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Question: Write a Name: Ahmad Raza Khan

dialogue between two

of your classmates Roll number: 12556
about how virtual Course: AECC (English communications)
classes in the context
of the pandemic and
online teaching is affecting their college life.

Ahmad: Hey! How have you been Bhumika?

Bhumika: I am not well. I have tested covid positive for two weeks and have
been missing my classes since then. How are you doing?
Ahmad: To be honest, I am not that great either. I have been trying to book
vaccination slots for me and my family members since last week.
Bhumika: I was also trying to book vaccine slots before I tested positive but
now, I cannot be vaccinated for at least two months, as per government
Ahmad: I am having a hard time securing slots. I think the situation regarding
vaccination will improve once the production of vaccines boosts up.
Bhumika: Since I am unable to attend classes, can you brief me up?
Ahmad: Sure, classes have been resumed after a ten-day halt as notified by the
university due to the worrisome situation prevalent in the country. Attendance is
still scarce for a variety of reasons such as many students of our course have
either lost their loved ones or are still battling to save their loved ones.
Bhumika: I can understand as I am sailing on the same boat as them. How are
the professors coping with this situation?
Ahmad: Most of the professors are giving their utmost efforts to keep the
cycling of learning on track, but sadly many family members of the professors
are also affected by the virus. As per the news, a few of the professors of our
university lost their lives while fighting the deadly virus.
Bhumika: Dealing with loss is never easy, even the mere thought of it scares
me. I pray for the strength of family and friends who lost their loved ones. I am
feeling guilty for missing out on so many classes.
Ahmad: It is your health that should be your top-most priority. Don't worry
about the classes, anyway very few students are attending classes lately. It
seems like the pandemic is taking a toll on all of us especially when it comes to
online education.
Bhumika: Yes, thank you I am focusing on my recovery. Why do you think it is
taking a toll on us?
Ahmad: Since I am the class representative, I interacted with a few students. All
of them have lost the ability to focus and concentrate. Many of them are very
anxious due to the unprecedented situation we are facing.
Bhumika: Yes, that is true. Apart from mental fatigue it also severely strains our
eyes and causes body ache in many.
Ahmad: At the same time, online classes are equally troubling for the
Bhumika: Yes, not every professor is on good terms with the technical skills
required for online education. On top of that, they are very much accustomed to
physical classes and healthy interaction with students.
Ahmad: You are right. I feel bad that we are losing our valuable years of college
life and have to sit in the same place and stare at the same screen over and over
Bhumika: We are missing out on our enriching campus life and the exposure for
which we worked so hard. I want to inculcate the skills and explore avenues of
personal growth the campus life provides us.
Ahmad: I want to explore my college library as well. The foodie within me
cannot wait to try the delicious menu of our college canteen.
Bhumika: Yes, we are missing the very essence of college life in this covid
turned online world.
Ahmad: I hope the situation improves soon and we get to learn better enjoy our
college lives. You take medications on time and take care. Get well soon.
Bhumika: Yeah, I hope the very same. Thank you for your wishes, you too take
care of yourself. Stay safe.

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