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Rhonda Magee, JD

Community, Cultural & Societal Resilience

Professor of Law, Mindfulness Teacher, Social Justice Advocate, Author of The Inner Work of Racial

Professor Rhonda Magee offers her expertise on resilience and on how a lifelong practice and an
intentional way of being in the world can address the actual threats that we share as human beings. 

Rhonda Magee JD also explores:

 How parts of society are numb to the realities of life and how a balance must be struck between
shutting off to self-resource and opening to our vulnerability

 How dancing between compassion and turning toward our human suffering can be helpful in
seeking to address social injustices like racism

 How individual well-being is affected by collective well-being and how inequality causes harm to
the entire collective through systems whether we realize it or not.

 How being guarded and protecting self can leave us more vulnerable to the bigger problems we
face as a human race

Thomas Hübl

Community, Cultural & Societal Resilience

Spiritual Teacher, International Facilitator, Trauma Expert, Founder — Academy of Inner Science, Author
of Healing Collective Trauma

Thomas Hübl speaks about individual and collective trauma and how the “Collective Trauma Integration
Model” can help make individuals and society more resilient through an integrated history.

Thomas Hübl also shares:

 How healing from collective past trauma keeps us related to future challenges and enables us to
respond to them in a more resilient way
 The importance of structures/facilities to assist with collective trauma, and the role we can play
in working together to heal collective trauma

 Why healing trauma solely on an individual level can stagnate healing and how collective trauma
work can assist in detoxification of collective, ancestral, and often “muted trauma”

Christopher Germer, PhD

Community, Cultural & Societal Resilience

Psychologist, Co-Developer of Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), Author, Mindful Path to Self-Compassion

Dr. Christopher Germer, the co-developer of the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) program, discusses
how MSC can play a vital role in psychological resilience both individually and collectively.

Dr. Christopher Germer also shares:

 The two types of shame, and how one is useful and the other toxic

 How Mindful Self-Compassion works and can transform our personal lives

 How we can foster social change through fierce and tender self-compassion and how these 2
concepts are greatly integrated with one another

Mark Eckardt

Community, Cultural & Societal Resilience

CEO of Common, Founder of One Million Truths, Social Entrepreneur/Innovator, International Business
Consultant, Zen Practitioner

Mark Eckardt speaks about how we can do better sensemaking and build resilience by making informed
and impactful decisions on a micro level to create change collectively.

Mark Eckardt also shares:

 How we can work with the 4 meta crises which are increasingly complex and outstripping our
ability to problem-solve

 How to develop our capacity for more sensemaking, through prioritizing self-care and education

 Constructively responding to systemic racism by addressing it in impactful ways

Gabriel Kram

Community, Cultural & Societal Resilience

Connection Phenomenologist, Neural Cartographer, Convener of the Restorative Practices Alliance,

Author of Restorative Practices of Wellbeing

Gabriel Kram, as a connection phenomenologist and cartographer, speaks about leaning into crisis in
community, how everything is interconnected and how we can increase connection collectively.

Gabriel Kram also shares:

 The relationship of building connection and dismantling disconnection, and how our connection
with life has deviated

 His experience of working with incarcerated programs and how it became evident that healing
was happening through connection, trust, and sharing a safe space collectively

 The 3 things needed to set healing into motion and how he and his team have created maps to
identify patterns of multidisciplinary approaches to safety and awareness based on the

Pete Jackson

Community, Cultural & Societal Resilience

Martial Arts Master, Surrealist Painter, and Spiritual Teacher

Pete Jackson speaks about how external wars are caused by internal conflicts. He elaborates on
deconstructing war and becoming a soldier of peace. 

Pete Jackson shares:

 Why it’s necessary for us to have peace within ourselves to avoid war, and how all wars start as
a result of internal conflict

 The chronology and the origins of war and conflict, and the military v.s. martial arts perspective.

 The shift from nature dominating man to man dominating nature, and why genocide has been
seen as the perfect conclusion to a war

 To deconstruct war we must learn how to disarm and find methods to avoid going to war

Mandar Apte

Community, Cultural & Societal Resilience

Former Executive Dutch Shell Oil, Meditation Teacher, Director, Cities4Peace

Mandar Apte shares his experience as Cities4Peace founder-director, producer of the documentary
From India With Love, a meditation teacher, and former global manager of Shell Oil's prestigious
GameChanger social innovation program. He discusses the concept of making peace profitable in a very
practical and pragmatic way.

Mandar Apte also shares:

 The concept of “antifragility” in relation to resilience


 How working for Shell made him reconsider corporate social investment and find ways to make
peace profitable

 Mental hygiene and its importance individually and for collective healing and resilience

 Practical examples of how we can play a role in creating a more peaceful society

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