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Ken Wilber

Sensemaking & Resilient Systems

Philosopher, Visionary, Integral Theorist, Founder of the Integral Institute and Author of Over 25 Books,
including No Boundary, Grace & Grit, and A Theory of Everything

Ken Wilber speaks about a developmental and integral understanding of social cohesion, resilience and

Ken also explains:

 The distinct developmental paths and levels of Waking Up, which we can experience directly
with a first person perspective, and Growing Up, which can only be observed from a 3rd person

 The ongoing culture wars throughout history, including the current struggle between
postmodernism and traditionalism taking place in the landscape of modernity

 The importance of embracing both the Waking Up and Growing Up pathways of human
development and consciousness with an integral or integrated approach finding our way to
greater wholeness

Diane Musho Hamilton

Sensemaking & Resilient Systems

Zen Teacher, Professional Mediator, Founder of Two Arrows Zen, Author of Everything is Workable and
The Zen of You and Me

Diane Musho Hamilton speaks about Integral Theory (one of the most inclusive meta perspectives) and
offers its application in relevant examples for how to manage these challenging times.

Diane Musho Hamilton also shares:

 Her insights on the new normal, the degradation in our civil conduct and polarization, and why
there is still hope
 The false sense of safety in separateness and how commonality and belonging is soothing to the
nervous system

 How cultivating the right kind of meaning-making and having sense of purpose in our own lives
can make us more resilient

Otto Scharmer, PhD

Sensemaking & Resilient Systems

Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management, Founder of Presencing Institute, Author of Theory U:
Leading from the Future as it Emerges

Otto Scharmer PhD, speaks about accessing our own agency to transform society and how there is hope
given the presence of the human spirit.

Otto Scharmer also shares:

 The amazing awakening as seen in Ukraine, and how “awareness-based collective action” has
created hope for transformation

 How to attend to challenges by activating our own agency, and finding ways in which to move
from “ego-system” awareness to eco-system awareness

 How self-care can help us be less reactive and exhausted and more resilient in relation to the
complex and disruptive challenges that lay ahead

 A way forward for re-building social connection and exposing the mechanisms (dark money and
tech) that are creating anger, outrage, and fear

John Wood Jr.

Sensemaking & Resilient Systems

Writer, Commentator, Musical Artist, Media Director & National Leader for Braver Angels, and former
nominee for the U.S. Congress
John Wood Jr. speaks about the civic contagion of distrust and institutional decline, which has resulted
in volatility and extremism in the body politic. He speaks of how we can start to capacitate ourselves to
engage in empathetic conversation that creates trust, makes us operate in goodwill, be less divisive, and
more resilient to the physical threats we face as humanity.

John Wood Jr. also shares:

 The price we pay for not prioritizing growth towards beloved community, a deeper culture of
empathy, and moving toward a more harmonizing discourse

 How his program Braver Angels addresses this civic discourse by providing the space and tools
to communicate empathically and therefore sustain relationships

 How creating an awareness of self and a safe space for people to share their opposing views can
create an openness that builds community together

Alexander Beiner

Sensemaking & Resilient Systems

Writer, Facilitator, Musician and Meditation Teacher, Cultural Commentator at Rebel Wisdom &
Founder of Open Meditation

Alexander Beiner explains the Meta crisis, including the Meaning and Sensemaking crises, which is
overwhelming our capacities and creating deep uncertainty. He explores how to navigate and make
sense of it all and be resilient in relation to the break-down of our information ecology. 

Alexander Beiner also shares:

 How to make sense of information more effectively, our addiction to ideologies and “Reciprocal
Narrowing”, and how we can engage in contemplative practices to increase our cognitive and
psychological flexibility

 His insight on the emergence of pseudo-religious movements, and the loss of appreciation for
sacredness and connection
 How tapping into deeper truths can be difficult and result in conspiracy theories and apophenia,
and how to create deeper wisdom within ourselves and with others

 How to be resilient in these challenging times, while also highlighting the importance of wisdom
traditions and practices that can help us be with uncertainty

Chris Brookfield

Sensemaking & Resilient Systems

Visonary, Social Entrepreneur, Impact Investor, Founder of Elevar and Salmon Nation, Director of
Cairnspring Mills, Author of A Field Guide for Systemic Social Change

Chris Brookfield speaks about how he came into designing networks, companies and relationships for
the public good. With the ability to observe human relationships through an empathetic lens, Chris
offers practical examples of his experience with different edge communities, and how this has
highlighted the transition of systems change, from theory to application.

Chris Brookfield also shares:

 His journey from starting out as a venture capitalist to using similar skills for betterment of
communities and society, and later becoming involved in identifying and scaling resilient

 How he goes about immersing himself in communities to discover emergent resilient systems
and replicating positive relationships for community betterment

 His observations of attributes of healthy relationships, and how the root of resilience is the
diversity of mindsets

Sven Hansen

Sensemaking & Resilient Systems

Founder of the Resilience Institute, with 25 years of working with multinationals, professionals,
education, entrepreneurship and sports to master mental health, wellbeing and resilience.

Sven Hansen speaks about how adversity stimulates our resilience; when we encounter difficulty, that's
when we learn and grow.

Sven Hansen also shares:

 How resilience is becoming a strategic core competency in business.


 How to keep your “altitude” high and stay resilient by improving sleep quality, fulfillment,
relaxation, focus, and fitness

 How mature altruism is needed to create resilience in ourselves and others


 How creating resilience programs can improve personal outcomes and return on investment

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