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List of Scientific Names of Animals – StudyInsta.


List of Scientific Names of Animals - Scientific names which are also known as
scientific nomenclature is binomial phrases, which is consist of combining a genus and
species. The genus is always capitalized, while the species is written in lower, this format
is the same for both plants and animals. It was developed by Swedish botanist Carolus
Linnaeus in the 1700s.

In this article, we have provided the complete list of scientific names of some animals
PDF. Here you can download the Scientific Names of Animals list PDF using the direct
download link given at the bottom of this article.

List of Scientific Names of Animals

Here is the complete list of scientific names of some animals. This list of scientific names
of some animals will be handy helpful for all competitive Exams in India.

Sl Animal Name Scientific Name

1 LION Panthera leo

2 ELEPHANT Elephas Maximus

3 WILD ASS Equus Africa is asinus

4 LEOPARD Panthera pardus

5 FOX Vulpes vulpes/cannis vulpes

7 TIGER Panthera tigris

Sl Animal Name Scientific Name

8 HORSE Equus caballus/Equus Fergus caballus

9 ZEBRA Equus quagga

10 DOG Canis lupus familiaris

11 CAT Felis domesticus

12 WOLF Canis lupus

13 BEAR Ursidae carnivora

14 BUFFALO Bubalus bubalis

15 CHEETAH Acinonyx jubatus

16 MAN Homo sapience

17 GOAT Capra hircus

18 FROG Anura ranidae

19 RABBIT Leoparidae cuniculas

20 GIRAFFE Giraffa horridus

21 DEER Artiodactyl cervidae

22 PANDA Alurpoda melanoleuca

23 BLACK RAT Rattus rattus

24 COW Bos taurus

25 HEN Gallus gallus domesticus

26 HIPPOPOTAMUS Hippopotamus amphibius

27 INDIAN COBRA Naja naja

28 KING COBRA Ophiophagus hannah

29 INDIAN PYTHON Python molurus

30 MONKEY Simiiformes

31 NILGAI Boselaphus tragocamelus

32 RHESUS MONKEY Macaca mulatta

33 RHINOCEROS Rhinoceros unicornis

34 BLUE WHALE Balaenoptera musculus

Sl Animal Name Scientific Name

35 COUGAR Puma concolor

36 PIG Sus scrofa domesticus

37 JACKAL Canis qureus

38 JAGUAR Panthera onca

39 SHEEP Ovis aries

40 WILD CAT Felis silvestris

41 WESTERN GORILLA Gorilla gorilla

42 ORANGUTAN Pongo pygmaeus

43 KILLER WHALE Orcinus orca

44 HEDGEHOG Frinaceus Europeans

45 RED KANGAROO Macropus Rufus

46 KOALA BEAR Phascolarctos cinereus

47 AMERICAN ALLIGATOR Alligator mississippiensis

48 DONKEY Equus Africanus asinus


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