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Nama: Khoiry Mahmud

Nim : 2095114062

Unit 1 Page 2 To 3
1. a. Necessary
b. Stationary
a. Assisstant
a. Business
b. Accommodation
2. English = i-en-dji-es-aitch
Chemistry = ci-eitch-i-emm-ai-ess-ti-arr-uai
3. a. My father works as an electrician
b. I like to ride my bicycle in the evenings.
c. Do you like science fiction films on tv ?
d. In 1906 there was terrible earthquake inSan Fransisco.
e. He can draw tyrannosaurus in detail.
4. Across = 4. Knock 5. Comb 6. Wrinkles
Down = 1. Cupboard 2. Invoice 3. Fall 4. Knife 5. Calf
5. 13, 4007, 755, 2021, 83/6, 21/56

Unit 3
A. Ruang, ruang keluarga, ruang tunggu, ruang makan, dapur,kamar tidur, kamar
mandi, belajar,utilitas, kamar cadangan, ruang bermain
B. Lobi, kursi berlengan, menyalakan tv
C. Dapur, taruh, di dalam oven, di mesin cuci, membuat kopi, taruh, kembali
D. Kamar tidur, pakai, naik ke tempat tidur, dimatikan
E. Kamar mandi, saya sudah mandi
F. Pekerjaan rumah, bersih, rapi, saya mencuci, mencuci, menyetrika, alat
penghisap debu, memoles
Unit 3 Exercises

1. In the kitchen there cooker,oven,sink,washing machine,dishwater

2. maybe one,because the image is blur

4. yes

5. yes

1. Towel,Mirror,toilet,bath,towel rail

2. In the towel rail

3. maybe yes, I don’t know the image is blur





page 9


A: I believe your’e selling a typewriter

B: yeah iam selling the type writer brother

A: I see. And is it a manual ?

B: no its electric,portable

A: And what condition is it in?

B: the condition is very good and 3 years old

A: I see. And how much are you selling it for?

B:only $150

A: I’m calling about your writing desk

B: Yes what would I do ?

A: has it got any drawers?

B: yeah can 4 drawers

A: And what condition is it in?

B: slightly damage

A: I see. Well, how much is it?

B: only $50
Unit 4
1. Moment Bandung Bondowoso who cherished Roro Jonggrang,and Roro
Jonggrang requested that Bondowoso make her temple

2. Bandung bondowoso

3. To deny his adoration

4.Vishnu,Brahma,and Shiva temples

5. 999

6. oke

Unit 5
Student Activities
Translate These Sentences
 Boarded Up =Naik
 A Hurricane =Badai
 A Very Blustery Day =Hari Yang SangatBerangin
 Blow Away =Menerbangkan
 A Shower =Mandi
 A Bit Overcast =SedikitMendung
 It’s Going To =IniAkan
 A Heat Wave =GelombangPanas
 A Drought =Kekeringan
 Torrential Rain =HujanDeras, HujanLebat
 Flooded =Kebanjiran
 Floods =Banjir

Page 13 my opinion

1.the rainy season, because all the plants are fertile, very fresh to see
2. usually, I warm myself with noodle soup and tea
3. maybe some people swim in the pool and drink afresh drinks
Unit 6 part 1
1 Peach Persik
2 Apple Apel
3 Blueberries Bluberi
4 Lemon Lemon
5 Grapes Anggur
6 Pear Pir
7 Kiwi Kiwi
8 Pineapple Nanas
9 Cherries Ceri
10 Avocado Alpukat
11 Strawberry Stroberi
12 Mango Mangga
13 Lime Jeruk Nipis
14 Cantaloupe Blewah
15 Star Fruit Belimbing
16 Orange Jeruk
17 Raspberries Pas
18 Coconus Raspberi
19 Watermelon Semanka
20 Plum Prem
21 Banana Pisang

1 Red Cabbage Kubis Merah

2 Celery Seledri

3 Carrots Wortel

4 Artichoke Artichoke

5 Asparagus Asparagus

6 Spinach Bayam

7 Cauliflower Kol Bunga

8 Garlic Bawang

9 Beets Beetroot

10 Corn Jagung

11 Okra Okra

12 Broccoli Brokoli

13 Radishes Lobak

14 Lettuce Selada

15 Potato Kentang

16 Green Onion DaunBawang

17 Turnip Lobak

18 Sweet Potato Ubi

19 Brussels Sprouts Kubis Brussel


Unit 6 part 3
1 Ice cream Sweet and tender

2 Cheese Sharp

3 Chillies Spicy and Hot

4 Coffee Bitter

5 Lemon Sour

6 Sweet cake Sweet

7 Honey Sweet

8 Beef Gamey

9 Rice Sweet and watery

10 Chocolate Bitter sweet

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