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Sometimes we make choices that are good for ourselves but bad for
others, and other times we make choices that are good for us but
bad for others. My experience led me to believe that my dilemma
occurred when we were given the option of either removing the tube
from the machine that keeps mum alive or simply waiting for her to
pass away. Since the machine, according to the doctor, is the only
thing keeping him alive. I was thinking about you there and then.
What needs to be done? Do we simply plan to remove the tube that
will result in his demise? or wait for it to pass through the
unpredictable natural process of dying? Many processes happened.
We needed many decisions and opinions from different doctors.
Until the doctors and my family have made a final decision. And
that's just pulling out the pipe. And if it is called, in other words,
mercy killing, an easy or painless death, or the intentional ending of
the life of a person suffering from an incurable or painful disease at
his or her request. Making an important decision is very difficult to
do when you are in the middle of making a choice in an equally
important situation.

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