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Solomina 1

Yelyzaveta Yu. Solomina

Instructor Kostiuk
English – 101, Section – 114
12 November 2017
Unit 3
Narrative Essay

Once bitten, twice shy

That was a quiet winter day. The sun was shining brightly, the snow was sparkling
and squeaking below the steps of the feet. But in a moment the weather changed rapidly. The
clouds covered the sky and the blizzard began. It had always been the sign of the good day
for me but not in that case. That day I could have lost my sight or even the eye.
My friends and I worn warm clothes and went outside to have Physical Education
class. Immediately we started to play snowballs and to make a snowman. We had a lot of fun
but the teacher went out and we happily hurried to the lesson. As usual, we made a warm-up,
skied a bit and returned to the gym to play a game called skirmish. In five minutes I was
trapped into a huge trouble.
We were smiling and laughing but in a moment my classmate threw a ball at me. I
didn’t have time to react as the ball flew at a high speed with all the strength and hit me into
my left eye. I got really scared and not only me. My classmates and the teacher were
worrying about me and everyone gazed at me while I, like in the slow motion, grabbed my
eye and leaned backwards. I got very frustrated and didn’t know what to do. I sat on the
bench and waited till the end of the lesson.
‘Liza, are you ok? Maybe you should consult a doctor?’ asked the teacher anxiously.
‘No, I’ll be fine’, answered I with the fear in my voice.
We went back to the class and my classmates made the boy apologize. Yes, he did it
but not sincerely. I was patiently waiting for the end of the lessons with the pain in my eye.
As soon as the session was over I hurried home.
Looking in the mirror the next day I saw a huge dark-blue bruise which I had till the
end of the month. I went to school and saw that my classmate was really disappointed. He
was apologizing all the day and I couldn’t stop him from doing this. He felt really guilty and I
understood his feelings.
I was very glad I was able to see as I did before and didn’t lose the eye because of the
strike of the ball. After that accident I stopped playing sport games which involve balls as I
got rather bad experience which I don’t want to be repeated.

Word count: 420

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