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Mata Kuliah : International Economics

DosenPengasuh : Andi M. Lutfi, SE, Msi.
Prodi : Management-Accountancy

IE Assignments (HW) Evaluation sheet

General Guidelines - Part 01
(This General Guidelines has to be detailed by students)

Dokumen ini merupakan penjelasan tambahan untuk menyelesaikan ke 15 Major Homeworks pada tengah semester
pertama ini. Instruksi-instruksi atau langkah-langkah yang disampaikan dalam setiap unit Homework di bawah ini tidaklah
bersifat kaku atau rigid. Anda diminta untuk mengedepankan kreativitas anda demi tercapainya tujuan dan sasaran dari
setiap Homeworks tersebut.
Create your own time tabel (work schedule), sign it and submitted (this an appendixes of your learning contract). Mark your

IE Introductory notes and Mapping International Trade Theory

 Finalize Study Plan (Learning Strategy), Falah and other ML docs.
 Finalize Tabel 1.1 UTS (HE)
 Translate the Krugman detailed ToC, compare it to Suranovic and others
 Review the IE 7 themes (Krugman, p.3 sd 8)
 Browse and Study other mapping (See Lampiran Soal UTS (HE) no. 02)
 Create your own map (use a mind mapping technique or other techniques)
 All assignments for the 1st week can be treated as IE Introductory Notes

Exogitation matrix I with example

 Use your search skill to discover as much as possible types of thinking.
 Create matrix for comparison
 Apply it in Tabel 15.1 : Pemanfaatan kemampuan Metalearning dalam penyelesaian UTS & HW Ekonomi Internasional

IE Models - My Explanation and Evaluation

 Based on Assignments List attached, study carefully all the model assigned to you
 Work it out using our official templates
 Proceed it to your classmate for peer review
 Finalize it and submit it with your reviewer’s signature !

Model 3-3 - Determining the Relative Price After Trade

 Read the material provided carefully and do ‘debugging’
 Rewrite it if necessary
 Upgrade and modify the questions

Chapter's summary I (L-02) - Group HW (min. 1 persons/Chapter - max. 9 person per group )
 Review the examples provided
 Finalize it (use template L-02)
 Proceed it to your group members (This HW has to be submitted by your group)

Foresight methods for economics I (Note : this HW is still tentative !!)

 Upgrade table 2.1.2 TE UAS (HE) Lampiran : List of Foresight techniques/methods (see foresight tools diamond)
 Create a new table or matrix for comparison (use criteria as much as possible)
 Fill out table 2.1.1 TE UAS (HE) Lampiran : F 42 Index and Economics Theories

IE 21 - HW Guidelines Page 1

Indonesia and with major Trading Partners and in major Global index 1)
 Review the Economic Complexity Map (see your previous semester’s Assignments (TE HW no .. )
 Create a matrix (table) - ‘Perkiraan Deviasi Indonesia dengan partner dagang utamanya untuk 2020 - 2030’
 Based on the Matrix, create your own Map
 If necessary use some other related indicators and global indexes for additional resources

My F 42 Index sets : Matrix, Arguments, Future Diary and Postcard, etc.

 Upgrade and refine Entry Pool List (EPL)
The following need to be included in period/decade I matrix :
 Major economic indicators
 Indicators/phenomena related to MTM
 Entries or Phenomena related to your current and future job and business
 Phenomena in table 1.1 Lamp. Soal UTS (HE) should also be included
 Finalize all of the Matrixes
 Proceed to your classmate for review and correction
 Notes : Future Diary and Postcard should be related to Matrix period/decade II dan III

Video : The Standard Trade Model

 Describe the model using our official templates (optional)
 Explain it in a stand up verbal presentation or in a video presentation (with voice and face insertion)

IE Application - Capita selecta

 Study UTS (HE) no. 14 B (IE maps, and infographics)
 Work it out as instructed (This is a group HW)

WTO, AFTA, etc : Trade creation and Diversion

 Study the WTO, WB, IMF. AFTA/AEC web sites and other related sources
 Prepare a simple matrix based on your creativity
 Present it (video presentation) !!!

The CHAPTER's Problems I 2)

 Ch. 4 Specific Factors and Income Distribution, Problem no. 2 p. 74
 Ch. 6 The Standard Trade Model, Problem no.1 p. 131
 Ch. 7 External Economies of Scale. Problem no. 1 and 2 p. 153

Economic Propositions I (UTS (HE) no. 7)

 Inventorize or collect all of the proposition from TB (Krugman, et al.)
 Translate it correctly into Bhs Indonesia
 Work it out as instructed in UTS (HE) no. 7

Welfare Effects of a Tariff : model 9-9 and 9-10

 Work it out as you do in HW 07 : IE Models - My Explanation and Evaluation
 Redraw the model with colour on milimeter papers

UTS (HE) - Proposed problems and Debugging

 Create problems in order to extract student ML capabilities
(you may also aks them for mapping, model reading and development, matrix creation, etc)
 Debug UTS (HE) as you have done it in previous semester
 Sources : TB, Trading Indicators, Indexes, BI and gov. reports, F 42 matrixes, etc

IE 21 - HW Guidelines Page 2

Project 1. (Proposal) : Educational video making - IE in daily life with data

Be creative .. this a creative job !!
 Create a full script : Question (text), answer (verbal), etc
(There must be : Theory/models, data and economic daily life scenes, etc)
 Finalize the video with 5 - 10 minutes duration

 Study the Oxfam's poverty index and compare between region in Indonesia and prepare a simple oral report
 Make a case study - Poverty in an islands located around Batam mainland (based on Oxfam metrics)

Add. Notes

1) Indonesia and with major Trading Partners and in major Global index
 Tugas ini sangat bersandarkan pada kreatifitas anda

2) CHAPTER Problems I :
 Terjemahkan ke tiga problem tersebut dengan bahasa Indonesia yang baik
 Tugas ini bersifat individual dan ditulis dengan gaya bahasa anda sendiri (tidak dibenarkan copy paste pekerjaan
 Pada bagian akhir setiap jawaban soa,l berikanlah narasi anda terkait dengan manfaat yang anda peroleh dari
pengerjaan soal-soal tersebut

IE 21 - HW Guidelines Page 3

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