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Product name: PERUMA

Peruma is an instant powder drink made from Peperomia pellucida leaves and dates,
this drink is efficacious in increasing the immune system and at the same time as a
herbal medicine drink therapy that can reduce uric acid, and several other body
problems. This peruma drink is very comfortable when drunk with biscuits or bread
in the morning or at night as a warm drink

Peruma is the product of processed food from Poltekkes, Ministry of Health, East
Kalimantan students who are developing the latest ideas and innovations.

Some of the benefits of this peruma drink are for:

1. Treat and lower uric acid

2. Increase endurance

3. Get rid of acne

4. As an anti-stress

5. Keeps skin looking young

Peruma is a powdered instant drink made with natural ingredients, made from
Peperomia pellucida leaves and dates, Peperomia pellucida (L.) or by the name of
the messenger area (Piperaceae), is one of the plants that has the potential as
antihyperuricemia. Herb messengers have efficacy as antihyperuricemia as
evidenced by previous studies, namely, ethanol extract of messenger herbs given
orally at a dose of 50 mg/kgbw in male mice that have been induced with potassium
oxonate at a dose of 200 mg/kgbw can reduce uric acid levels by 24.35%. .

According to research by Lestari (2010), the leaves of the suruhan plant contain
secondary metabolite compounds including flavonoids, terpenoids, tannins, and
saponins. With the presence of these secondary metabolites, it can be assumed that
the messenger plants can inhibit microbial growth. This statement is in accordance
with nwokocha's research which states that the flavonoid and tannin compounds
contained in the messenger plant have antimicrobial and antiseptic activity.

Order plants are generally used as traditional medicine. Syahid explained that the
ordered plants are used to treat inflammation, treat fever, stomach pain, ulcers,
headaches, kidney disorders, and rheumatic pain in the joints, and gout. This shows
that the plant extracts can reduce blood glucose levels with rats that were previously
induced with sucrose. Wijaya and Monica (2004) also reported that this plant has
anti-inflammatory activity in white rats.

Dates (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) belong to the palm family and are often called date
palms, have various nutritional content and can be used as medicine. Dates are
foods that contain high energy with an ideal composition, in which they have the
following substances Sugar (a mixture of glucose, sucrose, and fructose, protein,
fat, fiber, vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C, potassium, calcium, iron, chlorine, copper,
magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, and several enzymes that can play a role in healing
disease Dates have a higher iron content than other sources of iron, the iron content
in dates is 13.7 mg while content of green beans and

Dates which in Latin are called Phoenix dactylifera are fruits that grow specifically
in desert areas. This fruit has long been known and is one of the most important
fruits in Arabia, North Africa and the Middle East. Dates have been known and
harvested in North Africa and the Middle East for at least 5000 years. The potential
of dates in the health sector has long been known. Various articles reveal the
potential of dates as a good source of antioxidants and fiber. The potassium content
in dates has also been shown to reduce high blood pressure. The content of various
minerals and vitamins in dates is believed to have potential as anti-cancer, anti-
inflammatory, analgesic, and plays a role in kidney and liver protection.

date palm or Phoenix dactylifera. The fruit contains a lot of natural sucrose,
fructose, and glucose. The tannins contained in dates are anti-infective, while the
magnesium is an anti-inflammatory agent, essential for bone growth. Vitamin K in
dates is important in the process of blood clotting and bone metabolism.
Dates are one of the foodstuffs that contain substances needed for the formation of
blood cells and prevent anemia, because the content of dates is very complete so
that it can carry out hemopoesis (the process of forming blood cells, erythrocytes,
leukocytes and platelets). Dates are one of the foods that contain complete nutrients
needed for the formation of red blood cells so that they can overcome the effects of
decreasing hemoglobin and ferritin. Based on research conducted by Hardinnsyah
et al (2011), the results of the glycemic index of dates are 43.7, which means that
the glycemic index value is categorized as low. In general, the glycemic index (GI)
values were divided into three groups, namely high (GI 70), moderate (GI 56-69),
and low (GI 155).

The antioxidant activity of dates was analyzed by spectrophotometer and the results
were in units (units) which were equivalent to the activity of vitamin C (AAE
ascorbic acid equivalent antioxidant). Date palm juice contains a total antioxidant
of 752.9 ug AAE/g which is equivalent to 753 times the antioxidant activity of
vitamin C. This indicates that date palm juice contains high total antioxidants.

Peruma drink is very suitable to be drunk in the morning and in the afternoon, this
drink is a companion when eating cakes and at the same time as an herbal medicine
to lower uric acid for gout sufferers.

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