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Mata Kuliah : Eng-Ind Translation Hari/Tanggal :

Fakultas/Jurusan : Sastra Inggris Waktu :
Jam : Sifat :
Kelas/Shift : Dosen : Bambang Irawan, S.S., M.Pd.

Instructions: Explain the following terms in your own words correctly and succinctly
and then give examples.

1. Word-for-word translation
2. Literal translation
3. Faithful translation
4. Semantic translation
5. Adaptation
6. Free translation
7. Idiomatic translation
8. Communicative translation


Instructions: Translate the following texts into English. Pay attention to the three criteria
of good translation (accuracy, clarity, and naturalness).

TEXT 1: Drama Script

Enough Is Enough
By Joseph Arnone (2020)
In this short dramatic scene for two women, SARAH confronts the NURSE that has been
wrongfully caring for her mother in the nursing home.

Sarah: Hi, I was hoping to have a word with you.

Nurse: In a minute.

(Nurse fumbles around with papers behind a counter desk)

Sarah: Miss? This is in regards to my mother.

Nurse: I heard you.

Sarah: How long?

Nurse: Who’s your mother?

Sarah: You know my mother. Rom 405.

Nurse: …What can I help you with?

Sarah: I would like to speak with you with regards to my mother.

Nurse: Yes, I think you’ve said that…Go on…

Sarah: My mother has a bruise on her arm.

Nurse: That’s from the injection. Sometimes there’s a bruise reaction.

Sarah: My mother said you were rough with her.

Nurse: Your mother doesn’t make it very easy for me to do my job. When I gave her this
mornings injection, she wouldn’t allow me to do so. She resisted.

Sarah: And why do you think?

Nurse: Why do I think what?

Sarah: Why do you think my mother resisted?

Nurse: I’m not sure.
Sarah: Oh no? She resisted because you grabbed her arm like a savage.

Nurse: Now I don’t know what you—

Sarah: Listen, listen to me right now because I’m trying to stay very calm. My mother was in
a deep sleep and you startled her by grabbing her arm like a savage, so much so that you yanked
her awake and she was frightened and then you forced her to take her injection. She has bruises
on her arm from your fingers, not just the injection.

Nurse: She needs to take her injection. It’s life or death if she doesn’t.

Sarah: Hey! Let me be real clear about this…if you ever lay one finger on my Mother ever
again, I will beat your face in. Got it? If you ever touch my mother, so help me God, you
won’t know what hit you. You’re a disgrace! The way you handle your patients! Absolute
disgrace! You should be ashamed of yourself. She’s a little tiny thing. You’re three times her
size and handled her in such a manner, you should be fired. She’s not the only one. There are
other patients here that complain, but they don’t have family to defend them. I’m going to
report you and make sure you stay far away from my mother. You are not to care for her or go
near her. Understood?

Nurse: But she needs her injection.

Sarah: Don’t be a wise ass. Like you actually give a shit. It’s abusive behavior and
intolerable. You have no idea what grounds you’re stepping on here and someone like you
shouldn’t be caring for the elderly. I’m always nice to you and you always have your bitch
face and attitude on. You’ve taken my kindness for a weakness. Now you’ve seen my other
side. Take this as a warning Linda or whatever your name is, you’ve been warned and you will
be reported. Someone else will take care of my mother, give her the injections she needs,
the right way! We clear?
Nurse: Yeah but I did nothing but my job.

Sarah: You can play your little game. I have pictures and I’ve been screening you. You think
I would allow someone like you to hurt my mother? That’s as far as you go.

Nurse: Go ahead and put in your report. I have patients that love me and my staff knows the

Sarah: I see. I’m going to get you fired.

Nurse: You can’t fire me?

Sarah: Cause you’ve been here for twenty years? You think you have seniority? You don’t
know who I am, who I know. You’ve been abusing patients for years and it’s come to an
end. Enough is enough.

Nurse: Do what you have to do.

Sarah: Oh, we will, we most certainly will. If I have to take my mother out of this facility to a
safer place, so be it but you are not to touch her or go near her so help you God.

TEXT 2: Short Essay

Gabriel K. Asper

August 26, 2015

What Culture Means to Me

My culture comes from where I am from and where I was raised. I am an American. I
was born and raised in Alaska. My ethnic background is German, English, and Scottish. Culture
is all about family. It is a family’s belief systems, the cultural traditions that are celebrated, and
the special holidays and events that occur in the year.

My parents raised me with a lot of beliefs that have had an effect on who I am today.
These are beliefs that don’t just belong to my culture, but they come straight from the values
of my family. I believe that women are more intelligent than men because my mother is a strong
woman and my father is a humble man. I have been raised to be non-violent and to practice
peace, my family was never much in favor of the military. I was raised to believe that through
hard work I could become successful and have a good life. I strive to do this every day and to
be good at my life and my jobs. My family is a little bit religious. I don’t really have a strong
concept of God, however, I know that it is important to follow the golden rule and to treat other
with dignity and respect. I believe that if you are a good person to others you will be rewarded
for it in many intangible ways.

There are a lot of cultural traditions that my family has. Some are from my ethnic and
cultural background and some are from the place where I was raised. I raise my son to have
manners and to be well behaved. I raise him to know that hard work is important and that he is
expected to put his best effort into things. He has to be clean. He has to be nice to others and
to try and not be angry or have temper tantrums. I can get away with being a strict parent to
him because he also knows that I love him more than anyone else. I go salmon fishing every
summer with a subsistence fishing gillnet. I gather blueberries. I learned about exploring
Alaska: boating, kayaking, rafting, and viewing wildlife. I know how to take care of animals.
I have to stack the firewood and help out as much as I can around the house because my parents
are older and it is hard work.

Holidays are when my family gathers and has a good time together. We gather every
summer in Haines so that all the cousins can grow up together. Birthdays were always
important events while growing up. My mom was excited to celebrate every holiday. Trick or
treating on Halloween, hiding baskets on Easter, passing out cards to classmates on Valentine’s
Day, wearing green on St. Patrick’s day, and of course loads of presents under the tree on
Christmas morning. My parents always made holidays a big deal so now my son also gets to
be excited for them every year.

My culture makes me a person that celebrates life. My family has a lot of good friends
and we are usually a good part of the community. We take care of each other and try to treat
others with respect. We like to go outdoors and have adventures. My belief systems, cultural
traditions, and special events have made me a happy person who is fun to be around and who
can have a positive impact on others.

TEXT 3: Short Essay

How to Live a Happy Life

People are always searching for things that make them happy. For example, many people work
very hard to improve their employment because they want to find a better job to make
themselves happy. Other people search for happiness by purchasing things they want. It is not
bad to search for happiness, but many people do not understand that lasting happiness does not
depend on having certain things. It doesn’t depend on the circumstances of a person’s life. It
depends more on how life is lived and people are loved. There are things that people can do to
live a happy life regardless of their situation. In order to live a happy life, people should build
relationships, be grateful, and help others.
The first thing that people should do to live a happy life is build relationships with other people.
Building relationships can include both making new friends and strengthening relationships
that already exist with friends and family members. These relationships lead to greater
happiness because people who have strong connections with other people are less lonely,
especially in difficult times. They have people who they can talk to and people who can offer
comfort to them. Another reason that strong connections can increase happiness is that they
create a network of people who can offer advice. Knowing that there are friends who can offer
this advice to help solve a problem can help people feel happier. Strong relationships also lead
to greater feelings of belonging and security, which in turn, lead to greater happiness. Building
these relationships is an essential step to living a happy life.

In addition to nurturing relationships, people who want to be happy should be grateful. People
who are grateful open their eyes to see all of the good things in their lives, and they express
gratitude to people who help them. Many people have noticed that by opening their eyes to see
the good things they have and choosing to have gratitude, their perspective changes. They
spend more time focusing on positive thoughts instead of focusing on things that are negative
or difficult. Thoughts create perspective, so intentionally creating positive thoughts will lead
to a more positive perspective. Regardless of struggles they have, they choose to focus on the
gifts they can see. Gratitude can change people’s perspective and help them be happier,
regardless of their situation.

Finally, serving others can make people happier. Serving others can include doing simple
things like listening to a friend who is having a hard time or preparing a meal to share with
someone who is sick. These simple acts not only improve another person’s life, but they also
bring happiness to the person who is serving. This happiness is a natural result of lifting another
person’s burden. Helping others also helps in the other areas of building happiness: it
strengthens relationships with others and it helps people feel more gratitude. When people
serve others, they can become good friends by showing how much they care and want to help.
People feel more gratitude because when they see the problems other people face, they find
ways that their life is blessed. Serving others is an essential key to living a happier life.

If people want to have a happier life, they should serve others, be grateful, and strengthen their
relationships with other people. Each of these things focuses on people and perspective rather
than money and material possessions. People bring joy to other people in a way that possessions
can never imitate. Perspective can make a lasting impact on a person’s life in a way that a
promotion simply can’t. Regardless of the circumstances of an individual’s life, that individual
can choose to focus on happiness in a real, genuine way if he wants to. Finding lasting
happiness is really a simple search. That search begins as soon as people start looking beyond
temporary things that only bring temporary happiness.

= = = Good Luck = = =

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