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Pedro Suarez Vertiz

Pedro Suarez Veriz is a Peruavian Composer and an excellent singer. He was born in 1969 in
Lima. Her mother and his grandfather were in the navy of Peru, he lived when he was a Young in
San Isidro. Also his grandther was a grat painter.
He has been interested in the music when he Heard the Beatles play, then he learned top lay the
piano and learned to sing.. He studied “comunication sciences” at the university of Lima, and he
formed his ban “Arena Hash” in 1986. And since his formation of his ban, he has been worked on
many great rock songs.
Pedro Suarez Vertiz received the highest musical disticncti, on of Peru "Palmas Musicales
Eduardo Marquez Talledo", for his great compositions. Now he has been diagnosed with a
degenerative brain injury, so he can’t articulate his words very well.

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