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Name : Muhammad Syah Difa Lubis

NIM : 2107112747

Task 1 : Autobiography

Halo, Perkenalkan nama saya Muhammad Syah Difa Lubis, biasanya orang
memanggil saya Difa. Saya lahir di Medan pada tanggal 16 Mei 2003. Saya merupakan anak
ketiga dari empat bersaudara. Ayah saya adalah pensiunan pegawai BUMN dan ibu saya
bekerja sebagai guru. Abang saya yang pertama bernama Muhammad Anugrah Rizky Lubis
bekerja sebagai dokter. Abang kedua saya Bernama Muhammad Dwi Kurnia Lubis yang baru
saja lulus dari perguruan tinggi. Adik saya yang bernama Muhammad Syah Nabil Lubis yang
saai ini ia berusia 16 tahun sebagai pelajar. Hobi saya di bidang photography. Saya bercita-
cita menjadi orang kaya. Makanan kesukaan saya adalah burger.
Task 2 : Strength of Claim

Strenghth Of Claim

A. Look at the graph below and describe it....!!

Figure 1. The number of total fish captured, pH and water temperature in the Koto Panjang
Dam by the year of 2013.

1. The number of fish captured is Fluctuated by the year of 2013

2. The water temperature is Gently Fluctuated throught out the year

3. The water temperature is Gradually Increase in April

4. In February the number of fish captured Reach a high

5. In March, However, the number of fish captured fell and gradually increase in april to

6. in june the number of fish captured increase

7. The pH is almost stabilised through out the year

8. The Lowest number of fish captured was in july

9. form march to may the number of fish captured is gradually increase.

10. The number of fish captured fell of in march, july and September

Figure 2. Stomach content analysis of Ompok hypopthalmus from the Kampar River

1. Figure 2 is a Circular diagram of the stomach content of O. hypopthalmus from the

Kampar River.

2. The main content of the stomach of O. hypopthalmus is Insect

3. O. hypopthalmus is a carnivorous fish, as most of its stomach content is

animal remains.

4. The volume of the insect larvae in the stomach of O. hypopthalmus is

Only 4% of total volume.

5. 21% of the stomach content of O. hypopthalmusis fish.

Figure 3. Stomach content of fish in the Koto Panjang Dam

Describe the stomach content of the fishes below :

a. Gurami (Osphronemus gouramy)

Gurami’s Stomach content 100% full of fish pellet

b. Kapiek (Puntius schwanefeldi)

Kapiek’s stomach content 50% of fish remain and 50% of fish pellet

c. Mas (Cyprinus carpio)

Mas’s stomach contains 45% fish pellet and 55% fish remain

d. Baung (Macrones nemurus )

Baung’s stomach contains 5% fish pellet and the rest is fish remain

e. Katung (Pristolepis grotii )

Katung’s stomach contains 100% of algae
Read the question carefully and draw a graph

B. Read the questions carefully and draw a graph.

1. In this class, there are 60 students. Most of students (50%) are from Pekanbaru. Other
students come from different cities, 5 students are from Dumai; 12 students are from
Siak, 4 students are from Duri and the remain are from Jakarta. Draw a pie diagram of
the student composition in this class.

City of Student
Pekanbaru Dumai Siak Duri Jakarta





2. The amount of fruit production in the Kampar Regency is fluctuated through out the

year of 2013. The amount of monthly fruit production is as follow:

Fruit production (ton)

Durian Pineapple Rambutan Manggo
January 50 60 50 25
February 45 55 45 30
March 52 50 35 25
April 32 60 0 23
May 12 65 0 12
June 6 70 35 0
July 2 55 40 0
August 1 60 60 30
September 1 58 65 54
October 5 56 65 80
November 40 62 75 78
December 55 61 70 70

Fruit Producti on (ton)

Task103 : Born free (fill the blank in Born Free song lyric and answering the question)
y y l y ly st r r r r
ar as free
Born free, ar ch ri a ne be be be be
nu ru as the
ar windApblowsM Ju Ju
ugu m to m sm
Ja eb M A te Oc ve De
F ep No
Durian Pineapple Rambutan S Mango
As free as the grass grows

Born free to follow your heart

Live free, and beauty surround you

The world still astounds you

Each time you look at a star

Stay free, where no walls divide you

You’re free as a roaring tide

So there’s no need to hide

Born free, and life is worth living

But only worth living ‘cause you’re born free

1. What is “Born Free”….?

Born free means everything in this world as mortal beings that we have the choice of
whatever we want.

2. Why the cub was raised by human being?

Becuase the singer wants to show that everyone has to be themeselves as a human being

3. Could you explain the differences between wild animals and animal that is

raised by human being?

Wild animal can live as they wish, wild animal more dangerous than pets wild animal live
free in the forest, sea, mountain etc. Food and health of pure wild animals are not under
control so they depend on nature. Animal that raised by human being is not dangerous. But
they can’t live as they wish. Must obey the master orders

4. Could you explain the dangers that will be faced by a human-raised animal that is freed in
the open forest?

Wild animals raised by humans are more controlled for food and health, but are not as
dexterous as their general race in the wild, and are very dangerous to be released again for
fear of not being on par with their race

5. In your opinion, are animals able to feel love?

In my opinion, all living things that can feel love include humans, animals, plants, etc
Task 4 : Writing something about "your daily routine"

I usually wake up at 6.00 in the morning. Then I have breakfast and take a shower. I go
to campus at 9.50 PM then I get dressed and I prepare my laptop and some books. After
campus, usually I will go back to home. at 1 PM I will take a lunch at restaurant around my
house. After take a launch, sometimes I will play a games and sleep if I tired. At night I will
take dinner with my friend and after that I will check my home works. Then, I will prepare
for sleep and ready for the next day
Task 5 : Movie synopsis (catching the fog)

Catching the fog

Scientists at the University of Santiago came up with the idea of collecting water from
the fog. Catching fog with a net may seem as fancy as catching a wave with sand, but it is
possible and happening all over the world. Chile's de Dios Rivera is a global expert
dedicated to perfecting fog collection to deliver the freshwater needed to poor remote
communities. If you collect water from the fog, it can be used for anything because it is fresh
water, so it can be used for drinking, home use, irrigation, and even for industrial use. This is
not a new technology and is being developed in other countries around the world.
Task 6 : Summary of "Whale hunting in Lamalera)

Whale Hunting In Lamalera

Lamalera is a village on the island of Lembata in the eastern part of Nusa Tenggara,
Indonesia. Lamalera is known as the home of traditional whaling. Every year from May to
October, whales travel between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean during the whaling
season in Lamalera. Lamalera hunts whales on wooden boats and harpoons. They usually
hunted sperm whales because they considered blue whales to be a family. They usually catch
15 to 20 whales a season and dry the whale meat for several months.
Task 7 : Skimming & scanning (1 paragraf, Bhs Indonesia)

Gunung Padang

Gunung Padang is a megalithic site located in Karyamukti village, Cianjur Regency,

West Java Province of Indonesia, 50 km southwest of the city of Cianjur. It is the largest
megalithic site in all of Southeastern Asia.
The existence of the site was mentioned in Rapporten van de Oudheidkundige
Dienst (ROD, "Report of the Department of Antiquities") in 1914. The Dutch historian N. J.
Krom also mentioned it in 1949. Employees of the National Archeology Research Centre
visited the site in 1979 for a study of its archaeology, history, and geology.
Located at 885 meters above sea level, the site covers a hill in a series of terraces bordered
by retaining walls of stone that are accessed by about 400 successive andesit steps rising
about 95 meters. It is covered with massive rectangular stones of volcanic origin. The
Sundanese people consider the site sacred and believe it was the result of King Siliwangi's
attempt to build a palace in one night. The asymmetric Punden Berundak faces northwest, to
Mount Gede and was constructed for the purpose of worship. It is located in a position that
has been noted for its geomantic and astrological factors. Based on various dating techniques,
the site was completed by 5000 BC and quite likely much earlier. There are even preliminary
indications that the hill site may itself be an ancient pyramid construction. 


Gunung Padang adalah sebuah situs megalitik di desa Karyamukti di provinsi Cianjur, Jawa
Barat, Indonesia, 50 km barat daya kota Cianjur. Ini adalah situs megalitik terbesar di Asia
Tenggara. Staf dari Pusat Arkeologi Nasional mengunjungi situs tersebut pada tahun 1979
untuk mempelajari arkeologi, sejarah, dan geologinya. Situs ini berada pada ketinggian 885
meter di atas permukaan laut dan berisi rangkaian perbukitan teras yang dipisahkan oleh
dinding penahan batu yang diakses melalui kurang lebih 400 anak tangga batu andesit
berturut-turut pada ketinggian sekitar 95 meter. Itu berada di posisi yang dikenal karena
elemen geomansi dan astrologinya. Berdasarkan berbagai teknik penanggalan, situs ini
bertanggal 5000 SM. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, itu selesai lebih cepat.
Task 8 : Paraphrasing in English (Topic: pyramid)

The Egyptian Pyramid is an ancient Egyptian pyramid-shaped masonry structure. As
of 2008, 138 pyramids were discovered in Egypt. Most were built as tombs for the country's
Pharaoh and his spouse during the Old and Middle Kingdom eras. The earliest known
Egyptian pyramids are located in Sakkara, northwest of Memphis. The earliest of them is the
Pyramid of Djoser (built between 2630 and 2611 BC) built during the Third Dynasty. The
pyramid and its surrounding complex are widely considered to be the world's oldest
monumental structure of masonry facing, designed by architect Imhotep. Estimated number
of workers to build a pyramid ranges from thousands, 20,000, and up to 100,000. The most
famous Egyptian pyramids are from Giza, a suburb of Cairo. Some of the Giza Pyramids are
one of the largest buildings ever built. The Great Pyramid of Giza is Egypt's largest
pyramid. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that still exists.

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