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Many people are unaware of the negative impacts of Covid-19 on children’s mental

health. As such a short story entitled, “Why Me?” written for the reflective piece will

highlight the negative impacts covid-19 has on children mentally, the symptoms of mental

illnesses and possible ways in dealing with mental illness. In Jamaica lots of children are

suffering mostly the ages 10-18. Thus the intended audiences for this reflective piece are

youngsters, parents and teachers of primary and secondary schools. The researcher hopes the

story can be published in magazines of Jamaica and uploaded via social media; more people

would be aware of the impacts covid-19 have on mental health and some of the illnesses that

may occur such as anxiety and depression. They would also be able to identify the symptoms

of mental illnesses and the necessary steps to take in assisting them. Mental illness knows no

race, class nor boundary but once detected, can be treated with proper medical treatment.

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