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Kaylani Proctor

Roster #15
Lesson Plan- Topic #2: Multicultural Education
EDU 201

Objective: To help students understand what Multicultural Education is. Show the students the
variety of Education there is depending on the area. The goal is to help the students understand
stereotypes, and possibly their own depending on their ethnicity. This could also help the student
begin to understand themselves and what they chose to believe in.

HUGE GOAL: Helping students feel more comfortable to fully accept who they are

Materials/Equipment: Powerpoint via google slides. Link in presentation for easy video access.
Homework assignment hand out’s along with questions to ask partners.

● Start with asking students if they know what there families culture at home is like
● Power Point (google slides)
○ Slide 1 Define Multicultural education (What is Multicultural Education?)
○ Slide 2 The Father of Multicultural Education (Dr. James A. Banks)
○ Slide 3 Introducing Examples
○ Slide 4-8 Race, Ethnicity, Nationality, Language, Religion, Class, Gender, Sexual
Orientation and Exceptionality- Explained on each slide
○ Slide 9 Video on overview of Multicultural Education
○ Slide 10 Introducing Homework Assignment/Class Activity- Interviewing
○ Slide 11 Resources

Closure: Hand out mexican candy while asking questions about the lesson. Candy is a reward.

Evaluation: To evaluate the students work There will be a 24 point lesson assignment that will
be due the following class. Each question is worth 2 points while the pictures are worth 4 points.

Outline for lesson Plan

Slide 1: Ask students if they know their cultures or if they know of different cultures.
Define what Multicultural Education is and explain what is going to be talked about
throughout the lesson. I will also be keeping in mind what cultures are found in my
classroom throughout the students in order to correlate the cultures within upcoming
class activities.
Slide 2: Explain who Dr. James A Banks is and how he contributed to the discovery of
multicultural education
Slide 3: Give Examples of the different types of cultures that can be categorized (Race,
Ethnicity, Nationality, Language, Religion, Class, Gender, Sexual Orientation and
Slide 4-8: Define each category and give an important historical example
Slide 9: Have the students watch a video to further explain what multicultural education
is. Ask students if there are any questions on the video after it is done being watched.
Slide 10: Introduce the homework assignment, read the directions and make sure there
are no questions about what is to be done in the assignment.
Slide 11: Have students partner up across the class and give them questions to ask
(written on bored). Make Sure they take notes of what their partner says since it is part
of their homework assignment.
Slide 12: Resources

Closure: Have questions about the lesson that was just taught and reward students who get the
answers correct (and if they attempt)

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