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i k i g a i ⽣きがい

tokyo revengers


Age: 15/27
Height: 162 cm
Affiliation: Saito-kai, Tokyo Manji Gang
Saito Yasahiro in uniform wears a long-sleeved button-down, as well as the standard skirt. Beneath
it, she wears black, sheer stocking under calf socks.
When not in uniform, Yasahiro must still keep a clean appearance due to her affiliation. Her father
likes to spoil her with expensive clothing.
As an adult, Yasahiro still wears a clean appearance and prefers to dress business casual.
Yasahiro as a child, was never allowed to interact with the other children in the neighbourhood due
to the strict household of the Saito’s. She was taught by her mother to be quiet and show little to no
emotion because of the way their family dynamic.
Yasahiro is strong-willed and is expected to be the best at everything – academics, strengths, etc. as
the only child. This forced her to grow up quickly with no room for fun or a ‘normal’ childhood.
Her favourite subject is science as she enjoys questioning things and finding answers for what may
seem impossible. Yasahiro was thought martial arts at a very young age in order to protect herself
when other was not around her.
The Saito-kai, or the Great Divinity Society, is a Yakuza group. Yasahiro’s father is the leader of this
society and there is a significant presence around Tokyo. They run in a very traditional fashion and is
well-disciplined and efficient. Although Yasahiro’s father may look intimidating, he is never afraid
to show his daughter his love and affection. Her mother, on the other hand, is very strict with the
female. She wanted a son, someone who could properly deal with the Saito-kai, hence why she gave
her daughter a male name.
The Saito residence was built to look like a modern, traditional Japanese-styled home with high
security and guards at the front.
Yasahiro has a nihilistic approach to life, but after meeting a newfound friend and a new group, her
outlook begins to change.
Fanfiction, science fiction, action, eventual romance, harem, and angst

『• • • ✎ • • •』
FROM THE TOP 0f my head to the balls of my feet and the tips of my fingers to the sternum in my
chest, I am a being. I am a being made of sharp teeth and sullied blood and cicada song eyes. A
heaven-sent failure filled with rotting self-doubt, yet, fingertips are soft-reminders of pulverized
I tripped over my own feet again. I do not want help. I do now want to be the child on the playground
with a scraped-knees. I’m running. I do not want tender, callous-tipped fingers on my skin. Mend my
wounds, they’re mine. Let me hurt. Let me hurt. I did this to myself, did I not? Let me know that I
am destructible too.
On the way home from school, Manjiro from the corner of his eye found that the block around the
corner finally finished its construction and a moving truck was parked in the front. It’s a large home
and from the rumours of the older women in the neighbourhood, it belonged to a powerful family.
He couldn’t hear much of who it was, but he could see a girl around his age swinging around a
bokken in the back of the yard.
“Yasahiro!” A voice gleamed. “Hiro-chan! Hiro-chan!”
“Father,” I stopped what I was doing and stood up straight. “Yes?”
“What are you doing outside?” My father grinned at me. He ran up, engulfing me in his arms. “You
should be unpacking! Did you even pick a room yet?”
“Mom... told me to go outside and train,” I swallowed. “Put me down, I don’t want to get caught...
she’s going to get made at me.”
I could already hear her heels clicking against the shiny, wooden floors. A woman stopped herself at
the doorway, her sharp gaze staring straight at us.
“Kazao,” My mother sternly said. ‘There’s no time to waste here. Put her down and help me unpack.
Yasahiro, it is good to make connections. How about you go around the neighbourhood and
introduce yourself in the place of the Saito family?”
“Yes, mother,” I looked down, avoiding eye contact.
I am afraid of my mother. I never felt like this before, only around her. I am perplexed by how I feel
like fire constantly burning hard to my core. Despite many tries to escape from all dire. I am
expected to be perfect. So perfect it aches. Emotions careened and crashed, confused and wild,
feverish heat waiting to be released, to be resiled.
Too pretty, it sores. Blazing brightly and conquering all, giving nothing but soft glowing embers.
Retrieving any kind of lost hope. It is a gift to ignite others, to turn each emotion into flames, keep
astoundingly spreading passion- as long as we stay in place.
Spinning into consuming vapours, that flaming desire striking again, how can we be able to survive
if it is a burnout we are against?
“Hello,” I repeated the script for the fifth time now. “I am Saito Yasahiro. My family and I just
moved here. We live around the corner over there.”
“Saito?” The man swallowed, he looked like he was in his late thirties or something. “Like...”

“Do not worry. We have no intention of doing anything. We are well-disciplined and civil group.” I
bowed. “It is very nice to meet you. I hope you welcome us.”
“S-sure...” He closed the door shut.
I do not belong here in this disrupted world, where words had lost their true meaning and have been
used for harm, not love. I do not belong here, not amongst trouble, pain, and suffering. Where people
had been going crazy, dangerous, and cruel.
Breaking minds and souls, competing over meaningless, invaluable stories to write off. What about
all these dangers? What about all the madness? It shouldn’t have to be like this. Forgive me for what
I have sinned. Forget what I have done, remember me as a saint and pure and refer to me as such.
I’d trade it all for a stairway to heaven.
Holiness awaits. Perfection must arrive, all I need to be complete is to have you by my side.
Salvation dreams, redemption thoughts. Crave for eternal pleasure and to escape this disturbing
I think I went back too far.
“Are you new here?” That voice. It’s so familiar. I’ve heard it over a hundred times now.
I took a deep breath in and turned my heel over, “Yes, I am.”
“I’m Tachibana Hinata!”
I went back too far.
I fluttered my eyes open. I am no longer an elementary schooler and I have nothing better to do than
save the life of a friend. I am tired. I’d trade it all for a stairway to heaven.
“Shit,” I sighed, staring at the reflection of myself through the screen of my phone. “I woke up at the
wrong time.”
I walk these streets of Tokyo. For a city so lively, these neighbourhoods feel so quiet. Wondering
about doing the impossible makes me delirious. Intrusive notions come to my mind, desperate urge
for more compulsive behaviour coming onto me while sanity is being left behind. Powerless to resist,
slowly losing control into a captivating feeling of wanting to do more. Devotion is bordering on
obsession, getting unwanted repetitive thoughts.
I have nothing better to do than to save the life of a friend. For over twenty years, I’ve dedicated my
research towards saving the life of a friend. I am a physicist but only for the sole reason of wanting
to save my friend. My main research is on time travel, and my colleagues clown me. It’s impossible,
they say.
“Yasahiro,” I stopped my tracks. ‘Is that you?”
My throat is feeling dry. Never in my twenty years of research had something actually changed the
timeline, “Naoto.”
“Yasahiro, it is you,” Naoto’s chest raised up. He approached me with a large grin. “How long has it
been? It’s been awhile hasn’t it?”
“Naoto...” Tears filled my eyes. “I- I... how?”

“Why are you crying?” The man curiously asked, and then it clicked. “Yasahiro... is it possible that...
you’re aware of what happened?”
Tachibana Naoto is they younger brother of Hinata. As kids, we’d only ever exchange glances and
greetings before returning into Hina’s room for cramming homework or studying. It wasn’t until I
left the country for university where contact was cut loose.
I’ve travelled through time numerous times. Forward and backward. I don’t know what exactly
brought me back to this specific time and date where I am twenty-seven.
“You...are a detective now, Naoto?” I looked up at him. This couldn’t be Naoto, from what I’ve
known, he is dead. But here he is living and breathing.
“I am, and you’re a physicist? You’ve always been interested in science,” Naoto grinned. “The world
is really working in our favour. If that’s the case, I actually have a favour to ask of you. We’d really
enjoy your help with this, especially considering that there is someone in you place as well.”

I k i g a i ⽣きがい
" a sense to live"

tokyo revengers fanfic

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