106,111]. Even so, background correction is usu- and biological samples exist in various organic
ally considered unnecessary for externally heated forms, it is necessary to decompose organic bonds
quartz tube atomization [78,91,93,120] and also of the analyte completely during sample pretreat-
for in situ trapping and on-line atomization in the ment for determination of the total analyte.
X.-P. Yan, Z.-M. Ni/Anaiytica Chimica Acta 291 (1994) 8%10s 95

Compound interferences should be eliminated metal. It is possible that the finely dispersed
when only the total analyte concentration in the precipitated metal then adsorbs and decomposes
sample is required to be determined. However, the gaseous hydride (nickel and other Group VIII
they are useful for chemical speciation determi- elements are effective hydrogenation catalysts and
nation. For example, selective determinations of can absorb hydrogen in large amounts). Insoluble
As(II1) and As(V) [37,168,169], WI111 and WV) nickel arsenide or similar compounds may then
[37,54,55], Se(W) and SeWI) [51,611, and Te(IV) be formed in a secondary reaction [931. The inter-
and TeWI) [1621 can be carried out by measuring ference of copper, nickel and cobalt with the
their total amount after prereduction of their generation of selenium hydride may be explained
higher to the lower oxidation states and sepa- by the high decomposition rate of sodium tetra-
rately by hydride generation of the lower oxida- hydroborate in acidic media and the catalytic
tion state alone without any prereduction step. effect of transition metal ions on this decomposi-
Determinations of various organic forms of hy- tion [194]. The above-mentioned catalytic effect
dride-forming elements in environmental and bio- may be due to the metal ion itself or the finely
logical samples can also be performed. The pro- divided metallic particles formed by reduction of
cedure involves generating inorganic and organic the metal ion by sodium tetrahydroborate or metal
hydrides of the element concerned with sodium borides formed by the reduction of metal ion and
tetrahydroborate and collection of the hydrides in sodium tetrahydroborate [194]. Organic matrix
a liquid nitrogen trap. Subsequently the various constituents should also be regarded as potential
hydride species are separated by selective interferences: Se(W) is extracted very effectively
volatilization and analysed to determine arsenic by a wide range of organic compounds from hy-
[181-1831, germanium [521, lead [184] and tin drochloric acid media [195,196] and arsine forms
[59,125,184-1881 by AAS. stable adducts with some organic compounds [67].
Matrix interferences occur when the matrix Humic acid [197] and non-specified organic com-
affects the hydride release efficiency. The influ- pounds dissolved in natural waters [141] has been
ences of inorganic acids usually used in sample found to interfere with selenium hydride release
digestion procedures have been studied systemat- from the sample solution.
ically [120,121,127,189-1921. The strongly sup-
pressing effect of nitric and sulphuric acid has 7.3. Gas-phase interferences
been recognized. These acid interferences are
more pronounced in a closed-ended than in an Gas-phase interferences are caused by an in-
open-ended quartz tube atomizer [ 120,127]. terferent in either volatile form or as a liquid
Nearly all of the volatile hydride-forming ele- spray. These interferences can occur on the sur-
ments interfere with the determination of all other face or in the dead volume of the generator, the
hydride-forming elements [llll. This is generally connective tubing and/or the atomizer. They
considered to be the result of a competitive reac- could have either a direct effect (if observed only
tion where an accompanying material uses up simultaneously with generation of the interferent)
most of the reducing agent and only a small or a memory effect (if they persist after the
portion is left for the analyte. Alkali and alkaline cessation of the interferent generation). Two
earth metals cause no interferences with the gen- groups of gas-phase interferences can be distin-
eration of hydrides, but those metal ions which guished according to the locality of their origin:
can be reduced easily by sodium tetrahydrobo- “transport interference” takes place along the
rate, under the experimental conditions, have route of the hydride from the generator to the
been found to interfere with hydride generation, atomizer, causing delay (transport kinetics inter-
e.g., cobalt and nickel, the elements of the copper ferences) and/or loss (transport efficiency inter-
group and the noble metals [193]. The mechanism ferences) of the analyte hydride; “interferences
of this and of most other interferences is due to a in the atomizer” depend on the mechanism of
preferential reduction of interfering ion to the hydride atomization and on analyte transfer in
96 X-P. Yan, Z.-M. Ni/Analytica Chimica Acta 291 (1994) 89-105

the given type of atomizer. However, there is no ion exchange [135,141,224-2271 have been used.
direct evidence of transport interferences in the Although there have been some successful mini-
literature [74]. mizations or eliminations of interferences as de-
The usual source of interferences in the atom- scribed above, use of the method of standard
izer is other hydrides. Taking into account the additions is essential in many instances [23,212,
mechanism of hydride atomization and free ana- 213,228-2311.
lyte atom transfer in the atomizer bar-tube, two It should be noted that the presence and sever-
types of interferences in the atomizer emerge ity of these interference effects depend to some
[74]: a radical population interference occurs extent on the experimental conditions, the hy-
when an interferent changes the H. atom popula- dride generator and/or the atomizer used. The
tion in the radical cloud; and an analyte decay mechanism of interference is not yet fully under-
interference takes place when an interferent stood and needs further study.
speeds the decay of free analyte atoms in the
bar-tube via analyte-interferent reactions in the
gas phase. The mechanism of interferences in 8. Atomization mechanisms
externally heated quartz tubes is still largely un-
known. Mutual interferences in this type of atom- Two types of atomization mechanisms have
izer may result from the formation of stable di- been proposed for HG-AAS: a free hydrogen
atomic molecules such as AsSb 11981.By thermo- radical mechanism and a thermal decomposition
dynamic calculations, the formation of diatomic mechanism.
molecules between the analyte and matrix has Atomization of gaseous hydrides in the heated
been proposed as a major source of matrix inter- quartz tube has been thought to be caused by
ferences in the gas phase within the graphite free hydrogen atoms rather than a thermal de-
furnace atomizer [143,198]. composition because according to thermodynamic
calculations the only species that can be expected
7.4. Interference elimination and control at temperatures below 1ooo”C are the dimeric
molecules and not atoms. It has also been shown
Many methods have been developed to elimi- that no atomization signal is obtained for arsenic
nate or minimize interferences. One of the sim- when it is introduced into a heated quartz cell in
plest methods is the technique of increasing the an inert gas atmosphere, i.e., in the absence of
acidity of reaction solution and/or the concentra- hydrogen [124]. Although the mechanism of radi-
tion of a reducing agent [93,94,96,115,121,127, cal formation is not fully understood, traces of
199,200]. Various reagents have been used to oxygen appear to play an important role in the
minimize or eliminate the interferences; most of generation of radicals according to the following
them are Lewis bases and could behave as: lig- reactions [74]:
ands, and some are also reducing agents, such as H+O,== OH+0 (2)
EDTA [133,201-2051, KI [98,206-2081, KCN O+H,= OH+H (3)
[209,210], thiourea [122,206,211-2151, ascorbic
acid [122,206,207,211], malic acid [2141, l,lO- OH+H ,===H,O+H (4)
phenanthroline [81,84,136,138,216], thiosemicar- The actual mechanism of hydride atomization
bazide [217] and r_-cystine [218]. The addition of probably proceeds via interaction of hydride
interference-releasing elements such as iron species with H atoms. For selenium, two consecu-
[95,101,219], copper [98], tellurium 1971and mer- tive reactions take place:
cury [215] has been employed to minimize inter- SeH,+H- SeH+H, (5)
ferences from some metal ions. Additionally, sev-
eral separation techniques including liquid-liquid SeH+H- Se+H, (6)
extraction [31,2201, coprecipitation [69,70,162, Analogous reactions take place for arsenic hy-
167,221-2231, adsorbing colloid flotation [224] and dride and probably for other hydrides also [74].
X.-P. Yan, Z.-M. Ni/Analytica ChimicaActa 291(1994) 89-105 97

However, on the basis of the equilibrium con- and lead has been investigated by Sturgeon et al.
centration of free radicals at temperatures pre- [150]. Hydride is deposited in the preheated
vailing in the heated quartz tubes, it is concluded graphite furnace via thermal decomposition. A
that the radicals are not present in sufficient porous surface increases the efficiency of trap-
concentrations for reactions of type in Eqs. 5 and ping. The deposited metal may subsequently be
6 to take place. Thus, the following mechanisms reoxidized during the trapping stage. Atomization
have been proposed for AsH, atomization [753: of As, Sb, Se, and Sn is identical with that occur-
2AsH, - 2As+3H, ring when these elements are injected directly in
an aqueous solution, while atomization of Pb and
4AsH, + 30, - 4As + 6H,O (8) Bi deposits is distinctly different from their aque-
which are catalysed by H and OH radicals. A ous counterparts. The effective adsorption of hy-
similar mechanism has been suggested for the drides in the palladium-coated graphite tube may
decomposition of SeH, [232]. result from the catalytic decomposition of hy-
The positive effect of oxygen and hydrogen on drides by palladium metal 11513.
the atomization of hydride-forming elements in The process of determination of elements that
an electrically heated quartz atomizer has been form volatile hydrides by AAS can be considered:
indicated in the determination of As, Se, Bi, Sb as two completely independent steps: hydride
and Sn [79,91,125,233]. Probably the role of both generation, followed by atomization. The theoret-
gases is to form radicals, which may participate in ical peak shapes (absorbance vs. time profile)
reactions such as those in Eqs. 2-8. have been obtained by developing a kinetic model
The mechanism of hydride atomization in and compared with experimental results [107,235]
graphite tubes is not usually addressed. For ar- the kinetic factors that control the peak shapes
senic, it has been thought that arsine is decom- can be employed to optimize any configuration of
posed in the graphite tube, the resulting arsenic a hydride generator used in AAS 12351.Although
is deposited on the surface and then volatilized the atomization of hydrides has been investigated
and atomized [62,132], or the elemental arsenic is as described above, its exact mechanism is still
vaporized as As,, which is then decomposed to unclear and needs further study.
As, and atomized by gas-phase dissociation [149].
The fact that the influence of hydrogen on the
atomization of arsenic hydride is less at higher 9. Analytical figures of merit
temperatures in the graphite furnace suggested
that the thermal decomposition atomization The analytical performance of HG-AAS is
mechanism plays the main role in the graphite characterized by figures of merit such as detec-
furnace [234]. Dedina et al. [144] suggested two tion limit, linear dynamic range and precision and
independent mechanisms of selenium hydride at- accuracy of measurements.
omization in the graphite furnace: a low-tempera- By comparing a large number of literature
ture mechanism, similar to that in quartz tube reports, Nakahara [24] discussed the analytical
atomizers due to collisions with H atoms formed performance of this technique. Relative to solu-
in the furnace by reactions of oxygen with hydro- tion nebulization, detection limits achieved in hy-
gen, which is effective only in the presence of dride generation methods are better by up to a
traces of oxygen at temperatures above 12OO”C, factor of 1000 for certain elements. The precision
and a high-temperature mechanism, involving reported as relative standard deviation (R.S.D.)
thermal decomposition of hydride in the gas phase usually ranges from 1 to 5% and occasionally
and/or on the graphite surface, which becomes 10%. Thus, in general, the hydride-forming ele-
effective at temperatures above 1600°C and which ments can be detected at concentrations below 1
is independent of oxygen supply to the atomizer. ng ml-‘, particularly at pg ml-’ levels when the
The hydride trapping and analyte atomization palladium-coated graphite tube is used both for
mechanism for arsenic, antimony, selenium, tin hydride trapping and atomization, and concentra-
98 X-P. Yan, Z.-M. Ni /Analytica Chimica Acta 291 (1994) 89-105

tions that are ten or more times the detection be performed either by ysing SnCl, [264] or
limit can be measured with R.S.D.s < 5%. The NaBH, [265] solution as a reducing agent.
linear dynamic ranges vary from two to four or- As the high toxicity of mercury and some of its
ders of magnitude. compounds requires its determination at very low
concentrations, particularly in water, several en-
richment techniques have been developed for
10. Practical applications mercury. Preconcentration is usually facilitated
by passing the mercury vapour generated by re-
HG-AAS has successfully been applied to the duction through an amalgamating medium
determination of trace elements such as As, Bi, [2,266-2701. Copper, silver, gold and platinum
Sb, Se, Te, Pb, Sn and Ge in a wide range of metals are often used for this purpose [268].
matrices. Examples of these applications are given Once all the mercury has been generated from
in Table 2. the sample and collected, the amalgamating
medium is heated and the mercury is transported
by a gas stream into an absorption cell. Atmo-
11. Cold vapour generation spheric Hg can effectively trapped on MnO,-
[271] and KMnO,-coated [272] glass beads prior
Cold vapour generation atomic absorption to elution and electrothermal atomization AAS
spectrometry (CV-AAS) has received great atten- (ETAAS) detection. Electrochemical preconcen-
tion for the determination of mercury because of tration prior to CV-AAS has been reported as a
its simplicity, high sensitivity and relative freedom technique for the speciation determination of in-
from interferences [1,2]. The basic design of a organic and organic mercury [273]. In principle
CV-AAS system, which is similar to that of an there are two disadvantages with the amalgama-
HG-AAS system, usually consists of four steps: tion technique [272]. First, the efficiency of mer-
mercury vapour generation, collection, transfer cury collection may be impaired by moisture [274]
and detection with AAS. Reduction of mercury or other gaseous reaction products which poison
compounds in solution into mercury vapour can the surface of the amalgamating medium [275],

Table 2
Applications of HG-AAS
Element Matrix
Se Biological fluids: human serum and serum proteins [57], blood [236], faeces [237]
Biological tissues: bovine liver [50,85,237], fingernail and hair [57], marine tissues [147,159,238], biological reference
materials [180], oyster tissue [45]
Environmental samples: biogenic particles and sediments (611,marine sediments [147,159, coal [167], coal fly ash 1371
Food stuffs: grape berries [179], flour [37,45, 236,237], mixed diet [237]
Geological samples: geological references [63&I], rocks [81]
Metallurgical samples: Cu alloys and Ni sponge [87], steel 1371
Plant material: orchard leaves [37,45,50,62,90]
Water samples: water and wastewater [178], natural water [51,54], sea water [147,150]
As Biological fluids: urine [236,237,238, oyster tissue [45], bovine liver [62]
Environmental samples: sediments [146,221,240], airborne particulate matter [182], marine sediments [147],
soils [71,71,100]
Food stuffx flour samples [37,45], food materials [241]
Geological samples: silicate materials [221], geological references [63], ores and concentrates [170]
Matallurgical samples: steel [37,122]
Plant material: plant tissues [71], orchard leaves [37,45,122,62], pine needles [45], tomato leaves [62].
Water samples: river water [45,181], environmetal waters [15, mineral water [71,72], sea water [39,146,147,242,243],
soil water and commerical bottle waters [244], thermal water [371,Canadian drinking water supplies [177],
interstitial waters [240], soil-pore waters 12451
X.-f? Yan, Z-M. Ni/Analytica Chimica Acta 291 (1994) 89-105 99

Table 2 (continued)
Element Matrix
Sn Biological tissues: oyster [ 1881,marine biological tissues [246]
Envitonmental samples: marine sediments [246], atomspheric particulate matter 12471,
sediments and sewage sludges (2481
Metallurgical samples: Al-based alloy [136], steels [249]
Water samples: sea water [185,250], marine and estuarine waters [187], river water (2501
Pb Biological fluids: urine [251]
Biological tissues: mussel and eggs [252], oyster tissue 12531
Environmental samples: atomspheric particulates [31]
Food stuffs; food [252]
Geological samples: gasolines [33]
Metallurgical samples: steel 1311
Plant material: tea leaves [28]
Water samples: tap water [28], drinking waters [254,255]
Sb Biological fluids: blood [256], whole blood [257], urine [256]
Biological tissues: biological samples [258]
Environmental samples: atomspheric particulate matter [166], soil [72], coal fly ash [37]
Food stuffs: foods [259].
Geological samples: ores and pyrites [206]
Metallurgical samples: steel [37,122], solder alloy [136]
Plant material: orchard leaves [37,122,171]
Water samples: sea water [158], thermal water [37], natural waters [54,55]
Bi Biological fluids: blood and urine [260]
Biological tissues; shells, marine algae [145]
Environmental samples: soil [72], water sediments [145]
Geological samples: ores and pyrites [206b geological reference samples [76,211]
Metallurgical samples: steel [37]
Plant material: orchard leaves [37]
Water samples: natural water [145], sea water [261]
Te Biological tissues: liver and tuna [171]
Environmental samples: coal and ash samples [262]
Metallurgical samples: steel [37]
Plant material: orchard leaves [37]
Water samples: sea water and rain water [162]
Ge Environmental samples: coal ash [263]
Geological samples: rocks (2021
Metallurgical samples: steel [37]
Plant material: orchard leaves [37]
Water samples: sea water [224], natural water [112]

necessitating occasional cleaning 121.Second, dur- coated graphite tube [2771, followed by ETAAS
ing heating of the collector to release the mer- detection.
cury, a gas flow is used to transport the vapour to
the absorption cell, which means that the sensitiv-
ity is flow-rate limited. Slight changes in the 12. Other vapour generation techniques
flow-rate will also impair the reproducibility [276].
To overcome these problems, in situ trapping The generation of volatile chlorides and fluo-
techniques have been developed, in which the rides has been carried out by using halogenating
generated mercury vapour is collected in a porous reagents [lo-171. The analyte reacted with hydro-
gold-plated graphite minitube [3] or in a gold- gen chloride gas at a certain temperature to form
coated [4,5], platinum-lined [276] or palladium- the volatile metal chloride, which was swept into
100 X.-P. Yan, Z.-M. Ni/Analytica Chimica Acta 291 (1994) 89-105

the atomizer by a carrier gas [14,15]. Solid CuCI, matographic separation prior to determination by
was used for reaction with Si in high-purity in- AAS has been used either for speciation determi-
dium at 47O”C, and the resulting SiCl, was deliv- nation of organometallic compounds present in
ered to a graphite furnace for AAS detection the sample or as a means of separating organo-
[16]. A&l, was produced in a flow system by the metallic compouns [2&U-287].
reaction of concentrated hydrochloric acid with a
solution of As(II1) and transported to an Or-H,
flame-in-tube atomizer [17]. The interferences of Acknowledgement
cobalt, copper, iron and nickel observed with the
NaBH, generation of ASH, were considerably This work was supported by the National Nat-
decreased in this procedure. ural Science Foundation of China.
Volatile oxides were generated from analyte
solution. The use of Ce(IV) as the oxidant to
produce RuO, from Ru(II1) solutions improved References
the flame AAS sensitivity by a factor of 60 owing
to the increased volatility of the analyte in the [l] G. Toppingand J.M. Pirie, Anal. Chim. Acta, 62 (1972)
spray chamber [18]. A similar method was em- 200.
ployed to generate the volatile 0~0, using [2] B. Web, M. Melcher, H.W. Sinemus and D. Maier, At.
K&O, as the oxidant [19]. Spectrosc., 5 (1984) 37.
[3] D.D. Siemer and L. Hagemann, Anal. Chem., 52 (1980)
The chemical generation of volatile metal car-
bonyls was employed as a means of sample intro- [4] S.H. Lee, K.H. Jung and D.S. Lee, Talanta, 36 (1989)
duction for the determination of nickel by AAS 999.
[6-81. A procedure was devised based on the [S] Z. Hladky, J. Riiova and M. Fisera, J. Anal. At. Spec-
on-column ethylation of Ge, Hg, Pb, Sb and Sn trom., 5 (1990) 691.
[6] D.S. Lee, Anal. Chem., 54 (1982) 1182.
using NaBH, [278]. The ethylated species were
[7] P.N. Vijan, At. Spectrosc., 1 (1980) 143.
separated chromatographically and detected by [8] J. Alary, J. Vandaele, C. Eacrient and R. Haran, Ta-
AAS. NaBH, was also used as a reagent for the lanta, 33 (1986) 748.
generation of an unidentified volatile species of [9] D.C. Hilderbrand and E.E. Pickett, Anal. Chem., 47
Cd [279]. Tetraethyllead was generated by reac- (1975) 424.
[lo] V.I. Rigin, Zh. Anal. Khim., 40 (1985) 630.
tion with tetraethylborate, and preconcentrated
[ll] V.I. Rigin, Zh. Anal. Khim., 40 (1985) 1399.
in a graphite furnace [164]. There has been re- [12] V.I. Rigin, Zh. Anal. Khim., 41(1986) 581.
vived interest in the generation of methoxyboric [13] V.I. Rigin, Zh. Anal. Khim., 41 (1986) 788.
ester for the determination of boron by flame [14] R.K. Skogerboe and D.L. Parlica, Anal. Chem., 47
AAS [280]. (1975) 568.
[15] Y.-M. Liu, B.-L. Gong and T.-Z. Lin, Fermi Huaxue, 12
The preparation of volatile chelates allows
(1984) 21.
gaseous sample introduction to be extended to [16] L.B. Kuznetsov, L.N. Kolonina and V.N. Belyaev, Zh.
metals other than Hg and the hydride-forming Anal. Khim., 41 (1986) 80.
elements and often provides improved sensitivity [17] S. Tesfalidet and K. Irgum, Anal. Chem., 60 (1988)
compared with conventional liquid sample intro- 2031.
[18] K. Motojima, K. Tatenuma, Z. Yoshida, H. Takeishi
duction into flames [9-13,281-2831. Determina-
and E. Akatsu, Anal. Chim. Acta, 183 (1986) 217.
tions of Cr, Co and Fe have been carried out by [19] H. Tao, A. Miyazaki and K. Bansho, Anal. Chem., 60
the formation of the trifluoroacetylacetonates and (1988) 1762.
sweeping the chelates into a heated silica tube for [20] W. Holak, Anal. Chem., 41 (1969) 1712.
AAS detection [281]. A sixteen-fold sensitivity [21] F.J. Femandez and D.C. Manning, At. Absorpt. Newsl.,
10 (1971) 86.
improvement for Fe has been reported, com-
[22] E.F. Dalton and A.J. Malanoski, At. Absorpt. Newsl.,
pared with conventional flame AAS [282]. Several 10 (1971) 92.
chelating agents have been examined for the de- [23] R.G. Godden and D.R. Thomerson, Analyst, 105 (1980)
termination of Co by flame AAS [2831. Chro- 1137.
X.-P. Yan, Z.-M. Ni /Analytica Chimica Acta 291 (1994) 89-105 101

[24] T. Nakahara, Prog. Anal. At. Spectrosc., 6 (1983) 163. [56] M. McDaniel, AD. Shendrikar, K.D. Reiszner and P.W.
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