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Daily Zohar – Tikunim – # 877 – Draw your

sword, it’s a time of war.

Posted by Zion Nefesh | Apr 2, 2012 | 14

Click here to listen to the Daily Zohar

[audio:|titles=Daily Zohar 877]

Hebrew translation:

‫ ִאמְרּו‬,‫ זֶהּו ׁשֶ ּכָתּוב וַּתֵ ֶרא אֹותֹו ּכִי טֹוב הּוא‬,‫וְָאדָ ם מִ ּצַד ׁשֶל אֹות ַהּב ְִרית י’ נֹולַד מָ הּול‬
‫ ְוזֶה ׁשֶ ּנֶאֱמַר ָאדָ ם ה ִָראׁשֹון מֹוׁשְֵך‬,‫ ׁשֶּׁשָם אֵ ין קְ ִלּפָה ׁשֶל ע ְָרלָה ְּכלָל‬,‫צַּדִ יק ּכִי טֹוב‬
‫ ּומַ ה הּוא? זֹו הַּקְ ִלּפָה ׁשֶ הִתְ ַלּבְׁשָ ה ּבֹו (ּבָּה) ִלׁשְֹלט עַל‬,‫ זֶה ָאדָ ם ׁשֶ ל עֲׂשִ ּי ָה‬,‫ְּבע ְָרלָתֹו ָהי ָה‬
‫ ּומִ ּׁשּום זֶה נֶאֱמַר ּבָּה נַעֲׂשֶ ה ָאדָ ם ְּב ַצ ְל ֵמנּו‬,‫ זֶה ׁשֶ ּכָתּוב ּומַ לְכּותֹו ּבַּכ ֹל מָ ׁשָ לָה‬,‫הַּכ ֹל‬
‫וְעֹוד נֶאֱמַר ּבַּׁשְ כִינָה הַּתַ חְּתֹונָה נַ ֲעׂשֶה‬.‫ ְלהִתְ ַלּבֵׁש ְּבכָל הַּדְ יֹוקְ נָאֹות ְוהַּקְ לִּפֹות‬,‫ּכִדְ מּותֵ נּו‬
‫ ׁשֶ ּכָל עֶׂשֶר ַה ְּספִירֹות ּכָל ַאחַת‬,‫ ׁשֶּתִ ְהי ֶה כְלּולָה מִ ּכָל ַה ְּספִירֹות‬,‫ָאדָ ם ְּב ַצלְמֵ נּו ּכִדְ מּותֵ נּו‬
‫ִירה עֹולָה‬ ָ ‫ ׁשֶ ּכָל ְספ‬,‫ִירה נָתְ נָה ּבֹו עִּׂשּור ׁשֶ ּלָּה‬
ָ ‫ ּומַ ה ֶחלְקָ ּה? אֶ ּלָא כָל ְספ‬,‫נָתְ נָה ּבֹו ֶחלְקָ ּה‬
‫ ְוכָל ַאחַת וְַאחַת‬,‫ נִׁשְאֲרּו הֵן ּתֵ ׁשַ ע ּתֵ ׁשַע‬,‫ ְונָתְ נּו לֹו ּכָל ַאחַת וְַאחַת ָהעִּׂשּור ׁשֶ ּלָּה‬,‫ַל ֲעׂש ָָרה‬
,‫ ּומִ ּׁשּום ׁשֶ הִיא כְלּולָה ִמ ֻּכּלָם‬,‫ֲׂשָרה‬ ָ ‫ַּׂשְרים אֶ חָד מֵ ע‬ִ ‫ ּומִ ּׁשּום ּכְָך מְ ע‬,‫ֲׂשָרה‬
ָ ‫ִהׁשְּתַ ּלֵם ּבָּה ַלע‬
‫ וְַאחַר ׁשֶ ּנִ ְכ ְללָה מִן ָה ֶעלְיֹונִים נֶ ֱאמַר ּבָּה‬,‫ ּכְלּולָה מִן הַּכ ֹל‬,‫נֶ ֱאמַר ּבָּה ַא ֲהבַת ּכְלּולֹותָ י ְִך‬
‫ ַו ֲאפִּלּו ְּבכָל‬,‫ נִ ְכ ְללָה בַּתַ חְּתֹונִים‬,‫ָָארץ‬ ֶ ‫ּורדּו בִדְ גַת ַהּי ָם ּובְעֹוף הַּׁשָמַ י ִם ּו ַב ְּבהֵמָ ה ּו ְבכָל ה‬ ְ
‫ ּו ְבכָל מַה‬,‫ לְקַ ּי ֵם ּבָּה ּומַ לְכּותֹו ּבַּכ ֹל מָׁשָ לָה‬,‫ַה ְּקלִּפֹות ׁשֶל ַהּצַד הַָאחֵר הִתְ ַלּבְׁשָה‬
.‫ִירה‬ָ ‫ ה ֲֵרי ּכָאן ָאדָ ם ׁשֶ ל עֲׂשִ ּי ָה וִיצ‬,‫ִקְרָאה) בִׁשְמֹו‬ ְ ‫ּׁשהִתְ ַלּבְׁשָ ה נִ ְכ ְללָה (נ‬

Tikkun 69 – 117

Adam of the world of Atzilut was born circumcised and Adam of the world of Asiah (Action) had
foreskin because of the sin. The Zohar revealed to us that the purpose of it was to let Adam connect to the
negative side and have ability to control it.

This is another aspect of “our own image and after our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). ‘Our own image’ is the
higher spiritual aspect and ‘our likeness’ is the aspect of the lower level of Malchut. The Klipot have
power in Malchut and Adam needed to have a connection to the physical world in order to fight and
break the Klipot.

Each one of the Ten Sefirot gave a tenth (Ma’aser) to create Adam so he would be able to have
connection and control over everything.

Psalms 103:19
“‫ ּבַּכ ֹל מָׁשָ לָה‬,‫ּומַ לְכּותֹו‬.” “and His kingdom (Malchut) ruleth over all. ”
The purpose of Creation was to allow us to have ability to rule all levels. Adam sinned so we can have a
Klipa to fight and control, otherwise we won’t have a ‘Kingdom’ that is Malchut.
Adam was created to be a king over Malchut and as his children we are princes and princesses. We
should remember that and take back control of our kingdom from the Klipah. Draw your swords and
Now before you go to your local metal smith and order a fine sword, know that the only sword we need
is our tongue. It has the right shape and can control life and death.
Proverbs 18:21 “‫לָׁשֹון‬-‫ ְּבי ַד‬,‫“ ” ָמוֶת ְו ַחּי ִים‬Death and life are in the power of the tongue”.

Death is the aspect of Tree of Knowledge and Life is the aspect of the Tree of Life. When we use our
tongue with negativity we increase the level and power of Klipot in the world. When we use it for
positivity we keep the balance and when we use it to connect to the Tree of Life using the sacred text of
Torah and Zohar we actually draw a spiritual sword that kills and removes Klipot from the world.

The Daily Zohar gives you the tools to use your sword to fight and remove the negativity from the world.
The Unity Zohar project already has transliteration of the entire Zohar. Now everyone is able to read the
powerful text and make his tongue a spiritual sword in the fight to remove negativity from our local and
global environment.

In the song on Rabbi Shimon that we sing every Friday night we read “‫”וחרב הוצאת מתערה שלפת נגד צוררך‬
“and a sword you drew from its scabbard against your enemies” . We know that Rabbi Shimon never
fought physically but his words could control everything in the world of Malchut and above. With his
tongue he bonded angels to do his wills and even the angel of death could not come even closer to him.
The Zohar tells us many stories that testify to Rabbi Shimon complete connection to the Tree of Life.

He left the world on his terms to let us complete the Tikun, leaving behind the wonderful tool of the
Zohar that many people around the world experience its power.

King David knew that his life should be ended when he reaches the age of 70. He was busy the entire day
reciting sacred text to keep away the angel of death. Only after many efforts death manages to create a
distraction that caused King David to stop his prayers and his soul was taken.

I recommend that each one of you to make a little effort and read aloud text from the Unity Zohar. One
minute or more everyday can make a big difference.

Daily Zohar # 2642 – Beshalach – God will fight

for you while you keep silent
Posted by Zion Nefesh | Jan 20, 2018 | 10
‫‪Hebrew translation:‬‬

‫ּׁשּבָת ַרגְלֶָך‬ ‫ׁשיב ִמ ַ‬

‫‪ .70‬ה’ י ִ ָּלחֵם ָלכֶם וְאַּתֶ ם ּתַ ח ֲִריׁשּון‪ַ .‬רּבִי אַ ּבָא ּפָתַ ח‪( ,‬ישעיה נח) אִם ּתָ ִ‬
‫ִׂשְראֵל ׁשֶ הַּקָדֹוׁש ּבָרּוְך הּוא הִתְ ַרּצָה ָבהֶם ְלהִּדָ בֵק‬ ‫ׁשְריהֶם י ָ‬ ‫עֲׂשֹות ֲח ָפצֶָך ּבְיֹום קָדְ ׁשִ י‪ .‬אַ ֵ‬
‫ּתֹורה‪ְ ,‬ונָתַ ן ָלהֶם‬‫קֵרב אֹותָ ם אֵ לָיו‪ְ ,‬ונָתַ ן ָלהֶם ָ‬ ‫ָּבהֶם מִ ּכָל ׁשְָאר עַּמֵ י הָעֹולָם‪ּ ,‬ומִּתֹוְך ַא ֲהבָתָ ם ַ‬
‫ׁשּבָת ׁשֶ הִיא ק ֹדֶ ׁש מִ ּכָל ׁשְ ָאר ַהּי ָמִ ים‪ּ ,‬ומְ נּוחָה מֵ הַּכ ֹל‪ְ ,‬וחֶדְ וָה ׁשֶל הַּכ ֹל‪ּ ,‬וׁשְקּולָה ׁשַ ּבָת ְּכנֶגֶד‬
‫ַּתֹורה‪ּ ,‬ומִ י ׁשֶ ּׁשֹומֵר ׁשַ ּבָת ּכְאִ ּלּו ׁשָמַר אֶת ּכָל ה ָ‬ ‫ּכָל ה ָ‬
‫ְקָראתָ לַּׁשַ ּבָת עֹנֶג – עִּנּוג ׁשֶל הַּכ ֹל‪ ,‬עִּנּוג ַהּנֶפֶׁש ְוהַּגּוף‪ ,‬עִּנּוג ָל ֶעלְיֹונִים ְולַּתַ חְּתֹונִים‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .71‬ו ָ‬
‫ְקָראתָ ? ׁשֶ ּיַזְמִ ין אֹותָ ּה‪ּ ,‬כְמֹו ׁשֶ ּנֶאֱמַר (ויקרא כג) ִמק ְָראֵי ק ֹדֶ ׁש‪,‬‬ ‫ְוק ָָראתָ לַּׁשַ ּבָת‪ ,‬מַ ה ּזֶה ו ָ‬
‫ׁשּיַזְמִין אֹותָ ּה‬ ‫ְקָראתָ לַּׁשַ ּבָת עֹנֶג‪ֶ ,‬‬
‫אֹור ַח ְלבֵיתֹו‪ְ .‬ועַל זֶה ו ָ‬ ‫ּכְלֹומַר מְ זֻּמָ נִים‪ּ ,‬כְמֹו מִ י ׁשֶּמַ זְמִ ין ֵ‬
‫ ּבְׁשֻ ְלחָן מְתֻ ּקָן ּו ְב ַבי ִת מְתֻ ּקָן ּכ ָָראּוי ּבְמַ אֲ כָל ּובְמִׁשְּתֶ ה ּכ ָָראּוי יֹותֵ ר‬,ַ‫אֹורח‬
ֵ ‫ּכְמֹו ׁשֶּמַ זְמִ ינִים‬
ִ ‫ לִקְדֹוׁש ה’ מְ ֻכּבָד – זֶה יֹום ַהּכ‬.‫ְקָראתָ לַּׁשַ ּבָת עֹנֶג – מִ ּבְעֹוד יֹום‬ ָ ‫ ו‬.‫עַל ׁשְ ָאר ַהּי ָמִ ים‬
ְ ‫ ְו ִכּבַדְ ּתֹו מֵ עֲׂשֹות ּדְ ָרכֶיָך – ּכְמֹו ׁשֶ ּב‬.‫ׁשנַי ִם ׁשֶ הֵם אֶ חָד‬ ְ
Zohar Beshalach
Exodus 14:14
“‫ ּתַ ח ֲִרׁשּון‬,‫ י ִ ָּלחֵם ָלכֶם; וְאַּתֶ ם‬,‫”י ְהוָה‬
“YHVH will fight for you while you keep silent.”
The Zohar quotes the verse above and immediately jump to Isaiah 58:13
“ ‫ מִּמְצֹוא ֶח ְפצְָך‬,‫ ְו ִכּבַדְ ּתֹו ֵמעֲׂשֹות ּדְ ָרכֶיָך‬,‫ ִלקְדֹוׁש י ְהוָה ְמ ֻכּבָד‬,‫ּׁשּבָת עֹנֶג‬
ַ ‫ עֲׂשֹות ֲח ָפצֶָך ּבְיֹום קָדְ ׁשִי; ְוק ָָראתָ ַל‬,‫ּׁשּבָת ַרגְלֶָך‬
ַ ‫ּתָ ׁשִיב ִמ‬-‫אִ ם‬
‫”וְדַ ּבֵר ּדָ בָר‬
“”If because of the sabbath, you turn your foot From doing your own pleasure on My holy day, And you
call the sabbath a delight, the honorable holy day of YHVH , And honor it, desisting from your own
ways, From seeking your own pleasure And speaking your own word,”
The Torah is is the aspect of Zeir Anpin and on Shabbat it helps us connect to the Light of Binah that is
the source of sustenance for all the levels below.
When we properly connect to the Shabbat and the Torah, our lives won;t be like a war because having the
Light of Binah with us, does the work of removing negativity from our path. That explains the connection
of Shabbat to ‘YHVH will fight for you’.
Those who keeps Shabbat are considered as if they followed the entire Torah. The precepts in the Torah
are tools of connection to the Light of Binah. Since Shabbat is a complete connection to Binah then we
can fill our vessels with light as if we followed all the precepts. We should remember that negative
actions during the week drain the vessel from its light.
The Zohar explains ‘And you call the sabbath a delight’ as a pleasure for the body and soul, upper and
lower levels. ‘And you call’ means that it’s in our option to invite the Shabbat as if we invite a guest. For
that we prepare everything to honor the guest. Setting a table with better settings, better food and drinks.
We prepare for the shabbat/guest ahead of time to connect the regular days to the holy light of Shabbat.
‘the honorable holy day of YHVH’ is Yom Kippur that is double because it includes the light of Yom
Kippur and Shabbat, making it the highest Shabbat of the year.

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