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Symptoms of stealth Omicron Reported from the World Health Organization (WHO), Omicron stealth
BA.2 shows more infectious properties than other variants. Genetically, the Omicron BA.1 and BA.2
variants have different sequences. Even so, according to reports from various countries, the symptoms
of this stealth Omicron are no different from ordinary Omicron variants. Symptoms of Omicron in adults
are still dominated by sore throat, cough, runny nose, headache, and body aches. Omicron symptoms
still show mild symptoms. However, that does not mean this virus is harmless. This virus is very
dangerous and very contagious.In fact, this latest Omicron variant is able to make the surge in Omicron
cases in various countries continue to increase. Also Read: Many Toddlers Die, These are the Symptoms
of Omicron in Children Referring to the Doctor's Association Reporting from NPR, Omicron stealth does
make the data seem to be slowing down the increase in cases. However, experts in the United States
suspect that this variant will increase people's need for respirators and the death rate will increase
again. Who is vulnerable to the stealth Omicron? Omicron stealth infection can attack anyone, even
people who have received a complete vaccine. However, data shows that people who have received a
full dose of vaccine experience only mild symptoms, compared to people who have not or have only had
one vaccine. Read also: Ask all countries to remain vigilant, WHO is watching carefully Omicron BA.2
Omicron itself has the ability to attack people who have received the vaccine. But this stealth Omicron
has a better ability to penetrate the immune system. In addition, WHO also added that people who have
been exposed to Omicron BA.1 can still get reinfection. However, WHO believes that people who have
been exposed to Omicron BA.1 have better resistance to infection with the Omicron stealth subvariant.
This article has been published on with the title "Omicron Stealth, Symptoms, and People
Vulnerable to This Variant" NEWS INDEX Tag symptoms of omicron variant characteristic of omicron
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