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UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program


Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity

Topic of Lesson: Transportation Around the World Date:5/29/2021

Inquiry Question: How Do You Get to School? Does everyone go to school the same way? Grade Level: Kindergarten

Expected Outcomes: Behavioral Needs Focus Student:

Purpose Statement/Objective: Turn And Talks: Students will use turn and talks to discuss their
purpose statement. This will benefit auditory learners.
We will be able to identify the different forms of transportation
used around the world in order to broaden our vocabulary by Anchor Chart: The anchor chart will show vocabulary with images
creating picture vocabulary cards. to help students who are visual learners and El students.

Seesaw: Seesaw is an online site students can use for exit slips. This
Expectations: Students will be able to identify all of the forms of site provides audio for questions so students who struggle with
transportation shown across the world in our book. Students will make reading may have the question read.
connections to the way they get to school and the way students across
the world get to school.
Champs: Champs charts will be used to remind students of what
sound level students should be at and where they should be sitting.

Class Dojo: As students work the teacher may provide dojo points
to students who are working hard.
Videos: There is a video used to show our different vocabulary in the
real world. This helps students make connections.

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity
Assessment: Flexible Grouping Strategies:

Formative: Groups: Groups are based off of behavior and communications

- Discussion: The teacher will observe as students respond to inquiry skills. Every group has at least one student who is strong in the
question. language being practiced. Benchmark grades are also used in helping
divide students.
-Turn And Talks: Students will be observed during turn and talk.
Team Leaders: Every group will have a team leader. Leaders
-Anecdotal Notes: Teacher takes notes of student learning during change every week. This helps students gain confidence.
small group and intervention at back table.
-Groups Names: Awesome Apples, Brilliant Bananas, Great Grapes
-Exit Slip: What is one form of transportation you learned about and Bright Blueberries
today? How do you get to school?


-End of Unit: Vocabulary Match Test


SL.K.1: I can ask and answer questions about what happened in a story.

ELD.PI.1: Using collaborative conversations to exchange information and ideas with others on a range of social and academic topics.

Lesson Differentiation:

Small Group/Intervention Groups: When students break out into small groups, I will call on each group to come back to me to see how
they are doing. This gives me time to see who I will keep for intervention in the morning.
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity

Enrichment: Students who finish early they can go on Seesaw and learn a new Transportation Song.

Class Helper: Every week I have a different class helper who sits beside me at the back table for intervention groups. This student gets to
explain games and gives them confidence that they understand how things work.

Exit Slip: The exit slip provides questions with audio readings and with pictures. This helps students who struggle with reading or English.

Lesson Design:


-Purpose Statement
-Champs Chart
-Anchor Chart
-Transportation Video
-Book: Transportation in Many Cultures by Martha E.h. Rustad
-Vocabulary Card Worksheet
-Transportation Color Sheets
-Transportation Around the World Board
-Tablet: With Seesaw account
-Transportation Song.
-Class Dojo

Lesson Steps (Gradual Release of Instruction)

I Do: Purpose Statement & Standards: (SL.K.1/ ELD.PI.1)

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity

-Carpet Time/Behavior: Students will gather at the carpet and review CHAMPS expectations (speaking level and how they should be

-Purpose Statement: The teacher will read the purpose statement, “We will be able to identify the different forms of transportation used
around the world in order to broaden our vocabulary by using the book to creating picture vocabulary cards”.
-Turn and Talk: The teacher will provide 5 minutes for students to turn and talk to a friend. During this time students will discuss what they
are expected to do for the day. Students will choose a leader to share their answer. This helps students think about what their goal for the
lesson is.

-Anchor Chart: The teacher directs students’ attention to the anchor chart. On the anchor chart the standard is marked in the corner. There is
the definition of transportation. Before reading this definition ask students, “How do you get to school?”. Provide time for students to share
their answers. Then ask students what transportation means. Once students are done read the definition on the anchor chart. Then ask
students. “How do you think students in other countries get to school?”. This leads into the video.
Prior Knowledge Video: Play the video. “The Long Way Home: Transportation Around the World. Ask students to put a thumbs up if they
have seen the form of transportation on the screen or a thumbs down if they have not.

Wonder Wall: After the video add the forms of transportation most students haven’t seen to the Wonderwall. This will be used in the next
lesson to continue discussing how transportation is different in other countries.
Read Aloud: Explain to students that today they will be reading a book called, Transportation in Many Cultures by Martha E.A. Rustad.
Refer back to the anchor chart and read through the different forms of transportation(vocabulary) that students will see today. Have students
repeat the word after you. Remind students that as you read, they can put a thumbs up or down if they have taken that form of transportation.

We Do: After the read aloud, dismiss students by table groups back to their seats. Have the student helper help pass out, Vocabulary Cards.
The teacher will put the vocabulary card worksheet on the overhead. The teacher will guide the students to put their name and date on paper.
Then the teacher will do the first vocabulary card with the students. On the first vocabulary card there is a page number and a vocabulary
word. The students will flip through their copy of the book and find page one. The teacher asks the students what form of transportation is
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity
on page one. Help students identify the form of transportation. The teacher draws this form of transportation on the vocabulary card/box.
The students first vocabulary card is done.

Transition to Groups: The teacher uses CHAMPS (Voice and behavior expectations for group work) to get students read to switch to
groups. Students break out into their groups (designed by benchmarks) and finish their cards together.

Intervention/Scaffolding: During small group students who still need a little help can come to the back table for more one-on-one support
before moving back out to groups.

You Do: When students are done with their group work, they will come to the teacher to get a color sheet of a form of transportation they
have not used from today’s story. They will color it and add it to our transportation display board. “Transportation Around the World”.

Independent/Exit: After students turn in their slips, they will be given a tablet to answer their exit slip on Seesaw (online format for exit
slips). The students know their logins. They will login and answer the two questions, “What is one form of transportation you learned about
today?” and “How do you get to school?”. Seesaw provides an audio of the questions so students can hear the question. Students will have
visual of all the forms of transportation used. This helps EL students who may struggle with the English vocabulary.

Enrichment: If students finish independent work/exit slip early, they can go on their, Seesaw (Online assignments) account and find an
assignment called, “Transportation Song”. Students can listen to this song and try to sing along with it. This song will be used in the
following lesson.

Academic Vocabulary Instruction: Culturally Relevant:

-Transportation Inquiry Question: How Do You Get to School? Does everyone go

-Bike to school the same way?
-Walk -These questions help students understand that not everyone gets to
-Bus school in the same way.
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide
UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program
Inquiry I: Effective Learning Environments and Supporting Cultural Diversity
-Boat Transportation In Many Cultures: Our read aloud helps students
-Monorail become international thinkers. Students will see the many different
-Airplane way students across the world travel.
-Animals (Students think of animals that people could ride) Transportation Video: The video used in today’s lesson is a regular
person stopping in different places across the world and using
different forms of transportation.

Classroom Management: Integration of Technology:

CHAMPS Chart: This chart helps students know where they are Smartboard: The smartboard will be used to project teacher
supposed to be at all times and what voice levels. This helps with modeling how to do the first vocabulary card.
students facing behavioral problems.
Transportation Video: The teacher will play a transportation video
Dojo: Dojo points will be given to students working in groups and that gives a better visual example of transportation used around the
independently as she walks around the room. world.

Call and Response: During the lesson the teacher may use a call and Tablets: Students will use their tablets to access Seesaw.
response, “To Infinity…And beyond”.
Seesaw: Students will use seesaw for their exit slip and to practice
learning a new transportation song. This application allows students
to hear questions and record themselves answering.

UCLA Extension Clear University Induction Program- Lesson Planning Guide

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