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I. Choose the correct option.

1. Which of the following animals do not drink water in its lifespan?

i. Kangaroo rat ii. Camel
iii. Bird iv. Bear

2. Which of the following instruments is used to measure relative humidity?

i. Hygrometer ii. Thermometer
iii. Rain gauge iv. Richter scale

3. Blubber is absent in
i. Polar bears ii. Seals
iii. Whales iv. Monkeys

4. In order to survive in the Arctic region a camel need to develop which of the following
i. Blubber ii. White fur
iii. Furry ears iv. All of these

5. Which of the following substances is used in thermometer?

i. Mercury ii. Iron
iii. Nickel iv. Magnesium

1. Give one word for the following:

a. Name the animal which has adapted itself to live in polar regions.
Polar bear

b. Name the instrument used to measure rainfall.

Rain gauge

c. Weather condition in a region over a period of time.


d. Name the coolest region on earth

East Antarctic Plateau

e. Name any two elements which you have observed in a weather forecast.
Temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity.

2. State whether the given statements are true or false. If the statement is
false, give a reason for the same.

a. Humidity is the measurement of hotness and coldness of weather. (False)

b. Climate is the instant weather conditions of a certain region. (False)

c. Adaptations are the outcome of process of evolution. (True)

d. Camouflage is helpful to animals to survive the extreme climates. (False)

e. Short tail of an arboreal animal is helpful in grasping trees (False)

5. Answer the following questions.

a. Define adaptation.
The physical or behavioral characteristic that has developed within an organism to survive
better in its surrounding is called adaptation

b. List down the various elements of weather.

They are temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity, precipitation, and cloudiness.
Together, these components describe the weather at any given time.

c. Give a brief idea about the climatic conditions in tropical regions.

The tropical regions are characterised by extreme hot climates with the temperature rising to a
whopping 40°C during the summers. Even the winters are not very cold and the temperature
rarely drops below 15°C. These regions receive plenty of rainfall and hence an important
feature of these regions is the tropical rainforests. These are found in the Western Ghats, in
Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Assam in India

d. Write a note on adaptations of the polar bear.

The polar bears have white fur which allows them to blend in with the snow and helps them
catch their prey. The thick layer of fur also protects them from harsh climates. Polar bears have
a thick layer of fat called blubber underneath their skins, which helps in insulation from the
cold; it also keeps their body warm. They have a very strong sense of smell. They can also close
their nostrils and remain underwater for a long time. By closing their nostrils, they prevent the
water from entering their lungs.

e. How does the polar bear keep itself warm in winter?

Polar bears have a thick layer of fat called blubber underneath their skins, which helps in
insulation from the cold; it also keeps their body warm.

f. A fish dies when taken out of water whereas a wall lizard will die if kept in water.
Adaptabilities are the capabilities of organisms to evolute or make themselves according to the
environment. From past millions of years fishes live in water because they are now used to it
and they haveevolute their hands as fins to live in water also they develop gills to take dissolved
oxygen tobreathe, whereas a lizard a terrestrial animal has evolute itself to live on land and take
oxygen present in air with the help of lungs.

g. What is rain gauge used for? Explain how it works.

The rain gauge is an instrument that is used to measure the amount of rainfall or precipitation
over a particular period of time at a specific place
h. What do you mean by weather? What are the various instruments utilised by
meteorologists for evaluation of weather elements?
The condition of the atmosphere of a particular place at a particular time
We use many scientific instruments in the meteorological studies and research works.
Some of them are:
1) Thermometer: Used to calculate the atmospheric temperature.
2) Anemometer: Used to calculate the wind speed.
3) Barometer: Used to calculate the air pressure.
4) Hygrometer: Used to calculate the humidity in the atmosphere.

i. Discuss the climatic conditions of hot and dry regions. Explain briefly the adaptations in
Hot and Dry Climate. Deserts with hot and dry climates are warm all year round, and are
extremely hot in the summer. Usually, they have very little rainfall, making the climate
extremely dry, and hard for plants and animals to survive.
Camel has long eyelashes, ear hair and nostrils that it can close, thus preventing the sand from
entering inside during sand storms. Thick eyebrows help in providing shade from the bright light
of the sun. Thick lips help to feed on prickly xerophytic plants without hurting itself.
Wide feet help them to walk easily on sand without sinking into it and also protect it from the
heat of the sand. The hump on the back of the camel is a reservoir of fatty tissues, which is used
to store food for at least a week when there is no food. The fat gets converted into energy when
food and water is not available for many days. So, it can survive for six to seven months without
food. Different from other mammals, a camel can withstand changes in the body temperature
throughout the day from 34° C to 41.7° C. This facilitates it to conserve water by not sweating as
the environment gets hotter.

1. Why do animals migrate? How do they find their way during migration?
Animals migrate to avoid unfavorable conditions such as unavailability of food and harsh
temperatures. Once the environmental conditions become stable, they come back to their native
An observation suggests that migratory birds can detect the earth's magnetic field lines that
appear to emerge from south pole and merge into north pole. When migratory birds have to
travel from north to south or vice versa, they align themselves with the magnetic field lines and
travel to their location.

Along with this, migratory birds may also find their way by creating a mental map of their route
using mountains, rivers, etc. Besides this, it is also believed that migratory birds use the location
of the sun and stars to find their way and reach the same location.

2. What do you think about the various factors which we should work upon to keep the
climate stable to prevent the extinction of other species?
By encouraging energy renewable projects, constructing solar panels, wind turbines, etc. We
should be responsible as individuals and being a part of this civil society, we must get the wheel
of efforts moving to make our planet a safer and better place to live in. And how that can be
done? By using public transport and less of our personal vehicles in order to control carbon
emission in our environment, by controlling energy consumption at our places, etc. It is not
difficult to do, we just have to remain vigilant all the time and make sure around ourselves that
no resources are going waste
The human-wildlife conflict is based on a competition for resources.
The relationship between humans and wildlife is a challenging one. While people place
boundaries around their homes, communities, and countries, wildlife doesn’t recognize it. It
often roams outside park boundaries and onto land owned by communities.

Wildlife trafficking, poaching, and hunting are big businesses.

Illegal wildlife trafficking is believed to be the world’s fourth most valuable illicit commerce.
This US$10 billion per year trade spans borders and continents. The illegal wildlife trade is an
environmental crime that rips species from their habitat, harms the environment, and
endangers the future survival of both wildlife and ecosystems—but it also threatens national
security and global economies.

There are fewer and fewer places to call home.

As Africa’s forests, rivers, and land continue to disappear, it is clear that habitat loss is the
greatest threat to wildlife. Ecosystems can change drastically from human activities like natural
resource exploration, agriculture, and industrial developments such as pipelines, housing, and
roads. When the land can no longer support wildlife, it leads to the displacement of wildlife or
worse: extinction.

1. Humidity, rainfall and temperature are the of weather.
a. components b. elements
c. parts d. conditions

2. The animal shown in the picture seals off the burrow in which it lives to .

a. prevent cold
b. recycle the moisture from its own breathing
c. prevent rainwater from coming inside
d. prevent enemies from entering

3. Weather report displays the maximum and minimum temperature. What does it mean?
a. Temperature recorded at midnight and midday.
b. Average highest temperature during the day and lowest temperature during the night.
c. The highest day and night temperature of the month.
d. The highest day temperature and lowest night temperature.

4. In which of the following conditions will temperature be the maximum?

a. high latitude b. low latitude
c. high altitude d. Both b and c
5. Which of the following instruments is used to measure the moisture content in the

a is hygrometer which we use to measure humidity.

6. region shows extreme climatic conditions.

a. Polar b. Tropical
c. Equatorial d. All of the these

Climatic conditions in the polar regions are always on the extreme side. There is extreme cold
and most of the areas are covered with snow.

The tropical regions are characterised by extreme hot climates with the temperature rising to a
whopping 40°C during the summers.

7. The characteristic that allows animals to blend in with certain aspects of their surroundings is
known as .
Unscramble the word and fill in the blank.
8. The animal which can survive in extreme hot conditions is:

Answer: a
9. A wildlife sanctuary has dense vegetation of trees, herbs and shrubs. It also has birds, elephants,
monkeys and snakes. The most probable location of the sanctuary is a .
a. desert region b. tropical region
c. both a and b d. none of these

10. Choose the odd one out.

a. Thick layer of fat under the skin b. Long eyelashes and thick eyebrows
c. Large ears d. Large, broad and wide feet

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