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The plaza and the pendulum: Two concepts of ecological science

Article  in  Biology and Philosophy · September 2003

DOI: 10.1023/A:1025566804906

39 45

1 author:

Mark Sagoff
George Mason University


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Biology and Philosophy 18: 529–552, 2003.
© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
eddy in crowds about hawkers of trinkets, food vendors, street singers, and
shops. The “discordant harmonies” (Botkin 1990) that attract ecologists to
The plaza and the pendulum: the places they investigate – savannas, forests, lakes, estuaries – may likewise
Two concepts of ecological science attract tourists to places like the Luxembourg Gardens that similarly reflect
free beauty and constrained variety.
If you walk up residential streets a few minutes from the Luxembourg
MARK SAGOFF Gardens, as I did, you can visit the Pantheon, where in 1851, Jean Bernard
Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy Foucault hung a pendulum from the dome to demonstrate the rotation of the
University of Maryland earth. A similar pendulum today metes out the hours by swinging straight
College Park, MD 20742
back and forth as the floor – and the earth – rotate beneath it. Someone
E-mail: uninformed of the diurnal rotation of the earth and of the Newtonian principle
of inertia might not discern the pattern but attribute the elliptical vagaries of
the pendulum to contingent, historical, or haphazard events. We know that
inertial forces that govern the largest phenomena also shape the behavior of
Key words: Ecology, Ecosystem, Philosophy of science, Theory
smaller systems such as the path of a Foucault’s pendulum. Mathematicians
Abstract. This essay explores two strategies of inquiry in ecological science. Ecologists may can model the motion of the pendulum, predict its behavior, and make its
regard the sites they study either as contingent collections of plants and animals, the relations patterns intelligible and explicit.
of which are place-specific and idiosyncratic, or as structured systems and communities that
are governed by general rules, forces, or principles. Ecologists who take the first approach
rely on observation, induction, and experiment – a case-study or historical method – to Two kinds of research
determine the causes of particular events. Ecologists who take the second approach, seeking
to explain by inferring events from general patterns or principles, confront four conceptual
obstacles which this essay describes. Theory in ecology must (1) define and classify the object In this essay, I want to use the analogy of the plaza and the pendulum to
it studies, e.g., the ecosystem, and thus determine the conditions under which it remains the distinguish between two kinds of inquiry in ecology. One kind of inquiry
“same” system through time and change. Ecologists must (2) find ways to reject as well as to uses experimental, empirical, and inductive research – the same kinds of
create mathematical models of the ecosystem, possibly by (3) identifying efficient causes of methods detectives like Sherlock Holmes rely upon – to identify the causes
ecosystem organization or design. Finally, ecologists will (4) show ecological theory can help of particular phenomena in particular places. Research of this kind, which
solve environmental problems both in pristine and in human-dominated systems. A failure to
solve – or even to address – these obstacles suggests that theoretical ecology may become a
explores causal relations and processes at specific sites, may describe how
formal science that studies the mathematical consequences of assumptions without regard to each species responds idiosyncratically to the activities of its neighbors and
the relation of these assumptions to the world. to the properties of a place. This kind of research, which relies on the
methods of observation, comparison, and experiment, often suggests solu-
tions to environmental problems, for example, by identifying the causes of
the decline of a species or by predicting how a population will respond to
Introduction specific changes in environmental conditions.
The second kind of research emphasizes theoretical principles, meta-
Last summer, I walked through the Luxembourg Gardens on a fine June phorical analogies, and mathematical models to examine “higher levels of
day. The complexity and diversity of activity in that plaza reminded me biological organization,” that is, “the properties of large-scale, integrated
of phenomena ecologists study. Competition, often important in natural systems” (Odum 1977). Research of the second kind seeks to identify general
communities, could be observed in the boisterous contests at the tennis courts rules or principles that govern the assembly, structure, and emergent prop-
and – next to them – in the quiet concentration at the chess tables. Tourists erties of ecological systems. For example, in the early days of ecology,
wary of pickpockets resembled prey alert to predators. Concepts ecolo- Clements (1916) proposed that the natural community constitutes a “complex
gists use – such as “disturbance,” “heterogeneity,” “density-dependence,” and organism” governed by laws of development. Ecologists since then have
“patch dynamics” – might describe the motions of people as they swirl and offered a succession of theoretical models to provide a mathematical basis
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for understanding how natural communities or systems develop and function While only an historical account will explain the sequence of events that
(Simberloff 1980). led to the presence of Foucault’s pendulum in the Pantheon, a mathematical
While theoretical ecologists attend to the task of creating and elaborating theory or model – that of a harmonic oscillator – is needed explain the
mathematical models of ecosystem structure or function, they often leave it to motions characteristic of any Foucault pendulum, wherever it is found. To
others to see if these models represent reality. “I am not going to discuss much be sure, the motions of a particular pendulum in a particular place, because
data in this book,” writes the author of one introduction to theoretical ecology. of wind, for example, may differ slightly from what the model predicts. A
“I am just going to discuss theory . . . and will leave it to each reader to fill in general mathematical theory or model not only explains by predicting the
examples from his or her other studies in biology and ecology” (Yodzis 1989: events that follow from it (the signal) but also, in doing so, helps to identify
3). Another primer in ecological theory states, “We will not be concerned aberrations to be accounted for on other grounds (the noise). A mathematical
very much with testing whether the assumptions or predictions of a model model should allow us, in other words, to distinguish motions that represent
are true. Instead, we will test, so to speak, whether the predictions of a model the behavior of objects of the kind, e.g., Foucault’s pendulum, from the noise
follow from the assumptions . . .” (Roughgarden 1998: xi). or deviation that is to be explained in terms of contingent or local conditions
How can one tell whether the ecological goings-on in a lake, forest, or or events. An idealization should correspond to observation well enough that
estuary exhibit the kinds of patterns or processes that warrant a theoretical one can distinguish the signal from the noise.
top-down mathematical approach as contrasted with a case-based bottom-up Many ecologists search for idealizations – mathematical theories or
inductive inquiry? The patterns and processes that govern ecosystem struc- models of ecological systems – because they regard a case-study approach
ture and function may be so hidden that one cannot infer them directly as an inadequate basis for their science. These ecologists take as the ideal
from the behavior of ecosystems; one may need a mathematical model to of scientific research the development of general mathematical patterns and
reveal them. Without the theory of the motion of the earth, one might not principles. Robert MacArthur began Geographical Ecology (1972: 1) by
identify the pattern meted out by Foucault’s pendulum. It may be the same stating, “Not all naturalists want to do science; many take refuge in nature’s
with ecosystems. Princeton ecologist Simon Levin (1981: 866) makes this complexity as a justification to oppose any search for patterns. This book
point. “In studying the logical consequences of assumptions, the theoretician is addressed to those who wish to do science.” The top-down or theoretical
is discovering, not inventing, . . . .” He adds: “To the theoretician, models are approach MacArthur recommended explains a phenomenon by deducing (and
a part of the real world.” thus predicting) it by applying a general mathematical model to the relevant
kind of object in the context of a statement of initial conditions. According
to this prominent Popperian or Hempelian view in the philosophy of science,
Case-study vs. top-down explanation “only understanding based on covering laws” or general mathematical models
“can provide explanations that invoke standards consistent with the need for
Commentators often refer to the difference between “case study” and “top predictive power in science” (Peters 1991: 177).
down” explanation in ecology. The case-study approach, as Shrader-Frechette Led by this philosophy of science, ecologists have created mathema-
and McCoy (1994) argue, employs “informal causal, inductive, retrodictive, tical models and theories that seek to reveal or discover general rules and
or consequentialist inferences in order to ‘make sense’ of a particular example principles that govern ecological phenomena. That ecological phenomena
or situation.” This method explains a given event by referring to other events reflect the behavior of orderly albeit complex systems is assumed. Ecolo-
that are its causes. A case-study, historical, or bottom up account might gical phenomena “can be analyzed using the concepts of a system, since this
describe the circumstances that brought Jean Bernard Leon Foucault and, a approach provides definitions and general rules which allow very complex
century and a half later, me to the Pantheon. The occasion of a Paris exhibition structures to be understood and predicted. When allied to mathematical
led Foucault, after accidentally discovering the gyroscopic behavior of a free modelling techniques, system theory provides the best conceptual framework
swinging pendulum, to suspend a 62-pound cannonball from a 220-foot long for a highly effective general approach to the study of ecosystems” (Franzle
steel wire attached to the Pantheon dome. A strike at the Louvre led me and 2000: 94).
my family to visit the Luxembourg Gardens instead of that museum and then The belief that ecological phenomena represent the behavior of orga-
the nearby Pantheon. nized complex systems that can be represented mathematically – albeit
533 534

by formulae far more complex than those that explain the behavior of a to a field of unique events?” William Drury (1998: 23) inveighed against
Foucault’s pendulum – has been central to the pursuit of a unifying theory the “strong tendency to accept the existence of self-organizing principles as
in ecology (Jorgensen 2002: 13–18). Ecologists caution against “resorting to inherent in natural systems.” He wrote, “I feel that ecosystems are largely
telling stories about special cases instead of rigorously defining the general extemporaneous and that most species (in what we often call a community)
condition . . . so that order can emerge from a wide-ranging pattern” (Allen are superfluous to the operation of those sets of species between which
and Hoekstra 1992: 9). The goal of mathematical modeling, on this view, we can clearly identify important interactions . . . . Once seen, most of the
is not to simulate, map, or represent the goings-on at a particular site but interactions are simple and direct. Complexity seems to be a figment of our
to show “that ecosystems function in accordance to some overarching rules imaginations driven by taking the ‘holistic’ view.”
that control structure and/or function” (Shugart 2000: 383). For MacArthur, Other ecologists present at least four reasons to believe that it would be
as Donald Worster (1994: 398) observes, “Species swung back and forth as a mistake to give up on the ‘holistic view,’ that is, the idea “that ecosystems
on a fixed pendulum, and the motion of their competitive action was exactly are integrated, interconnected systems with their own laws and organizational
predictable.” principles” (Pahl-Wostle 1995, paraphrasing Loehle 1988). First, ecology is
a young science, and as it matures, laws and organizing principles may be
discovered. Second, many ecologists agree with Peters that “covering laws”
Theory in ecology are essential to scientific as distinct from historical inquiry. For ecology to
progress as a science, as J. B. Wade (1995) wrote, it has to develop “a
Case study or inductive research, which emphasizes observation, comparison, comprehensive synthetic theory of the ecosystem.” K. E. Watt (1971: 569)
and experiment at particular sites, has produced a vast amount of useful wrote earlier that unless ecologists develop “a strong theoretical core that
and reliable knowledge in ecology (NRC 1986). With respect to “top-down” will bring all parts of [ecology] back together . . . we shall all be washed out
approaches, however, some ecologists agree with Simberloff (1980) that the to sea in an immense tide of unrelated information.”
theoretical focus on ecosystems has failed “to add substantially to our under- Third, as Jorgensen (2002: 14) among many others points out, “We are
standing of the workings of nature.” Drake et al. (1999: 241) caution that “the facing complex, global problems which cannot be analysed, explained or
relationship between self-organization, natural selection, and the mechanisms predicted without a new holistic science.” A. O. Hirschman (1979: 164)
and assembly operators of ecology are simply unknown despite a growing noted in another context that power comes with understanding the basic
theoretical effort.” Despite “continuous efforts, ecology has not been able to laws of change. He wrote “the quick theoretical fix has taken its place in
offer universal laws or precise ubiquitous principles” (Brecking and Dong our culture alongside the quick technical fix.” In response to the need for
2000: 51). sweeping theoretical approaches to environmental problems, the International
One might speculate that if mathematical theorizing in ecology has been Biology Program became in the 1970s “the most massively supported Amer-
less than a success, the reason is that ecological phenomena are more like the ican ecological effort and one wholly conceived in a holistic, ecosystem
swirl of activity at the Luxembourg Gardens than like the patterned motions vein” (Simberloff 1980). This was followed by a another program, Ecosystem
of Foucault’s pendulum. In other words, “The absence of a unifying theory Studies, in the National Science Foundation. In addition, NSF through its
may . . . be simply inherent in the subject” (Pahl-Wostle 1995: 6). Gilbert program on Biocomplexity and the Environment now offers $36 million each
and Owen (1990: 33) wrote that their observations provide no evidence of year to support integrated research in environmental systems. “To the extent
“an ontological emergence of a community level of biotic organization.” Any that grant funding is an important determinant of academic advancement, and
suggestion of pattern or structure in ecological phenomena “is a biological economic well-being a general goal, one might reasonably argue that the
epiphenomenon, a statistical abstraction, a descriptive convention without ecosystem paradigm is seductive on economic grounds alone, independent
true emergent properties but only collective ones, wholly referable in its of either philosophical or biological considerations” (Simberloff 1980).
properties to those of its constituent species, populations, and individuals.” Fourth, “In the academy, the prestige of the theorist is towering”
In the same vein, Ernst Mayr (1959) wrote, “The more I study evolu- (Hirschman 1979: 163). Ecology could greatly enhance its prestige if it had a
tion the more I am impressed by the uniqueness, by the unpredictability, solid mathematical foundation. A survey of ecologists concluded that “there
and by the unrepeatability of events.” He asked, “Is it not perhaps a basic is an unease that we still do not have the equivalent to the Newtonian Laws
error of methodology to apply such a generalizing technique as mathematics
535 536

of Physics, or even a generally accepted classificatory framework” (Cher- Foucault’s pendulum is independent of its mass,” states a testable hypothesis.
rett 1989). Roughgarden and co-authors (1989: 9) argue that mathematical The sentence, “The bob of a Foucault’s pendulum swings freely,” in contrast
theory in ecology “provides an antidote to the helpless feeling engendered can be deduced from the definition and so states a truth by stipulation not
by the view that nature is so complicated, and evolutionary processes so discovery.
contingent on accident and history, that all we can ever hope to achieve is Criteria that determine what kinds of things count as ecosystems – or as
detailed understanding of specific situations . . . rather than any general rules certain types of ecosystems – would allow ecological science not only to state
and patterns.” and test falsifiable hypotheses but also to identify and reidentify the objects
Not all ecologists who achieve a “detailed understanding of specific situ- it studies through time and change. One cannot bathe in the same river twice,
ations,” however, may experience a “helpless feeling;” indeed, case-by-case if by “same” one means the same in all details and qualities. If a river is
understanding is hard to accomplish, and it provides the kind of site-specific deprived of half its species – or if it takes on as many again “invaders” –
knowledge which public policy – attempts to protect or restore a species does it remain the “same” system? If so, the system shows its persistence,
in decline, for example – often requires. Nevertheless, the four reasons resilience, stability, etc.; if not, its fragility. The concept ecosystem should
described above show it makes sense for ecologists to pursue the mathe- provide criteria for telling if the system (1) persists in spite of a change by
matical basis of ecosystem structure, function, or behavior rather than to adapting to perturbation or (2) collapses in the face of that change and segues
surrender to skeptics who cavil that an organizing mathematical principle is into a different system.
absent from the science because it is absent from the subject – the phenomena Theories of ecosystem structure and function confront a second problem
– the science studies. simply because there are so many of them. The abundance of untested mathe-
matical theory threatens to turn ecology into formal rather than an empirical
science – as some critics believe mathematization has formalized such disci-
Four conceptual obstacles to a theoretical ecology plines as political science and economics (Porter 1995). A formal science
studies the logical consequences of assumptions with little or no concern
The general question I raise – how ecology may develop as a theoretical top- about how or whether these assumptions correspond to reality.
down science as distinct from a bottom-up inductive one – is the subject of a Third, theory could better succeed if it identified an efficient cause of
large literature ably reviewed by others (Golley 1993; Hagen 1992; Kingsland ecosystem pattern or structure. Scientists have discovered the forces of nature
1995; McIntosh 1985). I will not comment on this literature. Instead, I want to – e.g., inertia and gravitation – that account for the patterns they attribute to
describe four hurdles ecology will overcome if it is to emerge as a theoretical Foucault pendulums. What forces explain patterns or regularities ecologists
and mathematical science. In this section, I characterize these four obstacles; attribute to ecosystems? Evolutionary forces – genetic mutation and natural
in succeeding sections, I elaborate them. Philosophical problems of these selection – shape organisms. If ecosystems are not organisms – if they are not
kinds confront theory-building in any science, not just ecology. units of selection – what forces of nature shape them, causing them to exhibit
First, no theory can be tested unless it defines the class of objects the a design or to behave in orderly ways?
behavior of which it seeks to understand. For example, a Foucault’s pendulum The problem of identifying the efficient cause of ecosystem structure
can be defined as a free-swinging bob on a string, cord, or wire. The behavior or organization appears particularly vexing because sites that have radi-
of objects that do not meet this definition – for example, a decaying carcass cally different histories – and thus have presumably have responded to
of a beached whale – would not provide tests to confirm hypotheses about very different forces – may not differ with respect to their emergent or
the Foucault’s pendulum. Similarly, ecological theory must define the kind organizational properties. Consider, for example, (1) a recently created lake
of object it studies, e.g., the class ecosystem or ecological community. Does comprising only exotic species, and (2) a pristine lake that has not been
a rotting carcass of a beached whale count as an example of an ecosystem? disturbed for centuries. These places may differ so little with respect to
Only a definition of the class ecosystem can determine what observations ecosystem structure, function, and pattern that observation will not reveal
about which objects will help to confirm or disconfirm general statements which is which. Yet it would be hard to claim that the same evolutionary
about members of that class. forces shaped them both.
A definition also allows one to distinguish tautologies from empirical and Fourth, ecology strives not only to be a theoretical but also an applied
therefore testable hypotheses. For example, the sentence, “The period of a science. A century ago, William James (1990: 10) pointed out that usefulness
537 538

in solving real world problems “distinguishes statements that can be true or Indeed, the ESA (p. 13) states, “a dung pile or whale carcass are (sic)
false from metaphysical disputes that are empty and interminable.” During ecosystems as much as a watershed or a lake.”
the Clinton Administration, the White House established an Interagency Under-inclusive definitions build into the ecosystem concept the very
Ecosystem Management Task Force to introduce the ecosystem concept as property – e.g., self-organization, autocatalysis, complex adaptiveness – that
the basic unit of environmental policy (Fitzsimmons 1999: 6). Ecologists may is then predicated of it. Consider, for example, the statement, “Ecosystems are
vindicate ecosystem theory by showing it can apply usefully in public policy. dynamic assemblages of interacting components, self-organized into evan-
escent patterns of interaction on multiple scales of space and time” (Levin
1999b: 6). An opposing definition might hold that ecosystems are not self-
First obstacle: What kinds of objects count as ecosystems? organizing but adapt to outside forces. In that case, ecosystems could be
“complex adaptive systems assembled from sets of available components as
A general scientific hypothesis typically asserts of some class of objects one would assemble a new computer system” (Levin 1999: 101). Neither of
A a correlation (either general or probable) with some pattern or property these definitions allows one to test whether ecosystems are self-assembled or
P. To avoid tautology, the definition of the subject term A cannot refer to adaptive because each lays down the quality in question – self-organization,
the predicate concept P. The Archimedean principle, “All objects that float adaptive complexity – as a necessary condition for membership in the class
displace their weight,” passes this test because one can tell whether or not that is otherwise undefined.
an object floats without knowing its weight or how much water it displaces. To test whether a kind of system possesses an emergent quality such as
Similarly, one can define a Foucault pendulum – “a free-swinging bob on organization, one could rely on the most inclusive definition. If the class
a string” – without referring to its period or mass. Thus, one can test the ecosystem includes whale carcasses, kitchen sinks, and dung piles, and if
empirical hypothesis that the period of the pendulum is independent of its these are not, e.g., self-organizing (as my sink is not), the hypothesis is
mass. disconfirmed. A statement that characterizes the concept ecosystem in terms
MacArthur (1972: 257) understood that no one could meaningfully test of self-organization constitutes stipulation not discovery. Order in nature
any hypothesis of the form “All A is (or tends to be) P” except in relation to should not be taken for granted; it must be demonstrated, not assumed. “The
a classificatory system that defines objects of kind A without referring to the method of ‘postulating’ what we want has many advantages; they are the
property P. He wrote that attempts to establish a classificatory system would same as the advantages of theft over honest toil” (Russell 1919: 71).
consume “most of the creative energy of ecologists.” MacArthur argued that The problem of definition at issue here is a logical not just a spatial one.
ecology must establish general statements “of the form ‘for organisms of type Many ecologists have observed that the spatial contours of an ecosystem are
A, in environments of structure B, such and such relations will hold.’ ” The difficult to draw, e.g., because the “boundaries of the component popula-
principal obstacle to a theoretical ecology, as he correctly thought, lay in its tions may be much larger than the ecosystem boundaries” (O’Neill 2001:
lack of a classificatory system and thus in its inability to identify the kinds 3277). I am not referring to the problem of setting geographical boundaries.
of objects in terms of which it may confirm hypotheses. In thirty years, this A more important challenge, I believe, is to define conditions even a bounded
situation has not changed. The National Research Council (1993: 75) has collection of trees, for example, must satisfy to be a “forest” for purposes
stated that “no broadly accepted classification schemes” exist for “ecological of ecological theory. One may ask if a Christmas tree farm is a “forest,”
units above the level of species.” an impoundment behind a dam, a “lake,” a field of Roundup-Ready grain
Definitions of the class ecosystem found in the literature are either over- a “savanna,” and so on. A sewage treatment lagoon is well bounded; is it
or under-inclusive. In 1942, Lindeman defined an ecosystem as a “system a member of the class “lake,” “community,” “ecosystem”? The first step
composed of physical-chemical-biological processes active within a space- in a theoretical science is taxonomy. Daniel Simberloff (1998: 253) wrote,
time unit of any magnitude.” Similarly, a Report by the Ecological Society “whereas a species is usually easy enough to define . . . which ecosystems
of America (ESA) (Christensen et al. 1996, quoting Likens 1992), defines are so similar as to be representative of the same type is often not a trivial
an ecosystem as “a spatially explicit unit of the Earth that includes all of question.”
the organisms, along with all components of the abiotic environment within
its boundaries.” This kind of definition is over-inclusive because it takes in
everything from a kitchen sink, a head full of lice, a yeast infection, an
orchard, and an aquarium, to a transportation, education, or sewage system.
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Is it the same ecosystem? Human-dominated ecosystems

A statement of the criteria that define membership in the class ecosystem, In setting criteria for including some sites but not others in the class
ecological community, etc. would help to solve a related problem – that of community or ecosystem, ecologists will address a perplexing question,
reidentifying the “same” system through time and change. When pendulums namely, whether places that human beings dominate can belong to that
break, they cease to swing, so one knows that they cease to be. When ecolo- class. According to O’Neill (2001: 3279), “The ecosystem concept typi-
gical assemblages pass, in contrast, other assemblages replace them, often cally considers human activities as external disturbances . . . Homo sapiens
gradually (Simberloff 1998: 253). Ecologists do not yet have the conceptual is the only important species that is considered external from its ecosystem,
resources to decide whether or when an ecosystem has changed or whether deriving goods and services rather than participating in ecosystem dynamics.”
and when it has collapsed and been replaced by a different kind of system. Others agree that humanity is only a disruptive force. “Ecologists tradition-
In a famous experiment, David Schindler and colleagues (1980, 1985) ally have sought to study pristine ecosystems to try to get at the workings
perturbed a lake by pouring sulfuric acid into it. They observed that certain of nature without the confounding influences of human activity” (Gallagher
qualities changed, such as the species ratios, while other qualities, such and Carpenter 1997). “Ecologists’ preoccupation with the pristine reflects a
as energy flows and productivity stayed the same. University of Georgia long tradition in western culture and a philosophy of separating humanity and
ecologist Frank Golley (1993: 195) concluded that “the genuine properties nature” (Western 2001: 5458).
of the lake . . . are more robust and vary much less with an environmental The question whether to include human-dominated sites in the extension
change.” But how did Golley – or how would anyone – know which qual- of the class ecosystem creates a dilemma. One the one hand, one encounters at
ities to count as the “genuine” properties of the lake? If you consider energy least two difficulties if one argues that sites humans dominate are not ecosys-
flow to be “genuine,” the experiment confirms the hypothesis that lakes are tems of the kinds to which ecological theories and models apply. First, it may
robust against perturbation. If you think species ratios are constitutive, the be difficult to find phenomena that exemplify forces that govern nature free
experiment disconfirms that hypothesis. of human influence. “Many ecosystems are dominated directly by humanity,
O’Neill (2001: 3277) adds that the way one classifies ecosystems – and no ecosystem on Earth’s surface is free of pervasive human influence”
whether by species lists or by functional systems – will determine if an (Vitousek et al. 1997). Accordingly, “Drawing a sharp line between the
ecosystem is stable or not. As a functional system, the perturbed lake human and natural realms serves no purpose when our imprint is as ancient
remained a going concern and thus would be considered stable. “The as it is pervasive” (Western 2001).
ecosystem defined by a species list is almost always unstable because it rarely, Second, by separating humanity from the rest of nature, ecology would
if ever, recovers to the identical list of species” (O’Neill 2001). become a unique science. An ethical, spiritual, and metaphysical divide separ-
A science must provide criteria that not only identify a collection of things ates humanity from other creatures because human beings have free will and
as constituting, e.g., a “lake,” but also as “the same lake” though its properties moral responsibility, while other creatures, as far as we know, do not. Yet
differ over time. Without criteria for identifying and reidentifying member- no natural science besides ecology adopts this moral division between nature
ship in the class ecosystem of kind A ecologists would study a Heraclitean and humanity as part of its conceptual framework. All the forces other natural
flux in which they cannot step even once. “Despite the importance of self- sciences study – e.g., the Newtonian forces that govern Foucault’s pendulum
identity,” Kurt Jax and colleagues (1998: 253) have written, “there is no – apply indifferently to artifacts and natural objects, indoors and out. In the
consensus on how to define and measure it.” These authors decry the assump- comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, Hobbes, a tiger, turns into a limp doll if
tion that ecosystems are “given as such in nature” and “therefore have to humans are present. Do ecological principles likewise lose efficacy when
be found and identified instead of being defined and delimited.” There is no people enter the picture?
entity without identity. There are no ecological units – such as ecosystems – On the other hand, to include human-dominated sites in the extension of
without criteria for identifying those objects and reidentifying them through the class ecosystem is to suggest that one might most easily discover and
time and change. test the rules or forces that govern ecosystems by studying not wild areas
but intensely managed ones, such as factory farms, waste treatment plants,
and golf courses. Just as Darwin explained the concept of selection in terms
of its artificial application in pigeons, so ecologists could identify, explain,
541 542

and test the principles they study in relation to their application to large- do not crowd each other out; they congregate into a deeper truth. To alter
scale vertically-integrated technology-driven aquacultural, silvicultural, and a phrase from a Buffalo Springfield song, “Nobody’s wrong if everybody’s
agricultural operations. Indeed, some ecologists argue that the test of their right.”
science lies in its ability to create and control ecosystems – just as any natural To explain how all these disparate research programs could all be right –
science has engineering applications. Bioengineering, according to this view, how they add up to a larger truth – Jorgensen and Muller (p. 466) refer to “the
is the future of ecology (Forcella 1984). well-known elephant parable.” They compare their colleagues to zoologists
who unknowingly study different parts of the same animal. These scientists
“don’t realise that these parts form an elephant because this holistic view is
Second obstacle: Pluralism or promiscuity? only possible by taking a step backwards and discussing ones (sic) own obser-
vations with those of their colleagues.” Zoologists who did not know they
A second kind of difficulty mathematical models of the ecosystem have to were studying parts of the same elephant, however, would not benefit from
overcome is that there are so many of them. In the Handbook of Ecosystem sophisticated mathematical models. They must deal instead with elementary
Theories and Management (Jorgensen and Muller 2000), for example, taxonomy – problems of classification that were resolved in zoology by the
one finds chapters that describe ecosystems as “Functional Entities,” as time of Aristotle.
“Self-Organizing Holarchic Open Systems,” as “Subjects of Self-Organizing To be sure, many different kinds of ecosystems may exhibit many different
Processes,” as “Information Systems,” as “Network Environs,” as “Cybernetic kinds of dynamics; a pluralistic approach is justified. Since the 1960s,
Systems,” as “Dynamic Networks,” as “Hierarchical Systems,” as “Chaotic however, ecologists have worried that they played the role of the Sorcerer’s
Systems;” as “States of Ecological Successions,” and so on. As these chapter Apprentice in creating an immense tide of untested theories; they inveighed
titles suggest, theorists seek to shed light on the structure and function not against pluralism but against promiscuity. Of a collection of theoretical
of ecosystems by borrowing concepts and assumptions from the study of models in ecology, E. O. Wilson (1969) commented, “[O]ne gets the feeling
information systems, cybernetic systems, equilibrial systems, non-equilibrial he is receiving secrets of the universe from a space visitor anxious to be on his
systems, thermodynamic systems, turbulent systems, stochastic systems, way.” Many other biologists agreed. “Theoretical ecology is a major growth
optimization systems, catastrophic systems, complex adaptive systems, and industry, and the pages of ecological . . . journals are littered with theory”
many more. Ecosystem modelers have borrowed from game theory, hierarchy (Levin 1981: 865).
theory, chaos theory, statistical mechanics, network theory, probability theory, For decades ecologists have expressed dismay at the unconstrained
and even the theory of oscillators. Platt and Denman (1975: 189) have urged production of theory that lacks relevance to empirical puzzles or problems.
“the nonlinear oscillator representation of living systems” as a foundation for “No single model dominates, none is clearly preferred, even by ecologists.
theoretical biology. And the credentials of paradigm spinners all look pretty much the same,”
Sven Jorgensen and Felix Muller, the editors of the Handbook, helpfully George Woodwell (1976) said in a presidential speech to the Ecological
ask how ecologists can cope with “approaches as varied as thermodynamics, Society of America. “[M]uch mathematical ecology is simply mathematics
cybernetics, information theory, network theories, utility theory, hierarchy dressed up as biology, and is dismissed by field biologists as being of no
theory, chaos and catastrophe theories, the theories about ecological stability, relevance to their interests” (Levin 1980). Ecology continues to confront a
buffer capacities and resilience of ecosystems, and the theory of ecosystems “constipating accumulation of untested models” (Schoener 1972) after indul-
as self-organizing critical systems” (p. 465). The answer they offer, I believe, ging in “a feast of theory [that ecology] isn’t quite ready to digest” (Futuyma
presents an important obstacle to progress in theoretical ecology. 1975). On the other hand, the sheer amount of mathematical theory in ecology
“We need them all, if we want to get a comprehensive, pluralistic view may attest to its importance. There must be an elephant in there somewhere.
of the ecosystem,” Jorgensen and Muller (p. 6) state. Other sciences tend to
replace one theory with another, for example, the phlogiston with the oxida-
tion theory of combustion. Ecology, in contrast, seeks to add one theory to Third obstacle: Finding a cause of ecosystem organization
another. With ecology, the challenge is often described not as one of falsi-
fication but of integration into a holistic perspective. Ecological theory may If ecologists succeed in establishing a general theory to describe the design,
practice a kind of competitive inclusion. Metaphors, models, and paradigms function, structure, organization, etc. of ecosystems, they must identify the
543 544

force, power, or agency that constitutes the efficient cause of that design or Recent vs. heirloom ecosystems: A paradox
order. If you found, for example, a watch or a piano in a forest, you would
not say that it organized itself; rather, you would posit the existence of a Is natural selection the “autonomous process” that results in ecosystem struc-
watchmaker or a piano maker. Similarly, if the forest itself displayed a design ture and function? It is hard to see how it can be. Ecosystems have no
that suited it for some function, you would similarly try to identify the agent genomes; they “do not represent evolutionary units” (Levin 1997). If evolu-
or power that provides the efficient cause of that organization. tionary forces, which work slowly, build up ecosystems, this process would
One might reply that ecosystems organize themselves, but this is problem- take time to accomplish. Evolutionary forces, then, would not appear to
atic. There are objects, such as crystals, that may be said to be self-organizing, be responsible for organizing recently created ecosystems and those that
but they have no obvious similarity with ecosystems. The mathematician Per comprise mostly exotic species. These systems appear, however, to be as well
Bak (1996) identified what he called self-organized criticality in the way piles organized as ancient ecosystems that contain only indigenous organisms.
form when sand is dripped on a plate. One cannot think of two items more Consider an example. The State of Maryland has no naturally occurring
unlike, however, than, say, a forest and a dribbled pile of sand. That some but only man-made lakes. The largest, Deep Creek Lake, was created in
objects, such as Foucault’s pendulum, toll the hours tells us nothing about the 1920s by a hydroelectric dam. People who settled around the flooded
places like forests, rivers, or coral reefs. That dribbled sand piles display valley introduced whatever species they thought desirable, and fishing is
self-organized criticality suggests nothing whatsoever about pendulums or good there to this day. Ecologists (Howell et al. 1978) inventoried the new
ecosystems. lake and diagrammed its ecological processes. Their surveys, models, energy
It is easiest to understand such terms as “structure” or “function” when budgets, etc. suggest that no structural differences distinguish this lake,
they are applied to objects that are designed for a purpose. The structure and created recently by a corporation, from one that “evolved” or self-assembled
function of a kidney, for example, can be understood in relation to the purpose over millennia. The youthfulness of the lake did not detract from its dynamic
of cleansing the blood. Similarly organisms are organized by evolutionary properties.
forces to enjoy relative reproductive success. If ecosystems had a purpose Consider another example. Researchers who studied the San Francisco
– if God created them for the benefit and support of humanity – one could Bay determined that in many places “exotic organisms typically account for
identify the properties of design, organization, and function by which they 40 to 100% of the common species, up to 97 percent of the total number of
serve that end. Absent such a theological assumption, however, it is difficult organisms, and up to 99% of the biomass.” Of the roughly 400 species found
to say that ecosystems serve any purpose. Accordingly, to study the structure in Bay waters, 234 are known to be exotic and another 125 are “cryptogenic”,
and function of ecosystems, as ecologists do, is to accept a logical challenge. i.e., of unknown origin (Cohen and Carleton 1998). If large-scale patterns
What kinds of things other than ecosystems have structure and function but result from evolution at lower levels, the presence or absence of these patterns
not purpose? There are ways to answer this question – for example, a snow- would indicate whether a site is free of or full of introduced species. Yet, no
flake has a structure but not a purpose. Snowflakes, however, do not seem to one can tell whether or which species are exotic except by consulting the
provide an analogy for understanding ecosystems. historical record.
Ecologists recognize the need to identify the forces that give ecosystems Ecologists might be able to test the hypothesis that natural selection oper-
the structure, design, or functions they are said to possess. Levin (1999b: 6) ates, however indirectly, to bring into existence the properties of organization
points out, “one must recognize the powerful adaptive and self-organizing or structure that ecosystems are thought to possess. Consider a place such as
forces that shape ecosystems.” What force, power, or agency assembles Deep Creek Lake created in the last century. There, species brought together
ecosystems and causes them to have the organization that theorists attribute to at random, some from the four corners of the earth, have “naturalized”
them? Levin explains that what is required besides a diversity of components, – i.e., have formed relatively stable populations – to make an ecosystem.
e.g., species, and interactions among them, is an autonomous process, such as One could investigate these creatures to see whether they have, indeed,
natural selection, “that uses the outcomes of those local interactions to select evolved over a century or whether they are more or less the same genetic-
a subset of those components for replication or enhancement” (1999: 12). ally and phenotypically as members of the populations from which they were
He concludes, “Large-scale patterns primarily result from, rather than drive, obtained.
evolution at lower levels” (p. 104). If the organisms that inhabit Deep Creek Lake have evolved into unique
and endemic forms over the past decades, this would provide evidence of
545 546

the powerful adaptive and self-organizing forces that shape ecosystems. One research . . . generally falls under the rubric of natural history.” The subtle
would have reason to agree that evolution at lower levels shapes ecosystem responses of species “suggest that assembly rules, if they exist, will be quite
structure and function. If these organisms are unchanged in genotype and local. Not only will assembly rules not be simple, they will not be very
phenotype, however, this finding would be consistent with two different general.”
possibilities. On the one hand, the lake may lack the unifying properties – Perhaps mathematical theory in ecology will make its greatest contribu-
the organization, structure, or large-scale patterns – that ecological theory tion to society by clarifying ecosystem-level properties, such as ecosystem
attributes to ecosystems in general. This would present a paradox, however, integrity, health, development, or sustainability that can guide environmental
because there seems no way to distinguish the dynamic or organizational policy at a greater level of generality and at a more inclusive scale than site-
properties of this ecosystem from those of an heirloom lake. Thus, if the specific studies. Yet the absence of any definition of the class ecosystem – the
kind of system-level organization mathematicians study is absent from an lack of a classificatory system, criteria of identification and reidentification,
impoundment created by a corporation less than a century ago, one has to rules for spatial limitation, agreement about the meaning and measurement of
infer it is absent from all ecosystems, and thus that there is no design in emergent properties, and so on – has kept ecologists from defining normative
ecological systems. terms by which society may gauge the well-being of the environment.
On the other hand, one could conclude that “the ecosystem is not an Although ecosystem theory has been a burgeoning academic industry
organism and has not been shaped by evolution to perform particular func- since the 1950s (Jorgensen 2002: 1), many ecologists believe it has failed to
tions” (Levin 2001). This possibility suggests that if ecosystems are organized provide any basis or guidance for management. In many instances, the applic-
in mathematically intelligible ways, it is not evolution but some independent ation of mathematical theory has proven counter-productive because “the
Force that accounts for design in ecology. crucial detailed natural history and autecology were ignored” (Simberloff
1997: 276; see also Gilbert 1980; Williamson 1981, 1989). In spite of a vast
social investment in mathematical modeling, “the new approach of ecosystem
Fourth obstacle: Can ecosystem theory be applied? management does not have a foundation of well-developed theory to guide
it” (Ostfeld et al. 1997: 4). Indeed, public officials and environmental and
Perhaps the most convincing way to demonstrate the legitimacy of mathe- industry groups express exasperation at the futility of applying in manage-
matical ecosystem theory is to show how it can be applied to help solve ment contexts the concept ecosystem and related normative notions such
problems of environmental policy. Unfortunately, as a National Research as ecosystem health, integrity, and stability (Fitzsimmons 1999). Michael
Council Report found, “ ‘Ecological theory,’ as described in standard text- Bean (1997: 23) of the Environmental Defense Fund has redirected to the
books on ecology, is seldom applied directly to environmental problems” concept ecosystem management what a former Labor Secretary said about
(NRC 1986: 1–2). Sarkar (1996) observed in a paper titled “Ecological the concept of competitiveness. “Rarely has a term of public discourse gone
Theory and Anuran Declines” that no theoretical model of ecosystem struc- so directly from obscurity to meaninglessness without any intervening period
ture or function can assist policy makers by explaining the cause of any of coherence.”
problem, e.g., “drastic declines in amphibian, particularly anuran, populations A group of ecologists, assessing the progress of research on ecosystem
throughout the world.” The inability of ecosystem theory to tell, for example, theory in relation to environmental policy, have endorsed a judgment that
that UV radiation may be killing certain toads supports Sakar’s contention Christensen (1988) adapted from Mark Twain. Twain said in another context,
that theoretical and mathematical ecology is of limited or perhaps of no use “The researches of many commentators have already shed considerable dark-
to conservation biology. The failure of theoretical or mathematical models to ness on the subject, and it is probable that, if they continue, we shall soon
explain particular losses “shows that, if conservation is a goal, generality is a know nothing about it” (Fiedler et al. 1997: 86).
poor desideratum in ecology” (Sakar 1996).
Daniel Simberloff and co-authors (1999) have described difficulties
involved in applying general concepts of ecosystem theory to determine the Conclusion
causes of phenomena at particular sites. With enormous amounts of site-
specific information, they say, it may be possible “to predict which species I have proposed in this essay that theoretical and mathematical ecology
will be found at which site and which species will not coexist. The necessary will succeed not by advancing more complex theories or by deepening the
547 548

mathematical sophistication of models but by attending to the basic concep- ecology could succeed along with other biological sciences as an essentially
tual conditions on which theories and models can be tested and applied. inductive, empirical, and historical discipline in relation to which mathema-
First, to secure ecology as a science of ecosystems, ecologists will define tical theory appears pretentious and largely irrelevant. Stephen Jay Gould
the object they study, e.g., the concept or class ecosystem or community; (1985: 18) argued for a historical approach in evolutionary biology. Historical
otherwise, general hypotheses that predicate properties to ecosystems cannot narratives “explain, but do not usually try to predict; they recognize the irre-
meaningfully be confirmed. Criteria that allow ecologists to classify their ducible quirkiness that history entails, and acknowledge the limited power of
objects of study should also allow them to identify and reidentify those present circumstances to impose or elicit optimal solutions; the queen among
objects through time and change. Only in relation to established criteria for their disciplines is taxonomy, the Cinderella of the sciences.”
classifying ecosystems may emergent qualities, such as stability, resilience, Taxonomy, however, is not a path to fame and glory; one can easily locate
and continuity, be treated as empirical properties rather than as concep- academic centers of excellence in mathematical ecology and biocomplexity,
tual consequences of an arbitrary way – species lists, productivity, materials but one would be hard pressed to find professional training in taxonomy.
cycling, etc. – by which “sameness” is defined. Ecologist Paul Dayton wrote in 1979, “Ecology often seems dominated
Second, ecologists will find ways to test and reject mathematical models, by theoretical bandwagons driven by charismatic mathematicians, lost to
theoretical paradigms, and the like. If ecologists continue to propose theoret- the realization that good ecology rests on foundations of natural history
ical frameworks and models without providing crucial experiments to test and progresses by the use of proper scientific methods.” Gould adds that
them, pluralism in ecology will appear to be promiscuity. As G. W. Salt biological science has “tended to denigrate history, when forced into a
(1983: 699) has lamented, “thanks to the dubious but nonetheless popular confrontation, by regarding any invocation of contingency as less elegant
cachet of legitimacy provided by mathematics to an idea, a theoretician’s or less meaningful than explanations based directly on the timeless ‘laws of
hypotheses were likely to be accepted until demonstrated false.” Few if any nature’ ” (Gould 1989: 51).
mathematical theories are tested empirically. Outsiders to ecology might get No one knows where the future of ecology lies. If the sites that ecologists
the impression that anyone with a metaphor and some mathematics can model study are like the swirl of activity at the Luxembourg Gardens, the properties
the ecosystem. of which are historically contingent, ecology may mature into an inductive
Third, ecologists will identify the causes – the forces of nature – that and experimental science like medicine. To be sure, statistical analysis is
explain the structure, function, order, or design they predicate of ecosys- useful in testing empirical hypotheses; nevertheless advances in medicine,
tems. The thesis that ecosystems are self-organizing because, say, sand piles like those in the life sciences generally, appear to be more dependent on
exhibit that quality constitutes a non sequitur of laughable proportions. To empirical and inductive methods of comparison, observation, and experiment
argue that ecosystems display “chaotic” behavior, moreover, does not justify than on advances in mathematics. Something of this sort may also be true
a complex mathematical approach to modeling their structure or function. of a science that seeks to protect and restore environmental health. On the
Chaotic behavior is precisely the condition that makes a site an appropriate other hand, if ecosystems, once defined and delimited, turn out to be regu-
subject of historical and inductive rather than of deductive and theoretical lated systems like Foucault’s pendulum, ecology may become a mathematical
science. and deductive science like physics. Progress depends on whether and when
Fourth, ecologists will show that mathematical theory – as distinct from a ecologists address conceptual and logical problems of the sort described here
case-study approach that reveals the particular causes of specific events – can – problems that they have ignored to the detriment of their science.
usefully be employed in environmental policy. No one would suppose that
mathematical theory could help a detective like Sherlock Holmes to identify
who is responsible for a crime. To what extent will mathematical theory assist References
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